小说下载尽在http://www.bookben.cn - 手机访问 m.bookben.cn--书本网【蓝猫】整理 附:【本作品来自互联网,本人不做任何负责】内容版权归作者所有! 400句文本 回主页 1.Saying is easy.Doing is difficult. 说起来容易,做起来难。 2.Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 3.Teaching is learning. 教学相长。 4.driving is exciting. 开车真是刺激。 5.Lying is a bad habit. 说谎是一个坏习惯。 6.Getting daily exercise is important. 每天锻炼很重要。 7.Listening to his speech is boring. 听他的演讲很无聊。 8.Parking is prohibited here. 此地禁止停车。 9.Raising children is a big responsibility. 养育孩子是一项重大责任。 10.Walking is the rain is romantic. 雨中漫步很浪漫。 11.Climbing the mountain in winter is dangerous. 冬季登这座山很危险。 12.Driving to Shenzhen will take us 2 hours. 冬季开车去深圳要2小时。 13.Asking a woman's age is impolite in my country. 在我们国家,问女士的年龄是不礼貌的。 14.Riding with a drunken driver is a risk. 乘坐一个喝醉酒的司机的车是一种冒险。 15.Speaking in public is a challenge to a lot of people. 对许多人来说,公众演讲是一大挑战。 16.Finding your office isn't easy. 你们办公室真是难找。 17.Hearing the other side of the story would be interesting. 听听这个故事的另一面可能会很有意思。 18.Reading newspapers in the morning has become a routine for me. 早晨读报已经成为我每天必做的一件事。 19.Owning a car is becoming more and more common in China. 拥有汽车在中国越来越普通了。 20.Losing someone you love is a painful experience. 失去你深爱的人是非常痛苦的遭遇。 21.Meeting new people makes me nervous. 与陌生人见面使我很紧张。 22.Working hard will produce good results. 努力工作将产生好结果。 23.Making money is everybody's dream. 赚钱是每个人的梦想。 24.Complaining doesn't solve problems. 抱怨解决不了问题。 25.Falling in love is easy.Staying in love is hard. 一见钟情很容易,长相厮守很难。 26.Eating to live is more meaningful than living to eat. 为了活而吃比为了吃而活更有意义。 27.Shouting English is very helpful conquering your shyness. 大喊英语对克服你的羞怯心理很有帮助。 28.Arguing with you all the time makes me tired. 老是跟你争吵使我厌烦。 29.Eating too much can make you fat. 吃得过多会使你发胖。 30.Smoking causes a lot of health problems. 吸烟会导致多种健康问题。 31.Having a cold isn't much fun. 患感冒可不是什么好玩的。 32.Getting married costs a lot.Getting divorced costs much more. 结婚很贵,离婚更贵。 33.Understanding each other is essential for a good relationship. 相互理解是维持良好关系的关键所在。 34.Spending money is easier than making money. 花钱比赚钱容易。 35.Learning English needs persistence. 学英语要持之以恒。 36.You are great! 你真棒! 37.You are crazy. 你疯了! 38.You are hopeless! 你没救了! 39.You are out of your mind! 你脑子有病! 40.You are too much! 你太过分了! 41.You're impossible! 你没救了。 42.You are disgusting. 你真恶心! 43.You are such a nuisance. 你真讨厌! 44.You are the worst. 你是最差劲的。 45.You are abnormal. 你变态! 46.You are so frustrating. 你真让我感到泄气。 47.You are so foolish. 你太傻了。 48.You are beyond hope. 你没希望了。 49.You are nothing/nobody. 你狗屁都不是! 50.You are useless/worthless. 你真没用。 51.You are good for nothing. 你真没用!/你真是饭筒! 52.You are such a jerk. 你这个混蛋! 53.You are daydreaming. 你做白日梦! 54.You are a pain in the ass. 你是个讨厌鬼! 55.Hey!You are a big help. 嘿!你阵是帮了个大忙。 [千万注意,这是反语!] 56.You are a loser! 你输定了! 57.You are the stupidest guy I have ever met! 你是我见过的最愚蠢的家伙! 58.You are too careless! 你太不小心了! 59.You are getting on my nerves! 你真让我烦! 60.You are so selfish. 你真自私。 61.You are so annoying. 你真烦人。 62.You are to blame. 都是你的错。 63.You are going to make it. 你准行! 64.You are going to win. 你会赢的! 65.You are my only hope. 你是我的希望。 66.You are almost there.Keep trying.stick to it. 你马上就要成功了,坚持,坚持下去! 67.You are the best. 你真是顶呱呱![这是母亲对儿子、女孩对男友常说的话。] 68.You are fantastic. 你太棒了! 69.You are special. 你真特别![其实,一个SPECIAL就是最高的赞赏。] 70.You are amazing. 你真了不起! 71.You are incredible.=You are so great. 你真难以置信。 72.You are one in a million. 你是万中挑一。 73.You are so clever. 你真聪明! 74.You are perfect! 你太好了! 75.You are a genius. 你真是个天才! 76.You are a nice guy. 你是个不错的小伙子。 77.You are really something. 你真了不起! 78.You are a lucky dog! 你真幸运! 79.You are everything to me. 你是我的一切。 80.You are so sweet. 你可爱! 81.You are my angel. 你是我的小天使! 82.You are so kind. 你真好! 83.You are so considerate! 你真体贴! 84.You are the one for me. 你是我的梦中情人。 85.You are the prettiest girl in the world 你是世界上最漂亮的姑娘。 86.You are mind.I'm yours. 你属于我,我属于你。 87.You are breaking my heart. 你让我心碎。 88.You are sexy. 你真性感! 89.You are so hot. 你真撩人! 90.You are turning me on. 你真让我动心! 91.You are kidding. 你开玩笑! 92.You are making fun of me. 你在开我玩笑! 93.You're a liar. 你骗人! 94.You are a snake. 你真阴险! 95.You are unbelievable.=You are a good kisser or lover. 你真令人难以置信。 96.You are always wrong. 你总是犯错误。 97.You are always in trouble. 你总是惹麻烦。 98.You are a mess. 你搞得一团糟。 99.You are shame to our family. 你是我家的耻辱。 100.You are an embarrassment.=Your behavior is unacceptable. 你真丢脸。 101.You are a disgrace. 你真是可耻。 上一页 回主页 下一页 T恤衫疯狂英语100句(1-100) 回主页  不断的小成就感。“量变”(一个句子一个句子地积累)肯定是痛苦的,但每当你脱口而出一个句子的时候,你应该感到很自豪,因为很多英语学了十多年的人还说不出几句象样的句子。不要急!记住:学一句算一句,说一句顶十句。 1. How are you doing? (你好吗?) 2. I'm doing great. (我过得很好。) 3. What's up? (出什幺事了/你在忙些什幺/怎幺了?) 4. Nothing special. (没什幺特别的。) 5. Hi. Long time no see. (嗨,好久不见了。) 6. So far so good. (到目前为止,一切都好。) 7. Things couldn't be better. (一切顺利。) 8. How about yourself? (你自己呢?) 9. Today is a great day. (今天是个好日子。) 10. Are you making progress? (有进展吗?) 11. May I have your name, please? (请问尊姓大名?) 12. I've heard so much about you. (久仰大名。) 13. I hope you're enjoying your staying here. (希望你在这里过得愉快。) 14. Let's get together again. (改天再聚聚。) 15. That's a great idea! (好主意!) 16. Please say hello to your mother for me. (请代我向你母亲问好。) 17. I'm glad to have met you. (很高兴遇到你。) 18. Don't forget us. (别忘了我们。) 19. Keep in touch. (保持联系。) 20. I had a wonderful time here. (我在这里度过了难忘的时光。) 21. Have a nice weekend. (周末愉快。) 22. Same to you. (彼此彼此。) 23. Nice talking to you. (很高兴与你聊天。) 24. Take care of yourself. (自己当心/照顾好你自己。) 12.4.01 25. Thank you for everything.(谢谢你的多方关照/你为我所做的一切。) 26. Thank you all for coming.(谢谢光临。) 27. I appreciate your help.(我感谢你的帮助。) 28. You're always welcome.(别客气/不用谢) 29. Forget it.(算了吧) 30. It was my pleasure.(不用谢。) 31. I made a mistake.(我弄错了。) 32. I'm terribly sorry.(实在抱歉。) 33. I must apologize!(我必须道歉!) 34. I feel terrible.(我感觉糟透了。) 35. It's not your fault. (那不是你的错。) 36. Sorry to bother /have bothered you.(抱歉,打扰一下/打扰你了。) 37. What do you do?(你做什幺工作?) 38. How do you like your new job?(你觉得你的新工作怎样?) 39. I like it a lot.(我很喜欢。) 40. I like reading and listening to music.(我喜欢阅读和欣赏音乐。) 41. What's wrong?(怎幺回事?) 42. What happened?(发生什幺事了?) 43. I hope nothing is wrong.(我希望一切顺利。) 44. I know how you feel.(我知道你的感受。) 45. Sorry to hear that.(听到这个消息我很难受。) 46. Come on, you can do that.(来吧,你能做到的。) 47. Use your head.(动动脑筋。) 48. You did a great job.(你赶得很好。) 49. That's very nice of you.(你真好。) 50. I'm very proud of you.(我为你感到自豪。)  奠定一个疯狂的基石。请务必先做到一件事,那就是:拼命地、昏天黑日地、流着汗水和泪水地把1000个地道的句子脱口而出!这是你“疯狂大厦”的基石!有了这样一个坚实的基石,你成功的可能性就会大很多。 51. I like your style.(我喜欢你的风格。) 52. I love you guys.(我爱你们。) 53. How do I look?(我看起来怎幺样?) 54. You look great!(你看上去棒极了!) 55. That's fantastic!(那真是棒极了!) 56. That's really something.(那真是了不起!) 57. It's a pleasure working with you.(与您合作很愉快。) 58. Congratulations on you success.(祝贺你的成功。) 59. I'd like to propose a toast.(我提议干杯!) 60. Are you married or single?(你结婚了吗?) 61. I've been dying to see you.(我非常想见到你。) 62. I'm crazy about you.(我为你疯狂/痴迷/神魂颠倒。) 63. I love you with all my heart.(我全心全意爱你!) 64. You're everything to me.(你是我的一切!) 65. You're in love!(你恋爱了!) 66. I'm tired of working all day.(整日工作使我厌烦。) 67. You work too much.(你做得太多了。) 68. Money will come and go.(钱乃身外之物。) 69. Are you crazy?(你疯了吗?) 70. Have you got it?(明白了吗?) 71. I've got it.(我懂了。) 72. I can't afford that.(我承担/买不起。) 73. I did it, I'm so happy now.(我做到了,现在我很满意。) 74. I don't care.(不关我的事/我不管。) 75. I don't think so.(我不这幺想/我看不会/不行/不用。) 76. I guess so.(我想是吧。) 77. I have no other choice.(我别无选择。) 78. I will do my best!(我会尽力的!) 79. I mean it.(我是认真的。) 80. I'm so scared.(我怕极了。) 81. It's hard to say.(难说。) 82. It's a long story.(说来话长/一言难尽。) 83. It's a small world.(世界真小。) 84. It's against the law!(那是违法的!) 85. It's a good opportunity!(好机会!) 86. It's dangerous!(危险!) 87. May I help you?(我能帮忙吗?) 88. No doubt about it.(毫无疑问。) 89. That's bullshit!(废话!) 90. Think it over.(仔细考虑一下。) 91. Time will tell.(时间会证明的。) 92. What a surprise!(太令人惊讶了!) 93. Whatever you say!(随便你!) 94. You are the boss!(听你的!你说了算!) 95. You have my word!(我保证!) 96. Tough job, tough day, tough world. Life is not always sweet. That's life! (艰苦的工作,艰难的日子,不幸的世界。生活并不总是甜蜜的。这就是生活!) 97. I need some sleep.(我需要睡眠。) 98. Take it easy.(别紧张。) 99. Just relax.(放松一下。) 100. Zip your fly!(闭嘴!) 上一页 回主页 下一页 回主页 李阳疯狂英语 发音突破掌上宝(文本) Liyang's ListenStuff Sorted Chapter One My name is Li Yang.I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored Mechanical Engineering.I was once a poor student of English,and it was my biggest headache and trouble-maker.I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words.But through hard work in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games,I found myself a totally different and exciting new world.Not only did I pass Band four and Band six College English Exams very easily with high marks,but importantly,I began to use English. Finally,I developed a new Language Cracking System myself,I began to teach German not long after I started to learn this terribly difficult language in my own way.It was a miracle but I made it.To speak good English,I think one year of study should be enough for any dilligent and interligent person. I'd like to share my learning techniques with you,and I will be very glad to answer your letters and be your friend. Chapter Two An Awkward Situation A woman was singing.One of the guests turned to a man by his side and criticized the singer. "What a terrible voice!"he said."Do you know who she is?" "Yes."was the answer,"She is my wife." "Oh,I beg your pardon,"the man said."Of course her voice isn't bad,but the song is very bad.I wondered who wrote that awful song?" "I did."was the answer. A letter Dear Mother, I'm writing to you from our hotel at Hawaii Beach.Stone and I am on vacation with the children for a few days. We're happy to be here, but to tell the truth, we're having a few problems. The weather isn't very good. In fact, it's cold and cloudy. Right now I'm looking out the windows and it's raining cats and dogs. The children aren't very happy. In fact, they're bored and they're having a terrible time. Right now they're sitting on the bed, playing cards and watching TV. The restaurants here are expansive, and the food isn't very good. In fact, Stone is at the doctor's office right now. He's having problems with his stomach. All the other hotels here are beautiful and new. Our hotel is ugly, and it's very, very old. In fact, right now a repairman is in our bathroom fixing the toilet. As you can see, Mother, we're having a few problems here at Hawaii Beach, but we're happy. We're happy to be on vacation, and we're happy to be together. See you soon. Love Makes the World Go Round What's wrong, Stone? Why are you so upset? It's those new neighbors of ours. They play their stereo so loud at night that I can't sleep. I've had it. I'm going to go over there and give them a piece of my mind! Hold it! You won't accomplish anything by hollering at them. You're all worked up now. Why not wait until you cool down a bit? Don't you know that love makes the world go round? I agree that the world would be a better place to live if people respected and loved each other, But right now... Not another word! Let's try it my way. I'll bake some cookies, and later on we'll take them next door and introduce ourselves. We can casually mention the problem after we get to know our new neighbors, I'm sure they'll cooperate. Asking about Likes and Dislikes What do you think of Chinese fiction? I like it --- especiallly books by Wang Shuo Do you like detective stories? Not much. They're all the same. What about non-fiction? I like to read biographies. What do you think of that new book about George Bush? I'm afraid I haven't read it yet. What about music? Do you like music? Yeah---POP Music. What do you think of classical music? I listen to some of it What about modern jazz? Modern jazz ? I can't stand modern jazz! Stating Obligations Why don't we go to a movie tonight? I'd love to but I can't. I have to study. But it's just a couple of hours. No.I have a French test tomorrow morning. I have no choice. I have to study. Can I help? I don't think so. First I have to memorize some irregular verbs... then I have to read 20 pages of my grammar book. Oh, your teacher must be a monster to give you all that works. No.It's my fault. He told us about the test three weeks ago. I've been procrastinating...now I have to study! Offering Would you like some tea? Yes please. I'll plug the Kettle in. Would you like something to eat? O.K.Would you like to watch some television? No.Not really. Would you like to listen to the radio? Not particularly. Would you like to listen to some records? Oh yes! Um...I'm very fond of Mozart. I don't have any Mozart.Would you like to listen to some Michael Jackson? I guess so. Apologizing Miss Jones...Did you type those letters I gave you? I'm sorry, Mr.White.I forgot. Did you file those reports? No, sir. I'm terribly sorry. I do apologize. Did you make those phone calls? I'm really sorry, I didn't...but I will soon. Well, did you make those photocopies I gave you the day before esterday? I'm sorry, Mr.White.I'm afraid I forgot. And that fax to China? I've lost it. I'm really sorry. Complaining Yes, sir. Can I help you? I bought a television set here last week and now it doesn't work. I want my money back. Do you have the warranty? No.I've lost it. Sorry, sir. We must have the warranty. But this is ridiculous. You sold me the set... What is the matter with it? I don't know. When I turn it on, there's no picture and a strange smell. Can you fix it? I'm afraid we don't do repairs here. No repairs? This is unacceptable. I want my money back. We don't give refunds. But this is outrageous! My-YOUR-TV set doesn't work. Bring the set in and we'll send it to Japan for repair. Without the warranty, you'll have to pay. It'll take three weeks. Three weeks! That just won't do. I'll miss the football finals. We can rent you another set while your old set is being repaired. The charge is twenty dollars a week. Twenty dollars a week! That's outrageous! Let me speak to the manager. I AM the manager. Giving Advice I can't decide whether to go to university or get a job. What do you think? Well, you shouldn't neglect your education. If I were you, I'd continue studying. I don't even know what I want to study. If I were you, I'd study English.You're good at English.You could be an English teacher. That's what my parents want me to do. You shouldn't ignore their advice. They want what's best for you. But my friends will have jobs and lots of fun while I spend all my time studying. But if you go to university, you'll still have time for fun. And with a part-time job, you should have some money too. What you say makes sense. If I were you, that's what I'd do. Expressing Regret Why do you look so sad? I failed my English examination. Oh, that's too bad. If only...if only...if only... If only what? If only I had passed! Take it easy! Was it really difficult? Not really...but I didn't study enough. I wish...I wish I wish what? I wish I had studied more! Take it easy! If only I had studied more! Oh! Take it easy... take it easy. Worrying Let's have a party Oh no...no no. Oh, come on. What if it's a boring party? It won't be. What if no one comes? Of course they will. What if the neighbours complain about the noise? We'll invite the neighbours!Hey,let's have the party outside. What if it rains!? Don't worry. Chapter Three In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand spoken English. There are three parts to this section, with special directions for each part. Part A Directions: for each question in Part A, you will hear a short sentence. Each sentence will be spoken just one time .The sentences you hear will not be written out for you. Therefore, you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker says. After you hear a sentence, read the four choices in your test book, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D), and decide which one is closeset in meaning to the sentence you heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find sentence you heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen. Example I You will hear: You will read: (a) Mary outswam the others. (b) Mary ought to swim with them. (c) Mary and he friends swam to the island. (d) Mary's friends owned the island. The speaker said,"Mary swam out to the island with her friends."Sentence (C),"Mary and her friends swam to the island."Is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard. Therefore, you should choose answer (C). Example II You will hear: You will read: (a) Please remind me to read this book. (b) Could you help me carry these books? (c) I don't mind if you help me. (d) Do you have a heavy course load this term? The speaker said "Would you mind helping me with this load of books?"Sentence (B),"Could you help me carry these books?" is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard. There fore, you should choose answer (B). Part B Directions: In Part B you will hear short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third person will ask a question about what was said. You will hear each conversation and question about it just one time. Therefore, you must listen carefully to understand what each speaker says. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your test book and decide which one is the best answer to the question you heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Look at the following example. You will hear: You will read: (a) Present Professor Smith with a picture. (b) Photograph Professor Smith. (c) Put glass over the photograph. (d) Replace the broken headlight. From the conversation you learn that the woman thinks Professor Smith would like a photograph of the class. The best answer to the question"What does the woman think the class should do?" is (a),"Present Professor Smith with a picture." These fore, you should choose answer (a). Chapter Four Part A Britain's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is in Japan on an Asian tour that will include visits to China and India. Mrs.Thatcher met briefly with Japanese Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki shortly after she arrived in Tokyo.She assured him that the Western alliance remains strong despite the disagreement between the U.S and Western Europ over supplying equipment for the Soviet gas pipeline. The 2 leaders will meet a gain on Monday.Talks are expected to cover the pipeline issue, policies towards the Soviet Union and China, trade, and the future of Hongkong.Mrs.Thatcher's six-day visit to Japan is the first by a British prime minister in 10 years. What countries will Mrs.Thatcher visit on her Asian tour? China, Japan and India. Which country is she visiting now? Japan. How long will she stay in that country? 6 days. With whom did she meet briefly in Tokyo? Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki. What are the two leaders expected to talk about when they meet again? They will talk about the policy toward China and the future of Hongkong. Part B The most senior officaial of the Reagan administration to visit China, Vice-President George Bush, has arrived in the southeastern Chinese city of Hangchow.U.S-Chinese relations, he said, are strong, sound and fundamental. The Vice-President told reporters he hopes to play a major role in reducing misunderstandings between Washington and Peking over U.S.military equiment sales to Taiwan. Who is George Bush? Vice President of the U.S. Which city in China is he visiting now? Hangchow. What did he say about U.S.-Chinese relations? U.S.-Chinese relations are strong, sound and fundamental. What does he hope to do about U.S.military equipment sales to Taiwan? He hopes to play a major role in reducing misunderstandings between Washington and Peking over U.S. arms sales to Taiwan. Chapter Five What would you have done last night if ou hadn't had to study? I would have gone on the picnic if it hadn't rained. If you had gotten up earlier, you would have had time for breakfast. If I had had time, I would have called you. Would he have seen you if you hadn't waved to him? If he had only had enough money, he would have bought that house. I wish you had called me back the next day, as I had asked you to. If you hadn't slipped and fallen,you wouldn't have broken your leg. If I had known you wanted to go. I would have called you. Had I known you didn't have a key, I wouldn't have locked the door. She would have gone with me, but she didn't have time. If I had asked for directions, I wouldn't have gotten lost. Even if we could have taken a vacation, we might not have wanted to. Everything would have been all right if you hadn't said that. Looking back on it, I wish we hadn't given in so easily. Chapter Senven The Fourth of July Celebration This Friday, Americans will celebrate the Fourth of July-Independence Day in the United States. A holiday will mark 210 years of independence. As in past years, July Fourth will be a day of traditional parades, speeches and firework shows. In addition some very special ceremonies will be held this year. The ceremonies will honor one of America's most famus sights: the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty stands on an island in New York harbor. It was a gift to the pople of the United States from the people of France. The purpose of the gift was to mark the alliance between American colonists and the French during America's war for independence. The Statue of Liberty was completed 100 years ago, just in time for the July Fourth holiday in 1886. During the years since then, the statue's metal parts became weak. A project was begun to repair it. Many people and companies gave money to the project. They did not want to see this symbol of America fall apart. Now, the repair work is done… just in time for this year's July Fourth holiday. In some ways, the Fourth of July celebration has remained much the same since Americans first began observing the day. Most Americans see it as huge birthday party - a party for the nation. But the parades, speeches and even the fireworks have a more serious purpose. They help citizens remember the events that led to American independence from Britain. Senior English for High school for China,Specially for Mr Bitao Unit 1 Disneyland Lesson 1 Carl has left San Francisco and is now working at Disneyland. He is answering visitors’ questions. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Sleeping Beauty Castle? C: Yes. Go straight ahead till you see the entrance. It’s about four hundred yards down this street. B: Excuse me. How can I get to Bear Country? C: Do you see the big gate over there? B: Yes. C: Go through the gate and you’ll find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side. B: Thanks very much. D: Excuse me . Are the horse-drawn streetcars free? C: Yes, they’re free. But there’s usually a long line. You can join the line behind the clock tower. D: Where is the Tomorrow Land Building? C: The Tomorrow Land Building? It's behind the Sleeping Beauty Castle. Just take this street round to the right of the castle. It’s about 400 yards from here. E: Excuse me , please. Where’s the nearest men’s room? C: Go down this street till you get to the clock tower. Then you’ll see the sign for the rest room. Lesson 2 Read the passage and answer this question:How did Disney get the idea for his first cartoon character? Walt Disney Walt Disney, the great film-maker, was born in Chicago in 1901. Disney’s greatest wish was to be a famous artist. When he was a young man, he went to a newspaper office in Kansas City where he was living. He had some friends who worked in the office there. He took along some of his pictures in the hope of getting a job there. However, he had no luck. They looked at his pictures and said, “Sorry, young man. We don’t think there is anything of interest in your pictures.” Disney’s friends tried to encourage him. Don’t worry, Walt. We like your pictures. They’re very good. We ‘re sure you’ll be well-known as an artist before long.” Disney did not lose heart. He continued to draw lots of pictures. His family was poor and he used to sit in the family garage and draw pictures there. One day a mouse came into the garage and played on the floor. Disney stopped drawing and watched the mouse. The mouse came towards him, so he gave the mouse a piece of bread. Then the mouse came and sat on his desk. Day after day the mouse came back and was given more bread. In this way over several days the artist and his mouse became good friends. Some years later, Disney moved to the west coast of the USA. He tried to get work as an artist, but still he was unsuccessful. One day he remembered the mouse that used to come out in his father’s garage. He picked up his pencil and started to draw. Day after day he experimented and drew different pictures of the mouse that he had known. At last he was pleased with one of his pictures of the mouse. He called it Mickey Mouse. Disney’s success as a cartoon-marker had begun. He soon drew other cartoon characters like Donald Duck and during the 1920s and the 1930s he made scores of cartoons about them. These cartoons were all short ones. Before the days of television, They used to be shown in cinemas all over the country before the main film was shown. Later Walt Disney made longer films. All of them were liked very much by children. Disney died in 1966. But the studios which he started are still busy today, producing more and more interesting films. One (A) plays a newspaper reporter. One of others (B) plays the famous cartoon-maker - Walt Disney. Well, A is asking the following questions. i. May I ask you when and where you were born, Mr Disney? ii. Could you tell me what kind of family you were born in? What was your father’s job? What did your mother do? iii. What were you most interested in when you were young? iv. Did you think you would be a famous artist as a young man v. When did you become well-known as a cartoon-maker? vi. What’s your plan for the future? Talk about the following pictures in pairs. Lesson 3 Disneyland The company that Walt Disney started does not just make films. In 1955 Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney park. This was Disneyland in Los Angeles on the west coast of the USA. Later, Disney World was opened on the east coast, in Florida, in 1971. It cost between $550 and $600 million to build. Tokyo Disneyland opened in Japan in 1983, and Europe Disney opened in France in 1992. All the Disney parks are operated by the same company. The workers have very strict orders. They must wear clean shoes and clean trousers. The men are not allowed to have beards. If the workers have long hair, it must be tied back. They always smile, and are always friendly and polite to visitors. The parks are the cleanest parks that you can imagine. In Disneyland you can find all the characters from Walf Disney’s films. The Sleeping Beauty Castle is a favourite place for visitors. You get a wonderful view from the top of the tower. You can see as far as the coast. Many of the streets in Disneyland are built to look like streets in the USA in the 1890s. People walk around wearing ninetenth-century clothes. The Tomorrow Land is very interesting. You can go inside a spaceship and drive one too. In the Future House, everything is worked by the computer. If you press one button, a machine cuts the grass in the garden. If you press another, your meal is prepared and heated for you; then it is brought on along a very small railway line to your seat in front of you television so that you don’t even have to stand up when you get what you need. I considered that the park was good value for the money. May I ask you where you were born? Useful expressions i. Take along ii. In the hope of iii. Lose heart iv. Day after day v. Bring on Unit 2 No smoking, please! Lesson 5 Wang Bing has just started working at a film studio. He’s in Hank’s office. Wang Bing: Do you mind if I smoke? Hank: I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed. Wang Bing: Would yo mid if I smoked in the office next door? Hank: I’m afraid all these offices are non-smoking offices. Wang Bing: Oh dear! Where can I go if I want to smoke a cigarette? Hank: You can smoke in the entrance hall. Or outside, of course. Wang Bing: Thanks. I wonder if I could use your phone. Hank: Sure. Go ahead. A: May I borrow your bicycle? B: I’m sorry. A: It’s very important. B: Why ? A: I need to fetch a tape from a friend. I’ll be back in half an hour. B: Oh, all right. Lesson 6 Read the passage to see if these sentences are true: Chinese people smoke more than British people. In Britain more women smoke than men. No smoking, please 1 At present about 38% of the Chinese population smoke. 89% of smokers are male.Every year, millions of smokers die because of illnesses which are caused by smoking tobacco.The Chinese government receives a lot of money from sales of tobacco; in 1989 it received about 24 billion yuan. But in the same year cigarette smoking cost the government even more money, about 28 billion yuan. Smokers cost the government ment a lot of money for two reasons. First, money is spent looking after people with illnesses which have been caused by smoking. Second, many fires are caused by smokers. People who smoke in bed often fall asleep while they are smoking. The bed clothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down. China produces one third of the world’s cigarettes. Each day, about 220 million packets of cigarettes are smoked by Chinese. This is good news for the tobacco campanies, but bad news for the health of the nation. Every year, tobacco companies must persuade new people to start smoking cigarettes. This is because each year millions of smokers die from the habit. In Britain, which has a population of only 58 million people, 110,000 people die from smoking each year. The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smokig. In Britain,sales of cigarettes have been reduced by 30% in the last ten years. Just under a third of the population now smokes, about 17 million people. In the 16-19 age group,32% of women smoke, compared to 28% of men. However, in the 20-24 age group, 39% of women smoke and 38% of men. The problem is that 300 people are dying each day from illnesses caused by smoking. Therefore, if the tobacco companies want to remain in business, they have to encourage more young people to start smoking. Lesson 7 No smoking, please 2 In Britain, 70% of smokers say that they would like to stop smoking and of these smokers,83% have tried more than once to give it up. Why do smokers continue to smoke, even when they know that the habit may kill them or at least cause a serious illness? The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine. Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking. That means that once you start taking the drug, it is hard to stop. When smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for an hour or two, they begin to feel bad. The body is calling for a new supply of the drug nicotine. So they say “ I must have a cigarette. In fact, they don’t need a cigarette. All they need is something to make them feel better at that moment. One thing that will stop them feeling bad is the drug nicotine, which is contained in cigarettes. And so their habit of smoking continues. Grammar Noun Clauses as the Object and Predicative They know that the habit may kill them. The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine. Useful expressions 1. Go ahead 2. Burn down 3. Compared to 4. Give up 5. Be used to 6. Get into the habit of 7. Compare with Unit 3 Body Language Lesson 9 The organizer of a conference is meeting one of the speakers at the airport. Mr Lee: Hello. You must be Dr Yang. How do you do? My name’s David Lee. Dr Yang: How do you do? Mr Lee: It’s a pleasure to meet you. Can I take those boxes for you? Dr Yang: Thanks. That’s very kind. Mr Lee: What about your bag? Would you like me to carry it? Dr Yang: No,thanks. I can manage it myself. At the hotel Mr Lee: Is there anything else I can do for you? Dr Yang: No, thank you. Thanks for all your help. Mr Lee: It’s a pleasure. I’ll see your tomorrow. Can I help you? Thanks. OR It’s call right, thank you. Shall I help you? Yes, please. OR I can manage. Would you like some help? Thank you for your help. OR No, thanks. I can manage myself.(S1) Would you like me to do this for you? That’s very nice of you. OR S1 Is there anything else I can do for you? That’s very kind. OR S1 Would you like some help? Yes, please. Shall I show you how to use this electrical typewriter? Thanks. I haven’t used this one before. Would you like me to type your composition for you? No. Thanks. I can manage it myself. Lesson 10 Read the passage and answer this question: Do the Chinese and British have similar body language ? Body Language 1 Although we may not realize it, when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words. We send messages to the people around us also by our expressions and body movements. A smile and handshake show welcome. Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye”. Nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement. These gestures ate accepted both by Chinese and English speakers as having the same meanings. But not all body language means the same thing in different countries. Take nodding the head for example. In some Asian countries it means not “Yes” but “No”. In many countries in the world, men kiss each other when they meet, for example in Russia, France, Arab countries and some of the South American countries. Men do not kiss each other in either China or English -speaking countries. In Britain, older people usaually shake hands when they meet someone for the first time; however,young people often do not shake hands. In France, it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning. French people kiss each other hello and goodbye more often than British people. Generally, people from English-speaking countries do not touch each other very much. If you touch an English person, you should say “Sorry”. Scientists have done some research on “Touch” in different countries. They watched pairs of people who were sitting in college coffee-shops for at least an hour. They counted the number of times that the people touched each other: England-0; USA-2; France-10;Puerto Rico-180. In some Asian countries, you must not touch the head of another person. In Arab countries, you eat using the fingers of your right hand; the left hand is not used at all. In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person. Foreigners should follow these customs when they are visiting these countries. Lesson 11 Body Language 2 It is good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friend when they are talking. But English people do not like to be too close to one another unless there is a reason. It could be very interesting to watch an Arab and an Englishman talking together. The Arab who is friendly will stand close to his friend,but the Englishman will move back in order to keep a certain distance away. When they finish their talk, the t the place where they were standing. People from the United States or Arab countries stand closer than people from Britain when they are talking together. City people in Britain and the United States stand closer than those who live in the country. When one uses a foreign language, it is important to know the meanings of gestures and movements in the foreign country. Using body language in a correct way will help communicate with people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable. Grammar The Infinitive They don’t like to be too close to one another. They will move back to keep a certain distance away. Would you like me to do something for you? Haveyou got anything to say? It is a pleasure to meet you. Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye”. I don’t know how to communicate with foreigners. Unit4 Newspapers Lesson 13 Betty and Zhou Lan are talking in the students’ dining room. Betty: Zhou Lan, can I have a look at your copy of China Daily? Zhou Lan: Soure,go ahead. Betty: I want to have a look at what’s on this weekend. Let me see now. Zhou Lan: Is there anything good on? Betty: “The Red Roses” are giving a performance at the People’s Theatre. Do you know what they are? Zhou Lan: They’re a pop group. They’re said to be very good. What time does the performance start? Betty: 7 p.m. Will you be free then? Zhou Lan: Yes, I’ll be free. I’d like to go. Betty: Let’s go together then. I’ll meet you at the theatre at six-thirty. Zhou Lan: Good! See you then. Bye. Work in groups of four. Ask each other these questions. Then report your answers to the rest of the class. Which newspapers and magazines do you read? Which newspapers and magazines do you buy? Which part of the newspaper do you find most interesting? Which part of the newspaper do you find least interesting? Read the passage to find Read the passage to find answers to these questions: What does an editor do? What do journalists do? Lesson 14 How a newspaper in produced Every morning, the newspaper chief editor holds a meeting with the journalists. They discuss the main events of the day. Reporters are then sent to cover the events. As soon as the reporters know what to write about, they get down to work. They telephoe people and fix a time for a face to face intreview with them. Sometimes they do telephone interviews. Checking information is very important. They go to the newspaper’s own library to look up any information that they need. This is called “doing one’s homework”. At the same time, the picture editor decides which photographs are needed for the next day’s paper. Photographers are then sent to take the pictures. Sometimes old ones are used from the newspaper’s own icture librar. Doing this can save a lot of time and money. All the people who work on a newspaper must be able to work fast. For example, there might be a big fire, or an important person might die. In this situation, everyone has to move fast. Journalists have to stop working on one story and start working immediately on the important new one. They must find out the new information as quickly as possible. A photographer is sent immediately to take photographs. Later in the day, everything is put together at the news desk. Reporters return, type their stories into the computer and hand them to the editor. Photographers return and the photos are quickly developed. The chief editor decides which will be the most important story on the front page. Sometimes this will have to be changed if something more important happens late in the day. Other editors read the stories which the reporters have written and make any necessary changes. They also write the headlines for each story. Doing this is more difficult in English than in Chinese. In English space for the headlines they have written. Finally,there is no more time left for adding new stories, and the time for printing the newspaper has come. This is done on fast-moving printing machines. The newspapers are then delivered by lorry, plane or rail. Speed is important. People want to buy the latest newspaper; nobody wants to buy yesterday’s. Lesson 15 China Daily China has its own English language newspaper, China Daily, which is published in Beijing. It appears from Monday to Saturday with a Sunday edition of Business Weekly each week. It has all the usual sections of a newspaper, including Home News - news about China, International News - news from abroad, Business News, Travel News and Sports News There are plenty of pictures, and a weather report every day. There are reports on new plays, movies,books,new restaurants and so on. There are also longer articles about businesses, or people with interesting jobs, or about the weekend and the TB programmes in the coming week. China Daily has plenty of advertisements, which help to cut the costs of making the newspaper. There are advertisements for computer companies, businesses, hotels, airlines, travel companies, jobs and so on. Many foreigners like to read this newspaper. It is also popular with students of English, who read it in order to improve their English. Sun Yao, a student of English, Sun Yao, a student of English in Beijing, said,”I like reading China Daily. Learning new words and useful expressions is very important for me, so I read it every day. I can see how English is used in everyday life as well. Besides, I enjoy learning about news things from politics to sports and music.” Pairwork. Join the two halves to make sentences. Powerlisten CDROM Feed Movies dribs and drabs 史瓦辛格 [File : tr0.avi] Oh,hello! Hello! I thought I'd see you again, I just didn't know it would be do soon. What's the point of waiting? I agree. So, you said your clients are looking for something for the lobby of the new property headquarters? Yes, they would like something very dramatic. That's a nice piece. And I talked to a number of people. And they all said you're the one to see. Really? Checking on me? So.. What did these people say about me exactly? For example, they said you can read ancient Sanskirt without having to know the sounds of the words, and other art dealers and acheologists don't readlly like you very much. It's just because I can use my diplomatic contacts to export cultural treasures from countries which tell them to take a hide. The most of our pieces come from ancient Persia unfortunately ancient Persia sets twenty feet under the sand of Iran, Iraq and Syria, not the most popular places with us. So I had to become an expert in international diplomacy. Well, Mr.Ranker? Do you see anything you like? Maybe. 辛特勒 [ File: xi.avi ] The unconditional surrender of Germany has just been announced. At midnight tonight, the war is over. Tomorrow you will begin the process of looking for suriors of your families. In most cases, you won't find them. After six long years of murder, victims have been mourned throughout the world. We survived. Many of you have come up to me and thanks me. Thank youselves. Thank your fearless Stan and others among you who worried about you but faced death at every moment. I am a member of the Nazi Party. I am a munitions manufacturer. I am a profiteer of slave labor. I am A criminal. At midnight, you will be free and I will be hunted.I will remain with you until Five minutes after midnight, after which time and I hope you'll forgive me and I have to flee. I know you have received orders from our commandant, for he has recieved from his superiors, to dispose of the population of this camp. Now would be the time to do it. Here they are. They are all here. This is your opportunity. Or, you could leave, and return to your families as men, instead of murderers. 闻香识女人 [File:We0.avi] Charlie, ah, we are here, come on up. This is Donny. Hey, Charlie. Hi, Erm, Mrs.Rossy, I guess I finished screwed up. Oh, you couldn't have. That's a bad interview. That was no interview, Charlie, you're in. You're the only one that showed up.You have to take the job. He sleep a lot, you can watch television and call your girl friend,…I promise you easy 300 bucks. I don't get an easy feeling. His bark is worse than his bite. You know, he's a great soldier, a real hero. The man grows on you By Sunday night you'll be best friends. Charlie, please. I want to get away with my husband for a few days, nor could Franco come with us. Six months ago he could some times tell light from dark, but now there's nothing. I just feel, better to have someone else around, just in case. Please ? OK, Mrs.Rossy, sure. [File:We1.avi] Mr.Simpson, I'm not quite through with you yet. One of the few purposes of this office is that I am empowered to handle certain matters on my own as I see fit. Do you unerstand? Yes, sir. Good. The Dean of Admissions of Harvard and I havean arrangement. Along with usual sheet of applicants submitted by Baird of which a fortunate two-thirds are guaranteed admittance, I add one name: somebody who is a standout and yet underpriviledged, still cannot afford to pay the board and tuition in Cambridge. Do you know on whose behalf I arafted the memo this year? No, I… You. You, Mr.Simpson. Now can you tell me who did it? No, sir I can't. You take the weekend to thin about it, Mr.Simpson. Good afternoon. [File:We2.avi] Sit down, Mr.Slay. I'm not finished. As I came in here I heard those words: Cradle of leadership. Well, when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and it has fallen here. It has fallen. Makers of men creators of leaders here, be careful what kind of leaders you're producing here.I don't know if Charlie's silence here today is right or wrong. I'm not a judge or jury; but I can tell you this: he won't sell anybody else to buy his future! And that, my friends, is called integrity. That's called courage. Now that's the stuff leaders should be made of. Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception I knew, but I never took it. You know why? It was too damned hard. Now there's Charlie, He's come to the crossroads. He's chosen a path; it's the right path. It's a path made of principle, the least character. Let him continue on his journey. You're holding this boy's future in your hands. Committee. It's a valuable future. Believe me. Don't destroy it. Protect it. Embrace it. It's gonna make you proud one day, I promise you. 阿甘 [File:G0.avi] You can't sit here. (You know it's funny what a young man recollects, 'cause I don't remember being born, I I don't recall what I got for my first Christmas, I don't know went I first when on my first outdor picnic, but… I do remember the first time. I heard the sweetest voice of all the world.) You can sit here if you wanna. (I have never seen anything so beautiful I my life. She was like an angel.) You're going to sit here, aren't you? [File:G1.avi] (College ran by a little fast, 'cause I played so much football. They even put me on the thing called the All Amerian Team, where you got to meet the President of the United States.) "President Kennedy met with the collegians of the All American Football Team at the Oval Office today" (Now the really gook thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food. They put you in a little room with just about anything you want to eat and drink. Says number one, I wasn't hungry but thirsty; and nuber two, they was free. I almost drank about fifteen bottles of them.) Congratulations.How does it feel to be in All American's? It's an honor, sir. Congratulations.How does it feel to be in All American's? Very good,sir. Congratulations.How does it feel to be in All American's? Very good,sir. Congratulations.How do you feel? I've got to pee. Ha.. I believe he's got to pee. [File:G2.avi] What's the matter, Mom? I'm dying, Forrest. Come on in, sit over here. Why are you dying, Mom? My time, just my time. Don't you be afraid, sweetheart. Death is just a part of life; soon we are all destined to do. I didn't know it but I was destined to be your Mama. I did the best I could. You do good. Mom. Well, but I haven't believed in making your own destiny; you have to do the best with what God gave you. What's my destiny, Mom? You're going to have to figure that out for yourself. Life's a box of chocolates. Forrest, you never know what you're going to get. (Mama always had a way to explain the things I couldn't understand then.) I will miss you, Forrest. (She has got the cancer, and died on a Tuesday. I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it.) Reports and Speechs and News 奥斯卡 [File : 奥斯卡.wav ] Thank you for dropping by on your way to the party. As the 29th President of the Academy, I welcome you all to our 69th Annual Award. There are over 6000 of us in the Academy who share at least one wonderful and fulfilling thing with over a billion of you out there: We love movies. We don't always love the same movie, nor do we always agree which are art and which are artless. But that's what adds spice to our Awards in the form of suspense, spirited discussion and emotional clashes. Still, going to the movies brings us together to share our humanity. In what sometimes feels like an ear of isolation, we find ourselves too often alone with our technology, sitting alone to read our computer screens, or listening to radio and watching television alone. Fortunately we still have our houses of worship, ballgames and movies to remind us that we are related by humanity, not machinery. So we in our Academy propose an agreement with you: you keep going to the movies, and we'll keep making them. Ladies and Gentlemen, last year's best actor: Nicolas Cage: Oscar Wield once pointed out that while we looked to the dramatist to give romance to realism, we asked the actress to give realism to romance. The immensely talented women nominated tonight for Best Actress do just that and more. The nominees for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role are: Brenda Blethyn in Secrets and Lies, Diane Keaton in Marbin's Room, Frances McDormand in Fargo, Christin Scott Thomas in The English Patient, Emily Watson in Breaking The Waves. The Oscar goes to, the Oscar goes to Frances McDormand in Fargo. It is impossible to maintain one's composure in this situation. What am I doing here? Especially considering the extraordinary group of women with whom I was nominated. We five women were fortunate to have the choice, not just the opportunity, but the choice to play such rich, complex femal characters. And I congratulate producers like Walking Teddler in Polygram for allowing directors to let, allowing directors to make autonomous casting decisions based on qualifications, and not just market value. And I encourage, I encourage writers and directors to keep these really interesting female roles coming while you edit, even if you throw a few for men as well My family, friends and colleagues here tonight and all around the world, they know exactly who they are, you know who you are, and I hope you already know how much your support and your care means to me. I'm gonna name three: the co-writer director and producer of Fargo, Mr.Etha Coen who helped make an actor of me, his brother Mr.Joel Coen who made a woman of me, and our moon and our son, Mr.Pedrow McDormand Coen who's made a real mother of me. Thank you for acknowledging out work. The parts the nominees for the Best actor in a leading Role played are all basically challenged in some way. I think there are time challenges, so why don't we just cut to the chase here and let us just give this lucky guy ad extra eleven seconds. Thus I'll go ahead, OK? The nominees for the Best Actor in a Leading Role are: Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire, Ralph Fiennes in the English Patient, Woody Harrelson in the People Versus Larry Flint, Geoffrey Rush in Shine, Billy Bob Thornton in Sling Blade. And the Oscar goes to Geoffrey Rush in Shine. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our great actor Mr. Al Paccino: Ah,(thank you) well, we've come to the part of the show now that;s you've all been waiting for. It's the half -way mark. I thought and tried it. Anyway, ah, the nominees for Best Picture are: The English Patient. Saul Zaentz producer, Fargo, Ethan Coen producer, Jerry McGuire, Jame Alburques, Laenren Crow producers, Secrets and Lies, Simon Chelion Williams producer, Shine, Jame Scott producer. And the Oscar goes to The English Patient, Saul Zaentz. Well, it's a pretty great night. Stay tuned for "Good Morning, America." I'm really glad to have been here this year. Thank you and good night, everybody. 克林顿 [ File: Cliton.wav ] Ladies and Gentlemen,the president of the United States of America, William Jefferson Cliton. My fellow citizens, at this last presidential inauguration of the 20st century, let us lift our eyes toward the challenges that await us in the next century. It is our great, good fortune. The time and chance have put us not only at the edge of a new century and a new millennium, but on the edge of a bright new prospect in human affairs, a moment that will define our course and our character for decades to come. We must keep our old democracy forever young. Guided by the ancient vision of a promised land, let our sights upon the land of new promise The promise of America was born in the 18th century, out of the bold conviction that we are all created equal. It was extended and preserved in the 19th century when our nation spread across the continent, saved the Union and abolished the awful scurge of slavery. Then, in turmoil and tryout , that promise exploded over the world stage to make this the American century. And what a century it has been. America became the world's mightiest industrial power, saved the world from tyranny in two world wars and a long Cold War, and time and again, reached out across the globe to millions who like us long for the blessings of liberty. Along the way, Americans produced the great middle class and security in old age, built unrival centers of learning and opened public schools to all, split the atom and explored the heavens invented the computer nad the microchip, and deepened the world's frame of justice by making a revolution in Civil Rights for AfricanAmericans and all minorities and extending the circle of citizenship, opportunity and dignity to women. Now for the third time, a new century is upon us and another time to choose. We began the 19th century with a choice to spread our nation from coast to coast. We began the 20th century with a choice to harness the Industrial Revolution to our values of free enterprise, conservation and human decency. Those choices made all the difference. At the dawn of 21st century, a free people must now choose to shape the forces of the infiormation age and the global society to unleash the limitless potential of all our people and , yes , to form a more perfect union. When last we gathered, out march to this new future seemed less certain than it does today. We vowed then to set a clear course to renew our nation. In these four years, we have been touched by tragedy, exhilarated by challenge, strengthened by achievement. America stands alone as the world's indispensable nation. Once again our economy is the strongest on earth, one agaion we are building stronger families, thriving communities, better education opportunities, a cleaner environment. Problems that once seemed destined to deepen now've bent to our efforts. Our streets are safer, and record numbers of our fellow citizens have moved from welfare to work. And once again we have resolved for our time a great debate over the role of government. Today we can declare government is not the problem, and government is not the solution. We, the American people, we are the solution. Our founders understood that well and gave us a democracy, strong enough to endure for centuries, flexible enough to face our common challenges and advance our common dreams in each new day. As times change, so government must change. We need a new government for a new century, humble enough not to try to solve all our problems for us, but strong enough to give us the tools to solve our problems for ourselves, a government that is smaller, lives within its means and does more with less, yet where it can stand up for our values and interests around the world and where it can give Americans the power to make a real difference in their everyday lives, government should do more, not less. The preeminent mission of our new government is to give all Americans an opportunity, not a guarantee, but a real opportunity to build better bives. Beyond that, my fellow citizens, the future is up to us. Our founders taught us that the preservation of our liberty and our union depends upon responsible citizenship. And we need a new sense of responsibility for a new century. There is work to do, work that government alone can not do, teaching children to read, hiring people of wealthier roles, coming out from behind locked doors and shuttered windows, to help reclaim our streets from drugs and gangs and crime, taking time out of our own lives to serve others. Each and everyone of us, in our won way, must assume personal responsibility, not only for ourselves and our families, but for our neighbors and our nation. Our greatest responsibility is to embrace a new spirit of community for a new century. For any one of us to succeed, we must succeed as one America. The challenge of our past remains the challenge of our future. Will we be one nation, one people with one common destiny or not? Will we all come together or come apart? The divide of racej has been the America's constant curse, and each new wave of immigrants gives new targets to old prejudices. Prejudice and contempt clogged in the pretense of religious or political convictions are no different. These forces have nearly destroyed our nation in the past. They plague us still. They fill the fanaticism of terror and they torment the lives of millions in fractured nations all around the world. These obsessions crippled both those who hate and, of course, those who are hated, robbing both of what they might become. We can not, we will not succumb to the dark impulses that lurk in the far regions of the soul everywhere. We shall overcome them. And we shall replace them with the generous spirit of a people who feel at home with one another. Our rich texture of racial, religious and political diversity will be a godsend in the 21st century. Great rewards will come to those who can live together, learn together, work together, forge new ties that bind together. As this new ear approches, we can already see its broad outlines. Ten years ago, the Internet was the mystical province of physicists. Today, it is a commonplace encyclopedia for millions of school children. Scientists now are decoding the blue print of human life. Cures for our most feared illnesses seem close at hand. The world is no longer divided into two hostile camps, instead, now we are building bonds with nations that once were our adversaries. Growing connections of commerce and culture give us a chance to lift the fortunes and spirits of people the world over. And for the very first time in all of history, more people on this planet live under democracy than dictatorship. 评克林顿 [File : 评克林顿.wav ] Editorial writers gave President Bill Clinton's second Inqugural Speech average ardes for both presentation and content. The New York Times, U.S. Inaugural Addresses often evoke a sense of triumph in a vision of battles to come. For lovers of such sailing rhetoric, president Cliton's was distinctly earth - bound. Toronto star, Canada: Chastened by setbacks and scandals - and saddled by voters wit their Republican controlled Congress - the President retreated into lofty sentiments and vague generalities. The Guardian, Britain: Mr. Clinton tried too hard for his memorable line. It was an uninspired inspirationalism. A Johnny Appleseed view of human progress and ultimately a disappointing speech. Hong Kong Standard: Do inaugural addresses provide a clear foretaste of what the next four years will hold? Of course not. No president has ever lived up to these promises. 新兴市场 [ File : 新兴市场.wav ] Some money managers are looking at emerging markets like Hong Kong, Russia and India for winners. So far this year, 60 new emerging markets funds have been launched making the sector the fastest growing area for fund companies. But emerging markets funds have lagged the tolled pays of the US market, and that's just one of the many reasons the man considered to be the guru of emerging markets believes they belong in most portfolios. Mark Mobius, president of Templeton Emerging Markets Funds is normally speeding around the globe looking for bargain stocks. But he stopped in New York recently to publicize the latest edition of his book appropriately titled Mobius on the Emerging Markets. And he says the market he is most excited about right now is Hong Kong. While considering the free market British colony is about to be turned over to communist China, I asked him why he is so optimistic. I realize that it is an opportunity there, ah, that is a , probably opportunity of a life time. Because if things go well, the market could move up substantially from where it is now. I also realize there is a risk, and we've signed about 25% risk of something going wrong with this transition. But the upside is very very good. And you have a situation where Hong Kong is a very efficient business - like environment, is the best place to be if you want to invest in China. To just give you one example, the largest infrastructure project in the world - the new airport in Hong Kong, and the fastest growing major economy in the world right at your door step. Mark, how do investors choose which emerging market funds to buy? There are so many funds out there. For the individual investor new to emerging markets, he or she is best to be in the global emerging markets funds where there are many companies, many countries, and diversification is very good. Because I may love Hong Kong but the market could change and you'd better offer a diversified portfolio because even if Hong Kong gets hit, you are in man other markets. You have a Russia fund. What's your rush now investing in that country? I was in Russian two weeks ago and an American businessman got shot. So I mean, sometimes you do find it difficult to justify being there. But it's a great country and has a great future in my view. Should investors be scared of emerging markets, what should they expect? Usually what I'd like to tell people is look at the fund you are thinking about investing in, and look at the last five years and see how far it's gone down in its worst periods. And if you are not willing to accept that kind of decline, don't invest. And in these emerging markets, you can look at as much as a 30% decline in one year. So you've got to be ready for that kind of volatility. Where are you investing personally? In our funds? I've, I focus on the emerging market funds and also all the specialized funds. The most risky funds are the ones I like. Are you100% investing in the emerging markets? Yes. (As) a matter of fact, I am. Maybe I shouldn't say this on the air because that's something that we don't recommend people to do. You know, we recommend people to, to be in global funds, not only in the emerging markets funds. But why, Why are you 100% invested in the emerging markets? Because I think that there the growths will be the greatest. And I'd like to be with the growths. I just want to point out that Mobius reiterated that he can afford to put money at risk. But for people who can't, he recommends avoiding emerging markets entirely. 里奇 [File : 里奇.wav] He was called the maestro of melo. He wroth the songs that made us feel so good. He even won an Oscar for this one. Here I am bolding the Oscar. I have got the Golden Globe. This is 1986. You've decided to take a year off. Ten years later we are sitting here. Thank you very much. What happened? To lionel Richie, the pop star at the top of this game, a short break turned into a lost decade filled with ersonal trogedies. We visited hime at his home high in the Hollywood Hills where he began story as he dropped out with a failing health of his father he so adored. There is nothing harder than losing a parent. - Especially when you know them as well as I know my father. Lionel Richie Senior had been the tough retired military dad. And then he threw a curve ball and told me, "Son, now you take care of me now, you hear?". He was the best in the worst times. And had a great, full life. How did the death itself affect you? Fortunately he didn't die suddenly. Ah, in fact, when I was growing up, ah, I used to always put my hand next to my father's hand to see if I was growing yet. - Oh. And of course, he would always, his hand would always be larger. Towards the end, Richie would have his father's hand clasping his cast in bronze. And this is his hand? - That's his hand on the right and that's my hand on the left. It is the most amazing thing that some days when I just want to come I and I want to just be close. I'll come to hold his hand his hand, just can't go, you know. Dad, what should I do now? Richie said for those three years he kept writing songs. He just wouldn't leave his father to record them. But you know that industry was saying, "Lionel was lost." - I know. I know. But if someone said, you know, spending time with your father or your new album? There's just no contest. Are you afraid of marriage? - I am not afraid, terrified is the word now. - Did your divorce cost you a lot of money? Oh, yes it did. But at the same time, ah, I mean I make it. - But you're also notoriously frugal. - Well, for those friends of mine who said to me, Lionel has very dime he every earned. I can now tell them, now I don't. Lionel had been a real rich guy. - Oh, did you say it? - I did. - OK. - I guess one can say, you know that all of us have traumas in our lives and we are all traumatized by these incidences we don't expect, like death of parents and divorces. But we don't all stop our careers. Well, in most cases, most of us can't stop the careers, as I told one guy, I could afford my misery. You know I am finding out that right now I'm fourteen years old. I have got Nicol. Nicol, his adopted daughter from his first marriage, healing his musical hand some melodies his latest release - Louder than Words . Were you afraid you couldn't come back? No. I wasn't afraid to come back. The challenge was that - will the music be accepted? And in this one new album with Climbing I had a chance to bury it if you will You know, write down my thoughts about this period of my life and put it away. So what is Lionel Richie's destiny? - I think my job is to be the messenger of a very simple corny word - love. I think I was supposed to touch hearts. 芝加哥 [File : 芝加哥.wav ] Expensive land and expensive labor drove many manufacturers out of the big cities during the 1970's and 80's, taking jobs and prosperity with them. But now business leaders, politicians and urban planners across the country are doing what it takes to bring industry back and keep it there. And as Betsy Karetnick reports from Chicago in this week's cover story, it looks like those efforts just might be working. Chicago's city skyline reflects years of middle - western economic expansion. The city's financial services are thriving. The service sector is growing. The unemployment rate for the metropolitan area near a historic low. But even as a gleaming new sports stadium mirrors that city's good fortune there is one sector of the economy that hasn't kept up - manufacturing. Jenkins: "Well, in the wake of the, ah, huge restructuring of industry, manufacturing industry in Chicago the late 70's,early 80's, we lost a couple hundred thousand manufacturing jobs." Including a big chunk of the country's meat and food processing industries, and steel and metal manufacturing jobs. Say, economic renaissance in Chicago. And nobody thinks of the city's manufactures. But now there is a small but growing interest looking to preserve that manufacturing base. One of the results has been the creation of socalled industrial corridors like Goose Island. In an effort to bring its economic miracle to tis factories, Chicago has created 22 industrial corridors which groups this base of manufactures by location. Cmpanies work in partnership with grass roots level developing groups and the city government to solve problems like transportation routes. Industrial corridors are part of Chicago's and other cities' efforts to revive local economy's heavy dependence on manufacturing jobs. Bolton:"Manufacturing drives the service sector, the real estate sector, the insurance sector. No matter where those jobs show up, you need a manufacturing base in order to sustain it somewhere." Sustaining and expanding the manufacturing base is exactly what the city government is trying to do. Not only with industrial corridors but with tax incentives and low - cost loans. City hall is also providing dollars for business family infrastructure. Consider Version, a few years ago the company that builds machinery to manufacture metal components for appliances and cars considered moving to the suburbs. But the city intervened, building roads and raising viaducts to make transportation easier. Version President Richard Metzger says the company grew,adding jobs along the way. Metzger:"Employment of this company was approximately 400 people in, uh, 19891990, in that time range. Eh, today we are approximately 700 to 725 people." Metzger says the company's location made it easy to find workers. Urban developers say that inner city work force gains importance as labor markets get even tighter. Tilson:"There is an available work force, ah, often with, ah, with specialized skills, ah, that can be very attractive to, ah, many different, ah, employers." Still, a dedication to the inner city can be challenging, as corrugated boxer maker Pride Container found out when he tried to expand. Sharfstein:"There's not a balance in my opinion of good industrial space to support the total needs of the community." Without a suitable city location, Pride Container opened a satellite in the suburbs. But there may be a bigger issue than space holding back manufacturing's renassance, and that's the widely touted labor force. Jenkins:"What company's need,ah, in manufacturing is people who are employable, which means they have to have, ah, you know, work ethics, and you know, show up to work on time, they have to be drug -free and that's a problem. And they need to be trainable." Even if that human resource challenges met, it's unlikely large scale manufacturing will return to the big city. Still the potential for revival is there. Sharfstein:"Eh, my father, who since passed away and I started this company, eh, April 4,1968. I love the city, I love what it stand for Eh, and I think that's a, it's an exciting, eh, vibrant opportunist place for people to participate. That commitment from factory floor to city hall perhaps a blueprint for other cities to follow. Betsy Karetnick, the Wall Street journal report, Chicago. 电影 [ File : Magic.wav ] The awesome power of a thundering waterfall, captured up close from a breath taking perspective one could not safely experience first hand. For most film cameras, these pounding falls would be far too hazardous to approach, but a unique cable supported system has been developed that can carry the camera the operator safely through the spray. New camera technologies are revolutionizing the world of motion picture effects photography, creating startling shots that take movie audiences where only birds have gone before, and generating explosive images to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Coming up, we'll meet the innovators of special effects photography whose cutting edge cameras and supports systems are giving new moves to movies. From a soaring flight over the roof tops of Europe to a charging ride through the Amerian west, it's truly a moving experience. Next, on Movie Magic. The Magic of Movies allows audiences to share experiences not possible in daily life. Whether the destination is in the heavens or down to earth, every cinematic journey starts with the camera, From the beginning, film makers have pursued ways to make motion pictures move. In 1903, pioneering cinematographer Billy Bitzer filmed some of first moving shots by placing a camera on the back of a milk wagon Early car chases were photographed by attaching cameras to the fronts of automobiles. By 1916, Bitzer had placed a camera on a crane to provice us a sweeping high angle gerspective of a backlock Babylon for D.W.Griffith's "Intolerance". Over the years cameras have rolled down tracks,taken to the air on planes, and been attached to basically anything that gave movement to a shot. On today's sound stages,cameras are often placed on cranes atop mobile platforms called dollies. State of the art camera cars such as "the shot maker" incorporate a crane arm atop a fast charging vehicle providing smooth shots for even the fastest action sequence. But locations beyond the reach of traditional camera platforms require even more innovative methods. One system filling this gap is called "the cable cam", a movable camera platform that can be suspended above almost any terrain. Creator Jim Rodnunsky saw a need for this device when earliner in his career, he attempted to film skiers on extremely difficult slopes. "The cable cam is essentially a dolly suspended by cables in the air instead of, say, being mounted on a truck or on the track on the track on the ground, we can fly down rivers, we can fly over waterfalls, um, down mountainsides, uh, through stadiums, in places where you couldn't drive a camera car. Maybe a helicopter wouldn't be able to get that low, or get that closer to people, or animals, that kind of thing." The camera carriage rides on metal track wheels that grip on to a constantly moving cable. The cable itself runs in an endless loop powered by a hydraulic engine. While the word "cable" normally suggests "steel", the cablecam uses ropes made of synthetic fiber. "This is what's basicall the life blood of everybody on the system. I guess maybe one of the reasons why you call it a cable is when you pull about ten,twelve thousand pounds of tension on this, it feels like steel when you go up weighs only 500 pounds, a comparable steel cable would weigh at least ten times that, and be far too difficult to move and install. The cable cam system can cover distance of up to half a mile, quickly accelerating to a maximum speed of 60 miles per hour. The camera can be operated either romotely or by a cinematographer riding on the carriage. The system has kept up with many speeding vehicles from motorbikes to kayaks. But here at legendary race track Churchill Downs, the challenge is to follow the ponies for television coverage of the world's most famous system as unobtrusive as possible, the camera is operated remoteley by radio control. The cable cam provides the derby broadcast with a never before seen perspective on this most photographed of races. Given its far ranging capabilities, Hollywood effects artists were quick to seize up on this revolutionary technology. For the Canadian television adventure series Neon Rider, a cable cam was used to capture a galloping herd of wild horses. In the past, this king of shot was nearly impossible. The traditional camera trucks or helicopters used for moving shots would scare the horses, denying film makers such close proximity. "We were just slightly above the horses'field of view and right beside the horses, and they just came literally right up and bumped into the dolly, and we were going downhill. It was about 1,400 foot shot." For the magical fantasy film "Three Wishes", director Martha Coolighe turned to the cable cam for a crucial effects sequence. In the story's climactic moment, a young boy soars above the carnival. A helicopter was used to film high angle aerial shots. But it was too dangerous to bring the chopper close to the carnival rides for shots representing the young boy's point of view. For these, Coolidge looked to the cable cam. "What was great about the cable cam is that it can go very fast and change its perspective. It has a real incredible feeling (of) speed and flying at a lower attitude than a helicopter can be. "Footage of the young boy flying was photographed against a green screen, a temporary background often used in filming effect shots. The images from the cable cam and green screen shots are combined in post production along with the finishing touch of computer generated fireworks.l The entire sequence is overseen by Academy Award winning visual effects supervisor Phil Tippete. In the completed scene, the boy takes to the air with the greatest of ease, and illusion generated by a battery of effects and a highly ingenious camera system. The End 上一页 回主页 下一页 疯狂英语拿手好戏卡全集 回主页 第一拿手好戏:社交性寒暄的全面总结 1. A: How are you doing? B: I'm doing fine/OK/pretty well/great/super/terrific/so-so. 或: Not bad. /The same as ever. /I can't complain too much. (我不能太抱怨。/还不错。) B: Terrible. I've had a headache all morning. 2. A: How's it going? B: Fine. /Pretty good. A: How's everything with you/going? B: Well, I'm still alive and kicking. /So far so good. 3. A: How've you been? (你近来怎么样?) B: All right. 或: Not much lately. 4. A: How are things with you/going? B: Great. 或: I'm just taking one day at a time. (我只是过一天算一天。) 5. A: What's happening? (原意为"有什么事",现在已演变成"你好吗?" A: What's happening with you these days? B: Nothing much. (没什么。) 6. A: What's new?/What's up? B: Not much. / Nothing in particular. / Nothing special. 7. A: Anything interesting happening? 8. A: How are you (are they/is she /is he) getting along? (近来如何?)包括事业、健康状况等等! B: Keeping busy. Yourself? 9. A: How do you feel today? B: I feel like a new man. 还有两个特别地道的问候是*What's going on? 和*What are you up to? 都表示"你在忙些什么?",在美国电影中常听到。 ★ 下面提供大量实用"废话",让你成为人际交往公关大师! l Are you making progress? l Did you sleep soundly last night. l Have you gotten over your cold? l How come you look so tired? l Why are you in such a good mood? l I just stopped by to say hello. l What a pleasant surprise running into you. l I'm glad I ran into you. Where have you been hiding lately? l I've been thinking about you lately. Let's talk over coffee. l You're just the man I want to see. l I haven't seen you for ages/in years/for a long time. l It's nice to see you again. Have you changed jobs? l How was your trip to New York? l What has kept you so busy? 第二拿手好戏:和陌生人相识相知相交-非凡的能力 A: Mary, this is Stone's brother Jim. B: I'm very glad/pleased to meet you. C: It's a pleasure to meet you. /The pleasure is mine. B: How do you like China so far? /What's your impression of China? /What do you think of China? C: Its really different from what I expected. B: Don't worry. You'll get used to it in no time. 1. May I have your name, please? 2. I think I've seen you before. You look very familiar. 3. Say, don't I know you from somewhere? 4. I must have seen you somewhere before. 5. Haven't we met before? 6. We have talked of you often. 7. I didn't quite catch your name. /I'm sorry. I didn't get your name. 8. A: How do I address you? B: Please call me Mary. That's my first name. 9. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 10. Where are you working now? 11. I've been looking forward to meeting you. 12. I've heard a great deal about you. 13. Is this your first trip to China? /Have you ever been to Guangzhou? 14. What impressed you the most about Shanghai? 15. May I ask where you are from? 16. I hope you're enjoying your stay here. 17. It always takes time to get used to a new place. 18. Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing - did you mention something about…(对不起,我无意中听见你们的谈话,你是不是提到…) 下面介绍一些用于安排约会的方法 10. Uh, are you going to be busy this evening? 11. Um, I was thinking of going to a movie tonight. Would you like to come? 12. Are you doing anything tonight? I was wondering if you'd like to go to a movie with me. 13. I'm going to play with a group of friends. Would you like to join us? 如何用地道的英语回答 14. That'd be very nice. /I'd love to. /That's a great idea. 15. Sorry, I'm afraid I'm busy tonight. /Tonight's a problem. What about tomorrow night? /Sorry, I've got people coming over tonight. (今晚有客人来。) 第三拿手好戏:潇洒告别 A: I really must be going now. B: But you just got here. Can't you stay a little longer? A: That's very nice of you, but I really can't. B Well, it's too bad (遗憾) that you have to go. A: Thanks very much. It was a great /lovely party! B: It was our pleasure. 一般道别 1. We really enjoyed your company. (我们喜欢与你为伴。) 2. Well, then, perhaps we can get together another time. 3. Please give my best regards to your sister. 4. I'll be seeing you! 5. A: Take care of yourself. /Have a good trip. /Enjoy yourself. /Have fun! /Take it easy! 6. I shall miss all of you. Let's get together soon. 7. I hope I can see you again. /Let's meet more often. 来宾道别 8. Well, (I'm afraid) I'd better be on my way /leaving. 9. I'm sorry, but I've got to be on my way. 10. I'm afraid I stayed too long. 11. I think it's about time we got going. 12. I really have to rush. (我真的得赶快。) 13. I enjoyed myself very much. 14. I'm glad to have met you. 15. I really enjoyed the meal. 16. I really had a pleasant /enjoyable /great evening. 17. I had lots of fun tonight. /That was a wonderful dinner. /I had a wonderful / great time being with you. 18. I enjoyed every minute of the party. 19. Thank you very much for a wonderful party. 20. I hope someday maybe you'll be able to visit my family in Beijing. 21. I really enjoyed talking with you. 22. Please don't be in such a hurry. 23. Would you like to stay for dinner. 24. Did you have a good time today? 25. You'll have to come and see us soon. 26. A: Thank you for inviting me. B: It was a pleasure having you. Please come again. 27. A: Thanks for all your hospitality. B: You're welcome. 28. A: Have a nice weekend. B: Same to you. 29. A: Thank you for everything. B: Well, have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife. A: Thanks. I hope we meet again soon. 30. A: If you're ever in Xi'an, look me up. I'd love to see you again. B: Sure. I will. You can count on that. 第四拿手好戏:感谢-美好人生的添加剂 1. Thank you for everything. /Thank you very much indeed. 2. I appreciate it /your help very much. 3. I don't know how to thank you enough. 4. It's kind of you to say that. 5. You've been a great help /very helpful. 6. Thanks a million, Mr. Lee, for what you have done for me. 7. I hope I can repay you for it. 8. You've been very thoughtful. 9. I appreciate your consideration. 10. Thank you very much, but I guess I'd better do it myself. 11. Thank you /Thanks for trying (your best). 12. Thank you anyway /all the same /for asking. 13. I'm most /very /extremely /tremendously /awfully /terribly grateful to you for taking so much trouble to explain the best way of getting there. 潇洒回答:Sure. /You're most welcome. /Don't mention it. /It was nothing. /It was my pleasure. /Think nothing of it. /That's all right. /any time. /Don't worry about it . /Forget it. /You bet. 额外拿手好戏:同意、肯定和鼓励-生活的策略 1. I do /completely /strongly agree (very much). 2. That's /You're absolutely right. 3. I think exactly the same way. 4. That sounds like a good idea. 5. I'm with you on that matter. 6. I see your point /what you mean, 7. That's understandable. 8. It was all worth it. 9. You said it. /You can say that again. 10. You hit it /the nail right on the head. 11. You have every reason to be proud of it. 12. You're pretty close. 13. That would be fine /great. 14. That figures! That sounds reasonable. 15. Whatever you decide is all right with me. 16. That's it. That will do. 17. I'll say. That's what it is. 18. I suppose so. No doubt about it. 19. You can put it that way. 20. That's just what I think. /I take the same view. 21. I'm afraid you're right. /I have to agree with you. 22. Come on, you can do that. /I bet you can make it. 23. You have nothing to worry about. 24. Never say die. It's a piece of cake. 25. You never know what you can do till you try. 26. You will come up with the right answer. 27. It is not as difficult as it looks. 28. You've got lots of time to improve your English. 29. Take your medicine like a man. 30. Well, that's life, isn't it? /I know how you fell. 第五拿手好戏:甜言蜜语使你无往不利无坚不摧赞扬是人类生活的阳光 1. You did a fine /good /great job. 2. You've done a wonderful job. Well done! Well done! 3. That's great /wonderful /beautiful /amazing /fantastic! 4. You're so nice! /That's very nice of you. 5. Mrs. Smith, you're a wonderful cook. 6. I'm very proud of you. 7. I didn't expect you to do such a good job. 8. For a beginner, you're pretty good. 9. You are the right man for the job. 10. She is quite good with her hands. 11. We loved it /I love it /I like it. 12. You've got a point there. 13. You look young for your age. 14. You have a very good memory /beautiful eyes. 15. You're lovelier than your pictures. 16. How do you keep fit /in shape? 17. You look nice in your new shirt. 18. That tie goes well with your suit. 19. It really looks good on you. 20. You must be very popular. 21. Where did you get such a nice tan? 22. You flatter me immensely. 23. What a lovely couple you make! 24. How come you speak such good English? 25. You speak English without an accent. 26. You have a good command of English. 27. She is cut out for that job. 28. You've got it. 29. You made a tough decision. 30. You have an eye for beauty. 31. He has an old head on young shoulders. 32. You always know the right thing to say. 33. He is quick - witted. 34. You are a walking dictionary /encyclopedia. 35. I wish I had your will power. 36. I admire you for sticking to your plans. 37. I owe my success to my Mom. 38. I envy you for your ability to cope with the situation. 39. You are coming along well. 40. That's a good buy. 第六拿手好戏:男女之间-永恒的主题 1. Are you married or single? 2. Do you have anyone in mind? 3. I've been dying to see you. (我一直好想见你。) 4. My girlfriend and I broke up. 5. How did you get to know her? (你是怎么认识她的。) 6. How long have you known her? 7. She is not my kind of girl. (她不是我喜欢的那一种。) 8. He was our go-between. (他是我们的媒人。) 9. Miss Park is kind of short, but she has a beautiful personality. (她有点矮,但她个性迷人〖永久的魅力〗。) 10. She is well built. /She has a good figure. (身材好) 11. His appearance is impressive. (他的外表印象深刻。) 12. She looks neat and fresh. (她看起来优雅清新。) 13. She wears too much make-up. 14. Forgive me for being 20 minutes late for our date. 15. You are everything to me. There's no one like you. 16. Mary and Amold are going steady. (正式成为情侣) 17. It was love at first sight. (那是一见钟情) 18. I don't have the heart to tell her. (我没有勇气。) 19. Our date today was NATO.(No Action, Talk Only) 20. I love you with all my heart. (我全心全意爱你。) 21. I'm so happy with you in this starry night. (美丽的夜晚) 22. They are right matches. (他们是天生的一对。) 23. She always plays with love. (她总是玩弄爱情。) 24. She gave me the cold shoulder. (她对我冷淡。) 25. He makes a pass〖送秋波〗at every girl he meets. 26. When are you planning to get married? 27. Where are you going on your honeymoon? 28. I've got a strange feeling that this marriage won't last very long. (我有一个奇怪的感觉:这婚姻不会长久。) 29. They are expecting their first child. (怀第一个小孩) 30. His wife has him under her thumb. (他妻子控制他。) 31. I'm through with you! (我们到此为止。) 32. I can't face him after what I've done. 33. I got a "Dear John" letter〖绝交信〗from her. 34. I like him the way he was. (我喜欢他过去的样子。) 35. It was so exciting to meet her again after so many years. 36. Cry on my shoulders. (把委屈告诉我吧。) 37. He made up with his girlfriend. (他和女朋友和好) 38. You are my best friend in the whole world. 39. You're the only one I can turn to. (能依赖的人) 40. I am on speaking terns with him. (泛泛之交) 41. Mr. Park is a devoted husband. (忠实情深的丈夫) 42. He doesn't take me seriously. (他对我没有诚意。) 43. She is constantly in love. (她不停在恋爱。) 44. I don't like the way you are treating me. 45. He cheated on his wife. /He two-times his wife. (他对妻子不忠。) 46. I'm too deeply involved〖陷得太深〗. 47. He is fun to be with. (与他相处很有趣。) 48. I think I have fallen in love with someone. 第七拿手好戏:学校生活-活到老,学到老 1. What college are you attending? 2. What are you majoring in? /What's your major? 3. What grade /class〖年级和班级〗are you in? 4. What school did you go to? /Where do you go to school? 5. How many courses are you taking this semester? 6. I'd better hit the books〖勤奋地钻研或学习〗. 7. Many students are working at part time jobs. 8. I'm a graduate〖毕业生〗of Harvard University. 9. I've got six months to go until the graduation. 10. He worked his way through college〖半工半读〗. 11. He's busy preparing for class〖忙着准备功课〗. 12. I don't think I have a mathematical brain〖数学头脑〗. 13. This has been a hard course〖这门功课很难〗for me. 14. I've been studying all day, and I'm sick and tired of it〖厌倦〗. 15. He seems to be getting on very well at school. (他在学校似乎念得很好。) 16. Speaking of school, how are your grades this term? 17. The costs of college get higher every year. 18. She's an easy-going〖随和的〗teacher. 19. The course I took was above me〖超过我的能力〗. 20. As far as English is concerned, he is second to none. (就英语来说,没有人能够比得上他。) 21. He is burning the midnight oil〖开夜车;挑灯夜读〗. 22. How did the test turn out? (考试结果怎样?) 23. I hope I'll go down in history as a famous English professor. (我希望成为未来历史上有名的英文教授。) 24. There's nothing wrong with hard work. (刻苦没有错。) 25. Examinations are at hand. (考试在即。) 26. She is at the top of her class. (她名列前茅。) 27. How did you get on in your exam? (你考得怎样?) 28. He is a college dropout. (他从大学辍学半途而废。) 29. He took French leave. (他不辞而别。) 30. She was kicked out of〖开除;退学〗the university. 31. Se won the first place in a speech contest. (第一名) 32. I'm taking 19 credit hours. (我修十九个学分。) 33. I don't wasn't to cut class〖旷课;逃学〗. 34. Have you ever-studied French? (你学过法文吗?) 35. What's the book abort? (这本书写什么?) 36. She is giving me piano lessons in exchange for her English classes. 37. Where did you go to high school? 上英文课时最有用的句子: 38. What do you call this in English? (怎么称呼这个?) 39. How do you pronounce this word? (怎么念?) 40. How do you spell it? (如何拼写?) 41. How do you say that in English? (用英文怎么说?) 42. What's the meaning of NATO? /What does NATO mean? /What does NATO stand for? (NATO代表什么?) 43. How does "live" differ from "leave"? (有什么不同?) 44. What's the difference between A and B? 45. I can't express myself very well in English. 46. How well do I speak English? (我英文说得怎么样?) 第八拿手好戏:人的生命和活力之源-工作(一) 1. What do you do for a living? (你以什么为生?) 2. I'm with the Bank of China. 3. What position do you hold? (你的职位是什么?) 4. I'm in charge of the sales department. 5. I'm tired of working all day. (我厌倦整天工作。) 6. I'm off today. (我今天休假。) 7. I have two days off a week. (我一星期休息两天。) 8. What kind of job do you have? 9. What's your occupation? (你的职业是什么?) 10. What business are you in? (你从事哪一行?) 11. What do you do, if I may ask? /Whom do you work for? 12. What's your position in the company? 13. Is he still with IBM? (他还在IBM工作吗?) 14. I moonlight as a reporter. (我兼职当记者。) 15. The professor runs a restaurant on the side〖副业〗. 16. I work part time〖兼职〗at the gas station. 17. I'm unemployed out of a job〖失业〗at the moment. 18. Stone has been out of work for three months. 19. What's the starting salary in your company? 20. He has a white-collar job〖白领工作〗. 21. He is a salesman or something. (推销员之类的人。) 22. Do you have any openings〖空缺〗for a typist? 23. That's a pretty good salary. (那待遇很好。) 24. He has the advantage of a good education. (他有受良好教育的优势。) 25. Could you work in her place? (你能代替她吗?) 26. She was hired on the spot〖当场〗by the company. 27. I'm looking for somebody fit for the work. 28. We need a man who knows the ropes〖内行〗. 29. He jumps from one job to another. (他经常换工作。) 30. What's your new job like? (你的新工作是什么性质?) 31. He is equal to the task. (他能胜任这个工作。) 32. He is a leader in his field. (他是他行业的领导者。) 33. That's just what you are cut out for〖正是你适合〗. 34. He is new at the work /green to the work. (没经验) 35. I'm fresh out of college. (我刚从大学毕业。) 36. He is not up to the job. (他不能胜任这个工作。) 37. It's his first venture into business〖投身商界〗. 38. It's well worth the time. (很值得花时间。) 39. He jumped at the offer. (他欣然接受这个工作机会。) 40. I know all the ins and outs〖详情〗of the business. 41. Let's share the money fifty-fifty〖平分〗. 42. His restaurant is a real moneymaker〖非常赚钱〗. 43. He's on his way up. (他的事业蒸蒸日上。) 44. His concert brought the house down〖博得满堂喝彩〗. 45. He did everything within his power to achieve the goal. (他竭尽全力去接近目标。) 46. It took years of hard work. (那需要多年辛苦工作。) 47. The work is in full swing. (工作正在全力进行。) 第九拿手好戏:人的生命和活力之源-工作(二) 48. The times have been very bad. (时机一直很坏。) 49. We are in the red. (我们有亏损/赤字。) 50. The company went broke. (这家公司破产了。) 51. I visited Japan on an observation tour of its industries. (我到日本观摩它的工业。) 52. I have to feed a family of five〖养活五口之家〗. 53. I've got to keep my nose to the grindstone〖拼命工作;不停地孜孜不倦地工作〗to support my family. 54. Two of trades seldom agree. (同行是冤家。) 55. There is no hope of success. 56. There was no way he could solve the problem. 57. He is in trouble all the time. (他总是有麻烦。) 58. He's gone out of business. (他失业了。) 59. He makes a good living. (他过得很优裕。) 60. The game is not worth the candle. (这事不值得做。) 61. He has money to burn. (他钱多得象水一样。) 62. His yearly salary is in seven digits〖年薪七位数〗. 63. He is as poor as a church mouse〖一贫如洗〗. 64. They live from hand to mouth〖只能糊口的生活〗. 65. Let's get the ball rolling. (让我们开始吧。) 66. Right now my hands are full /tied〖忙得不可开交〗. 67. Nice to have you with us. I'm happy to work with you. I hope you will like it here. 68. I've got a lot of work /a million things to do. 69. I'm behind in my work. (我的工作进度落后。) 70. He is working like a horse. (他努力工作。) 71. I'm so busy that I don't get around to it. (我忙得找不出时间去做它。) 72. I must meet the deadline. (我必须赶得上最后期限。) 73. Do I have to get it done by noon〖午前做完〗? 74. I want to get my work finished by tomorrow. 75. He is in conference〖开会〗right now. 76. I'll get through〖做完〗this work by noon. 77. This situation permits of no delay〖不许拖延〗. 78. What makes you work so hard? (为什么你这样卖命?) 79. It's shaping up. (进展顺利。) 80. We have to talk the matter over〖讨论〗now. 81. The work is not as difficult as you think. 82. I'm beginning to see〖开始明白〗what you mean. 83. That's where our difficulty lies〖困难所在〗. 84. Did it work? (行得通吗?) 85. Her guess turned out to be true〖结果成为事实〗. 86. Typing is easy once you get the hang of it. (一旦你掌握/懂得/知道诀窍,打字就很简单。) 87. Are you through with your work? (工作做完了吗?) 88. I should stick to my work schedule〖坚守工作进度〗. 89. How is he making out〖进展〗in his job now? 90. I'll see what I can do about it. (我会尽力而为。) 91. I will get his to accept the offer〖使他接受提议〗. 第十拿手好戏:人的生命和活力之源-工作(三) 92. He patted me on the back for the deal made yesterday. (他对我昨天所做的交易表示满意。) 93. He is good at getting a point across to people. (他善于让人信服他的观点。) 94. What are you working on? (你在做什么?) 95. I had a busy day. I'm, all in〖精疲力竭〗. 96. This has been a long day. (这是个漫长的一天。) 97. Everyone is goofing around. (人人都在混时间。) 98. You mean I have to work overtime〖加班〗tonight? 99. I think I'm under-paid. (我想我的薪水太低了。) 100. I had words with〖吵架〗my boss today. 101. I tried to keep out of the trouble〖尽量不惹麻烦〗. 102. Aren't you happy with your present occupation? 103. That doesn't make sense. (那没有意义。) 104. He's sore over the fact that he wasn't promoted this year. (他对今年没有升迁而感到恼怒。) 105. How did he get to be a department head so fast? (他怎么这么快就成为一个部门的主管?) 106. That remains to be seen. (那还要看看。) 107. No way! I wouldn't touch that in any case. Don't push me! (绝不!我无论如何都不会去碰它,别逼我!) 108. Are you here on business〖公事〗or for pleasure? 109. He's a real workaholic〖真正的工作狂〗. 110. You don't sound very enthusiastic〖似乎不太热衷〗. 111. A little bird told me that Tony was going to be fired. (消息灵通人士告诉我他要被炒鱿鱼了。) 112. I'm afraid Tony's days are numbered〖快要被解雇〗. 113. What are your hours? (你是几点上班?) 114. What time does he punch out? (他几点打卡下班?) 115. He's gone for the day. (他整天都不在。) 116. He's gone for the summer. (他夏天度假去了。) 117. He's on leave now. (他现在在休假。) 118. He won't come until next week. (他下星期才会回来。) 119. I took a month off for a holiday〖休了一个月假〗. 120. I'm on coffee break. (我正在休息时间。) 121. He came down with the flu, so he didn't go to work. 122. How long does your vacation last? 123. It's tough getting an O.K.〖同意〗from the boss. 124. I'm pooped /very tired. (我精疲力尽。) 125. So how is it working out? (那事进行得怎样呢?) 126. We have a very important meeting on at the moment. 127. He's making money hand over first. (他财源滚滚。) 128. How much did you estimate this job is going to cost us? (呢估计这工作要花我们多少钱?) 129. He made good in business. (他事业成功。) 130. I'm in hot water /trouble〖有麻烦〗with the boss. 131. He turned over his company to his son last year. 132. You're on the day shift now〖上日班〗. 133. He's living on easy street. (他过得很富裕。) 134. To get ahead〖出人头地〗, you'll have to work ling hours and take short vacations. 第十一拿手好戏:如何提出问题,获得更多的信息及回答技巧 一、 如何提出问题 1. I was wondering if you could help me. I'd like to know… 2. I wonder if you could tell me… 3. This may sound like a dumb question, but I'd like to know… 4. Excuse me, do you know… 5. I hope you don't mind my asking, but I'd like to know… 6. Would you mind (very much) telling me… 7. Excuse me, but could I ask you a quick question? 8. Do you happen to know … (你是否碰巧知道…) 二、 回答技巧:如何拖延 1. Well, let me see… 2. Oh, let me think for a minute… 3. I'm not sure; I'll have to check… 4. That's a very interesting question. 三、 回答技巧:如何拒绝 1. I'm not really sure. 2. I can't answer that one. 3. I'm sorry, I really don't know. 4. I've got no idea. 5. I'd like to help you, but… 6. That's something I'd rather not talk about just now. 7. Ask me another question. (别问我这个。) 四、 如何获得更多的信息 1. Could you tell me some more about … 2. Would you mind telling me more about … 3. I'd like to know more about… 4. Something else I was wondering about was … 5. Something else I'd like to know is … 6. Sorry, that's not really what I mean, What I'd like to know is… 7. Sorry to keep after you, but could you tell me… 8. Sorry, I don't quite understand why… 经典示范实战对话 A: Are you still doing your photography? (你还在搞摄影吗?)You're really good at that. B: Yeah, that's the one thing I really enjoy. A: This may sound like a dumb question, but can you get any good pictures on an automatic〖自动相机〗? B: No, no〖别这么说〗. Now, that's a very interesting question. Automatics are OK, except special effect. A: There's something else I was wondering about - like, should you do all your developing〖自己冲印〗? B: Oh, no! You don't have to develop your own. You can get better prints if you send them out. A: Could you tell me something more about it - like, if I was going to do the developing myself, ent would I need? B: Oh, well, you'd need your enlarger〖放大机〗, and chemicals〖化学药品〗, and so on. 第十拿手好戏:如何提出劝告和意见之精华 1. If you want my advice, I don't think you should go. 2. I suggest that you tear up the letter and start over again〖把信撕掉重新写过〗. 3. It's only a suggestion, and you can do what you please. (这只是个建议,你可按照你的意愿去做。) 4. Let me give you a little fatherly〖慈父般的〗advice. 5. If you don't like it, I wish you would say so. 6. Please don't take offense. I only wanted to tell you what I think. (请别生气,我只是想告诉你我的想法。) 7. In my opinion, the house isn't worth the price they're asking〖这房子不值他们要的价钱〗. 8. My feeling is that you ought to stay home tonight. 9. It's none of my business〖这不关我的事〗, but I think you ought to work harder. 10. In general, my reaction is favorable〖反应良好〗. 11. I've always tried not to interfere in your affairs. (我总是尽量不干涉你的事情。) 12. Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to figure out myself. (谢谢你的意见/劝告,但对这件事情我必须得自己考虑一下。) 13. He won't pay attention to anybody. You're just wasting your breath〖白费口舌〗. ★世界上最完美的对话之一 G: Jack, would you please read this letter of application I've just written? I'd like to have your opinion. J: I'd be glad to tell you what I think. G: If you don't think it's any good, please say so. I really want to get this job. J: It looks fine to me. But I have one suggestion. G: Good! I'm interested in your advice. J: If I were you I'd change the beginning. You should write about your education first. G: Good idea, Jack. What do you think about the second part? J: Now that you've asked me, I think it's too short. You should include much more inFORMation about your work experience. G: You're right. I'll change it. How do you feel about the last part of the letter? J: Very good. But, unless I miss my guess, you should say something about your family, too. G: I agree. I appreciate your helping me, Jack. Do you think the end is all right? J: Oh, yes, George. But personally I believe a business letter should end with "Very truly yours", not "Sincerely". G: I guess I'd better tear up the letter and start over again. J: Oh, don't do that, George! Just make the few changes I suggested, and your letter will be perfect! 第十三拿手好戏:随手写出地道英语信件─生活和商务 Dear Allen, [1] I just received your letter and I want to let you know my opinion of your plans for the future. I hope you won't take offense, but will accept what I say here as some fatherly advice. [2] I was quite surprised when I read in your letter that you had decided not to finish your studies at the university. I realize that Peter wants you to marry him this summer. But with only one more year to go, you would be well advised to finish. A year is really a short time, and later you will be glad you postponed getting married. [3] As you know, my reaction to Peter was extremely favorable when I met him. He's an exceptionally fine young man and should be a good husband. But I suggest you complete your education first. [4] You are twenty-one, a grown-up young lady old enough to make up your own mind. This is something you'll have to work out yourself. As your uncle, I have always tried not to interfere in your affairs and I don't intend to begin now. But, my dear niece, please do consider my words very carefully before you decide. Whatever you do, though, Allen, you know I only want one thing for you, and that is your happiness. Affectionately, Uncle John ★ well-advised /ill-advised =wise /unwise:明智的/不明智 例: You would be well-advised to stay at home today. ◆ ◆Dear Mr. Lee: [1] Please accept my apology for not meeting you for lunch Tuesday. I had the appointment written on my calendar and was looking forward to the occasion, but somehow I got my days mixed up〖搞混〗and didn't realize the mistake until now. Please forgive me. I'll call you on Friday to see if we can reschedule〖重新安排〗our luncheon meeting at your convenience〖在你方便的时候〗. [2] I'm eager to hear about the proposed Stone Project in more detail. ◆ ◆Dear Mr. Billet: [1] Thank you for reminding us that you will be in town next Wednesday and would like to discuss your printing services with Ms. Smith. [2] As Ms. Smith has indicated〖暗示;表示〗on several previous occasions, we are very pleased with our present arrangements for printing and definitely will not be considering and other services in the foreseeable〖可预见的;可预知的〗future. Therefore, Ms. Smith has asked me to tell you that a meeting would not be helpful at this time. [3] We appreciate your interest in our firm, however, and thank you for writing. 〖富有处世技巧的商业信件:留有后路的拒绝〗 下面是一封商业交往中最常见的"询价信"(Letters of Inquiry): ◆ ◆Dear Sirs, [1] We have seen your advertisement in Chinese Arts and Crafts〖手工艺〗and are interested in Chinese Folding Fans〖中国折扇〗. [2] Will you please send us your catalogue〖商品目录〗and full details of your export prices and terms of payment〖付款条件〗, together with any samples you can let us have? [3] If your prices are competitive〖有竞争力;便宜〗, we believe we can place regular orders〖长期订货〗with you. [4] We look forward to receiving your reply. 第十四拿手好戏:英语学习王牌论调精选十段 1. Learning any language takes a lot of effort. But don't give up. (学习任何语言都需要花费很多努力,但不要放弃。) 2. Relax! Be patient and enjoy yourself. Learning foreign languages should be fun. (放松点!要有耐心,并让自己快乐!学习外语应该是乐趣无穷的。) 3. Rome wasn't built in a day. Work harder and practice more. Your hardworking will be rewarded by God one day. God is equal to everyone! (冰冻三尺非一日之寒。更加努力地学习,更加勤奋地操练,你所付出的一切将得到上帝的报答,上帝是公平的。) 4. Use a dictionary and grammar guide constantly. Keep a small English dictionary with you at all time. When you see a new word, look it up. Think about the word - use it, in your mind, in a sentence. (经常使用字典和语法指南。随身携带一本小英文字典,当你看到一个新字时就去查阅它,想想这个字,然后去用它,在你的心中,在一个句子里。) 5. Try to think in English whenever possible. When you see something, think of the English word for it; then think about the word in a sentence. 6. Practice tenses as much as possible. When you learn a new verb, learn its various FORMs. 7. The way to learn a language is to practice speaking it as often as possible. (学习一门语言的方法就是要尽量多地练习说。) 8. Chairman Mao said it is necessary to drill as much as possible, and the more you apply it in real situations, the more natural it will become. (毛主席说,反复操练是非常必要的,你越多地将所学到的东西运用到实际生活中,它们就越自然。) 9. I would also like to learn more about the culture behind the language. When you understand the cultural background〖文化背景〗, you can better〖更好地〗use the language. (我想学习和了解更多的关于语言背后文化的知识,当你理解了文化背景,你就能更好地运用语言。) 10. What is language for? Some people seem to think it's for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words - the longer the words the better. That's wrong. Language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication. (语言到底是用来干什么的?一些人认为它是用来操练语法规则和学习一大堆单词--而且单词越长越好,这个想法是错误的。语言是用来交换思想,进行交流的。) 第十五拿手好戏:求职面试时的"甜言蜜语" 1. What is important to you in a job? Challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you have made a contribution. 2. Why do you want to work for this organization? Its reputation, the opportunities it offers, and the working conditions. 3. Why should we employ you? (我们为什么要雇佣你?) My academic preparation, job skills, and enthusiasm about working for the firm. 4. If we hire you, how long will you stay with us? (你打算跟我们工作多久?) As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace consistent with my abilities〖职务随能力增长而相应提高〗. 5. What are your greatest strengths〖最大优点〗? I can see what needs to be done and do it. I'm willing to make decisions. (能当机立断。) I work well with others. (我和他人容易共事。) I can organize my time efficiently. 6. What are your greatest weaknesses〖最大缺点〗? I tend to drive myself too hard. (我有时对自己要求过于严格。) I expect others to perFORM beyond their capacities. (我对别人的能力期望过高。) I like to see a job done quickly. (我喜欢速战速决。) ●求职面试者的误区● 1. Has a poor personal appearance. (衣着形象不佳。) 2. Is unable to express self clearly; has poor voice, diction〖措辞〗, and grammar. 3. Lacks knowledge or experience. 4. Is not prepared for interview. (对面试无准备。) 5. Has no real interest in job. 6. Lacks planning for career; has no purpose or goals. (对自己的事业没有安排;没有目标和理想。) 7. Lacks enthusiasm; passive and indifferent. 8. Lacks confidence and poise〖沉着;自信〗; is nervous and ill at ease〖心神不宁〗. 9. Shows insufficient evidence of achievement. 10. Overemphasizes money; is interested only in the best dollar offer. (只对最佳报酬感兴趣。) 11. Has poor scholastic record; just got by. 12. Is unwilling to start at the bottom; expects too much too soon. (不愿从基层干起;要求太多。) 13. Make excuses. 14. Lacks tact〖圆滑;机敏〗. 15. Lacks maturity. 16. Lacks courtesy; is ill mannered. 17. Condemns past employers. (谴责以前的雇主/老板。) 18. Lacks social skills. (缺乏社交能力。) 19. Shows marked dislike for schoolwork. (讨厌功课。) 20. Lacks vitality〖活力;生命力〗. 21. Fails to look interviewer in the eye〖不敢正视〗. 22. Has limp, weak handshake. (握手时软弱无力。) 第十六拿手好戏:谚语精选-充满智慧之言谈 1. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 2. Great minds think alike. 3. No news is good news. (没消息就是好消息。) 4. One picture is worth a thousand words. (百闻不如一见。) 5. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. (不入虎穴,焉得虎子。) 6. Life is full of ups and downs. (生活充满起伏。) 7. It's no use crying over spilt milk. What's done cannot be undone. (覆水难收。) 8. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence. (隔岸风景好,邻家芳草绿。) 9. Hunger is the best sauce. (饥饿是最好的调味品。) 10. Better late than never. (迟做总比不做好。) 11. God helps those who help themselves. (天助自助者。) 12. Love me, love my dog. (爱屋及乌) 13. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. (小鸡孵出之后才算数) 14. He bites off more than he can chew. (贪多嚼不烂) 15. Everyone has a skeleton in his closet. (人人都有不可告人之事。) 16. To teach a fish how to swim. (班门弄斧) 17. Rome wasn't built in a day. (伟业非一日建成。) 18. Like father, like son. (有其父,必有其子。) 19. Well begun, half done. (好的开始,成功了一半。) 20. Every cloud has a silver lining. (否极泰来) 21. Look before you leap. (三思而后行) 22. Birds of a feather flock together. (物以类聚) 23. A little knowledge is dangerous. (一知半解最危险。) 24. Clothes make the man. (人要衣装,佛要金装。) 25. A good medicine tastes bitter. (良药苦口) 26. History repeats itself. (历史会重演。) 27. Strike while the iron is hot. (趁热打铁) 28. As poor as a church mouse. (穷得一文不名。) 29. Where there's smoke, there's fire. (无风不起浪;事出必有因。) 30. Where there is a will, there is a way. 31. A journey of a thousand miles begins wit a single step. (千里之行,始于足下。) 32. A rolling stone gathers no moss. (滚石不生苔;转业不聚财;流水不腐,户枢不蠹。现在美国人常用来表示一个人常活动就能保持活泼。) 33. Many hands make light work. (人多好做事。) 34. Time heals all wounds. (时间会治疗一切创伤。) 35. One is as old as one's heart. (心多老,人多老。) 36. No sweet without sweat. (不流汗就没有幸福。) 第十七拿手好戏:文化经济交流使者 ●筷子的故事-中国人的自豪● [1] Having their origins〖起源〗 in China, chopsticks are used in many Asian countries. The first chopsticks were made from bone and jade. In the Spring and Autumn period〖春秋时代〗, copper and iron chopsticks came into being〖产生〗. [2] In ancient times the rich used jade or gold chopsticks to display their wealth. Many kings and emperors used silver chopsticks to see if their food was poisoned〖在…里放毒〗. [3] Chopsticks are traditionally〖传统上〗placed in bride's dowries〖新娘的嫁妆〗, for "Chopsticks" in Chinese is pronounced "kuaizi", which sounds like "soon to get a son." [4] Many foreign friends used chopsticks when they visited China. Nixon also used chopsticks at the welcoming banquet〖欢迎宴会〗in his honor〖为对…表示敬意〗. As soon as he left his table, a foreign diplomat〖外交人员〗grabbed〖抓取〗his chopsticks as historic〖有历史性的〗souvenir〖纪念品〗. 探讨中美贸易摩擦的对策 Today trade imbalance〖贸易失衡〗between the United States and our country is becoming worse〖日益恶化〗. We cannot leave this problem unattended〖置之不理〗, because the make a couple of proposals 〖提出若干建议〗to improve the whole situation. First, we need to do more public relations activities〖公关活动〗to promote understanding, because some of their criticisms are based on misconceptions〖误解〗about our country. We have to communicate with them more by sending lobbyists〖游说人员〗, producing more movies, publishing books, and so on. Second, we have to make an effort to encourage American companies to do business in our country. We should revise our projectionist practices in trade〖贸易保护主义〗, and promote free trade and competition. At any rate〖总而言之〗, our country and the United States need each other, and we have to maintain〖保持;维持;继续〗communication to understand each other. 第十八拿手好戏:疯狂演讲专家真正超越自我 Well, I almost had a heart attack〖心脏病发作;心脏麻痹〗a few moments ago, when I was asked to speak in English. I guess I didn't have one, fortunately, because I am still standing here firmly on my feet〖仍好端端地站在这里〗. From childhood, I have been a poor student of foreign languages〖从小我的外语就不好〗. Throughout my education〖学生时代〗, I have been exposed to〖接触〗languages such as English, Spanish, and French, but I flunked all these classes. But through my experience in business at home and abroad〖国内外〗I have learned the most important language by meeting a wide range of people from different cultures. It's the language of human relationship that is based on trust, openness, and under standing〖这就是基于信任、开放和理解的人际关系的语言〗. This universal language〖这种世界性的语言〗has always brought people of different cultures close together〖将不同文化的人们紧密地结合在一起〗. And I believe it is through this language of human relationship that our company has grown into what it is today〖达到它今日的成长/发展到今日的规模〗. I want to thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak to you. And next time, please ask me in advance to make a speech. (我要感谢大家给我一个机会向各位讲话/和各位交流。不过,下一次请事先通知我一声要作演讲喔/下一次可别再给我来个突然袭击喔!) 1. be exposed to: 暴露;(比喻)遇到;接触 2. flunk: 失败;(使)不及格 l She flunked her English examination. l The teacher flunked him in geography. (老师给他的地理打不及格。) 下面是一段非常实用的"表示谦虚"的开场白: It is generally believed that Chinese are poor public speakers, especially when it comes to speaking in English, and fortunately or unfortunately, I am no exception to that rule. 一般人认为中国人是不擅长公众演讲,特别是要用英文来演说。不知是有幸还是不幸,对于这项通则我也不例外。 下一页 回主页 口语要素228例精选 回主页 1. It's up to you.(由你决定。) 2. I envy [羡慕]you.(我羡慕你。) 3. How can I get in touch with you? 4. Where can I wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?) 5. What's the weather like today?(今天天气如何?) 6. Where are you headed [朝…方向行进]? (你要到哪里去?) 7. I wasn't born yesterday.(我又不是三岁小孩。) 8. What do you do for relaxation[消遣、娱乐]?(你做什么消遣?) 9. It’s a small world.(世界真小!) 10. It’s my treat[请客、款待] this time.(这次我请客!) 11. The sooner the better. (越快越好。) 12. When is the most convenient [方便的;便利的] time for you? 13. Take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。) 14. I'm mad about Bruce Lee.(我迷死李小龙了。) I'm crazy[着迷的;狂热爱好的] about rock music. (我对摇滚乐很着迷。) 15. How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你?) 16. What was your name again? (请再说一次名字好吗?) 17. Would you care for[喜欢] a cop of coffee?(要被咖啡吗?) 18. She turns me off.(她使我厌烦。) 19. So far so good.(目前为止,一切都好。) 20. It drives[逼迫;迫使] me crazy.(它把握逼疯了。) 21. She never showed up[出席;露面].(她一直没有出现。) 22. That's not like him.(那不象是他的风格。) 23. I couldn't get through.(电话打不通。) 24. I got sick and tired of hotels.(我讨厌旅馆。) 25. Be my guest.(请便、别客气) 26. Can you keep an eye on my bag?(帮我看一下包好吗?) 27. Let's keep in touch.(让我们保持联系。) 28. Let's call it a day[决定或同意暂时或永久停止(进行某事)]. 29. I couldn't help[避免;阻止] it.(我没办法。) 30. Something's come up[发生/出现].(有点事/出事了) 31. Let's get to the point[要点/核心问题].(让我们来谈要点。) 32. Keep that in mind.(记住那件事。) 33. That was a close call.(太危险了/千钧一发) 34. I'll be looking forward to it.(我将期待这一天。) 35. Chances are slim[渺茫的;微小的].(机会很小。) 36. Far from it.(一点也不。) 37. I’m behind in my work.(我工作进度落后了。) 38. It's a pain in the neck[麻烦的事(人)].(那真是件麻烦事) 39. We're in the same boat.(我们处境相同。) 40. My mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。) 41. What do you recommend?(你推荐什么?) 42. I ache all over.(我浑身酸痛。) 43. I have a runny nose.(我流鼻涕。) 44. It's out of the question.(这是不可能的。) 45. Do you have any openings?(你们有空缺吗?) 46. It doesn't make any difference.(没什么差别/无所谓。) 47. I'm fed up[极其厌烦] with him.(我受够他了。) 48. You can count on[指望;依赖] us.(你可以信赖我们。) 49. It doesn't work.(坏了;不动了。) 50.It's better than nothing.(总比什么都没有好。) 51. Think nothing of it.(别放在心上。) 52. I'm not myself today.(我今天心神不宁。) 53. I have a sweet tooth.(我喜欢吃甜食。) 54. I can't express[表示;表达;表明] myself very well in English. (我不能很好地用英语表达自己。) 55. For the time being.(暂时;暂且;目前) 56. This milk has gone bad.(这牛奶变质了。) 57. Don't beat around the bush. (别拐弯抹角了。) 58. It's up in the air[悬而未决].(尚未确定。) 59. Math is beyond[对某人而言难以想象/理解/估计] me.(我对数学无能为力。) 60. It slipped my mind.(我忘了。) 61. You can't please[使人感到满意和愉快] everyone.(你不可能讨好每一个人。) 62. I'm working on[着手;从事] it.(我正在努力。) 63. You bet!(当然!) 64. Drop me a line[短信].(写封信给我) 65. Are you pulling my leg[同某人开玩笑;取笑]?(你在开我玩笑吗?) 66. Sooner or later.(迟早会的。) 67. I'll keep my ears open.(我会留意的。) 68. It isn't much.(那是微不足道的。) 69. Neck and neck.(不分上下。) 70. I'm feeling under the weather.(我觉得不舒服/精神不好/情绪低落。) 71. Don't get me wrong[误解].(不要误会我。) 72. I'm under a lot of pressure.(我压力很大。) 73. You're the boss.(听你的。) 74. It doesn't make any sense!(毫无意义!) 75. If I were in your shoes[处在某人的位置].(如果我是你的话。) 76. What's this regarding?(这是关于哪方面的?) 77. Over my dead body!(休想!) 78. Can you give me a hand[帮手;援助]?(你能帮个忙吗?) 79. We have thirty minutes to kill[消磨;打发(时间)].(我们有三十分钟空闲时间。) 80. Whatever you say.(随便你。) 81. It'll come to me.(我会想起来的。) 82. You name[具体地(说出来)] it!(你说出来。) 83. Time will tell.(时间会证明的。) 84. I will play it by ear[见机行事;临时现做].(我会见机行事的;到时候再说。) 85. You should take advantage of[利用] it.(你应该好好利用这个机会。) 86. Let's talk over coffee.(我们边喝边谈。) 87. Take it easy.(轻松一点;别紧张;放松放松;再见。) [这是美国人最喜欢说的话,也可作离别用语。] 88. I'm easy to please[使…高兴;讨…喜欢].(我很容易取悦/相处。) 89. Let's give him a big hand.(让我们热烈鼓掌。) 90. As far as I'm concerned.(就我而言。) 91. I'm all mixed up.(我全搞混了。) 92. Let's get together one of these days.(找一天聚聚。) 93. He's behind the times.(他落伍了/跟不上时代了。) 94. I'm pressed for time.(我时间紧迫。) 95. I'm up to my ears[忙得不可开交;深陷于某事物中] in work.(我忙死了。) 96. You can't do this to me.(你不能这么对我。) 97. Just to be on the safe side. (为了安全起见。) 98. I hope I didn't offend you.(希望没有冒犯你。) 99. It won't take much time.(不会花很长时间的。) 100. It's been a long time.(好久不见了。) 101. It’s nothing.(小事情;不足挂齿。) 102. It’s a long story.(说来话长。) 103. It's about time.(时间差不多了。) 104. It's incredible.(难以置信!) 105. It's hard to say.(难说。) 106. I can't imagine why.(我想不通为什么。) 107. That can't be.(不可能。) 108. That's really something.(真了不起。) 109. Are you sure?(你确信吗?) 110. Are you crazy?(你疯了吗?) 111. Excuse me for a moment.(失陪一会儿。) 112. I mean it. I'm serious. I'm no kidding!(我是认真的。) 113. I'll consider this matter.(我会考虑这件事的。) 114. I'll do something about it.(我会想办法的。) 115. What are you talking about?(你在说些什么?) 116. I'm afraid I can't.(恐怕我不行。) 117. I'm dying[很想] to see you.(我真想见你。) 118. I'm flattered.(过奖了。) 119. I'm not in the mood.(我没心情。) 120. I'm so scared.(我怕极了。) 121. I can't make[赶上] it.(我去不了/我赶不上。) 122. You can never tell.(不知道/谁也没把握。) 123. I won't buy[相信;接受] you story.(我不信你那一套。) 124. It hurts like hell!(疼死啦!) 125. It can't be helped.(无能为力。) 126. Sorry to bother you.(抱歉打扰你。[事前]) Sorry to have bothered you.(抱歉打扰你。[事后]) 127. I'm always punctual.(我总是很准时。) 128. You may leave it to me.(交给我来办。) 129. I wish I could.(不行。)[委婉表达法] 130. What's the rush?(什么事那么匆忙?) 131. What's so funny/(有什么好笑的?) 132. I couldn't agree more.(我完全同意。) 133. Stay out of this matter, please.(请别管这事。) 134. Don't just shake you head.(别光摇头,想想办法!) 135. Don't jump to conclusions.(别仓促/过早下结论。) 136. That was a lousy movie.(那电影糟透了!) 137. Have you thought about staying home?(是否考虑在家呆着?) 138. I'll come. I give you my word.(我会来的。我向你保证。) 139. I swear I'll never tell anyone.(我发誓不告诉任何人。) 140. I'll make it up to you.(我会赔偿的。) 141. I'm very / really / terribly / awfully / extremely sorry.(十分抱歉!) 142. Forgive me for breaking my promise.(原谅我食言。) 143. Let's forgive and forget.(让我们摈弃前嫌。) 144. I've heard so much about you!(久仰大名!) 145. Don't underestimate me.(别小看我。) 146. She gives me a headache.(她让我头疼。) 147. It's very annoying.(真烦人。) 148. He often fails to keep his word.(他常常不遵守诺言。) 149. You made me feel ashamed of myself.(你让我感到羞愧。) 150. I hope it turns out all right.(我希望结果很好。) 151. I can't handle this alone.(我无法单独处理这事。) 152. How long will it take to have this radio fixed?(修理这收音机要多久?) 153. Come to me if you're in any difficulty.(有困难来找我。) 154. Who do you think you are?(你以为你是谁?) 155. You're wasting you breath.(你在白费口舌。) 156. It doesn't seem like that.(似乎不象是那样。) 157. Don't get on my nerves!(不要搅得我心烦。) 158. Everything will be fine.(一切都会很好。) 159. I'll be ready in a few minutes.(再过几分钟就好了。) 160. I wonder what happened to him.(我不知道他出什么事了。) 161. You are just trying to save face.(你只是想挽回面子。) 162. His argument doesn't hold water.(他的论点站不住脚。) 163. Your face tells it all.(你的表情透露了一切。) 164. The days are getting longer.(白天越来越长了。) 165. You've got to do something.(你一定要想办法。) 166. I hope this will teach you a lesson.(希望这会给你一个教训。) 167. I feel younger than ever.(我觉得比以前年轻。) 168. It's a hard job, but I hope he can make it. (这不是件容易的差事,但我希望他能做到。) 169. Don't look wise.(别自作聪明。) 170. I'm afraid all my efforts were in vain.(我担心我的努力全白费了。) 171. What happened to you memory?(你的记性是怎么搞的?) 172. You're going too far!(你太过分了!) 173. Don't bury your head in the sand.(不要逃避现实。) 174. I have no other choice.(我别无选择。) 175. I don't have the nerve to do it.(我没胆/勇气去做。) 176. It's a matter of life and death.(事关生死。) 177. Nothing works.(什么都不对劲儿。) 178. Money will come and go.(钱乃身外之物。) 179. He's been behind bars for almost 30 years.(他坐了将近30年牢。) 180. If I had known that, I could have helped you. (假如我早知道,我就能帮你了。)[最实用的虚拟语气] 181. I couldn't care less.(我不在乎。) 182. You have my word.(我保证。) 183. He hit the ceiling at the news.(他听到那消息暴跳如雷/大发雷霆。) 184. I don't mind staying up late.(我不在乎熬夜。) 185. You're too outspoken.(你太直率了。) 186. I can't afford it.(我承担/买不起。) 187. I think it's a reasonable price.(我觉得这是个合理的价钱。) 188. I'd like to try on these hats.(我想试试这些帽子。) 189. He puts me to shame.(他使我蒙羞。) 190. Every dog has his day.(凡人皆有得意时。) 191. Don't give me any excuses.(不要给我任何理由。) 192. Are you out of you mind?(你疯了吗?) 193. He's been everywhere.(他到处都去过了。) 194. What's bothering you?(什么在困扰你?) 195. Who is to blame?(该怪谁?) 196. There're a lot of rumors going around.(很多流言流传着。) 197. I don't feel up to that.(我觉得不能胜任那工作。) 198. I'm mad at myself.(我生自己的气。) 199. It's raining cats and dogs.(下着倾盆大雨。) 200. The sky is getting very cloudy.(天空的云越来越多了。) 201. You won't get away with this.(你逃不掉惩罚的。) 202. I'm tired of going to school day after day.(我厌倦每天上学。) 203. Who am I supposed to see?(我应该去见谁?) 204. His idea is childish.(他的想法很幼稚。) 205. I need small change.(我需要零钱。) 206. Don't try to brainwash me.(别想给我洗脑。) 207. I don't seem to have any luck today.(我今天运气不好。) 208. That reminds me.(那提醒了我。) 209. What the hell are you doing?(你到底在做什么?) 210. I can't seem to get to sleep.(我好象睡不着。) 211. You look very serious about something.(你似乎有很严重的事。) 212. I hope I'm not in the way.(我希望没有造成妨碍。) 213. What are you so excited about?(什么事让你如此兴奋?) 214. Tell me about you trouble.(把你的烦恼告诉我。) 215. I feel much better now.(我感觉好多了。) 216. I hope you will get well soon.(希望你很快会恢复。) 217. She is sick in bed.(她卧病在床。) 218. I have a slight fever.(我轻微发烧。) 219. A fool never learns.(傻瓜永远学不会。) 220. This is the schedule for tomorrow.(这是明天的日程安排。) 221. How late are you open?(你们营业到多晚?) 222. I'm here on business.(我来这里出差。) 223. What's Hong Kong famous for?(香港以什么闻名?) 224. What brings you to Beijing?(什么风把你吹到北京来的?) 225. She looks blue.(她满面忧伤。) 226. I just don't know what to say.(我就是不知道说什么。) 227. Let's have fun tonight.(今晚让我们乐一乐。) 228. Thank you for coming to see me off.(谢谢你来为我送行。) 上一页 回主页 下一页 李阳英语365句 ============================================= 1.Absolutely. (用于答话)是这样;当然是;正是如此;绝对如此。 2.Absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能的! 3.All I have to do is learn English. 我所要做的就是学英语。 4.Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗? 5.Are you married? 你结婚了吗? 6.Are you used to the food here? 你习惯吃这儿的饭菜吗? 7.Be careful. 小心/注意。 8.Be my guest. 请便/别客气。 9.Better late than never. 迟到总比不到好。 10.Better luck next time. 祝你下一次好运。 11.Better safe than sorry. 小心不出大错。 12.Can I have a day off? 我能请一天假吗? 13.Can I help? 要我帮忙吗? 14.Can I take a message? 要我传话吗? 15.Can I take a rain check? 你能改天再请我吗? 16.Can I take your order? 您要点菜吗? 17.Can you give me a wake-up call? 你能打电话叫醒我吗? 18.Can you give me some feedback? 你能给我一些建议吗? 19.Can you make it? 你能来吗? 20.Can I have a word with you? 我能跟你谈一谈吗? 21.Cath me later. 过会儿再来找我。 22.Cheer up! 高兴起来!振作起来! 23.Come in and make yourself at home. 请进,别客气。 24.Could I have the bill,please? 请把账单给我好吗? 25.Could you drop me off at the airport? 你能载我到飞机场吗? 26.Could you speak slower? 你能说得慢一点吗? 27.Could you take a picture for me? 你能帮我拍照吗? 28.Did you enjoy your flight? 你的飞行旅途愉快吗? 29.Did you have a good day today? 你今天过得好吗? 30.Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗? 31.Did you have fun? 你玩得开心吗? 32.Dinner is on me. 晚饭我请客。 33.Do you have a room available? 你们有空房间吗? 34.Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么爱好? 35.Do you have some change? 你有零钱吗? 36.Do you mind my smoking? 你介意我抽烟吗? 37.Do you often work out? 你经常锻炼身体吗? 38.Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗? 39.Don't be so modest. 别这么谦虚。 40.Don't bother. 不用麻烦了。 41.Don't get me wrong. 别误会我。 42.Don't give up. 别放弃。 43.Don't jump to conclusions. 不要急于下结论。 44.Don't let me down. 别让我失望。 45.Don't make any mistakes. 别出差错。 46.Don't mention it. 不必客气。 47.Don't miss the boat. 不要坐失良机。 48.Don't take any chances. 不要心存侥幸。 49.Don't take it for granted. 不要想当然。 50.Don't worry about it. 别担心。 51.Easy come,easy go. 来得容易,去得快。 52.Enjoy your meal. 请慢慢享用吧。 53.Easier said than done. 说是容易做时难。 54.First come,first served. 捷足先登。 55.For here or to go? 再这儿吃还是带走? 56.Forget it. 算了吧。 57.Forgive me. 请原谅我。 58.Give me a call. 给我打电话。 59.Give my best to your family. 代我向你们全家问好。 60.Have him return my call. 让他给我回电话。 61.Have you ever been to Japan? 你去过日本吗? 62.Have you finished yet? 你做完了吗? 63.Have you got anything larger? 有大一点儿的吗? 64.Have you got that? 你明白我的意思吗? 65.Have you heard from Mary? 你收到玛丽的来信吗? 66.He is in conference. 他正在开会。 67.Help yourself,please. 请自己用。 68.Hold your horses. 耐心点儿。 69.How can I get in touch with you? 我怎样能跟你联络上? 70.How do I look? 我看上去怎么样? 71.How is it going? 情况怎么样? 72.How late are you open? 你们营业到几点? 73.How long did it last? 持续了多久? 74.How long will it take me to get there? 到那儿要多长时间? 75.How much is it? 多少钱? 76.How often do you eat out? 你个多就在外面吃一次饭? 77.I apologize. 我很抱歉。 78.I appreciate your invitation. 感谢你的邀请。 79.I assure you. 我向你保证。 80.I bet you can. 我确信你能做到。 81.I can manage. 我自己可以应付。 82.I can't afford it. 我买不起。 83.I can't believe it. 我简直不敢相信。 84.I can't resist the temptation. 我不能抵挡诱惑。 85.I can't stand it. 我受不了。 86.I can't tell. 我说不准。 87.I couldn't agree more. 我完全同意。 88.I couldn't get through. 我打不通电话。 89.I couldn't help it. 我没有办法。 90.I didn't mean to. 我不是故意的。 91.I don't know for sure. 我不能肯定。 92.I enjoy your company. 我喜欢有你做伴。 93.I enjoyed it very much. 我非常喜欢。 94.I envy you. 我羡慕你。 95.I feel like having some dumplings. 我很想吃饺子。 96.I feel terrible about it. 太对不起了。 97.I feel the same way. 我也有同感。 98.I have a complaint. 我要投诉。 99.I have nothing to do with it. 那与我无关。 100.I haven't the slightest idea. 我一点儿都不知道。 101.I hope you'll forgive me. 我希望你能原谅我。 102.I know the feeling. 我知道那种感觉。 103.I mean what I say. 我说话算数。 104.I owe you one. 我欠你一个人情。 105.I really regret it. 我真的非常后悔。 106.I suppose so. 我想是这样。 107.I thought so, too. 我也这样以为。 108.I understand completely. 我完全明白。 109.I want to report a theft. 我要报一宗盗窃案。 110.I want to reserve a room. 我想预定一个房间。 111.I was just about to call you. 我正准备打电话给你。 112.I was moved.= I was touched. 我很受感动。 113.I wasn't aware of that. 我没有意识到。 114.I wasn't born yesterday. 我又不是三岁小孩。 115.I wish I could. 但愿我能。 116.I wouldn't worry about it, if I were you. 如果我是你,我就不会担心。 117.I'd like a refund. 我想要退款。 118.I'd like to deposit some money. 我想存点儿钱。 119.I'd like to make a reservation. 我想订票。 120.I'll be right with you. 我马上就来。 121.I'll check it. 我去查一下。 122.I'll do my best. 我将会尽我最大努力。 123.I'll get it. 我去接电话。 124.I'll give you a hand. 我来帮助你。 125.I'll have to see about that. 这事儿我得想一想再定。 126.I'll keep my eyes open. 我会留意的。 127.I'll keep that in mind. 我会记住的。 128.I'll pick up the tab. 我来付帐。 129.I'll play it by ear. 我将随兴而定。 130.I'll see what I can do. 我看一看能怎么办。 131.I'll show you. 我指给你看。 132.I'll take care of it. 我来办这件事。 133.I'll take it. 我要了。 134.I'll take your advice. 我接受你的忠告。 135.I'll think it over. 我仔细考虑一下。 136.I'll treat you to diner. 我想请你吃晚饭。 137.I'll walk you to the door. 我送你到门口。 138.I'm broke. 我身无分文。 139.I'm crazy about English. 我非常喜欢英语。 140.I'm easy to please. 我很随和。 141.I'm glad to hear that. 听到这消息我很高兴。 142.I'm glad you enjoyed it. 你喜欢我就高兴。 143.I'm good at it. 我做这个很在行。 144.I'm in a good mood. 我现在心情很好。 145.I'm in good shape. 我的身体状况很好。 146.I'm just having a look. 我只是随便看看。 147.I'm looking for a part-time job. 我正在找兼职工作。 148.I'm looking forward to it. 我盼望着这件事。 149.I'm lost. 我给搞糊涂了。 150.I'm not feeling well. 我感觉不舒服。 151.I'm not myself today. 我今天心神不宁。 152.I'm not really sure. 我不太清楚。 153.I'm on a diet. 我正在节食。 154.I'm on my way. 我这就上路。 155.I'm pressed for time. 我赶时间。 156.I'm sorry I'm late. 对不起,我迟到了。 157.I'm sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我感到很遗憾。 158.I'm under a lot of pressure. 我的压力很大。 159.I'm working on it. 我正在努力。 160.I've changed my mind. 我已经改变主意。 161.I've got a headache. 我头痛。 162.I've got my hands full. 我手头正忙。 163.I've got news for you. 我要告诉你一个好消息。 164.I've got no idea. 我不知道。 165.I've had enough. 我已经吃饱了。 166.If I were in your shoes. 如果我站在你的立场上。 167.Is that OK? 这样可以吗? 168.Is this seat taken? 这位子有人坐吗? 169.It all depends. 视情形而定。 170.It can happen to anyone. 这事可能发生在任何人身上。 171.It doesn't make any difference. 都一样。 172.It doesn't matter to me. 这对我来说无所谓。 173.It doesn't work. 它出故障了。 174.It drives me crazy. 他使我快要发疯了。 175.It isn't much. 这是微不足道的。 176.It really comes in handy. 有了它真是方便。 177.It slipped my mind. 我不留神忘了。 178.It takes time. 这需要时间。 179.It will come to me. 我会想起来的。 180.It will do you good. 这会对你有好处。 181.It won't happen again. 下不为例。 182.It won't take much time. 不会发很多时间的。 183.It won't work. 行不通。 184.It's nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你。 185.It's a deal. 一言为定。 186.It's a long story. 真是一言难尽。 187.It's a nice day today. 今天天气很好。 188.It's a once in a lifetime chance. 这是一生难得的机会。 189.It's a pain in the neck. 这真是苦不堪言。 190.It's a piece of cake. 这很容易。 191.It's a small world. 这世界真小。 192.It's a waste of time. 这是浪费时间。 193.It's about time. 时间差不多了/是时候了。 194.It's all my fault. 都是我的错。 195.It's awesome. 棒极了。 196.It's awful. 真糟糕。 197.It's been a long time. 好久不见。 198.It's better than nothing. 总比没有好。 199.It's essential. 这是必要的。 200.It's hard to say. 很难说。 201.It's incredible. 令人难以置信/不可思议。 202.It's just what I had in mind. 这正是我想要的。 203.It's my pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。 204.It's no big deal. 这没什么大不了的。 205.It's not your fault. 不是你的错。 206.It's nothing. 小事情/不足挂齿。 207.It's only a matter of time. 这只是时间问题。 208.It's out of the question. 这是不可能的。 209.It's time for dinner. 该吃晚饭了。 210.It's up in the air. 尚未决定。 211.It's up to date. 这个很时兴。 212.It's up to you. 一切由你决定。 213.It's very popular. 他很受欢迎。 214.It's worth seeing. 它绝对值得一看。 215.Just let it be. 就这样吧。 216.Just to be on the safe side. 为安全起见。 217.Keep the change. 不用找了。 218.Keep up the good work. 再接再厉。 219.Keep your fingers crossed. 为成功祈祷吧。 220.Kill two birds with one stone. 一举两得。 221.Let me get back to you. 我过一会儿打给你吧。 222.Let me guess. 让我猜一猜。 223.Let me put it this way. 让我这么说吧。 224.Let me see. 让我想一想。 225.Let's call it a day. 我们今天就到这儿吧。 226.Let's celebrate! 让我们好好庆祝一下吧! 227.Let's find out. 我们去问一下吧。 228.Let's get to the point. 让我们言归正传。 229.Let's get together sometime. 有时间我们聚一下吧。 230.Let's hope for the best. 让我们往好处想吧。 231.Let's keep in touch. 让我们保持联系。 232.Let's make up. 让我们言归于好吧。 233.Let's go visit them. 让我们去拜访他们吧。 234.Let's talk over dinner. 我们边吃边谈吧。 235.Long time no see. 好久不见。 236.Look before you leap. 三思而后行。 237.May I ask you a question? 我可以问一个问题吗? 238.May I have a receipt? 我可以要一张收据吗? 239.May I have your name,please? 请问你叫什么名字? 240.May I pay by credit card? 我可以用信用卡付款吗? 241.May I try it on? 我能试穿一下吗? 242.Maybe it will work. 也许这个办法会有效。 243.Maybe some other time. 也许下一次吧。 244.My mouth is watering. 我在流口水了。 245.My phone was out of order. 我的电话坏了。 246.No pain,no gain. 不劳则无获。 247.No problem. 没问题。 248.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。 249.Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即是快乐。 250.Please accept my apology. 请接受我的道歉。 251.Please don't blame yourself. 请不要责怪你自己。 252.Please leave me alone. 请别打扰我。 253.Please let me know. 请告诉我一声。 254.Please make yourself at home. 请别客气。 255.Please show me the menu. 请把菜单给我。 256.Probably. 可能吧。 257.So far ,so good. 到目前为止还好。 258.Something must be done about it. 必须得想个办法。 259.Something's come up. 发生了一些事。 260.Storms make trees take deeper roots. 风暴使树木深深扎根。 261.Suit yourself. 随你便。 262.Take care. 请多保重。 263.Take it or leave it. 要不要由你。 264.Take my word for it. 相信我的话。 265.Take your time. 慢慢来。 266.Thank you all the same. 不管怎样还是要谢谢你。 267.Thank you for everything. 感谢你做的一切。 268.Thanks a million. 非常感谢。 269.Thanks for the warning. 谢谢你的提醒。 270.Thanks for your cooperation. 多谢合作。 271.That couldn't be better. 那再好不过了。 272.That depends. 看情况。 273.That makes sense. 那可以理解。 274.That reminds me. 那可提醒我了。 275.That rings a bell. 我总算想起来了。 276.That sounds like a good idea. 那听上去是个好主意。 277.That's all right. 没关系。 278.That's disgusting. 真讨厌。 279.That's fair. 那样公平。 280.That's for sure. 那是肯定的。 281.That's good to know. 幸好知道了这件事。 282.That's just what I was thinking. 我也是这么想的。 283.That's life. 这就是生活。 284.That's more like it. 那样才像话。 285.That's not a problem. 那没问题。 286.That's not true. 那是不对的。 287.That's OK. 可以。 288.That's ridiculous. 那太荒唐了。 289.That's the way I look at it,too. 我也是这么想。 290.That's the way it is. 就是这么回事。 291.That's worthwhile. 那是值得的。 292.The same to you. 你也一样。 293.The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答是干。 294.The sooner,the better. 愈快愈好。 295.There is a call for you. 有你的电话。 296.There is no doubt about it. 那是毫无疑问的。 297.There is nothing I can do. 我无能为力。 298.There's a possibility. 有这个可能。 299.These things happen all the time. 这是常有的事。 300.This soup tastes great. 这个汤非常美味。 301.Time is money. 时间就是金钱。 302.Tomorrow never comes. 莫依赖明天。 303.Two heads are better than one. 人多智广。 304.We are in the sme boat. 我们的处境相同。 305.We can get by. 我们过得去。 306.We can work it out. 我们可以解决这个问题。 307.We have a lot in common. 我们有很多相同之处。 308.We'll see. 再说吧。 309.What a coincidence! 真是太巧了! 310.What a shame! 真是遗憾! 311.What are you up to? 你在忙什么呢? 312.What are you talking about? 你在说什么? 313.What are your plans for the weekend? 你周末计划做什么? 314.What can I do for you? 要我帮忙吗? 315.What do you do for relaxation? 你做什么消遣? 316.What do you recommend? 你推荐什么? 317.What do you think of my new car? 你觉得我的新车怎么样? 318.What do you think of it? 你觉得怎么样? 319.What is it about? 这是关于什么的? 320.What is it like there? 那儿怎么样? 321.What makes you say so? 你怎么这么说? 322.What's going on? 发生什么事了? 323.What's on your mind? 你在想什么呢? 324.What's the deadline? 截止到什么时候? 325.What's the matter with you? 你怎么啦? 326.What's the purpose of your visit? 你来访的目的是什么? 327.What's the weather like? 天气怎么样? 328.What's your favorite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么? 329.What's your job? 你做什么工作? 330.Whatever you think is fine with me. 我随你。 331.When is the most convenient time for you? 你什么时候最方便? 332.When will it be ready? 什么时候能准备好? 333.Where are you going? 你去哪儿? 334.Where can I check in? 在那儿办理登记手续? 335.Where can I go for help? 我该怎么办? 336.Where do you live? 你住在哪儿? 337.Where have you been? 你去哪儿了? 338.Where is the rest room,please? 请问洗手间在哪儿? 339.Where were we? 我们说到哪儿了? 340.Who is in charge here? 这里谁负责? 341.Would you care for a drink? 你要不要来点儿喝的? 342.Would you do me a favor? 你能帮我一个忙吗? 343.You are just saying that. 你只是说说而已。 344.You are kidding. 你开玩笑吧。 345.You are so considerate. 你真有心。 346.You can count on me. 你可以指望我。 347.You can say that again. 我同意。 348.You can't complain. 你该知足了。 349.You deserve it. 这是你应得的。 350.You did a good job. 你干得很好。 351.You get what you pay for. 一分钱一分货。 352.You got a good deal. 你买得真便宜。 353.You need a vacation. 你需要休息。 354.You never know. 世事难料。 355.You said it. 你算说对了。 356.You should give it a try. 你应该试一试。 357.You should take advantage of it. 你应该好好利用这个机会。 358.You will be better off. 你的状况会好起来的。 359.You will have to wait and see. 你得等一等看。 360.You'll get used to it. 你会习惯的。 361.You've dialed the wrong number. 你拨错电话号码了。 362.You've got a point there. 你说的有道理。 363.You've got it. 你明白了。 364.You've made a good choice. 你的眼力不错。 365.Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 包你满意 英语听力突破掌上宝Reading 回主页 Preface overview appendix Since Feb,2 1999 by Baker A Bedlamite. l 本版教程为毕克所著目的是在熟悉各种俚语,以后将逐渐加入法语. 借助于金山词霸矫正发音 l 学习要求是熟读,每天学习1小时.建议在学习本教材的同时学习 l VOCABULARY 22000.doc 学习要求是脱口背诵 l Talking Book.doc 学习要求是脱口背诵 l [Computer Networks] by Andrew S.Tanenbaum. 学习要求是脱口背诵 l 学完上述4项,应可完成英语素质教育,开始转换命运,不再自欺欺人 l 我发誓,有生之年考取MCSE MCSD CCIE 以及 Ph.D for Major in Interconnection Engineering. My Buddha almighty ! Baker SGC Inc.[fish1] Depend on glossary Probably Cisco pertinently Why Cisco? 1 - MONEY Compensation @ Cisco consists of: I) Stock II)Bonus Plans III) Salary IV) Relocation I) Stock New hire stock: CONSIDER YOURSELF A STOCK WINNER!! NOT ONLY IS EVERY NEW HIRE GRANTED STOCK, BUT YOU ARE ALSO GIVEN THE OPTION TO PURCHASE STOCK. HERE'S HOW IT WORKS... In order to provide a competitive compensation package to new hire employees, the Compensation Department recommends to the Board of Directors that employees be granted stock options according to their salary grades. The program grants each employee the right to purchase a specified number of shares of the company's common stock at a specified price for a period of time. In accordance with the plan, 25% of the shares offered vest at the completion of 12 full months of employment, and the balance vests at the rate of 1/48th per month over the next 36 months. There are other vesting schedules and this schedule may not apply to all new hire stock grants for employees who are part of an acquisition. The price of the stock is the fair market value on the date that the Board of Directors approves the number of offered shares. This is normally done at the first board meeting following an employee's date of hire. Employee Stock Purchase Plan After 30 days as an active employee, you are eligible to participate in the Employee Stock Purchase Plan. Participants may enroll and elect to have up to 10% of their total compensation withheld for the purchase of shares at a discounted price. Purchase periods begin at the start of each calendar quarter. Ongoing Stock Options Cisco's ongoing stock option program offers stock options to eligible employees on an annual basis. Option amounts are determined based on several criteria including relative worth of the employee's position, value of existing options, past performance, and salary grade. Funding for the program is determined annually at the discretion of the Board of Directors. The timing of the Ongoing Program is set by the Board of Directors and typically occurs around the months of July/August. Check out today's stock price now! II) Bonuses Company Performance Award Plan The purpose of the Company Performance Awards (Quarterly Bonuses) is to acknowledge employees for their contributions to Cisco's success. Aployees are eligible for Company Performance Awards based on the following criteria: Typically employees in grades 51-60 and 1-7 On board the first working day of the fiscal quarter for which the bonus is paid Not on a sales commission or incentive plan Not on a written warning or Performance Improvement Plan at quarter-end Performance rating not equal to "N" Awards are granted as a percentage of an individual's base salary. The percentage is determined quarterly per the Plan based on corporate profit and revenue achievement. In fiscal year 1996 the average pay out was 11.5% of base salary. -Cisco Achievement Program The Cisco Achievement Program (CAP) awards are used to encourage and reward exceptional contribution to the achievement of business unit and company goals and objectives. The intent of the program is to maximize positive reinforcement through immediate recognition and promote employee and group effort by including individual and team awards. Areas of exceptional contribution can include one or more of the following performance categories: customer service, innovation, quality and process improvement, cost reduction, and superior performance typically above and beyond the scope of the job. Employees and teams can receive cash and non-cash awards valued from $50+; awards beyond $2,000 require executive staff approval. Non-cash awards include gift certificates for Time-Out and the Cisco store, and getaways on Cisco. The award amount should be commensurate with the level of contribution. Each business unit or sector is given funding equal to 2% of participant payroll at the beginning of each quarter. Taxes and Deductions: Cash awards are "grossed up" for taxes so that employees receive the total value of the award. Taxes relating to the award are calculated by the Payroll Department and paid on the behalf of the employee by Cisco. Employee 401(k) and ESPP deductions (if applicable) are withheld from any check awards issued in the amount of $200 or more, and are not included in the "grossed up" amount. If award is distributed by cash or certificate, 401(k) and ESPP deductions will no be withheld from award. Eligibility: Regular full-time, part-time, and casual employees of Cisco that are eligible for the Company Performance Award Plan with performance ratings of X or E are eligible. Consulting and Systems Engineers and their managers are also included. Managers in grades 12 or above may receive an award on an exception basis with Vice President approval. Under no circumstances can the initiator by the recipient of the award. III) Salary Salary is determined by your GPA, school you went to, previous work experience, current knowledge, and how you interview. Salary increases at Cisco can happen at anytime. The targeted salary increase is 7% of your current base salary. IV) Relocation -30 days temporary living -Travel to San Jose (via plane or reimbursement for mileage) -Miscellaneous Cash Allowance (depending on where you live) Academy overview In 1993, Cisco embarked on an initiative to design practical, cost-effective networks for schools. It quickly became apparent that designing and installing the networks was not enough - the schools also needed some way to maintain the networks after they were up and running. Cisco Senior Consulting Engineer George Ward developed training for teachers and staff for maintenance of school networks. He soon discovered that the personnel lacked the time required to learn the material, so he moved to the next population of learners in the school - the students themselves. The success of these student seminars led to requests from participating schools across the country for Cisco to develop a curriculum that could be integrated as elective courses taught in a semester format. The formalized curriculum and support activities evolved into the Cisco Networking Academy Program. The concept proved to be a powerful draw for students, many of whom initially volunteered for classes outside normal school hours. Today, thousands of students coast to coast are pioneering a school-to-work program engineered for a new global economy. The Solution Through the Cisco Networking Academy program, high school and college students can learn the information needed prepare them for the Cisco Certified Networking Associate exam. This certification positions them for immediate openings in a talent-hungry job market or for engineering- and science-focused college studies. In a nutshell, the Cisco Networking Academy is a complete, four-semester program on the principles and practice of designing, building, and maintaining networks capable of supporting national and global organizations. Cisco provides course work for a complete range of basic through advanced networking concepts - from pulling cable, through such complex concepts as subnet masking rules and strategies. The program uses Regional Academies as hubs, each of which supports a minimum of ten Local Academies. These Regional Academies teach the teachers who oversee programs at the Local Academies under their jurisdiction. The Regional Academies funnel input to Cisco on topics such as individual school performance, curriculum quality and effectiveness, and student progress. The format for the classes reflects the content: interactive lessons stored largely on the classroom's Cisco Web server. The Academy design also accommodates diverse learning styles. For those who learn by reading, text is available. More visual learners can focus on the course material's extensive graphics and QuickTime movies. To promote development of the personal skills that underpin successful careers, projects require students not only to resolve technical issues but also to successfully address network users' needs. Local Academies receive mentoring and technical support from the Regional Academies and are backed by SMARTnet? services, a service and support program that provides round-the-clock access to assistance from Cisco's Technical Assistance Center (TAC) and the Cisco Connection Online (CCO) Web site, plus major software and maintenance releases, product documentation updates, and next-day delivery of replacement parts. Benefits and Results The Cisco Networking Academy Program is in its first full year at schools. But the pilot semester at one site, Thurgood Marshall Academic High School in San Francisco, provides an indication of the potential impact: more than 25 percent of the students involved in the school's program in Spring 1996 secured summer jobs as a direct result of their single-semester experience. And for teachers who have seen the early impact on students and their futures, the Academy stands as a model for school-to-work programs. Dennis Frezzo, technology instructor at Thurgood Marshall says, "In one leap, Cisco has helped us have the most effective school-to-work program I've seen locally, and we're proud of that." "The energy level of these students is so high, it's hard to find the words to describe it," says Barry Williams, who oversees Regional activities for the Round Valley School District in Springerville, Arizona. "Once, about half of my students had permission to leave school about 20 minutes early. But not a single one left. I talked topologies and media for 90 minutes without a break." FAQ about academy What are some of the benefits that the Cisco Networking Academy program can provide to schools and institutions of higher education? The Cisco Networking Academy Program Market Report [PDF 95K] highlights the application of the Cisco Networking Academy program to high schools, technical schools, community colleges, and universities. The Cisco Networking Academy program provides the opportunity to obtain two levels of certification, Cisco Certified Networking Associate (CCNA) and Cisco Certified Networking Professional (CCNP). Both certifications are designed to meet employment standards for the networking industry. ents to be a Regional Academy? Please download the Regional Academy Requirements Factsheet [PDF 19K]. ents to be a Local Academy? Please download the Local Academy Requirements Factsheet [PDF 20K] What is the difference between a Regional Academy and a Local Academy? Regional Academies have administrative responsibilities for managing ten Local Academies; they designate a full-time employee to manage the Networking Academy Program; and they attend Cisco training and in turn train their Local Academy instructors. Regional Academies track the equipment inventory of their Local Academies and answer curriculum questions or refer them back to the Cisco Networking Academy team. They also deal directly with the Cisco Networking Academy team. Local Academies are responsible for having trained instructors who teach the curriculum to students; these instructors supervise students as they design, build, and maintain their school's network. Can a Local Academy exist without a Regional Academy to support it? No. Regional Academies provide many services to Local Academies such that Locals cannot exist without a supporting Regional. Why do Local Academies have to commit to four semesters of classes? If they don't teach all four semesters, students won't learn all the skills needed to properly support a TCP/IP Ethernet routed and switched network. They also won't learn everything they need to be prepared to take the Cisco Certified Networking Associate exam. Cisco wants to avoid offering incomplete programs. How are the Regional Academy instructors trained? Regional Academy instructors are trained by Cisco. The first semester training is eight days, the second semester training session lasts five days, and the third and fourth semesters combined is six days. Where is the training for the Regional Academy instructors held? Current training sessions are held in Arizona, Minnesota, North Carolina, California, Florida, and Wisconsin. How are the Local Academy instructors/teachers trained? Local Academy instructors/teachers are trained by their Regional Academy trainers. Who pays travel costs and expenses for the Regional Academy instruction? The Regional Academy pays any travel costs and expenses for up to two instructors from their Regional Academy to attend training. These costs are passed on to the Local Academies. May I see a sample of the curriculum? A sample module of semester one as well as an outline of the four semesters of curriculum are available on the Web site (www.cisco.com/edu). Do Cisco people install new hardware/software for the Academy, free of charge? In the training that Cisco gives, Regional Academies are shown hoent that is part of the next semester curriculum. The instructors are shown everything they need to install for that upcoming semester. Cisco also provides phone assistance in setting up the lab to Regional Academies who have attended training. Regionals in turn provide assistance to their Local Academies. May we receive a list of the other pilot schools so we can contact them and see how they have made use of the materials and with what success? Yes. Contact your local Cisco education account manager. Are there any prerequisites for the Cisco Networking Academy curriculum, either for the students or for the Regional or Local Academy instructors? The curriculum assumes no prior knowledge of computers or networks. An eighth grade reading and math proficiency is expected, as well as a desire to learn the curriculum. What is the status of getting the Networking Academy curriculum approved by State Education Organizations? Each state has different requirements for curriculum approval. Cisco is not currently engaged in any efforts on its own to gain statewide certification of the curriculum, but we are interested in working with a champion or champions in each state to help us achieve appropriate approval(s). Are the four courses aimed at being three credits each, and are they sequential in nature; in other words, is the first course the prerequisite for the second, which in turn is the prerequisite for the third, and so on? They are prerequisite based and are sequential. The courses are designed to be taught one hour a day, five days a week, but the setup can be changed to accommodate block class scheduling. Are the courses designed to contain any particular number of students per section? Cisco's only requirement is that there be no more than three students per computer. The optimum is 20 students, but it's possible to have 30, and some even have 35. Are the students expected to print manuals from the Web, or do they purchase manuals separately? You wouldn't want to print this curriculum from the Web, since so much of it is interactive ovies and animation. The materials that are on line are presently meeting teachers' and students' needs. What kind of controls are there on course materials? The Regional Academy has no way of controlling what a student does with the materials after they leave school property. Are the materials copyrighted? The curriculum is copyrighted. Course materials and handouts are treated like any other type of curriculum would be treated. Is there any maximum on the number of sections of a Cisco course we can offer? No. You can offer it as many times as you want, And if you decide that you need a second lab, you may purchase or lease one. Can we use part of a Cisco course in some existing course that we already offer, such as a concepts course of some kind? If it's to give an overview to solicit student interest, it's possible. Cisco doesn't want schools to say "We're going to take your curriculum and put it into already existing curriculum and call that the class." From an interest standpoint, it's fine to give some basic overview material, but it can't replace the need to teach the entire curriculum. Can the Regional Academy use the materials for training its administrative or IS staff, or are the Cisco courses for academic use only? It can't be the only use of the curriculum, but having IS staff that are trained using the same curriculum is ideal. Staff members familiar with the curriculum could act as mentors to the students. Are there any restrictions on the use of Cisco courses as a standalone "certificate" vs. being part of the requirements for a two-year degree program (which would have additional requirements, of course)? People who want to go into the training business are welcome to apply to be a Cisco Training Partner. Cisco's training group wants to add training partners. But Cisco doesn't want the academies to become competitors with local training partners by teaching accelerated courses. This curriculum has been specifically designed and task analyzed for delivery in an academic, semester environment; Cisco wouldn't want someone to try to re-engineer that setup into a five-day-per-week, eight-hour-per-day workshop. The courses in the training partner environment are specifically geared toward that. What is the name of the Cisco certification that students who complete the four Cisco courses and pass the certification exam earn? Cisco Certified Networking Associate. How do we keep our grades and tests safe from students who are working on maintaining our network? The Networking Academy tests are to be kept on a separate Zip cartridge and inserted in the Cisco Micro Webserver only on test day, and then removed. Also, it is assumed that any secure data within the school is kept on a computer that has security installed on it, such as user ID and password protection. Do students do any wire pulling in this class? Yes, students pull wire in the lab and within the school if union and insurance issues allow it. The students should get as much experience in this area as possible. I am a high school student and I want this curriculum offered at my school; how can I get one started? To get an academy started in your school, talk to your school's computer teacher, IS manager, principal, or vice-principal. Direct them to the Web site (www.cisco.com/edu) to get more information and to fill out the form to apply to become a Cisco Networking Academy. I am a post-high school student and want to take these classes; how can I? Call your local community colleges (computer science, career training, computer networking departments) to see if they are a Cisco Networking Academy. If not, tell them they should be one and direct them to the Web site (www.cisco.com/edu). Thurgood Marshall Academic High School Thurgood Marshall Academic High School (TMAHS) was established in 1994 in the economically underdeveloped southeast corner of San Francisco. Focusing on a math, science, and engineering curriculum, the magnet school gives students a rigorous course of academic study with an abundance of college-prep math, science, and English classes plus three semesters of computer and technology electives. The Cisco Networking Academy curriculum has been integrated into one of three areas for concentrated study selected by all TMAHS students after they reach their junior year. Juniors take Cisco I and II, and seniors complete the program with Cisco III and IV, supplemented by projects and courses in related engineering disciplines. "This is above and beyond what we normally do, but we thought this was an incredible opportunity for the kids," says Frezzo. According to Jai Gosine, another Academy teacher at TMAHS, "Certification is the biggest benefit" for the school's nearly 70 Cisco Networking Academy students, who are spread among three classes. "Potential employers of students who earn their Cisco Certified Networking Associate status will feel comfortable hiring them," he says, "because they'll know these students have acquired a set of practical, valuable skills." The Academy is also project-based, with students addressing challenges drawn from the real world of networking - and finding solutions that work, not only in theory but in the model networks built and tested in the lab. "A lot of people use these clichés, but they're really true," says Frezzo, "The old style of teaching was 'the sage on the stage.' Now we're trying to be the 'guide on the side,' helping in counseling and problem solving. Senior Ricky Jackson notes, "The lessons aren't based on homework or tests so much. We do more hands-on work." The project-based learning format helps truly instill skills that otherwise might be forgotten soon after the final exam, Jai Gosine explains. "A student's level of learning is determined by the form of assessment. In our case, it's not how much they can regurgitate, but how much they can do." Adds Frezzo: "Projects provide the ultimate in performance assessments. Was the job complete? Did the network work, with no excuses?" For Jenica Lee, a TMAHS senior with tentative plans to pursue computer science in college, the interactive, project-based format of the Academy helps students develop into problem solvers. "I think you learn more, because you encounter problems and have to work through them to figure out the solution," Lee observes. "It's also more fun." The pride is evident in Ricky Jackson's voice as he describes how during their first full semester in the Academy he and 23 fellow team members "wired the San Jose Convention Center for the California Community Colleges in Education Foundation Technology Conference. Die-hard students on the project began early on a Sunday, working eight hours with teachers and Cisco mentors to provide state-of-the-art high-speed Internet access to vendor booths and seminar rooms. "Vendors, presenters, and the Foundation found it to be an invaluable service," remarked David Springett, the foundation's president. "Cisco's partnership with the high school students demonstrated how private industry's active involvement in education can advance students' skills and future prospects." "In the advanced courses, the spirit of the curriculum is to make the network self sustaining and apprentice students to the school district," Gosine says. "There's no way school districts have enough money to hire the expertise they're going to need to maintain stable networks. This is a way to accomplish that goal. It's a win for everyone involved." Academy students also will be applying their skills in local middle and elementary schools, which "makes the vision of 'Internet everywhere' more attainable," Frezzo says. Cisco Academy Recent News Cisco Kids: High School Networking Classes Pay off Shanley Rhodes, InfoWorld Electric Like many high school graduates about to embark on a four-year college education, 18-year-old Tameca Smith spent last summer earning money for the coming year's expenses. But unlike other recent graduates, Smith was not flipping burgers or watching over the pool. Instead, she was helping train high-school teachers from across southeastern North Carolina about the basic principles of networking. (1998) Time Warner Announces First Corporate Sponsorship of Cisco Systems' Networking Academy Program Company Press Release, Business Wire Time Warner Inc. and Cisco Systems Inc. have signed a groundbreaking agreement to establish programs at 10 New York City public high schools that will teach students to design, build and maintain computer networks, leading to high-paying jobs in the private sector. (9/28/98) More Computer Experts Needed Jason Blevins, Denver Post As hundreds of rural and urban schools across the state merge onto the information superhighway, school administrators and principals are scrambling to find skilled personnel who can manage the often daunting networking systems. (6/17/98) Cisco Plans Networking Academies In Philippines Erwin Lemuel G. Oliva and Henry L. Pagauitan, Metropolitan Computer Times Cisco has been working closely with the Philippine government, particularly with education agencies, as the company introduces the Cisco Networking Academy program to high schools in the Philippines. (5/19/98) Garner High Trains Young Networkers Chris O'Brien, The News & Observer While most high school students are satisfied with surfing the Internet, students at Garner High School in North Carolina are learning how to build it through the guidance of the Cisco Networking Academy program. (5/7/98) Vocational Education Goes High Tech Yvonne Simons, WRAL Online In addition to traditional vocational education courses in automotive mechanics, cosmetology, and carpentry, high schools are now giving students hands-on training in the computer networking industry. (5/6/98) Everybody Learn Cisco Randolph Court, Wired News "What began as one man's effort to train staff for school networks has blossomed into an ambitious international program to provide professional training for an entire generation of students." (5/1/98) New Computer Networking Youth Apprenticeship to Start in Fall Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, News Release Gov. Tommy Thompson today announced an agreement by the State with Cisco to bring high-tech education and training across the state. The youth apprenticeship program is one part of that effort. (4/30/98) Still in School? Check Out the New Shop Class. Washington Post The Post highlights the Cisco Networking Academy program in their "Guide to Going High-tech Guide." (4/22/98) Marshall University and Cisco Systems Launch Regional Networking Academy Cisco Systems, Inc. The "Schools to Work" movement in West Virginia received a major boost with the announcement that Marshall University has been selected as the state's first Cisco Regional Networking Academy. (4/17/98) Computer Giants Look to Students Mary Ann Zehr, EdWeek Student and teacher excitement surrounds information-technology training programs such as the Cisco Networking Academy program, which teaches students how to design and build computer networks. (4/15/98) Internet High School Jennifer Jones, Civic.com San Francisco's Thurgood Marshall Academic High School is one of Cisco's first Networking Academies, a program that aims to equip inner-city and rural high school students with employable skills while stocking the information technology work force. (4/1/98) Cisco Establishes Networking Academies in Inner City Schools Robert Bellinger, Electronic Engineering Times Cisco Systems establishes Cisco Networking Academies in inner-city high schools to train and certify students to design, build, and maintain computer networks. (3/16/98) Vice President Gore Praises Networking Academies Cisco Systems, Inc. Vice President Gore praises Cisco Systems' commitment to place Networking Academies in all Empowerment Zones by end of 1998. (2/26/98) Virginia Community College System Announces Partnership with Cisco Systems to Provide High-Tech Training Cisco Systems, Inc. Lieutenant Governor John Hager officially signs a Letter of Commitment to establish Cisco Networking Academies at community colleges and high schools throughout Virginia. (2/25/98) The Skills Gap Kelly Barron, Forbes Magazine Companies in manufacturing, financial services, and high-tech industries are experiencing shortages of skilled-labor. To address the challenge, Cisco Systems has developed an educational program that teaches students information-technology skills. (2/23/98) Action On IT Skills Gap Karen M. Carrillo, Information Week Online In an effort to increase the supply of IT workers, Cisco Systems and Oracle both launch initiatives to improve high school- and college-level training. (11/24/97) Video News Release Cisco Systems, Inc. This two-minute video describes the Cisco Networking Academy program as the "Shop of the 21st Century." (11/4/97) Cisco's Kids Dive into Labor Pool Andrew Zajac, San Francisco Examiner Cisco is training students to become Internet technicians which not only provides convenient, on-site skilled labor for maintenance of Cisco-installed school computer networks but also increases the nation's supply of network technicians. (10/19/97) Tech Labor Pool Shallow -- Cisco Systems tries to reverse the trend by training future candidates Casey Wian, CNNfn Students at Dorsey High School in Los Angeles are learning theory, hardware, and applications of computer networking. Cisco now has 57 academies in high schools and junior colleges in seven states, and expects to have more than 400 nationwide by next year. (10/9/97) Job-Training Initiative Aims to Fill High-Tech Slots Joetta L. Sack, Education Week Cisco Systems launches an education initiative which prepares students for the increasing number of available information-technology jobs. (10/8/97) S.F. Students Network on Capitol Hill - Senator Boxer Leads High-Tech Forum with San Jose Firm Carolyn Lochhead, San Francisco Chronicle Students from Thurgood Marshall High School in San Francisco joined with San Jose's Cisco Systems in Washington yesterday to push technology in public schools. (10/2/97) Press Release Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems Chairman of the Board, John Morgridge, announces the nationwide launch of the Cisco Networking Academy program at a press conference in Washington, DC. (10/1/97) Title: System Engineer Location: Beijing Dept/Division: Worldwide Sales-Asia Requisition: Description: Familiar with cable TV related technology such as HFC/SDH preferred TCP/IP or WAN or Access Server technology, with minimum 3 years engineering/installation/pre-sale experience. You will work closely with the Cisco Account Managers, providing pre-sales technical and network design support to Cisco partners and customers alike. You will be called on to make technical presentations, answer technical questions regarding specific applications, as well as to support customer installations and configurations. As with all positions at Cisco, you will be a part of the company recently ranked (Fortune-Jan '97) as the 25th best company to work for in the U.S. Contact: Sylvia P.S. Chong: Posted to CCO: Dec 17 Title: North China Regional 2-tier Channel Manager Location: Beijing Dept/Division: Worldwide Sales-Asia Requisition: 800131 Description: To develop and sell through the 2nd-tier resellers in the North China area - 3 Provinces in Northeast China, Shangdong and Henan. Work with Territory AM in Enterprise to cover the above geographical area through 2-tier sales model. 2+ years sales experience in networking company, preferable in the 2-tier channel management; 2+ years experience in China IT distribution business; Sound sales record. Contact: Sylvia P.S. Chong: schong@cisco.com Posted to CCO: Dec 17 Assortment cool dishes Warnings Part I For sale or rental only by authorized sublicnsees of Warner Home Video in Hong Kong. The Philippines. Taiwan and Thailand. For private home use only. Any unauthorized reproduction. Distribution or exhibition of this VCD. Or any part thereof is strictly prohibited and any such actionestablishes liability for civil action and may give rise to criminal prosecution. Manufactursd in USA. “Dolby” is trademark of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. @Stay Connected! Overview Unlimited Internet Access? Not! Many netizens[fish2] , including myself, subscribed to a so-called unlimited Internet Access?modem dial-up plan provided by many local or national Internet Service Providers (ISP). However, such advertisement is often misleading. Every time I left my modem connection unattended for a certain period of time (roughly 15 minutes) and walked away from my computer, the moment when I was back to my desk to get ready to surf the net, I found that the modem connection is dropped[fish3] . Bad phone-line? Maybe, but how it occurred so frequently with such a consistent timing? I decided to find out what has actually gone wrong with my phone line by experimenting with extended period of non-stop net surfing. To my amazement, never once I had a bad phone-line connection. Another problem is even more irritating to me: trying to dial-up my ISP just to get a repeated busy modem signal. Once I got a connection, I don want to be disconnected. Ok I selfish, but I抳e already paid my subscription fee! The truth Is ?Ok, it is time to check the Internet newsgroup for such weird behavior. After posting a mail to the newsgroup, I got a few responses. Many told me this was not the fault of my phone line though sometimes it might happen. The problem is mainly due to my Internet Service Provider (ISP). They have limited modem port, ranging from a ratio of 1:20 to 1:40, i.e. 1 modem serves 20 to 40 subscribers. During the peak hours, many subscribers have extreme difficulties trying to get connected: either the line is busy, or the TCP/IP protocol is not being established even after being connected. Remedies Now I got the whole picture. Immediately I thought about remedies. A sudden inspiration came to me one night: why not write a "hassle-free" program, place it in the startup folder every time the computer starts, and have it automatically placed in the taskbar (or tray notification area)? Spice it up with some animation to tell me the status of the connection, I l never have to see a dropped modem connection anymore! I can now surf with impunity with the utility working in the background to ensure I never lose a connection. I have tested the program countless times running continuously for more than 24 hours without a dropped connection. A user even reported more than 300 hours continuous online without a dropped connection! Of course this program will not help if a bad phone line occurs or if you lose power, but this is rare, according to my experience[fish4] . I hope that you find this utility as useful as I do. Just a friendly reminder, please register this program if you do. Thank you for your registration support! @Confession of Cover girl Choy Ying from Quinhai "Where I live in Quinhai province, there are not many people. In particular there are not many girls. Everyone here wants boys to run the farms. Sometimes they leave girl babies in orphanages, or worse. Luckily, my parents wanted me, and now I'm one of the few girls in town." "I'm not really a prostitute. I call myself a playgirl, because I like to have a good time with men. If they choose to give me gifts of jewelry or clothes or money, that's fine with me. I'm happy here in my sung little bedroom, with my nice comfortable bed, with plenty of men to kiss my lips, stroke my breasts, and fuck my pussy, with its peach fuzz hairs." "Lots of men have wanted to marry me, but I don't want to get married. All marriage means around here is hard work. Women must fetch and carry and cook and clean and wait on me. No thanks! I like the easy life-and the way for me to have it is to have many boyfriends." "The men here all love me-but the other women hate me. That's because I have a good time. I didn't fall into the trap they did. I love being a playmate. I love sex, and I'm good at it. I can bend my body into all kinds of wild positions for fucking. I love to spread my legs wide open and kind of sit up. This makes a cock go really deep into my almost hairless cunt and I cum like crazy." Copyright ?1996, Babenet, LTD. All rights reserved. Shelly Zhu from Jiangsu "The province I was born in is famous for its pretty girls. Ever since I can remember people have been raving about by [fish5] beauty. My parents saved up to buy me the right kind of clothes, and they entered me in every type of beauty contest they could find. I won lots of prizes and wore the crown many times." "At first being recognized for my beauty made me happy and excited. I loved hearing compliments and getting applause. But in time the thrill wore off and I began to get tired of people always talking about my looks. They would treat me like an inanimate[fish6] object, a thing. Even one of the titles I won, "The Jewel of Jiangsu" describes me as something hard and cold-a shiny precious stone." "I was always supposed to look and act perfect. My parents were so strict about who I dated that men didn't dare try and seduce me. They treated me like a doodad or statuette which they liked to be seen with in public. "I am a flesh and blood woman.," I wanted to cry out, "strip my clothes off and make love to me!" "Finally I know I had to get away. In spite of[fish7] my parents' protests I took my prize money and moved to a place of my own. I enrolled in art school, and now like every other young girl I have a boyfriend and a sex life. I even shaved all the hair off my pussy as an act of independence. I posed for these photos to prove once and for all that I am a flesh and blood woman, not an object, and I hope you experience me as such." Copyright ?1996, Babenet, LTD. All rights reserved. Kate Sing from Hong Kong "I work very hard as an investment banker in Hong Kong. Not too many women are in this field. I was able to get into it because of my father’s and grandfather's influence. My work is very exciting, but it's nerve-wracking too. As a woman I have to constantly fight prejudices and stereotypes, and I have to constantly prove myself on the job front." "By the time the weekend comes, I'm ready to jump out of my skin, my nerves are shot. I'm exhausted, but I'm too keyed up to sleep. The best way I've found to relax is to do sports. The second best way is to have sex. Since I don't have a boyfriend now, I have to do both all by myself." "I go to my special weekend retreat in the country.[fish8] My grandmother left me a small cottage out in the middle of nowhere. It's perfect, because there's no one to see me or bother me. I go skateboarding for hours, and on hot days I skateboard in the nude! It's a fun way to get exercise and work up a good sweat. I love it!" "Exercising in the nude gets me sexually aroused. At times I lie back on the grass and masturbate myself to a deep, satisfying cum. Other times I lay my wet, naturally hairless cunt down on the skateboard and literally skate my way to a wild, slippery climax! It's a good thing it's deserted here, or I'd probably get arrested!" Copyright ?1996, Babenet, LTD. All rights reserved. Some Amativeness stories CLUBISLAND Peeping Guide Reproduced from V-Man's homepage for your enjoyment All material within this webpage is copywritten 1996 by V-MAN !! OK, here's the UK Peeping Guide in full - and there's a lot of it! If you want to use extracts for your web page feel free.... If anyone wishes to *contribute* to the Guide they can e.mail me via the anon server at an284654. The following are extracts from A PEEPERS GUIDE - The Why, How, Where and When of Voyeurism. UK EDITION. 1.4 - SEPTEMBER '95 TOPICS INCLUDE: - What is voyeurism? - "Accidental" peeping. Places Props Techniques - "Planned Peeping" Equipment Places Techniques - The Legal Position 1. The attraction of voyeurism. What is the appeal of voyeurism? Why is it an undeniable fact that a woman taking her clothes off at a strip-show is entertaining but unlikely to inspire many erections? Strange but true. Yet if the same woman crossed her legs on the way home and inadvertently gave a brief view of her panties most men catching that fleeting glimpse would feel a distinct stirring of the loins? The answer is, of course, that the glimpse of panty as a woman crosses her legs, the fleeting, unintended exposure of a nipple, is "forbidden fruit", a prize to be treasured all the more for the fact that it was given without consent. The stripper and the female nudist give consent for men to look at their bodies the woman who displays her panties by accident does not. So a simple definition of voyeurism is "looking without consent". The following is an attempt to make those "looks" more frequent and better quality. It may be obvious but the more you look, the more you see and the more you put yourself in good "peeping positions" the better the chances of a result. Every time I go to the bank to cash a check (and I always go INTO the bank a cash dispenser may be quick and efficient but until machines grow breasts the real live teller has the advantage every time!) I always try and pick the till which has the female cashier with the lowest neckline. Turning around to get the notes from the till, leaning forward to pass the money over they all provide the chance that the top of her blouse may gape a little and if you are in the right place at the right time....... Some clothes stores still have those changing cubicles which have only a thin curtain to serve as a door and they never quite stretch all the way across do they? A hint hold a couple of garments in your hand and look as if you are waiting for your companion to emerge from the changing room. I've seen bare breasts, bare buttocks and endless numbers of women dressed only in their bra and panties. Shoe shops are perhaps the panty-spotters idea of heaven! The combination of a woman sitting on a chair constantly lifting her feet to put on and take off shoes and a wealth (if you're lucky!) of low-placed, angled mirrors mean that it is a poor day if you don't get a view of at least one pair of panties every five minutes or so. OBSERVATIONS: Slim women with small breasts are likely to show more and are good for "breast sightings" either "down the front" neckline views or side-on" armhole views because their breasts are higher and, when a blouse or top falls forward, their tits stay where they are and you can look into the gap created. Brassieres will spoil the view especially from the side but check for the outline of straps and if she seems to be bra-less your chances of a good view are greatly enhanced. Small busted women are also more likely to go "unsupported" than their bigger breasted sisters. Larger women find it difficult to keep their legs together when they squat down and are best for "panty sightings" look for the plump supermarket assistant squatting down to clear up a spillage or load the bottom shelf. Plump thighs are harder to keep together and I've seen plenty of panties in this situation. One voyeur sees up the skirt of an assistant in his local "Waitrose" almost every other week and she wears stockings too!! The older they get, the more careless they get. Women of 50 are much more likely to sit with their legs apart. (NB .. since writing this I got lucky with a woman of just that age who was sitting on a low wall by a bus-stop. A great view, up a knee-length red dress, of stocking tops, thighs and pale blue panties all because she was sitting with her knees higher than her bottom and her feet apart. She had her dress pulled modestly down over her knees and was quite unaware that I could see up underneath it. The bus didn't arrive for about 10 minutes!!) Light summer dresses become see-through when the light is behind them - just ask Princess Diana! Almost as good as an up skirt view. Surprisingly, long skirts can sometimes give better views than short ones. A woman in a mini-skirt sitting on the grass in the classic "knees up and together, feet apart" position will probably be aware that she could show her panties and will often hold her skirt against her. A short, tight skirt will cling to the back of her thighs anyway, blocking the view. A woman in a "below the knee", loose skirt, on the other hand, will often assume that the length of her skirt means that she is safely covered. Of course, although the front* of her legs may be covered to below her knees, the back of her skirt will be on the grass and the *back* of her legs often right up to her panties will be on view. None of the activities in Part 1 of this guide could be construed as illegal but now we enter the murkier waters of "planned peeping" where the voyeur sets up the situation. Here we may be taking a few risks with the law but intent would have to be proved. (see Legal Notes at end) Equipment. Anyone can buy "peeping equipment" quite legally. The fact that you don't intend to go bird watching with your new binoculars or study astronomy with your recently purchased telescope is no-one's business but your own. So a brief description of what's available. Telescopes These range from ordinary "spotter" scopes with a magnification of up to x30 to large astronomy 'scopes with magnifications in excess of x1000. The spotter type is ample for spying on, say, the bedroom window of the house across the street and a reasonable quality one with zoom feature and tripod (vital unless you have incredibly steady hands) should cost no more than 150 pounds. The larger, astronomy 'scopes enable you not only to watch a woman over a mile away remove her brassiere but also enable you to see what size she takes by reading the label! Many of them will also enable you to capture the moment on film as they have the facility to attach a camera without interfering with your view. Unfortunately they often display the image upside-down and, in many cases, cost a lot of money. They are useless for peeping at anyone less than 400 yards away you'll get a great close-up view of her nipple but you'll never get a whole breast in view at one time because the magnification is just too great. Binoculars are available to suit all budgets the more you pay the better the quality. Go for a reasonable magnification x10 or x12 is ideal and look for ones that can be mounted on a tripod. A tripod is a must it keeps the binoculars steady (leaving your hands free for other things!!) and it means you can leave the binoculars aimed at your target for hours on end. A "zoom" facility is very useful cover the whole house with the smaller magnification and then zoom in to concentrate on the interesting window close in on the woman as she undresses close right in on her breasts as she removes her brassiere etc. A pair which will "zoom" from 7x to 25x can cost as little as 90 pounds. Binoculars also give a 3D image, unlike the flat image of a telescope. Night vision binoculars are now available. They are *very* expensive and only for the dedicated (and rich!) peeper. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get results. I once lived in a house that overlooked the back of a hotel which was some 100 yards away. It is a strange fact that women seem to think that once they are above the second floor they no longer need to draw the curtains before undressing they seem to be unaware of the existence of telescopes or binoculars. Anyway, most of the rooms at the back of the hotel were given over to staff quarters for chambermaids etc. During one summer season I saw countless women, mainly in their late teens and early twenties, stripping off without a care and, on one memorable occasion, I watched as one young lady bent naked over a chair while her boyfriend gave her an energetic screwing from behind. All this through a secondhand telescope bought for twenty pounds from a local second-hand shop. Mirrors A small hand-mirror. Can be used to look up skirts, especially on elevators. Superdrug sell a credit card sized mirror for 99p. A voyeur describes the technique he employs with it: "I put the mirror in one of the credit card pockets in my wallet. It is held snugly so that when the wallet is closed the mirror is hidden but when it is opened there is the mirror. I then slide a credit card over the mirror. I am now ready to go panty spotting. In the town where I live there are several stores that have escalators and I have now got my peeping down to a fine art. First I find an "up" escalator that is not overlooked by the corresponding "down" escalator. Three stores have these and my local branch of Boots has an escalator that is just perfect steep (so I'm at just the right distance below the woman whose skirt I want to look up), slow (so I've got plenty of "peeping time") and boxed in (so it is unlikely that anyone will see what I'm doing). I wait near the bottom of the escalator (but not *too* near)until a suitable subject appears. I have found that the best results are either with very short skirts (rare midweek when I do most of my peeping) or any skirt that is wide at the bottom. A tight skirt is useless but, as long as the skirt is hanging clear of the back of her legs by a few inches or if her feet are at least 12" apart I am likely to get a good view." "As soon as a promising subject appears I get on the elevator behind her after making sure that there is not going to be anyone getting on too soon behind me. I find that it is best to stand *not* on the step immediately below her but the one two down. After making sure that she is not looking back or down (most women are gazing upwards towards the top of the escalator) I check that the elevator is empty behind me. Then I open my wallet and slip the credit card out, uncovering the mirror. Then I put the card on the step between us (the one immediately below the one she is standing on). Now, if she looks round, I can pretend to be picking up my dropped card. With a short skirt it is usually only necessary to hold the wallet slightly forward to see right up to her panties because of the difference in levels between us." "I divide the journey up into quarters. The first quarter is spent checking that no-one is too close behind me (my body masks what I'm doing to anyone more than a few yards away) and that my subject is not looking back at me. The next two quarters (usually about 15 seconds) are spent looking up the woman's skirt and the last few seconds as we approach the top are when I retrieve the card and put it back in the wallet." "The first woman I tried this on was about 50 and wearing a skirt which came down to about 6" above her ankles. I pretended to be picking up my credit card. Her feet were about 18" apart and I managed to get the wallet (and the mirror) right between her feet and by angling the mirror I had a view up between her open legs almost at once. I was amazed that it was so easy! I could see her panties (they were cream) and see that they had ridden up slightly between her cheeks. She was bare-legged. Since then I've seen scores of panties but I live in hope of finding a woman without any on it hasn't happened yet! I've seen quite a lot of pubes though. A long black skirt is usually a waste of time because it is too dark up there to get a good view. Luckily the current fashion is for lighter materials so there is usually more than enough illumination especially as the mirror often reflects light from the store's overhead lighting up between the woman's legs." "BTW, middle aged women sometimes wear *very* interesting undies I've seen tiny g-strings on a couple of *very* respectable looking ladies in their 40's and most of my sightings of stocking-tops have been with older ladies although I saw a nice pair of hold-ups on a teenage girl" "I never spend too long in one store. I pretend to be waiting for someone and then, when a likely woman appears, I follow her up one floor and then repeat the "waiting for my wife" routine near the next elevator until another woman presents herself. In this way I can get up to 5 pantie shows each time (there are 6 floors in the store) although I sometimes follow a particularly attractive woman up 2 or 3 floors, getting long looks up her skirt between each one. I have got pretty good at spotting the women who will give me the best chance of a good view and I reckon on about a 50% success rate. I then descend using the lift before repeating the exercise. Then I go to another store and do it all over again. Using this method once a week for an hour I see up about 15-20 skirts every week" Just a few ideas for the enthusiastic peeper. I have not even mentioned the hundreds of other opportunities for "up skirt" views I have a shopping center near my home which is built on 3 levels and I never have to stand near the open-plan staircase for more than 5 minutes before I am treated to a view of some woman's panties (Good to see hold-up stockings getting more common!), and, of course, escalators are another classic place to peep up skirts - even without the aid of a mirror!. The return of the mini-skirt has made staircases and escalators exciting places to visit for the keen "up skirt enthusiast." LEGAL NOTES It is mainly a matter of proof and intent if you are caught. For example, someone catching sight of a peephole in a changing room and looking through it would be very unlikely to be prosecuted. If, however, he was found to be in possession of a drill at the time then prosecution under the Public Order Act (UK) would be likely. Likewise, if a woman's skirt blows up around her neck it may be impolite (and extremely arousing) to have a good look at her panties but it isn't illegal - she might be annoyed but she can't prosecute. Walk up to her and lift her skirt up and you'll be meeting the boys in blue in very short order! Cameras, both video and 35mm, have one major disadvantage - the photo or tape you have gone to so much trouble to get will also provide exhibit A if you get caught. I don't need a camera - I can still see in perfect detail the pattern of blue and pink flowers on the panties of the woman in the Volvo, the way her stomach swelled over the elastic at the top. It's all locked away in my memory and it's a memory which never fails to turn me on. Pointing a camera up a woman's skirt would be an offence under the Public Order Act (UK) and would probably result in a fine and/or conditional discharge. It would have to be proved to be a deliberate act - simply panning across a crowd and "accidentally" getting a shot of a woman with her legs apart would not be an offence but being observed standing under a stairwell and pointing the camera up women's skirts would almost certainly result in a prosecution. As soon as you make contact (lifting a woman's skirt for example) it could be seen as indecent assault for which the punishment is much more severe. But, as a voyeur, your pleasure comes from the sighting - you don't need to even let her know that you've seen her panties - and with practice you can see something exciting every day without anyone else being aware of your "hobby" so this section will, hopefully, be irrelevant. It is intended that the Peepers Guide will be constantly improved and expanded to cover all aspects of peeping in the UK - although many of the sections are relevant to most countries. Author: Anonymous Open fly story in Massachusetts: (Added 9/08/98) Hello!I must confess to being a voyeur for about 20 years or so (I'm 34 now), with my particular fetish being visible panties down the back of the pants and VPL, though I also indulge in upskirt as well. It started back in middle school with a particularly attractive brunette haired classmate who frequently and obliviously showed the waistband of her nylon panties above her corduroy pants or jeans. Over the years my quest for good looks has evolved to where now my preferred subjects are Asian, and it is the vivid memory of one particular Asian that I wish to share as my inaugural submission. One late winter afternoon, a mild day around 40F/4C, I made my way into the Harvard Square subway station in Cambridge heading towards Boston. My attention was drawn towards a young woman, either Vietnamese or Cambodian I'm not sure, who wasn't a knockout but looked OK enough. She was wearing a long, brown overcoat over a white sweater and short white button-down shirt and slightly loose fitting dark blue denim jeans. She wore her overcoat open since again it wasn't too cold out, but she was pacing the platform until the train arrived with her hands jammed into her front pants pockets and not the pockets on her overcoat, which seemed a bit odd to me. When we boarded the train finally I sat down next to her. Imagine my surprise, then, to find the front zipper on her jeans gaping wide open to reveal the front of her light blue cotton bikini panties from just above her crotch to the lacy detailing on her front waistband and the part of her midriff just above it to the front tail of her button-down shirt. I sat transfixed for about five minutes or so as I beheld this incredible sight. I'm sure the other passengers around us were also aware of this but if they were they didn't let on. Finally I felt compelled to motion wordlessly to her about her carelessness and with me holding a leather binder I'd been carrying in front of her lap she silently re-zipped her fly. I kept tabs on her discreetly as the train made its way through Boston before she finally got off in Quincy, with me close on her heels. As I followed her away from the station into a residential neighborhood where I presumed she lived I fully learned how her zipper came open in the first place. She once again jammed her hands into her front jeans pockets to try to keep them warm as we walked along the slushy sidewalks, unaware of the fact that the force created by that action had popped her fly wide open again! I kept up, walking ahead of her now and again to catch another glimpse of her panties through her open zipper, until I was so thoroughly stimulated that it was affecting my pace and causing me to walk wobbly, to say nothing about the ejaculation I experienced. Afraid that that sensation would be noticeable I reluctantly dropped off the pursuit just shy of her street and made my way back to the train, pausing in a public restroom along the way to take care of my "spill". To this day that remains one of my most exciting voyeuristic memory. I hope to share more with you in the future. Respectfully, Kevin Mountain Trip: (Added 9/14/98) When I was 14 my parents, my sister and a girlfriend of my sister went for a weekend in a cabin in the Norwegian mountains. The cabin was small and really had only one bedroom. There was a sleeping ”compartment” above the kitchen which was open down to the living room. After a long walk in the mountain during Saturday we arrived back at the cabin and after an hour or so we had a good dinner. After that we played cards and really had a relaxing good time. My sisters friend, Jenny, was a very nice girl. Not so pretty looking, but very kind and generous. She had a very nice body, and me being only 15 kept looking at her when she didn’t see it. Sometimes she would catch my eyes, and when she smiled I would blush. It had been a long day, and y parents occupied the sleeping room and my sister, Jenny and myself would share the little room above the kitchen. They probably considered me harmless and in reality I was. I went up the ladder first, placing myself by the wall. Then came my sister and then Jenny. We all slept in sleeping bags. After maybe 15-20 minutes of talking, I fell asleep. I woke very early and in the dim light coming from the living room I now saw Jenny lying next to me. My sister had probably been to the bathroom during the night, and Jenny had moved in one place when she returned. Jenny's sleeping bag was open almost down to her hips. She was on her back and her right arm lied on the floor beside me with the palm facing up. I had an instant erection and very slowly I pulled my underpants down inside my sleeping bag. I turned around and now I lied on the side, facing Jenny. Without too much noise I managed to open my sleeping bag and move my body so that my cock was right over her hand. Don’t ask where I got the nerve, I honestly don’t know! Thoughts of what might happen if she woke up and screamed flashed through my mind, but I decided that I was doing this in my sleep. My heart was pounding away like crazy when I lowered my hips so that my cock touched her hand. All the time I looked at her face to see if she still was sleeping. My sister was surely sleeping. She snored! I almost came when my cock touched Jenny's hand. It was so exciting! After a while I managed to get my cock between her thumb and index finger and slowly I started to move back and forth. I couldn’t move much, but the excitement was almost unbearable. Then suddenly she closed her hand around my cock! I froze instantly.Was she awake? Would she scream? But no. She kept a firm grip of my stone-hard cock, and with only a few more movements I came. A huge load of young semen spurted out of me and hit her arm and her sleeping bag. Then she opened her eyes! She had been awake all the time! She withdrew her arm and put one finger over her lips, telling me to be silent. Then she slowly opened her sleeping bag so that I could see her panties. She pulled them down, revealing her bush and then she started rubbing herself. I was hard as a rock in seconds again. She noticed this and grabbed it with her right hand and started stroking me. I couldn’t believe what was happening. She ost no movements, except stroking my cock and rubbing herself. Within less then a couple of minutes I came again, this time maybe even better. The load was not so big, but the feeling was very intense. Then she came too. She let go of my cock and hold the hand over her mouth, in order not to make any noises I guess. After a long while she laid still, trying not to breath to heavy. I offered her my t-shirt to clean up with and after she had used it I put down in my sleeping bag. Not a word was said, but she got up, climbed over my sister and went to the bathroom. I was almost asleep when she got back and now my sister was besides me again. Nothing more happened, really. It was kind of awkward in the morning, but she never mentioned what had happened and to me it’s one of my best memories. It might be this experience that really made me interested in female masturbation. Goodguy Stories of a Dressing Room Peeper!: (Added 9/18/98) I was already a dedicated voyeur by my early teens. I was always thinking of ways to peep into women's dressing rooms without getting caught. I finally found the perfect method! While shopping for school clothes, I was trying them on in the men's fitting rooms and, began to examine the stall. I noted that there was a space of about 1\4". So, a couple of weeks later, I had my mother drive me to the mall. I went into the same clothing store, and went to the men's section and took a couple pairs of pants. I then went to the women's fitting rooms(which were not marked) and went into a stall that was unoccupied. I then closed the door and laid down on the ground. If anyone saw me in the wrong dressing room (the customers usually didn't care) I would pretend I didn't know which one I was supposed to be in. Anyways, I slid this small phone card slightly under the wall. Laying on the floor, I could look into the reflection of the phone card (which I always used since it was less suspicious than a mirror), I could see entirely into the next dressing room that this lady had just entered. She took her shirt off and I was staring at black bra. She then tried on a few shirts and then took her pants off so I could see her pink panties. After she left I did too and put the clothes I was pretending to try on back. I had to leave and went to find my mother. I would go back to the mall every week or so and do the same thing. The next week I watched this hot girl about 18 try on prom dresses for about 30 minutes. Being new to this, I had trouble angling the phone card, and I only got to see her white lace bra once. However, I got to see her panties plenty of times. She didn't even know I was in the fitting rooms, and would only be able to see my phone card if she was laying on the floor like me. I continued this technique, and in about 8 visits I saw probably 100 women in their underwear in different stores. I saw two ladies trying on bras, and one girl about my age trying on a swimsuit. When I was staring at her lovely bare tits, I had my cock in my hand. A couple of times the store attendants in one store told me that I had to be in the men's fitting rooms, but they weren't suspicious or anything. I could even go back the next week, they wouldn't remember me and I could repeat the whole process over again. When I would go to a local YMCA, I decided to use the same trick in the locker rooms. It worked pretty well. The first time I tried this technique, I was scheduled to play in a basketball game so I couldn't wait too long. I put my card under the door and looked in. About a dozen or so girls about my age were in there. I saw some were still in their swimsuits while others had their underwear on already. I saw one girl putting her panties on, tried to angle the card at her bush, but I just missed seeing it. DARN! The next week I went back some mothers were changing in there. I couldn't see the locker portion of the room, but after about ten minutes I saw this lady walking away from me and I could see her bare ass. Then she turned and I saw her lovely pussy and bare tits. I also saw one other lady's tits by the shower area before I had to go to my game. Sister-in-law and her Period: (Added 9/21/98) Last summer i walked over to my sister-in-law's house. Going over there is not unusual; we go all the time. They live less than five minutes from us. I went through the back yard and noticed that the bathroom light was on. I knew that my brother-in-law was not home so I thought why not. I went up to the bathroom window and sure enough I could see Glenda through the curtain. all she had on was a T-shirt. All of a sudden she pulled the T-shirt off and was totally nude. I thought the show was about over when she headed for the shower. She turned and faced the mirror above the vanity and then I got an eyeful. She squatted down a little bit and put both hands between her legs. I could see was trying to pull out a tampon. As she stood there she turned her head and I was looking straight at her face. He still did not see me. I saw her squat a little lower. It looked like she was having a lot of trouble getting the tampon out. She had a look like it was hurting her when she pulled on the string. She quit pulling on the string and turned around. She then sat down on the toilet and spread her legs wide apart. I could see directly between her legs. She held her stomach with her left hand and put her right hand between her legs and began pulling on the string again. She was looking down at her own pussy. I was shocked when my brother-in-law walked in. The window was open about three inches so I could hear what was going on. She told him to get out of here that she would be out in a minute. She was still sitting there with her legs spread apart. he asked her if she was alright. She told him to leave her alone, she was having a problem. He said what is it are you sick. Glenda said I can't get my tampon out it hurts. My brother-in-law just stood there looking at her just like I was. She then reached between her legs again and I heard her moan "oooh". she got the tampon out and looked at it. It was soaked with blood. She wrapped it up in toilet paper and threw it away. She then wiped herself and stood up. She then walked over and got another tampon out of the drawer. She asked my brother-in-law if he was going to leave and give her some privacy or what. He said in a joking way "you might need some help". But he did leave. I was so horny at this point I could not leave the window. She took the tampon out of the wrapper and squatted down again. She spread her pussy with one hand and inserted the tampon with some difficulty. I thought the show was over so left the window and knocked on the back door We had a cook out that night and every time I looked at my sis-in-law I would get another erection. I can't wait to look at her again. Coming Soon: See your Story here! Next Door Neighbor This is an actual story that happened to me a few years ago. My next door neighbor was a nice looking blond, about 27 or 28. She still lived at home, with her parents bedroom being on the second floor and hers on the first. My friends and I would catch subtle glances at her while she suntanned in her bikini in the back yard. There came a point when this wasn't enough for me. My neighbor worked at a local nightclub, so she would get home around 1 or so every night. I got accustomed to her routine after work by the different lights that would come on after she came home. Every night after work, she would take a shower before going to bed. So one night, I finally got the guts to go over and take a look in her bathroom window while the light was on. Shit! She had actually drawn the blinds tight enough so that I couldn't see in. So I went back into my yard and decided I would wait until she turned on her bedroom light, and then maybe I would catch a glimpse of her getting into her nightgown or whatever. The bedroom light flipped on, so I crept up to the window. This window was perfect! She had a double hung window with mini blinds that were attached to the bottom sash. To go along with this, she had a sheer pair of drapes pulled across the window. It was a warm night, so she had decided to open the window about an inch to let some air in. Now when she opened the window up, the blinds didn't reach all the way to the window sill, and the sheer drapes were see through, so I could see right in and with the lights on inside, she couldn't see me. But damn it, she was already sitting on the bed in a sweatshirt! She had on a black lace teddy underneath it, but she must have had her clothes with her in the bathroom for some reason. About a minute later, I found out what that reason was, her boyfriend was there and she didn't want him to see her naked yet. He came into the room, closed the door and sat down on the bed. They started to make out. Kissing and fondling each other. I couldn't believe how lucky I had gotten. Now her bed was right up next to the window, so they were like right next to me. He pulled off her sweatshirt, and slid her straps off of her shoulders. Her tits were about a hand full not much more. She laid on her back and moaned while he licked her nipples. Then he worked down to her pussy and unsnapped her crotch. This really got her going. She had to stop him, so she could turn on the radio to drown out her moaning so her parents upstairs wouldn't hear. He ate her out until she came. So I figured they would just fuck now and that would be it. Nope. She sat up and pushed him onto his back. Pulled his pants and underwear off. Then she sat on his face while she sucked him off. I couldn't believe this, all I wanted was to see the chick naked, and here I get to see them 69. They did this for about 5 or 10 minutes. I think he got her off again. Then she laid on her back and he mounted her. She moaned really loud, and wrapped her legs around his waist as he fucked her. The poor guy must have been more worked up by then, because he only lasted about 2 minutes at most. When they were done, they just laid there in the same position, and she tried about 5 minutes later to get him to do it again, but he wasn't man enough I guess. I went back a few times after this hoping for some more, but all I ever saw again was her reading a book or watching television. Author: Anonymous Humiliation Margo swung her racquet at the ball, driving it sharply to the front wall just above ankle height. The ball hit with a sharp splat and caromed off at an angle toward the left side wall. Larry raced forward and just managed to get his racquet on the ball and return it. Margo waited for the high shot to come down and smashed another wicked shot, this time driving it toward the back right corner. Larry tried desperately to reach the ball before it bounced a second time, but his dive was just short and the ball dribbled onto the floor. "Game!" called Margo. "I win fifteen to four." She walked over and helped Larry to his feet. "Good game." "Thanks," gasped Larry, looking up at her. "Got time for another?" "Nope, time for me to get to work," Margo answered. "Come on Margo, let me try to win one." "Sorry, guy, you're just going to have to wait a while," said Margo. "Besides, I've beaten you every time we've played. Aren't you getting tired of losing?" "Well, now that you mention it, yeah," answered Larry. "Let's see, so far you've beaten me in the only marathon we ran together, killed me at tennis, squash, handball, golf, and racquetball, and even mated me the only time we played chess." He shook his head slowly. "I'm running out of things to try." "Face it babe, you're just not in my league. I'm quicker, smarter, faster, and stronger than you are." Margo smirked and added, "Maybe you should hit the weight room a little more and the dining room a little less." "Hey, now, let's not get nasty," snapped Larry. "I'm in pretty good shape for a guy who works at a desk forty hours a week. Besides, who says you're stronger than I am? I'm willing to concede that you're faster, maybe even smarter, but there's no way you're stronger than me." Margo's face froze. "Watch it buddy. You're mouth's writing checks your body can't cash," she growled. "What the hell does that mean?" Larry demanded. "It means, how do you know I'm not stronger than you are?" "Because men are stronger than women," replied Larry. Margo threw her head back and roared with laughter. "Why, you chauvinistic, conceited, stupid idiot," Margo said, wiping sweat off her face. "I'll admit that some men are stronger than some women. That doesn't mean you are stronger than me! It just doesn't work that way. Have you ever seen any evidence that I'm not stronger than you are?" "Well, no. I've never seen your arms or legs, you always wear long sleeves and pants, and you always work out in an oversized sweatsuit." "And you've never seen me lift weights, either. On the other hand, I've seen your arms and legs, Skinny. I've got a pretty good idea of your strength." A smile touched Margo's lips briefly. "So let's go on the evidence you've got." "Well, you're a couple of inches taller than I am," Larry mused. "You've got a pretty athletic build, from what I can see. But I still can't believe you're stronger than me." "What would it take to convince you? Do you want to see who can lift more weight?" "Weightlifting's no good, technique means as much as strength." Larry thought a second. "I used to be a pretty good wrestler in college. Why don't we wrestle to see who's stronger?" Margo laughed again. "You think the stronger wrestler always wins? You've admitted you know something about the sport, what if I don't? I'd say that would give you something of an advantage, wouldn't you?" She shook her head, sending drops of perspiration to the floor. "Boy, talk about trying to stack the deck in your favor." Margo stepped closer to Larry, forcing him back a step. "However, it does give me an idea. A contest with five parts." Margo poked a finger into Larry's chest as she ticked off the different tests. "Arm wrestling, leg wrestling, a tug of war, simultaneous bear hugs, and simultaneous head scissors. The winner of three of the 'tests of strength' is declared the stronger, and the loser has to be the winner's servant for a month." "Well, I'm not sure..." "What's the matter, big talker, losing your nerve?" "You're on, Margo," said Larry angrily. "Where are we going to do this, and who can we get to referee?" "I know a private gym, and the owner will be glad to act as referee. When?" "How about tomorrow night?" "Eight o'clock?" "You're on! See you then." Larry headed off to the showers. Margo smiled. "Yeah, Larry, see you then," she said softly. She bent down and picked up the racquetball in her left hand. With a slow, steady increase in pressure she squeezed the ball until it split. Margo laughed, then dropped the mutilated ball to the floor and headed to the locker room. Larry's telephone rang the next morning. "Hello," he said. "Hi, Sweetie, guess who?" Margo's voice purred. "Yeah, Margo, what's up?" "Here's the address of the gym for tonight's little contest. Ready?" "Margo, are you sure you want to do this?" "What's the matter, getting cold feet?" the voice taunted. "Chicken..." "Just give me the damn address," he snarled. Larry grabbed a pen and paper and wrote the address down. "Eight o'clock, right?" he said. "Right you are, Babe. Don't be late," Margo warned. "By the way, I've invited some friends along to watch. Is that okay with you, or will you be too embarrassed to get beat in front of a crowd?" "Bring along whoever you want, big talker. I just hope they won't be too disappointed when you lose," Larry retorted. "My, aren't we confident!" teased Margo. "See you later." Larry slammed the phone down. "Bitch!" he muttered. Larry arrived at the designated address at a quarter to eight that evening. He parked his car in front of a square, run down two story building. A sign above the door read "Dominique's Amazon Gym - Members Only". A tall young black woman dressed in a sweat suit and smoking a cigar leaned against the wall next to the door with her arms crossed. "You Larry?" she asked. "Yeah." "Come on in. Everyone's here." She tossed away the cigar, then opened the door and motioned Larry through into a hallway that smelled of leather, liniment, and sweat. "Sorry there's no men's locker room, never needed one," the woman continued. "We cleaned out a utility closet for you." She indicated a door on the right. "Hope it's big enough." "It'll do. Thanks, uh..." "Name's Dominique." As the woman stuck out a large paw and shook Larry's hand, he noticed that her shoulders were exceptionally wide and she towered above him by a good seven inches. "When you're dressed, just walk up those stairs at the end of the hall. Good luck, Larry." Dominique turned on her heel, and he thought he heard her mutter, "You'll need it." She walked off with long, confident strides. Larry changed to shorts and a tee shirt. He tied his sneakers tightly and did a couple of knee bends in the cramped space of the small closet. He was beginning to regret that he had ever gotten into this, but was too stubborn to back down now. Larry walked down the hall and climbed the stairs. He didn't know exactly what he had expected, but it was nothing like what met his eyes as he reached the upper floor. There was a large room, probably the entire upper floor of the building. Inside Larry could make out several punching bags, both speed bags and heavy body bags. Along one wall was a large collection of barbells and weights. Across the room from the stairs was what looked like a regulation boxing ring, complete with ropes and bell. Bleachers were pulled out from the wall to provide seating for about fifty people. As he crossed the floor, he noticed that all the other people in the room were women. He saw Margo, dressed in her usual floppy sweats, her pale hair tied into a pony tail, standing next to the ring talking to Dominique. Slowly he realized that the buzz of conversations had died down and all the women were staring at him. Margo glanced over at him and smiled grimly. "Well, nice to see you're punctual," she called. "Come on over and let's get started." Larry crossed the floor to argo waited. Dominique looked down at him and snickered slightly. Larry reddened. "OK, there'll be five tests of strength," said Dominique, "starting with arm wrestling. That'll be followed by leg wrestling, tug of war, bear hugs and head scissors. It takes three wins to be declared the champion. All five tests will be completed, even if one person loses the first three." She looked at Larry and snickered again. "First thing I'm going to do is weigh you both in," Dominique continued. "I'll get your heights, too." She led the way to the scale. "Margo first."..... Margo stepped on the scale. "Weight, two fourteen," called Dominique. She adjusted the ruler to the top of Margo's head. "Height, six feet three inches." Larry was stunned by Margo's size. He hadn't realized that Margo was that tall, and he thought their weights were nearly the same, but she weighed at least forty pounds more than he did. Dominique turned to Larry. "Your turn." Margo stepped down right into Larry's path. For a second his brown eyes stared into her Arctic gray ones, then Margo stepped aside with a mocking smile. "Weight, one seventy-one," Dominique said. "Height, five feet eleven." Dominique led the way to the ring. Larry saw that it contained an unusual table, about three feet square. The table had a peg on two sides and what looked like leather cups on the alternate sides. The table was mounted on a piece of wood about ten feet by four feet. Margo stalked to one side of the table, behind one of the cups. Larry moved uncertainly to the side opposite her. "This is a regulation arm wrestling table," explained Dominique. "You put your elbow in the cup and you grab the peg with your other hand. You each get a good grip with interlocked thumbs and then I set you up in the right position. Then I'll say 'go' and you try to pin your opponent's arm down." She looked at both contestants. "You have five minutes to beat your opponent, after that I call it a draw. Any questions?" Neither Margo nor Larry said anything. "Either one of you left handed?" asked Dominique. Both contestants shook their heads. "OK, then, this'll be just the one fall, right hands only. If your grip slips, I'll strap you together." She held up a canvas strap. "Now, get in position." Larry uneasily placed his right elbow into the padded receptacle and grabbed the peg on the left side of the table. Margo deliberately rolled up the right sleeve of her sweatshirt and placed her elbow in it's place. Larry was dumbfounded to see the thick sinews running through Margo's forearm. He looked up at her face and saw that she was watching him intently. Larry stared into Margo's gray eyes like a bird hypnotized by a snake. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off hers. Dominique took both their right hands and ordered them to grip each other's thumbs, with the wrists crossing. Larry finally looked away from Margo's stare and concentrated on getting a good grip on Margo's hand. He couldn't help noticing that her forearm made his look small, and her hand was much larger than his was. When they were both satisfied with the grip, Dominique took their clasped hands in both her huge ones and twisted them until she had them perfectly straight. Larry tensed his muscles and readied himself to slam Margo's arm down. Dominique looked at each of them and said, "Ready?" Larry and Margo both nodded. Dominique released their hands, calling, "GO!" Larry put all his power into his right arm, trying for a quick pin, but Margo's arm didn't budge. Sweat broke out on Larry's forehead as he tried to force her arm to the table, while Margo stood as still as a statue, showing no strain at all from holding his arm vertical. For what seemed like an eternity Larry kept up the pressure until his arm trembled from the exertion and he began to pant. Margo waited until he looked into her eyes again, and then, with a slight smile on her lovely face, she slowly began to force his right arm down. Sweat was running down Larry's face, and his hand was sweating as well, but Margo retained her grip and was forcing his arm down a millimeter at a time. Larry tried to hold her back, but it was like trying to hold back an avalanche with a toothpick. Slowly, inexorably, Larry's arm approached the table until it was pinned firmly down against Margo's left arm. She held it there for several seconds while she mockingly smiled at Larry's embarrassment. "THE WINNER!" called Dominique, "in forty-three seconds." Margo released Larry's sore arm and allowed hers to be raised in victory. "Margo leads, one to zero!" There was a large chalkboard on the wall behind the ring with both Larry's and Margo's names printed on it. Margo walked over and put a mark under her name. "There'll be a five minute break while we clear the table out of the ring," announced Dominique. She waved her arm and two burly women got up into the ring and lifted the table over the ropes, handing it to Dominique on the outside. She steadied it with little effort while her assistants clambered out of the ring to take the table from her and store it in a corner. In the meantime, Larry was trying to work the pain and stiffness out of his right arm. He was stunned by Margo's easy victory, especially because he had been counting on beating her in the arm wrestling. Nervously he looked over at her while she sipped some water and chatted with a few of the onlookers. Margo looked fresh and cool, while he was dripping sweat. Before he was ready, Dominique called, "Yo, Margo! Larry! In the ring! Now!" Margo jumped from the floor to the ring apron, about three feet above the floor. She then vaulted over the top rope into the ring. "Show-off," muttered Larry very quietly as he climbed the steps and ducked between the second and third ropes to enter the ring. "The second test of strength is leg wrestling," said Dominique. "Each of you lays down on the mat, right side to right side. You'll link your right arms at the elbow. I'll count 'one, two, three, go'. At each number, you lift your right leg in the air and lower it down again. On 'go', you hook legs at the knees and try to pull your opponent over." She looked at Margo and Larry. "You got that?" The man and woman both nodded. While Larry sat down on the mat, Margo removed her floppy sweat pants, revealing her legs to Larry for the first time. Larry stared in disbelief at Margo's lower body. She wore only bikini briefs, and her legs seemed (to Larry) about five feet long. Her thighs and calves bulged with power. Larry stared at Margo's heavily muscled legs and tried not to think that in the last contest he'd have to put his head between her thighs and let her squeeze with all her strength. Margo moved directly in front of Larry's face until her thighs completely filled his field of vision. "I've got thirty-two inch thighs, Larry, and nineteen inch calves," Margo purred softly. "What are your measurements, about twenty and ten?" Margo and Dominique both laughed at Larry's discomfort. Margo finally moved away and lay down on the mat at Larry's right side. "Lock arms," ordered Dominique. Larry linked his arm with Margo's. It felt as hard as granite. "Jesus," he thought, "what did I get myself into?" "Ready?" asked Dominique. "Let's do it," growled Margo. Larry gulped and squeaked, "Ready." "One." The two right legs rose and fell. "Two." Again Margo's muscular leg and Larry's smaller one lifted and dropped. "Three. GO!" Larry and Margo's legs locked, and Larry devoted all his strength into trying to force Margo to flip over, to no avail. Again he pulled with all his power, but Margo didn't budge. She seemed to be humming a tune to herself. Larry tried a third time to pull Margo's leg down, but couldn't budge it. At that point Margo tired of the game and utilized the strength in her enormous leg to effortlessly flip Larry over onto his head. As his feet touched the floor, he heard Dominique once again call, "THE WINNER!" Embarrassed, he rolled over and watched Margo stand over him with her arms raised in victory. "Time, twenty-one seconds," said Dominique, punching her stop watch. "Margo now leads two to zero." Larry started to sit up, but Margo put her foot on his chest and forced him back down to the mat. "Hey, cut it out!" he sputtered. Margo removed her foot from his chest and leaned down. "What are you going to do about it, Shrimp?" she asked. When Larry didn't answer, she laughed and walked over to the chalkboard, where she placed another mark under her name. Dominique stood over Larry. "Would you get up please? We have to get ready for the tug of war." She extended her huge right hand. Larry reached up and she grabbed him, her hand nearly encircling his forearm. Dominique pulled and Larry found himself heaved to his feet. Dominique laughed at the expression on his face, then released his arm and waved her assistants into the ring. Larry stumbled out of the ring. The last contest hadn't taken that much out of him, but he was disconcerted by the ease of Margo's victory, and frightened by the obvious power she possessed. He decided to give up and admit her superior strength, hoping to prevent pain and further humiliation. Margo was sipping some water and toweling off her face. Larry approached her, realizing for the first time just how wide her shoulders were. "Margo," he began, "uh, I'm sorry I doubted you were stronger than me. I concede, you win." Margo turned and scowled menacingly. "Oh, no you don't, you wimpy little shit. You agreed to all this, and you're not getting off that easy. I'm going to beat you in all the other contests, too." She smiled tauntingly. "Besides, it's only two to nothing, you've still got a chance to win if you beat me three in a row." The women sitting nearby laughed at this. Margo glanced at them and grinned. "Well, it's not very much of a chance, I'll grant you," she added, causing even more laughter. "Come on, Margo, I give," said Larry. "You're stronger than I am, I admit it. Isn't that what this is about?" Margo moved closer, her face only inches from his. Larry saw no pity in her cool gray eyes. "You might have thought so, skinny," she replied in a low voice. "For me, it's a chance to humiliate another weak male who thought he was better than me. I really get off on making my victims beg for mercy." Margo licked her lips. "You wouldn't want to deprive me of my little pleasures, would you?" she went on. "I might get upset and decide to really hurt you." "Come on, you t the ring, "we're ready for you." Margo slapped Larry's face lightly. "Now be a good boy and get in the ring so I don't lose my temper," she purred sexily. "You wouldn't last more than a minute if I decided to really get rough, and it wouldn't be any fun, at least not for you." She smiled wickedly at his discomfort. "And you'd better really try to win the tug of war, or I'll really make you suffer in the last two events." Margo took Larry by the shoulder and turned him toward the ring, then gave him a push, which amused the spectators. Larry tried to resist as Margo propelled him toward the ring, but Margo's strength prevailed. He found himself stumbling against the edge of the ring as she gave him a final push. Once again he climbed the steps to the arena and clambered between the ropes, while Margo effortlessly jumped onto the apron and vaulted into the ring. Dominique awaited them in the center of the ring. There were three lines of tape on the ring floor. One was set up so that it stretched between two opposite corners. The other two were set about five feet on either side of the first. A rope with a rag tied around the middle crossed the three tape lines. "The rules for the tug of war are simple," Dominique explained. "You start behind the tape nearest the corners and you each grab an end of the rope. You can't tie it around you, but you can wrap it around your arm if you want to. I'll position the flag over the middle line and when I say 'go', you pull like hell." She smiled and continued, "The object is to pull the flag past the line on your side of the ring." Margo nodded and busied herself in wrapping her end of the rope around her right arm. Larry picked the rope up in his hands and set himself. "By the way," Dominique added, "if the rope slips out of your hands, we'll start again." Larry quickly wrapped the rope around his bare arm, wishing he'd worn long sleeves. Dominique grabbed the rope where the flag was fastened and positioned it to her satisfaction over the center line. "Take up the slack," she ordered. Margo and Larry obeyed, pulling the rope in until it was taut. "Get ready," Dominique called. argo and Larry, she released the rope and called, "GO!" Larry put his entire body into the effort, using all the strength of his arms, back, and legs in an attempt to pull the flag across the line on his side of the ring, but the flag didn't move a millimeter. Sweat broke out on his forehead and dripped into his eyes as he strained to pull Margo across the ring. He looked up and saw Margo just standing there, a mocking smile on her pretty face, totally at ease, as she withstood his best pull without strain. Now the rough rope began to cut into his arm and hands, burning and bruising the flesh. He redoubled his efforts, grunting as he tugged and pulled, but the only effect on Margo was a broader smile. To anyone watching only him, it might have looked as if Larry was pulling on a rope tied to a large tree. Margo called, "Are you having fun yet?" The crowd of women laughed at that. Margo turned to the bleachers and asked, "Has he started to pull?" Once again the crowd responded with amusement. "Well, I might as well finish this," said Margo. Even through her sweatshirt, Larry could see the muscles in Margo's arms bulge as she started to pull for the first time. Hand over hand she hauled in the rope, with Larry desperately trying to resist her pull. "Just like reeling in a little fish," crowed Margo as Larry was dragged across the ring. Margo pulled Larry toward her with only the power in her arms. Those huge, sinewy legs never moved, and she never seemed to need to put her back into the effort. First the flag, then Larry himself, were pulled across the tape on Margo's side of the ring. "Margo wins again," called Dominique, sounding somewhat bored. Larry slumped to the canvas covering the ring as Margo shook loose the coils of rope and again raised her arms over her head in a victory pose. Disdainfully, Margo looked down at Larry groveling at her feet. "That's where you belong, you know," she said as she stepped across his body to chalk up another mark under her name. "The score is Margo three, Larry nothing," called Dominique. "By the rules, Margo wins the test of strength, but Larry still has to compete in the last two events." Margo walked over to Dominique and whispered to her. "Well, now, that's mighty generous of you," said Dominique. "Margo says if Larry can win even one of the remaining events, he'll win the whole thing." She looked at Larry, then turned back to Margo. "I still like your chances, Margo," she said. The spectators erupted in laughter. "We'll get the ring ready for the last two events." Margo vaulted out of the ring and picked up her towel, drying a thin sheen of perspiration from her upper lip. Larry slowly pulled himself up to his feet using the ropes. Dominique's two assistants were busy removing the tape and rope from the ring. Dominique walked over to Larry, an amused look on her pretty face. "You look like you've just about had it, buddy," she said. "There's a water cooler just outside the door over there," she continued. "Why don't you get yourself a drink and relax for a minute?" As Larry crawled out of the ring and staggered toward the door, Dominique followed him with her eyes. "You're out of your league, skinny," she muttered. Larry drank deeply from the water cooler, then rinsed his sore arms, trying to take the sting out of the rope burns. He thought about running down the stairs and out the door, but a quick glance back into the gym showed that Margo was watching him closely. He took a deep breath and went back in. "I thought you might try to escape, Larry," said Margo. It's a good thing for you that you didn't. If I had to catch you and bring you back here, it might have made me mad." She leaned closer and whispered, "And you'd better not quit on me, Babycakes. If I think you're not trying, I'll make you wish you'd never been born." Margo turned away and pulled her sweatshirt over her head. Larry was astounded by the big woman's muscular development. Bulging muscles covered her back, and her arms were massive. Her wide shoulders tapered to her narrow waist. As she turned to face him, he saw that her chest was thick and powerful. Even the breasts under her bikini top looked firm. "Now do you understand?" asked Margo. "I've been holding back whenever we competed so you'd feel that you might be able to beat me. Now you can see what you're really up against." She flexed her arms and chest in a "most muscular" pose. The sinews danced under her glistening skin. "Eighteen inch biceps, Larry," went on Margo, "and a forty-six inch chest. Thighs that are bigger than your waist. All of it, hard as granite." Now she flexed her biceps so they bulged like cannonballs. "And you really thought you had a chance?" Margo shook her head in mock pity. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. You were dead meat from the minute you and I met. Now get in the ring and take your punishment." Larry clambered slowly into the ring. He knew that Margo was deadly serious about this contest, and he also knew that he was overmatched. He also knew that there was no escape. He turned slowly to face his massive female opponent as Dominique explained the rules of the fourth contest. "You get each other in a bear hug, with your right arm over the other person's left arm. Lock your hands together and squeeze. To give up you must say the words 'I quit' so I can hear them." Dominique looked at them both. "That is, if you've got the breath to speak. If you can't speak, let go of your hold. Are you ready?" she asked. Larry gulped and nodded. "Let's do it," growled Margo. They stood chest to chest and secured the bear hugs. Larry had to tilt his head back to look into Margo's eyes, which showed no pity. He could feel the awesome power in Margo's arms first hand now, and it frightened him. Larry could barely stretch his arms out far enough to clasp his own hands behind Margo's broad back. "GO!" called Dominique. Even though he knew it was useless, Larry put all his strength into his arms, trying to squeeze the breath out of Margo's body. He tried desperately to force the big woman to concede, but made no impression on her. Margo deliberately increased the pressure of her brawny arms, until she could feel Larry beginning to have trouble breathing. She held there, waiting, secure in the knowledge that she could crush Larry at any time she wished. Larry was unable to cause Margo any discomfort at all, while she had nearly cut off his breath. He began to gasp for air, bringing a smile to Margo's lips. Margo slowly lifted Larry's hundred and seventy-one pounds off the floor until his feet were dangling helplessly. She kept intensifying the power of her arms, tightening the circle surrounding Larry's torso, until he gasped in pain. "Aaarrgghhh!" Larry moaned. He tried to say "I quit", but didn't have the air in his lungs. Margo's brawny arms continued the crushing pressure on Larry's trapped body until he was sure his ribs were breaking. He started to black out, his brain starved for oxygen. "You'd better give up, Larry," murmured Margo, "or I'll have to really squeeze. I'm barely using half my strength at the moment." She gave him a quick jolt of even greater force, forcing another groan from his mouth. "I could hold you up here and keep squeezing forever. If you can't speak, let go of your hold, dummy." Larry dimly remembered that his arms were still wrapped loosely around Margo's body. He released his grasp just as he completely lost consciousness. "Margo wins!" called Dominique as Larry's right arm flopped limply to his side. His left arm was still trapped under Margo's right arm. "Let him go." Margo reluctantly released her prey, and Larry crumpled to the mat. She placed one foot on his head and flexed her biceps as Dominique announced, "Margo now leads four to nothing." She looked down at Larry's supine form. "Somebody wake him up, please." Margo chalked up a fourth mark under her name and looked back to where one of Dominique's assistants was trying to revive Larry with smelling salts. Larry sniffed the pungent aroma and shook his head, then suddenly his eyes opened and he sat up. The pain in his head and ribs reminded him of where he was and he sank back down again. "Time now for the final contest. So far, you haven't done too well, Larry," said Dominique while the onlookers laughed. "But you can win it all if you can make Margo give up in this one last test of strength." She snickered loudly. Margo knelt beside Larry and murmured, "This is the only way I'd ever let you between my legs, you know." Then she lay down and turned on her side so her head was opposite his legs. "Now, this contest won't be over until one of you either gives up or is knocked out," said Dominique. "If you want to give up, wave one arm. Otherwise, you'll just have to wait until I decide you're unconscious. Oh, and you can't try to break the other person's hold. Okay, Larry, lay facing Margo and let her put her head between your legs," Dominique ordered. Larry complied, then put his head between Margo's thickly muscled thighs. "Now, lock your ankles loosely and don't start squeezing until I say go," Dominique continued. Larry crossed his ankles, then felt Margo do the same. He was facing her crotch, and could smell her musky odor mixed with the tangy smell of sweat. "Ready, GO!" called Dominique. Even though Larry knew it was hopeless, he tried to squeeze Margo's head. He remembered her threat and knew she meant what she said. Moreover, he was scared shitless of what she might do to him if he didn't try to win. Margo knew that Larry was squeezing with all his might, but it didn't bother her at all. She slowly increased the pressure of her brawny legs, so it argo's rock hard thighs swelled as she intensified the strain on Larry's skull. The pain in Larry's head was agonizing, and he knew he couldn't hold out very long. It felt like his head was being crushed flat between the steel jaws of a giant vise. Larry's hold was loosening as he concentrated on remaining conscious. Margo continued the unrelenting pressure, using now nearly half the power in those mighty legs. She thought of all the others she had humiliated, and smiled. There was nothing like the feeling of crushing a man unconscious, knowing he was helpless to prevent it. By now Larry was in dreamland. His arms lay limp, and his legs exerted no pressure on Margo's head. Dominique leaned close to make sure, then ordered Margo to release her hold. Margo did so reluctantly, then stood up and once again put a foot on the head of the helpless male. Dominique raised Margo's arm in victory, then hugged her and kissed her passionately on the mouth. Margo returned the embrace, then stepped back and murmured, "Later." She looked down at Larry's inert body and knelt down beside him. She quickly stripped his shorts off, then ripped off his jock strap and raised it over her head in triumph. This one would be hung up next to her locker with all the others. -- Back to Top [ Previous ] [ Index ] [ Next ] Therapy The reasons that my wife and I were going to see a therapist are not important; except to say that I was not expecting the issue to be brought up that my wife brought up. And I certainly was not expecting the "therapy" I was to receive for this issue. The issue was my obsession with physically strong women and my fantasies surrounding these thoughts. I always want my wife to wrestle me and scissor my head between her thighs making me beg her to stop; and I have been trying to get her to knock me out using this hold. She would scissor me from time to time; but the knock out was too much for her. The therapist was a beautiful woman named Dr. Shelia Simon. She was about 5'11" tall and had a great body and long as hell legs. My wife began to describe my obsession to the Dr. and she listened intently. After my wife had told her side of the story Dr. Simon asked me to describe things in my own words. I told her that I had always been interested in women who were physically strong and that I would love for my wife to dominate me by using her legs to "convince" me to behave in the manner she wanted me to behave. After we had both told our story Dr. Simon walked over to my wife and whispered something into her ear; after she was through my wife nodded in agreement. Then Dr. Simon said she thought she had a book that would help us in our discussion. She walked over to the book shelf and began to look at the books. She suddenly raised up on her toes and her calf muscles leaped out into a perfect diamond shape. My eyes almost bugged out of my head and my breath caught. She raised up and down several times flexing those muscles. She said something about not finding the book and sat back down. Then she asked my wife to describe what she had just seen. My wife described my reaction to her standing on her toes. Then Dr. Simon asked me to describe what I had seen. I told her that I had seen her looking for a book. " Now, Tom that's true; but what else did you see and what were your thoughts ?" I admitted that I had seen her calf muscles flex into what looked like hard as steel muscle. After a little more prompting I admitted that I had wondered what it would feel like to have my neck scissored between them. Dr. Simon said that she felt we would make better progress if she saw us both twice a week separately; then after a few weeks we could begin couples therapy again. We both agreed to this. I showed up at 5:30 PM for my scheduled appointment. As I signed in the receptionist looked at me with a grin and without a word she SNAPPED her pencil in half and then began to laugh. I got the message loud and clear. Dr. Simon called me into her office and once again I saw the flex of those long, beautiful legs as she led the way to her office. She gestured to the couch and told me to have a seat. She sat down in a chair across from me. " Now Tom, let's go back to last week when I stood on my toes to look for the book. Do you remember that? I can see by the look in your face that you do. While I'm thinking about it I told Mary that I don't want you two to wrestle or have sex until I tell you you can. It will not be a problem on the days you and I meet because when I get through with you you'll have enough trouble walking out of here. I expect you to obey my directives; and I am confident that you will." As she said this she flexed her legs and her arms. Even though she had on a jacket and I could not see the muscles of her arms openly; I saw the fabric tighten as she flexed. "Come here and feel how hard these are then we'll get the tape measure out and measure your little muscles and I'll let you measure my big, hard, strong female muscles." My hand would not fit around her huge arm and it was like stone; her thighs were solid and as I squeezed with my hand on the top of it there was no give at all; I was awed and totally outclassed by this beautiful woman. The results of the battle of the tape were humiliating: my arms were 12", thighs a soft 25", calves an uncut 13", chest 40". Hers were a steel hard 17" arm, rock hard 28" thigh, diamond shaped 13" calf, and 40D chest. "Last week you said you wondered what it would feel like to have your neck crushed by my legs. You are about to feel my thighs knock you out. I'll bet you'll be out cold in less than 5 seconds. You can lay down and place you neck in between my legs or I'll do it for you." I hesitated and stared in disbelief as she slowly removed her jacket and dress. She had on a bikini that was straining to hold in her massive boobs. She walked over to me and snapped my head into a headlock. She squeezed for only a second and I was submitting to her. Her response was to laugh and then throw me to the floor. Before I could move she was on top of me and in a flash I felt those man-killer thighs around my neck. "Wow, you are a weak little boy aren't you. I think Mary could easily kick your ass. My legs are going to eat you alive. I want you to count to three and then I'll squeeze a little." I counted to three and WHAM she was going to snap my neck like a twig; at least that was my thought as I fell into unconsciousness. When I came to her legs were still around my neck. " Feel my thighs, little boy. They put you out in three seconds. And that was only about 1/3 my power. Had I really clamped down your scrawany little neck would have snapped in two. How do these long, strong legs feel ? Is Mary as strong as I am ? I know you're not in my league. Now, I'm going to do the same thing to you with my arms and then we'll just play it by ear from there." Training with Muscle - The Woman's Way -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi ! My name is Nancy and I'm going to tell you a story that will show you how I use my tremendous strength to train men - the weaker sex. My interest in this started with my brother, but I discovered that no man I have ever competed with could cope with my strength; and I enjoy watching them thrash around and watch their faces turn different colors before I add more power and knock them unconscious. As I stand over their pathetic, wasted bodies and watch them "sleep" I can feel the power of my own sensational body. I am 5'9" tall with 25" thighs and 16" calves. My powerful arms measure 16" flexed and my measurements are 38E-24-36; and I have the face, I'm told, of a dark haired goddess. As I said I have totally reduced my brother to a total wimp. It's not even any contest any more. I met a guy who said he wanted to experience the things I had done to Don; but I could sense that he felt like no woman could do those things to him. He was a perfect victim. I decided that I was going to tell him exactly what I was going to do to him and then do it. " Bob, I think I'll knock you out with my arms to start with. I'm going to wrap my arms around that neck of yours and slowly increase the pressure as you struggle to keep from going out. Now you try as hard as you can to keep me from doing what I say I'm going to do to you. " We circled around a little and then I grabbed a handful of hair and slammed his neck into my arms. I had him right where I wanted him and I slowly increased the pressure. He was dancing around, pushing at my arms and moaning that I was breaking his neck. I began to verbally humiliate him about being too weak to resist my great strength, even when I had told him what I was going to do. I tired of his pathetic pleadings so I said, " Ok, little man, I think it's time you took a nap. Put your hands on my arms and feel how hard my muscles get as I crush you into oblivion. " I put more power into the hold and I felt his body go limp. I dropped him in a heap at my feet and I knew he was mine. He wasn't out long, but I let him rest for a few minutes. " I told you you were no match for me. Now you get to feel the power of my long, strong legs. I'm going to wrap them around your head in a variety of scissor holds and I'm going to put you out several times. When I'm finished you will be on your knees begging me to let you serve me in any way I want. You'll do what I say and you will say anything I want to hear or I'll continue to physically destroy you until you obey me. I'll bet I will even be able to make you stick that scrawny neck between my beautiful thighs and beg me to crush you with them. " This guy was scared at this point so I didn't have to work to hard to get him in a forward neck scissors. I could have put him out then, but I wanted to demoralize him some first. I would crush his neck until he was almost out then relax some and let him regain some of his senses. I made him feel my thighs as I flexed the rock hard muscles that were making mince meat of him. After several minutes of this, which he later told me seemed like hours, I decided to end the slaughter. So, I poured on the power and after a few convulsive jerks of his body he went limp between my strong thighs. He was out for about 5 minutes. When I noticed him coming to I walked over and bent over, giving him a good look at my cleavage, and said, " Now, Wimp, are you getting the picture ? I'm just too much woman for you to handle. I think you've just about had it so I'll finish you off this time with my famous reverse head scissors. " And with that I laid down and placed his face in between my thighs in a reverse head scissors and slowly increased the pressure until he began to thrash around like a fish out of water. I was laughing so hard at his futile attempts to get loose that I almost had to release the hold. However, I got control of my self and closed my thighs over his face and snuffed him out cold again. It took him a good five minutes to revive again and this time I just stood over him with my hands on my hips and looked down at him. After a few minutes he finally figured it out and with all the speed and energy he could muster, which wasn't much, he got on his knees before me and begged me to stop beating him up. Then he pleaded with me to let him put his head in between my strong thighs and for me to finish him off with another knock out. I simply spread my legs and he crawled over and placed his neck between my calves. This guy was so addle brained he didn't know the difference between calves and thighs; or, did he think my calves couldn't hurt him ? Well, he found out just how strong they are when I stood on my toes and squeezed his neck flat. His tongue was hanging out and his face turned red as he gasped for air. Just before he went out I released this hold and slammed his face into my crotch then I really poured on the power and held him there until his limp, weak male body had been reduced to nothing. The first thing he saw when he came to was me standing over him flexing my powerful muscles. I made him get on his knees again and feel my calves, thighs and pumped up arms. Then I made him kiss my muscles and various other parts of my superior female anatomy. And I made him admit that my muscular legs and arms were just too much for a male. And once again I had demonstrated how to train with muscle - the woman's way. I see that look. I can make a believer out of you too. Maybe I won't finish you off so fast. Anytime you want to try me on for size just let me know. Another Hot Wife Tale Damn this Beltway! God damn this stupid Beltway! I had just finished a double shift at the hospital. My relief was a Dear, showing up a little early, and letting me get out of there sooner than I expected. I was exhausted but still keyed up, and I wanted to get home and shower. But first, I had to pick up the girls at my mother's and stop and get something for dinner. Of course, the air-conditioner in the car still didn't work, but it was only about 98 degrees in the shade, anyway! I debated which way to go and had the bad luck to get on the Beltway and get caught in a dead-stop traffic jam. Usually, at four in the afternoon, the Beltway traffic was slow, just starting the after-work rush hour, but it moved. Today, the traffic was at a complete stop. My guess was there was a very large accident somewhere ahead. With my foot taking root in the brake pedal, my mind began to drift. Still a little buzzed on all the coffee and a couple of the little red pills I took to help me through the double shift, my mind began zinging around, thinking about getting the girls, debating McDonalds or Chinese for dinner, wondering why Frank couldn't ever pick up dinner on HIS way home, relaxing in the shower... ...all of a sudden, I broke out of my deep reverie to realize that I was staring at the most beautiful naked chest I had ever seen in my life. And it was only two feet from my eyes! It was gorgeous! Tan and glistening in the bright sunlight, the skin was taut over rippled muscles. I watched in pure and complete fascination and delight as a drop of sweat rolled off the left shoulder, slicing through the patina of dust and pollen, down past the beautiful, dark rose nipple, over the rib section, down past the navel, and into the band at the top of the shorts. I was breathing fast through my clenched teeth and had trouble swallowing. "Like to take a picture, pretty lady?" My concentration broken, I shifted my gaze up to the chest's face. He was young, late high school, early college at the oldest, sitting on a cooler in the back of a pick-up truck with several other snickering boys -- the truck had some landscaper's name on the door. The face on top of that chest was beautiful. His hair was thick, sun-lightened and matted to his forehead with sweat. His large blue eyes shined like they were back-lit. Full lips. Deeply-tanned, prominent cheekbones. Strong chin, 2-day beard. This boy-man was any female's erotic daydream. Traffic started to move! I panicked! I didn't want to loose this kid! I wasn't ready to stop looking at him, yet! What was happening to me? I had never felt like this, before! I was excited and desperate for this feeling not to end. I had never done anything like this in my life! I had never cheated on Frank in our entire married life, and I really wasn't thinking it through that far; I just wanted more of that chest and that face. I wanted to feel him! My car jerked to a stop beside the truck, again. "I want more than a picture," I said, "can I give you a ride?" Over the "woofs" and "ooo's" of the other boys, the face smiled and blushed, "Thanks, I have a ride. I don't need one." "Well, how about a fuck, then? Do you need one of those?" At the same time I was saying it, I couldn't believe I was SAYING it! Traffic started to move again, and the truck lurched ahead. "Hurry!" I shouted through the open window. To the high-fives of his friends, the face and chest jumped out of the moving truck, grabbed his lunch cooler, ran back between the lanes, opened the passenger door, and flopped into the passenger seat, smiling. He looked at me, in my whites, "A nurse, huh? My name is Doug." I smiled back and immediately moved the car over to the right, cutting off cars in two lanes, and pulling off the Beltway at the next exit. It was that easy? Are all men that easy? Just off the ramp were several motels, two national chains and a small, sleazy looking independent. I didn't have to think twice about my choice. I filled out the registration, broke the hundred-dollar bill I keep for emergencies, and grabbed the key the old man threw on the counter. The room was three doors down from the office, and I was turning the air-conditioner up to "HIGH" by the time Doug walked into the room. "I better shower," he said. "No." "But I'm dirty and sweaty. I've been working outside all day." I was unzipping my uniform, "No, I want you just like you are, right now. Sweat and dirt and everything!" He got the hint and started untying his boots. I dropped my uniform to the floor and peeled off my pantyhose. My slip, bra and panties piled up at the foot of the bed. I ripped the spread off the bed and sat watching Doug. He saw me watching and made a little production out of dropping his khaki shorts and boxers. The band of clean, white skin shone in the dark room. His cock was hard and bobbed up and down. "Great tits. You sure are sexy," he started, "what's..." "Don't talk, Doug. I didn't bring you here to talk." He climbed on the bed, positioning himself between my spread legs. "Do it, Doug! God dammit! Do it!" And he did. His body fell on top of me and his cock banged around between my legs, searching for my slit. One quick maneuver with my hand and Doug lunged his hardness home. He was fucking me! I wrapped my hands around his shoulders and my legs around his thighs. I could smell his sweat and feel the gritty dirt on his skin. He slammed into me, causing me to gasp from the force. I shifted weight and rolled us both over. Now, he was on his back and I was riding his hips. His hands moved up to my tits, roughly cupping them, pinching the nipples, and I settled my hands back on his thighs, pumping him in and out of my pussy. He grunted once. Then again. He was cumming! So fast! I pumped my cunt up and down until his breathing slowed and he opened his eyes. "Oh, wow, Lady! That was great! How about you?" "Not yet. Don't move." I slid my cunt off his softening cock and then moved my face over his crotch. He dick was a mess, covered with cum. His sweat smell was strong. Then I did something I had never done, before -- I leaned forward and sucked a wet cock into my mouth. His cum taste was strong and the texture was gooey, but I didn't care. I licked the soft underside and sucked on the bulb of pink flesh at the end. I licked his damp and musky balls. My finger searched for his anus (another first!) and I felt his cock begin to harden in my mouth as I pushed a finger up his ass. In a moment, he was hard enough. I knelt on the bed and put my head down to the mattress, wiggling my ass at his face, "Here! Fuck me!" He knelt behind me and shoved it up my cunt. No talent, no finesse, no style, attacking me with a blunt instrument -- he was perfect for what I needed. In a few strokes, I was lit up and cumming like a three-dollar whore. Doug was young and it now showed. He slammed his meat into me for nearly twenty more minutes before he came. I was on one steady come, hitting heights ever few minutes. When he come, he collapsed on top of me, pinning me to the bed, scratching my shoulder with his beard. We were both breathing hard. "God! You are one hot woman! You really wanted to get fucked, didn't you?" I managed a nod. He finally got up and went into the bathroom. I was dressed and tying my shoes when he came out. "Are we done? Where are you going? I don't even know your name!" "I have a life, Doug, and I have to get back to it. You were great, and just what I needed. Thanks." "Well, wait up. I need a ride home!" I put three twenties on the bureau. "You can have the room till tomorrow morning, if you want. Here's some cash. Watch a dirty movie, have a pizza delivered, and take a cab home. On me. I have to get going." As I closed the door I heard him mumble, "You crazy bitch!" I pulled up in front of my mother's house and beeped the horn. My daughters, 12 and 10, came running out and I waved at their Granny as I pulled away. Melissa, the 12 year old, looked over at me, "Wow, Mom, what have you been doing? You look a mess" Krissy concurred from the back seat, "Yeah, your hair looks terrible." I asked them about their day and we went through McDonald's Drive-Thru without incident. At home, Frank was just getting out of his car as we pulled up. He waited and then kissed us all on the cheeks. "Hi, Honey. You look like you had a tough day." "Yeah, it was long and hard. The girls already told me my hair was a mess. They just don't appreciate the effort I went to, to get it looking this way!" He tousled it with his hand, "I noticed, but I thought it looked sexy. How was the traffic on your end?" I smiled at him, "Well, Dear, the Beltway was a real mess. I won't soon forget today's traffic jam. This one guy was really zipping in and out, then he got behind me, and he just wouldn't get off my ass." Frank patted my shoulder, "I know, Julie, there are some real fucking assholes out there." "You can say that again, Honey." Maybe the guilt would come later. Then, again, maybe it won't! Open Door Policy, The My wife, Andrea, is still a knock-out at 35. Dark, flaming red hair, green eyes, great skin and a fantastic body (36C-24-35). She is as close to a nudist as I've ever met. After we were married, I realized how much she loved wearing nothing or as little as possible around the house and I loved it. One day, I came home from work and arrived at the front door at the same time as the paperboy. He's a nice, good-looking kid around 15 or 16 and we said our hellos and he gave me the paper. At the same time, Andrea opened the door and stood there, stark naked! The paperboy got a huge grin on his face as his eyes took in my wife's great body. Andrea slammed the door and the paperboy left with a big smile on his face. When I entered the house, Andrea was still blushing and said she just wanted to give me a big hello and hadn't realized Tommy was standing out there. I was a little excited about the whole scene and as I kissed Andrea, I let my hand find its way to her pussy. To my surprise, she was dripping wet! Her sudden exposure had turned her on, too. Andrea pulled her lips away from mine and said, "David, I'm so hot! I want you to fuck me, right here!" And I did. Right there on the livingroom floor. A couple of weeks later, the computer system at work went down, and we all left early. As I walked home from the bus stop, I could see two bicycles on my front porch. I opened the front door and immediately heard moaning noises from the bedroom. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I snuck out and crept around the side of the house to look in the bedroom window. When I looked inside, I saw Andrea lying on her back with her legs spread open. Tommy, the paperboy, was sliding his large and hard cock in and out of my wife's cunt, and Tommy's even bigger friend was sliding his cock in and out of her mouth! After they left, I walked back around front and let myself in. Andrea was taking a shower. I walked into the bathroom and told her what I had just seen. She immediately begged me not to get angry and promised that it would never happen again. I told her to my surprise, as well as hers, that I was a little angry, a little jealous and a lot turned-on. After we fucked out brains out for the next hour, Andrea told me all about it. The day after Tommy had seen Andrea naked at the front door was collection day for the paper. Andrea had very little on -- only one of my dress shirts, with few buttons buttoned -- but invited Tommy and his big friend in, anyway, while she got the money. She said she was really enjoying the hard, hot looks her body was getting from the two young guys. When she couldn't find anything under a twenty dollar bill, Tommy said he couldn't make change, but maybe Andrea would like to pay "another way." Andrea said, "Thanks for the offer, boys. But stop by later, and I'll have the cash." With that, Tommy's friend grabbed Andrea from behind and pulled her down on the sofa. She was naked under the shirt and was wet from her little teasing and Tommy pulled out his prick and started to fuck her all in seconds. She said it happened so fast, she didn't even scream and that after a few strokes of his meat, her anger and indignation turned to passion, and she began begging Tommy to fuck her as hard and as deep as he could. When Tommy came, his friend started to undress and Andrea said, "Let's move this into the bedroom, where we'll be more comfortable." She said they were both good and eager and she fucked both of them twice that afternoon. And they had been coming back, everyday, since. I told Andrea that I was sure I would not be mad if I could stay home the next day and hide in the closet when Tommy and his friend came by for their daily fuck. She happily agreed. The next day, I was hiding in the closet when the doorbell rang. Andrea answered the door in the same shirt she had been wearing on that first day. She had it unbuttoned to the navel and the tail was barely long enough to cover her red pussy hair. I could hear some talking and laughing and then, finally, Andrea invited the boys into the bedroom. Andrea stripped off her shirt and lay down on the bed with her legs spread wide open. She gave me a perfect view of her already-wet pussy. Tommy got on the bed and in one motion, slid the entire length of his cock into her pussy. While Tommy was fucking my wife, his friend was at the side of the bed jerking on his hard cock with one hand and grabbing Andrea's big tits with the other. After a couple of strokes, Andrea pulled him over and slid his cock into her mouth. The only break in the fucking and sucking was when Andrea had Tommy pull out of her and she got on her hands and knees. She then got the perfect rhythm going, so that when one cock was filling her cunt, the other was filling her mouth. The two boys fucked her several times in admirable fashion. On the last time, Tommy was fucking her doggie style and reached under to finger her clit. Andrea had such a massive orgasm, I thought she was going to pass out. When they finally left, I came out of the closet and asked Andrea if she was alright. She said yes, and begged me to fuck her because she waned to see what it felt like to have her cunt fucked by three different cocks in one day. Needless to say, I gladly obliged her slutty request! When we were done, I asked her if every afternoon was that wild. She smiled and said, "Wilder. I felt a little inhibited because you were watching!" 4 Granted Part I Since graduating from college, Simon and Melisa lived with her parent's at their large estate in Rhode Island. Melisa, more than Simon, wanted to move out, away from her rich father's influence. Even though he had the best intentions in the world, Melisa didn't want her husband conforming to her father's conservative way of life, which she felt Simon would if they remained living there. As it was, her husband could be a real stick in the mud at times, and Melisa didn't want him getting any worse. Her prayers were answered one day when Simon received an unexpected job offer from one of his old friends. The sexy, but spoiled, redhead used all of her charms and every trick she knew to coax Simon into accepting the offer, which was no small accomplishment since her father had a counter offer for a large pay increase and a better position within his corporation for Simon. In the end though, Melisa won out, and they moved away to Simon's home town in northern Wisconsin. Tonight, a week after their move, her husband's old high school friends were having a welcome home party at The Landing, a small lodge hidden deep in the woods. Away from their wives for the evening, Simon's buddies proceeded to get drunk out of their minds while telling Melisa, the only woman present, about the wild times they use to have together. After a couple hours of drinking and listening to their tall tales, Melisa began feeling the effects of the alcohol she had consumed. In yet another toast made by someone, she gulped down her fifth shot of whiskey. Melisa, feeling no pain and more than a little horny, then started giving her husband some not-so-subtle suggestions about how amorous she was. With a drink in her hand and sporting a devilish grin, the petite redhead un-characteristically walked up to him and asked Simon to go outside, suggestively squeezing his buns and winking at him. Simon grumbled, "Maybe, later." Finally slipping away from the boisterous crowd an hour later, Melisa walked over to the far end of the patio behind The Landing. The view was incredible. It was a clear and cloudless night with a huge, bright full moon hanging in the sky. Like the largest light bulb ever created, the moonbeams sparkled off the water of the lake below, bathing the surrounding forest and patio in a soft white glow. When she reached the railing, Melisa noticed the shadow of someone off to the side, but she was too horny to concern herself with one of her husband's drunk friends. Slowly turning around, she tilted her head back, and parted her lips for a kiss. His hands immediately went to her breasts as he bent down to kiss her. Melisa felt him groping around at the top of her expensive dress, almost ripping it, as he tried to get his hands inside. He finally pushed her dress from her shoulders and pulled it down. His touch felt like fire when his fingertips finally dipped inside the lace cups of her bra. Melisa could feel his urgency, his desire, and she was happy that it matched hers. She heard a slight tear, then a loud rip. In his lustful state he had torn her bra apart. The round curves and softness of her large breasts were now totally exposed to the night air. Melisa didn't care that he had ripped her bra. She had waited three long hours for this, and a torn piece of clothing wasn't going to dampen her excitement. He pinched her already hardened nipples while his lips continued to crush and smother hers in a sloppy kiss. Melisa moaned her hunger into his open mouth. He dropped his hands and seized the undulating cheeks of her firm ass. Because he was 6' 4" and she was only 5' 5", even with 3" heels on, their embrace didn't last long. Already Melisa's neck was getting sore from leaning back at such an awkward angle. Breaking their kiss, she pressed her hands against his chest, and stepped back a bit. Simon's heart almost stopped beating when his wife reached out to open his jeans. With lust in her eyes, Melisa quickly undid his pants, and pushed them and his underwear down to his ankles. Dropping to her knees in front of him, Simon held his breath as Melisa teasingly licked and kissed her way slowly up his thighs. He gritted his teeth when her lips parted, and she encircled the crown of his dick with them. Simon though his head would explode when his wife's mouth began to suck and swallow his now completely hard shaft. Her saliva was making his dick glisten like the lake below them. In the two years they had known each other, Melisa had never sucked him off before. Simon was too stunned by the sight of her luscious, red lips sliding up and down his thick rod to say anything to her now. While she gently fondled his testicles with her right hand, his wife reached around and massaged his ass with her other one. Melisa then began moaning in delight as her mouth proceeded to steadily increase its loving action. Almost ready to climax, he reached for the back of her head, but Melisa removed her mouth from his cock and raised herself up. "I can't wait any longer. I want you to fuck me. Right here, right now!" his wife panted as she lifted her dress up to her waist and spread her feet apart. Simon had tried telling her that The Landing wasn't as fancy as the places back east, only a local hang out for the loggers and a few sportsmen who knew of it, but Melisa insisted on dressing up for the party anyway. In the bright moonlight, the sight of her shapely legs encased in tan nylons and perched atop a pair of high heels was the most erotic vision Simon had ever seen. When Melisa's trimmed, red pussy hairs came into view, Simon was shocked. He didn't know she had left the house without wearing any panties. With the top of her dress down and the bottom of it raised, Melisa hoped she looked like a woman begging to be fucked. That's what she was, and that's what she wanted to look like. It had been over a month since Simon had fucked her last, and Melisa thought she'd die if she didn't get fucked now. With ease, he lifted her 105 pound frame up and kissed her hard on the mouth. Melisa wrapped her arms and legs around him, kissing him back with a passion Simon didn't know she had. When her silky legs surrounded his mid-section and she locked her ankles together, he cupped the cheeks of her small ass in the palms of his hands. With one swift and powerful thrust, his entire cock pierced and buried itself inside her pussy. Melisa suddenly broke their kiss and cried out. Savoring the way his cock had enlarged and filled her pussy so completely, his wife held herself steady for a moment. Every nerve in her body tingling with excitement, and a barrage of fireworks was going off behind her tightly closed eyelids. After the initial wave of pleasure passed, Melisa looked into his eyes and in a throaty whisper said, "It's been so long!" His wife then crushed her mouth over his in another wet and passionate kiss. Simon was shocked that his prim and proper wife from the east coast could ever act this way. "Come on, baby, really give it to me. Fuck my brains out! Faster! Faster!" Melisa hissed as she began to wildly bounced up and down, impaling herself upon his cock with every once of energy she had. Simon was starting to feel dizzy, and wasn't able to stand on his own two feet any longer. While Melisa continued to fuck him like some sex- starved nymphomaniac, Simon weakly dropped down to sit on the wooden bench by the railing. Melisa cried out again, "Come on, honey, fuck me faster! Please, baby, faster! I'm almost there. Fuck me, baby! Fuck me!" Suddenly, Simon became sick to his stomach. Just in time, he leaned over the patio and heaved his guts out. After Melisa straightened out her clothes, she kissed him one more time then went back to rejoin the party. Simon threw up again when the man who just fucked his wife followed her inside. "Good morning, sleepy head." he heard a soft and far away voice say. The throbbing pain started as soon as Simon opened his eyes. Melisa leaned forward and gently kissed her husband on the forehead, while her hand ducked under the covers. "How could you?" was all Simon said, not even flinching when Melisa's cold fingertips touched his crotch. "Hey, I did everything I could last night to get you to... you know... make love to me. I'm still horny, Simon." The pain in his temples was replaced by a dizziness as blurred images of the scene he witnessed on the patio at The Landing came back to him. Melisa's silky legs were wrapped around another man. Another man's huge hands were squeezing her tiny ass cheeks as she furiously leaped up and down on him. Another man's tongue was probing her open mouth in an eager kiss. Simon closed his eyes in torment. Was it all just a bad dream? Did he only imagine that Melisa had sex with someone else last night? His wife mistook his confused look as a sign of a hangover. "Do you want something for your headache, or how about some breakfast?" Melisa asked as she slipped out of bed and threw her robe on. "Maybe after you're feeling better, we could... mess around." "Mess around?" Simon said, then mumbled under his breath as she walked out of their bedroom, "That's not what I'd call it!" Melisa was right about one thing though, Simon was experiencing the worst headache of his life. It had been a long time since he went out drinking with the guys, and now it was time to pay the piper. His stomach did a sudden flip-flop, and he made a mad, stumbling dash for their bathroom. On his knees in homage, Simon had no offering for the porcelain god. His belly was empty. All he could do was listen to his gut wrenching prayers as they echoed around in the rotund bowl, making his head pound that much more. His stomach began hurting from the violent convulsions it was going through trying to present anything in praise to the short, white deity he was kneeling in front of, but it had nothing to give. Like a rejected beggar, Simon bowed his head and implored the powers to be for mercy. The icy-cold, ceramic altar was soothing his forehead when his silent petition was answered. The toilet seat came crashing down on the back of his neck. "Oh, honey, are you okay?" Simon turned toward the compassionate voice he heard, and looked up through the hallow-like hole above his head. "My, oh, my! Don't we look green." Melisa said and then started laughing. "It's not funny!" Simon groaned, half in anger, half in self pity. "From where I'm standing, you look funny. Here," Melisa said as she grabbed her husband's arm and helped him to his feet, "get back to bed. You'll need to sleep this one off." After making him take some asprin with a full glass of orange juice, Melisa tucked her husband into bed like a little boy. "JESUS H. CHRIST! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED!" came the shout that woke him up. "Leave me alone!" Simon grumbled, not bothering to open his eyes to see who was there. "Hey, Mel, you got any coffee made?" Simon's best friend Bob, yelled out. "It should be ready in a few minutes." "Come on, those muskies are practically dying to jump in the boat, LETS GO!" All Bob got was another tortured grunt. "Did Simple Simon have too much to drink last night? Does his little head hurt?" Bob teased. "ASSHOLE!" "PUSSY!" "Double asshole!" "Weekend Weed Whacker!" Simon opened his eyes at his friend's last jab. He remembered it was a derogatory nickname the locals called all the city people. "What the hell are you doing here? It's not even..." then Simon remembered they were suppose to go fishing this morning. "Damn, what did those people on the east coast do to you?" Bob said, then quickly yanked the covers off of Simon. "Hey, Melisa, Simon's got one of them retractable fishing rods and the line's all tangled up! You better get in here and help this poor boy, cause I sure as hell ain't!" "OKAY, I'm up already! Now get the hell out of here while I get dressed!" "Never mind. False alarm." Bob shouted. In the kitchen, Melisa sarcastically stated, "Another one!" "I need to ask you something, Bob." "No, we're not going in! I don't care how many times you throw up, or how green you get. I'm always out here until I get my quota, so don't ask again." "It has nothing to do with that." Simon said. "What is it then?" When his friend didn't answer, Bob turned his head around. Simon seemed to be looking at something in the distance, so Bob followed his line of sight, and tried to figure out what it was. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, he asked again, "Well, you going to tell me what's on your mind?" Confused, hurt, angry and still hung over, Simon said, "Never mind." Melisa was so startled to hear the knocking at the front door that she almost dropped the box of crystal she was carrying into the dinning room. Setting it on the table, she yelled out, "I'll be right there!" A man wearing only a T-shirt and jeans, his back turned to the door, was standing on their porch. Boy!, she thought, They sure grow them big up here! Melisa suddenly realized she was still only dressed in her short robe. She jumped when the man began knocking again. Opening the door up enough to stick her head out, the half-naked housewife asked, "What can I do for you?" "Hi there! My name's Jack. Sorry to bother you, but can I use your phone? My truck got a flat and I need to call somebody out here. It's just down the road a bit." he said with a smile. "Don't you have a spare?" Melisa asked, afraid to let a stranger in the house, especially the way she was dressed. "Don't I wish! Listen, I haul logs for the mill, so it's not my rig, but if I'm not back by a certain time, I'll be in deep shit. Look, I just need to let them know I got a flat, then I'll go back out there and wait for them to send somebody to fix it." "Where are my manners? I'm sorry. Come in, the phone is in the living room." Melisa said as she opened the door all the way. Jack stepped in and followed her as she walked past him after closing the door. Tom was right. Not only was the redhead beautiful, but she had a fantastic body! She was a little small for his taste, but if everything else Tom said was true, he could overlook that. When Melisa turned around to face him and point at the phone on a table by the wall, Jack had to swallow his heart. The red haired beauty before him had the biggest pair of tits he'd ever seen on a woman her size. While Jack was on the phone, Melisa knew she should have gotten dressed. Every time she turned around the man's eyes were on her. It was like he didn't care if anyone was on the other end of the line. Her cheeks turned red and her pulse quickened when she saw his gaze fix upon her breasts. Pulling her robe together to hide herself from his stare only seemed to make Jack's eyes grow larger. Looking down, she noticed the thin material of her short, white satin robe was stretched tightly across chest, making her erect nipples even more visible. Completely embarrassed for getting excited just from having a man look at her, Melisa ran into the kitchen. "I've got to hand it to you, Tom, you were right." Jack said when the woman disappeared. "She sure is something else! How long have I got?" "Well, it's only nine and she's probably sober by now, so be here when everybody gets back from lunch." his boss said. "Thanks! See you at one." Jack replied as he hung up the phone. Now all he had to do was figure out a way of getting the redhead to let him stay in the house while a fictitious emergency truck repaired his fictitious flat tire. "Say, lady!" he called out, "Can I use your bathroom?" "It's the first door on the left, down the hallway." When she heard the man close the bathroom door, Melisa raced from the kitchen and into her bedroom. She hurriedly straightened up the bed, threw the clothes she wore last night into the closet and took her robe off. After wiggling into a tight pair of pink bikini panties, she searched for a matching bra in her dresser drawer. From the corner of her eye, Melisa saw something move, and bolted upright in surprise. Less than two feet away, Jack was standing in the open doorway to the adjoining bathroom. He didn't say anything, didn't even apologize for sneaking up on her, but then he didn't have to. The way he was looking at Melisa said it all. Before, when he was on the phone, his looks were appreciative, even complimentary. Now, there was something else in his eyes, and Melisa started to tremble. Jack was awed by the near flawless set of tits the young redhead had. And her nipples! My God, they were the most perfectly shaped little nubs he had ever laid eyes on! The two of them just stood there, both with their mouth open and both wanting something different. Neither knew what the other's next move was going to be, so they both were afraid to move. Wearing only a flimsy pair of panties, Melisa felt vulnerable and helpless. On the other hand, Jack couldn't remember the last time he was this sexually aroused. It was certain they couldn't just let the tension keep building up between them, one of them had to do something, but which one was going to make the first move? Last night, Melisa had too much to drink, and just got carried away. That's all it was. Yet, like last night, she could feel her pussy beginning to moisten, and she became embarrassed again. The young wife looked down, to keep the man from seeing the way she was blushing. Her heart skipped several beats, and she stopped breathing. The man's cock was sticking out of his open jeans, coming to life, bouncing slightly as it grew larger and stiffer. Her nipples hardened all the more at the sight, and Melisa became ashamed from the way she was reacting. Tentatively, Jack raised his right hand. Melisa flinched at his sudden movement, but stood her ground. Slowly he reached out to her. The sigh the redhead made after his hand covered and gently squeezed her left breast told Jack all he needed to know. He reached out with his other hand and began slowly squeezing both her tits. Melisa legs wobbled, and another sigh escaped from her still open and suddenly dry mouth. Jack released her breasts, and his hands slid to her rib cage. Melisa clamped her eyes shut and bit her lower lip as she raised her head. Her mouth opened with a soft and pleading moan as his hands surrounded her slim waist. She felt his fingers at her hips, hooking themselves inside the only piece of clothing she had on. Like a hot knife through butter, Jack ripped her panties on both sides. Melisa's only response was to look up, not in surprise, but in anticipation of his next move. Jack noticed the change in her and reached down. Melisa's legs parted, and he lazily pulled the torn and useless panties from between her quivering thighs. At that moment, they both knew she was his. Melisa, almost in a trance, walked over to the bed. She couldn't believe that she was again going to fuck a man she didn't even know! "That makes twelve, six each, right?" "Yeah, yeah, I know. Jesus, Simon, you really look like shit! How about we get you a little hair of the dog that bit you?" "I just want to go back to bed." Simon said as he put his fishing gear away. "By the way, don't forget you and Mel are suppose to come over tonight for dinner. Sue's been dying to meet your wife." Bob said. "I meant to ask you about that. How come nobody else brought their wife or girlfriend last night?" "I'm not suppose to tell you this, but all the girls are planning a big surprise dinner for you two day after tomorrow. Tell Mel to be prepared, too. Some of them are pissed at her for catching you. I'm pretty sure she'll even hear some catty remarks from Sue tonight." "Look, Bob, I only dated Sue once, then stepped aside when you told me how you felt about her." "Shit, I'm not accusing you of anything. I wouldn't mind being in your shoes, though. A lot of the other guys feel the same way. We're just jealous. Hell, you were the star jock at school, had your pick of any girl you wanted, got a nice scholarship, married a gal who's not only the sexiest creature on earth, but comes from a rich family to boot! You guys are the envy of the whole town, so you better get use to it. The same goes for the rest of us. Yeah, I'm a little jealous, too, but I am what I am. Just do me a favor, will you?" "What's that?" Simon asked his friend. "Don't let it go to your head. As far as I can tell, all your success hasn't changed you. Try to keep that way." Simon waved from the dock as Bob pulled his boat away. The fresh air had done him some good. At least he wasn't sick anymore, and maybe only a short nap would get rid of his headache. As he walked up the hill to the lake front cottage they recently bought, Simon thought of asking Melisa about last night. He then decided it was best to get rid of his headache first. Besides, he still wasn't sure if he had really seen Melisa with another man, or if he had dreamed it all. Thankful that his wife wasn't around when he opened the door, he tossed his fish into the kitchen sink, and headed off to bed. Simon might as well have been shot with a gun when he opened his bedroom door. In a way, he was. This was no dream. This was real! His wife WAS with another man! Melisa was kneeling over his prone body. Her hands were clutching at his dick and balls, while her lips were sliding up and down his cock. Simon could see the obscene lump in her cheeks expand and move as a stranger's dick poked around inside his wife's sucking mouth. Simon could see Melisa's tiny hands stroking the thick shaft of the huge cock protruding from her lips. Simon couldn't see who the man was though. His head was trapped between Melisa's thighs, hiding him from view, as she lewdly smeared her pussy back and forth in a fucking rhythm on his face. The wet slurping sounds of their tongues and mouths on each others genitals made Simon sick to his stomach again. Their grunting, groaning and moaning made his head pound more painfully. The brokenhearted Simon wanted to die on the spot! Melisa shamelessly made love to the man's cock with her mouth and tongue as her fingers played with his hairy scrotum below her chin. Her dainty hands then firmly grasped the base of his cock, and with ever increasing speed, she began stroking his dick with both hands while her head bobbed up and down. Melisa twisted her face in a corkscrew motion and her hands continued to fly rapidly over the man's shaft until he finally ejaculated. She suddenly gagged when his cock briefly forced its way into her throat. She then moaned loudly in orgasm as vast amounts of thick gooey cum poured from her lips and began running down the dick she was still wantonly sucking. Simon didn't see or hear any of this. He had rushed outside, racing aimlessly up their driveway and then down the road. With tear stained eyes, he looked up when he heard a car coming from behind. "Well, hello there stranger! Long time no see. Hop in, I'll give you a ride." a cheerful woman's voice said. Like a zombie, Simon walked around to the other side of the car and got in. Letting the hot water of the shower pelt her still tingling body, Melisa shook her head. She felt guilty for cheating on her husband a second time, but she also felt marvelously satisfied and very relaxed, something she hadn't felt in a long time. Melisa really did love Simon, and knew that what she did was wrong, but she just couldn't help herself. Two years ago, before she ever met her husband, Melisa's sex life was phenomenal. She was one of the most sought after girls on campus, and with good reason. Melisa thought college was nothing but a four year orgy and very seldom turned down a chance to have sex. She had no qualms about letting any of her dates get into her panties. The guy had to be a real geek if he couldn't get between her legs, and even then, Melisa would at least give him head. As far as she was concerned, the only thing in life that could come close to having a stiff cock was shopping. Melisa knew everybody thought she was a slut, but it didn't matter because no one would dare say it to her face. Her family's status in the community prevented that. It was also the reason for her wild behavior. The strict rules and conduct she had to abide by at home didn't apply when she wasn't there. Her father's dated codes of what a lady should act like always collided her unbridled spirit. And after high school, she became even more rebellious toward him. All of this seemed to change when she started seeing Simon. It was as though her popularity had dropped to zero. All the guys stopped asking her out, and wouldn't even flirt with her anymore. At 6' 5" and the middle linebacker for the football team all four years he was there, Simon was an imposing figure that nobody wanted to mess with, but Melisa didn't take this into account. She thought men didn't find her attractive anymore. In a way, this was all right, because she fell in love with Simon, and didn't want her past indiscretions to ruin their relationship. But, within six months after they got married, Melisa began to feel unwanted and repressed again. Even though she always wore the sexiest clothes she could lay her hands on, Simon didn't seem to want her. Before they moved, her confidence plummeted to an all time low because he hadn't fucked her in over a month. She couldn't understand why Simon didn't want to fuck as much as she did. Melisa just couldn't go that long without sex, and didn't know how her husband could. Sure, she enjoyed fucking the guy last night and the one this morning, it helped take the edge off her sexual appetite. But she really didn't want to fuck them, she wanted Simon to fuck her. "Well, if my own husband won't screw me, at least I know other men still want to." she said aloud when she stepped out of the shower. As degrading a thought as this was, Melisa decided it wasn't her fault. She also made up her mind that she'd fuck someone else again if Simon didn't start paying more attention to her. It was only eleven o'clock in the morning and already Simon was well on his way to getting bombed. He picked up the tenth shot glass from the neatly lined row of twelve, and gulped the fiery liquid down in a single swallow. Janice was still sitting across from him, talking up a storm about something or other. He didn't know what she was saying, or did he really care. She had been yakking away ever since she picked him up on the side of the road. He looked at her through the empty thick shot glass. All he could see were two distorted red lines, opening and closing. "You still suck cock?" he blurted out. Totally stunned, Janice sat there with her mouth hanging open as Simon continued his one sided conversation. "I didn't think my wife did, but she does. She's a pretty good at it too, opens her mouth up real wide and plays with your balls. You play with the balls when you suck a guy's cock?" When the bartender looked their way because Simon wasn't being so quiet anymore, Janice leaned forward and said, "Why don't I take you home now, Sy. I think you've had enough." "Is she with him?" he mumbled. "What?" "Is she still with him?" "Simon, you're not making any sense. What are you talking about?" Janice asked, not really understanding him. Leaning over the table the way Janice was, Simon got to within inches of her face and said, "My wife and some other guy are playing hide the salami in our own fucking house!" "I don't believe it! You're just imagining things. Why, from what I've heard, your wife sounds like a real nice girl." "I saw it with my own eyes! Melisa was sucking this guy's cock and rubbing her pussy all over his face, right there in the middle of our own fucking bed!" "Listen, Simon, why would any girl in her right mind want to run around on you? Besides, name one guy in this neck of the woods who would even dare think of doing something like that with your wife. Hell, you only moved back a couple of weeks ago. Nobody's even met her yet!" Janice truly believed what she was telling her former boyfriend, because that was how she felt. Six years ago, they were the hottest item in town. Janice had dreams of marrying Simon one day and living happily ever after, but then things changed. When he received a full scholarship to a university on the east coast, she was happy for him, but also sad because her plans for getting him to ask for her hand in marriage were put on hold. The day Simon left for college, Janice thought her life ended. She would have waited until Hell froze over, if he asked her to, but never Simon did. Janice was completely shattered, and blamed herself for letting him get away. Even though she had married someone else since then, she still loved, and often dreamed of Simon. Janice doubted that Melisa was cheating on him, but maybe, just maybe, this was the second chance she'd been hoping and praying for. Simon, for the first time since she picked him up, really looked at Janice. Her soft chestnut hair was longer than it use to be, and her face was thinner, but Janice was still very attractive. She still has that look, Simon thought. Janice's deep brown eyes were what attracted him to her in the first place. When they were alone in the past, which was often, she would give him a look that was adoring, while at the same time very sultry. She was giving him that look now, and the old feelings for her were starting to come back. Simon reached out to hold Janice's hand, but she jerked it back quickly. "Let me get you home." she said as she gathered up her things. "I told you, I don't want to go home." "Well, I can't stay here all day, Sy. I've got shopping to do and a house to clean. I really have to go." Feeling sorry for himself again, Simon leaned back in his chair and said, "I'll be fine, why don't you take off." Driving away and leaving Simon at Don's tavern, Janice began thinking. If his wife was really cheating on him, she could get Simon back. She had heard the rumors about her own husband's infidelities and figured that all she had to do was wait around and catch him in the act, then file for a divorce. Janice suddenly pounded on the steering wheel when she realized exactly what she was thinking about. "Damn it, Simon!", she yelled, "Why did you have to come back?" and then she started crying. Part II "Where's dinner?" her husband called out to Janice when he got home from work. "If you don't mind, I thought we'd go out to eat." she yelled from upstairs in their bedroom. Normally, her husband preferred a home cooked meal, and Janice expected him to object to her suggestion, but he surprised her. "Let me give the Carsons a call. We were suppose to meet them later for drinks anyway, so they might as well join us. How's The Landing sound?" "I thought we might go over to Don's place. We haven't been there in a while." Janice replied quickly. She was hoping to run into Simon again since he lived so close to the small tavern. This was the reason she was getting dressed up. "Okay, I'll tell them to meet us there for supper, then we'll all go to the Landing for drinks when we're done." Tom yelled back. Janice wasn't the only one with a motive for wanting to go out. After hearing from Jack about how the hot redhead drained his balls this morning, he wanted to see her again. In a perverse sense, this was Tom's way of getting even with Simon. Several nights over the past six years he heard Janice talk in her sleep and mention his name, but when he asked her about it in the morning, she denied having any feelings for him anymore. Tom didn't believe this, and suspected his wife was still in love with her former boyfriend. He didn't plan last night's jaunt on the patio with Simon's wife, but when it was over Tom looked at it as a macho victory over the man his wife still cared for. Janice finally came downstairs and announced she was ready to go. The way she was dressed removed any doubts Tom had on how Janice felt about Simon. Instead of the blouse, jeans, and sneakers that she usually wore, Janice was decked out in a short pale-blue skirt, a tight fitting white sweater, and heels. Right then, Tom made up his mind he was going to fuck Simon's wife again, even if he had to go over to their house like Jack did. "Bob, will you tell him I need those shot glasses back. I only got about five clean ones left!" the owner of the small tavern pleaded. "Hear that, Simon? Don's cutting you off. Time to go." "I'm not getting in that fucking boat again!" Simon shouted without even looking up. "What's your position on cars?" Back and forth they went, Bob trying to get Simon to leave, and Simon trying to get Bob to stay and drink with him. In the end, Simon won, but only after Bob made him promise to eat something. Bob had seen his best friend like this before, and knew all to well how belligerent he could get. Don came over to the table then and asked, "Can I take these away now?" "Shit, it's about time!" Simon said. Playfully, and not too hard, Don hit Simon over the head with a tray he was carrying. "What are you doing here anyway?" Simon finally asked Bob. "Remember, you and Mel were suppose to come over for dinner tonight. Well, if Mohammed won't go to the mountain, then the mountain will come to Mohammed." Bob said as Melisa and Bob's wife Sue walked in. Simon became very quiet when the two women sat down to join them. While Sue and Melisa discussed the differences between life in the woods and big city, Bob studied his friend. Something was troubling him, and had been all day. He then noticed that every time Simon looked at Melisa, he did so with a scowl. They must be fighting, he thought, and sensed that things could get ugly, especially considering how much Simon had to drink already. When Don came over to their table again, Bob promptly ordered steak dinners for everyone. From past experience, he knew this wouldn't change Simon's mood, but it would sober him up and make him more reasonable. Melisa and Sue continued to talk up a storm during dinner and, thankfully, Simon didn't argue when Melisa suggested he quit drinking, at least until they finished eating. The food did help. This, plus making him drink several cups of coffee after dinner and splashing his face with ice-cold water in the small bathroom, had Simon coherent now. He could focus his eyes, and knew where he was and who was with him. When he talked, his speech wasn't slurred and he could be understood. "You okay, pal?" Bob asked before they went to rejoin their wives. "Yeah, I'm doing better, thanks. Almost like old times, huh? Me getting fucked up, and you coming to the rescue." Simon said as he dried his face. "Don't you think it's about time you stopped doing this kind of shit?" "I guess so." "Are you and Melisa getting along okay?" "Boy, you sure are subtle." Simon answered. "Come on, don't play any of your horse shit games, Simon! I've seen the dirty looks you've been giving her. Fuck, you think I'm blind!" "Hey, I can handle it." "Look, we've been friends a long time. If you need someone to talk to, I'll listen. But, if you and Melisa are having problems, keep it to yourselves. Quit making other people around you feel uncomfortable!" "I'm feeling better and I'll behave. Now, why don't we go back out there and have a good time." While Bob and Simon were in the bathroom, two other couples had come in. They were still talking with Melisa and Sue when the men returned, so Bob invited them to sit down. Within five minutes, he regretted this and was ready to pull his hair out. After just straightening out Simon in the bathroom, Melisa started acting up, and she was a lot more vocal about it than Simon had been. Sitting at their large table were eight people, Simon and Melisa, Bob and his wife Sue, Simon's former girlfriend Janice and her husband Tom (the stranger Melisa fucked last night), and Jack (the man Melisa fucked this morning) and his wife Mary. The verbal assaults began when Simon went over and sat down next to Janice, leaving Melisa to sit between Tom and Jack. She was very quiet for awhile, but it didn't last long. "So, Janice, I hear you two were quite the couple... some time ago." Melisa said in the cattiest voice she had. "I believe we still look good... together." Janice replied, making the same pause for effect that Melisa had. Everyone now knew that Melisa and Janice didn't like each other. Simon could tell Melisa was jealous of the tall brunette, and loved it. Janice knew she was making Simon's wife jealous, and she loved it too. This set the stage for an evening none of them would forget. After the two women tired of making snide remarks about each other, with Melisa coming out on the short end of most of them, they began a more open and direct battle. Melisa started it by asking Tom to play some music on the jukebox so they could dance. While giving both Janice and Simon a watch-what-I-do- next look, she grabbed Tom's arm and got up from the table. If looks could kill, Janice would have been strapped into an electric chair and executed on the spot. Melisa only smiled at the fuming woman. As she and Tom walked over to the jukebox, Melisa's left hand dropped to Tom's butt. While the two of them were selecting songs, Bob picked up the conversation at the silent table, talking about a local fishing contest coming up. His wife took this as her cue, and started talking to Mary about how pretty she looked. Jack's wife, only 20 years old, was the youngest of the group. Mary was also the giddiest girl any of them knew, always laughing and generally avoiding any serious conversations. Her assumed deficiency of brain cells was overlooked though, because Mary, before Melisa showed up, was the most flirtatious woman in town. With a wild mane of blonde hair and a body that could grace any centerfold, she looked like she just finished having sex all the time. This, plus the revealing clothes she always wore, had every man's dick hard for miles around. What people didn't know was that Jack encouraged Mary to look and act this way. He was proud of the way men made a fuss over his wife. Nobody in town knew that Jack and Mary were swingers, but a few of them were about to find out. Sitting on Mary's right, Sue was shocked to see Jack's hand slide under the short dress his wife was wearing. She tried not to look, but couldn't take her eyes away as he pushed the hem of Mary's dress up, exposing her young and slender thighs. Sue quickly glanced up, ready to tell Jack he shouldn't be doing that in public, but he was grinning at her and continued to move his wife's dress up higher. Bob was still talking about the fishing tournament, and Simon and Janice were too busy looking at their spouses to notice what was going on. Sue looked down again as Jack began to rub the inside of Mary's thighs, her dress now up to her waist. Mary was wearing a pair of crotchless pantyhose and nothing else. Little wisps of blonde pubic hair poked through the lace opening when Mary parted her legs to let Jack's fingers get closer to her pussy. Sue thought that what the two of them were doing was vulgar, and she knew she was wrong in watching them, but something had come over her and she couldn't tear her eyes away. While this was going on, Melisa and Tom began dancing. At first, they kept a respectable distance from one another while traipsing around the small area. Melisa then looked over at her husband and Janice. Moving closer to Tom, she lowered her hand from his waist and placed in on his rear end again. Janice was boiling inside. Not only did this east coast bitch steal her first true love, she was now putting moves on her husband as well. Simon thought there was something strangely familiar about the way Melisa and Tom looked together. Then it hit him. Tom must have been the man Melisa fucked last night! Though not absolutely positive about it, he felt certain that Tom was the one who made his wife act so passionate. While talking with Jack, Bob could see that his wife was nervous about something. Sue was wiggling around in her seat and her face was becoming flush. She also kept glancing up at everyone, like she was doing something she wasn't suppose to be doing. Sue had more wine than she normally did and was on her fifth glass now, so he thought she was feeling guilty about that, and didn't pay any more attention to her. What Bob couldn't see was that Sue's left hand was on Mary's right leg. While she watched Jack slide his index finger into his wife's pussy, Mary surprisingly grabbed Sue's hand and placed it on her knee. Sue's eyes bulged out and she thought of jerking it away, but then everyone would know what was going on, so she kept her hand still. Mary then leaned forward, putting her elbows on the table, and asked Simon something. When the others looked at him and waited for his reply, Mary moved her leg up against Sue's and slowly began to rub it. When Simon started talking, Mary casually reached down and placed her hand on top of Sue's. When she didn't try to pull it away, Mary gently slid Sue's hand up her thighs. Sue thought she was crazy for allowing something like this to happen, but she also found it too stimulating to quit. Though she knew how pleasing nylon felt on her own legs, there was something forbidden and very exciting about feeling it on another woman's legs. As the blonde continued to use her hand to massage herself, Sue's heart began to beat wildly. She could feel the firmness of the girl's thighs and got more turned on. Sue nearly jumped out of her skin when Jack's hand suddenly replaced Mary's. She had a hard time breathing as he squeezed her hand and brought it up to the open crotch of his wife's pantyhose. Sue could feel the heat rising from Mary's pussy as Jack moved her hand closer and closer. Sue's fingertips felt the soft hairs between the blonde's legs, and she quickly swallowed another sip of wine, choking on it. Turning away from Simon for a moment, Bob asked, "Are you okay, honey?" "Just went down the wrong pipe." Sue said after clearing her throat, but she didn't remove her hand from Mary's pussy even though Jack had removed his. Janice was silently sitting next to Simon, doing a slow burn as she watched Melisa and her husband dance. Melisa was now blatantly rubbing his butt in a suggestive manner, while shoving her breasts against him. She couldn't blame Tom for pulling the sleazy tramp closer, and she could even understand it when he put one of his legs between hers. Melisa then started to grinding her pussy up and down on Tom's thigh. Janice didn't like this one bit and decided it was time to show the east coast slut that she could play the same game. Grabbing Simon's hand, she angrily pulled him up from his chair and said, "Follow me." "You should see those people out there! You'd think I was running was a whore house or something." Don said to his wife as he brought a tray of dirty dishes into the kitchen. "What's going on?" Kathy asked. "You know that girl who's always showing off to the guys?" "She at it again?" "No, it's worse!" "What's she doing this time?" "You won't believe me, so you better take a look for yourself." "Let me finish cleaning this pot first." Kathy told her husband. "You know, sometimes I think you're just a horny old goat who'd like to get into her pants. The poor girl just likes to have fun, and since her husband doesn't mind, I don't understand why you always have to make a big deal out everything she does." "Oh, yeah! Well, wait till you see what that poor girl of yours is doing this time!" Unknown to Don, Kathy was envious of Mary's looks, body, youth, and the steady fucking she knew the blonde was getting. Kathy, on the other hand, had to masturbate for her sexual relief because Don was always too busy with their tavern. Even at fifty years old, Kathy was still in pretty good shape and had received many offers from the men who came in. Since she felt it would be wrong to cheat on her husband, she turned them all down and masturbated instead. In fact, it was the blonde's husband who really got her hooked on masturbating. Jack had been trying to talk her into going to bed with him for some time, but Kathy just considered his advances nothing more than friendly flirting, albeit a little crude at times. About a year ago, when the place was empty, he came in and started making a play for her again. As usual, Kathy politely turned him down. Jack finished his beer and just before leaving, he handed her a box, saying that until she changed her mind it was something to remember him by. After he was gone, Kathy opened the package, expecting to find a long stem rose or type of flower. What she found was anything but flowers, and she started to laugh. Jack had given her a dildo! She heard of these, but never actually saw one before. It was two feet long, and each end of the flexible rubber shaft was molded to look like the head of a man's prick. Kathy wondered about its unusual size and shape. The naive woman was confused. There was no way she could possibly get both ends of the thing in her at once, so why did it have two dick heads? Kathy put the dildo to good use though. She quickly became experienced at using it, and after only a few days was addicted to masturbating with it. For the first time in her life she could have a hard dick in pussy for as long and as many times as she wanted it. She even stopped bothering Don about having sex altogether. He didn't seem to mind, because their constant bickering with one another had ceased, and Kathy was in a better mood. Jack kept talking to Bob, knowing that if he didn't and things got quiet, Sue would move her hand away from Mary's pussy. While pretending to be interested in what Bob was saying, Jack put his hand back under the table and searched for Sue's. Both women stiffened when they felt his fingers. Bob rambled on about his favorite subject while, right across from him, his wife and Jack were rubbing Mary's pussy. "Oh!" Mary sighed loudly when Jack's finger plunged into her wet slit and he wiggled it around. "That's right, and if you don't get the hook set just..." Bob continued, as if Mary was suddenly interested in fishing. Sue had to stifle a giggle at her husband's ignorance. With all the wine, plus the outrageous things the three of them were doing, a crazy idea popped into Sue's head. Moving her fingers above Jack's, Sue parted the slippery lips of Mary's pussy and began stroking her clit with the tip of her fingernail. Another sigh came from Mary, but Bob kept right on talking. Sue then squeezed her hand around Mary's entire vulva, leaving only a small puffy opening so Jack could continue to finger-fuck his wife. Mary bit her lower lip to keep from screaming out as Jack and Sue played with her cunt under the table. The blonde had done some pretty bizarre things since marrying Jack, but they had never anything in public. Mary knew that most of the people in town thought she was a flake and a tease. This was okay though, because she thought most of them were boring. She wondered what people would say if they ever found out that their recently elected Mayor's wife liked playing with another woman's pussy. Mary slowly began clenching and unclenching her ass cheeks, causing her pussy to move up and down slightly. Jack shoved another finger inside her and spread her pussy open. Sue released her grip from around Jack's fingers, and then slid her middle one between his. At the same time, they both pushed the digits into his wife's dripping hole. Mary lost control, doubling over as though she had severe cramp in her stomach. "Are you all right, Mary?" Bob asked. "I'm... okay." the trembling girl barely managed to say. "Why don't we go to the ladies room, honey." Sue said as she stood up. Jack looked past his wife and said, "You'll make sure she's feeling better before she comes... back, right Sue?" "Don't worry, she'll feel a lot better by the time we come... back." As the two women went to the ladies bathroom, Bob noticed a big wet spot in the seat of Mary's pink dress and made a comment to Jack about it. "She's got female problems... can't control her water very well." Jack said convincingly, but knowing full well the stain was there because Mary's pussy flowed juice easier than any woman he know of. Out on the dance floor, it looked like Janice and Melisa had started a dirty dancing contest. Each of them was lewdly sliding, rubbing, and grinding their bodies against their dance partner's. Both Simon and Tom had big grins on their faces while Melisa and Janice tried to out perform each other. When Melisa slowly rotated her groin against the crotch of Tom's pants, Janice did the same thing to Simon. Melisa then stepped away a little, and seductively opened her blouse all the way. Checking to make sure that Janice and Simon were still watching, she placed Tom's left hand on her breasts and started sucking on the fingers of his other hand. Janice was fed up with the redhead's antics. Not thinking about what she was doing and having a terrible temper to begin with, Janice was going to show Melisa that she was sexier. Grabbing a chair from a near by table, she dragged it over. After she made Simon sit down on it, Janice spread his legs open and stood between them. Simon started to get up, but she stopped him. "Sit down, Sy!" she shouted angrily, "She started this, but I'm going to finish it!" Kicking her heels off and lifting her skirt up to her waist, Janice hooked her thumbs in the top of her pantyhose and panties and quickly yanked them off. Simon got up again, but instead of pushing him back in the chair, Janice deftly and suddenly had his pants open and down around his ankles. When she was done, she shoved him back onto the chair. Janice then quickly turned around and plopped down on Simon's lap, her long and shapely legs on the outside of Simon's, and her hands gripped tightly under the seat of the chair to prevent him from getting up again. "Watch this!" Janice said to Melisa, and began rotating her ass in circles over Simon's crotch, watching his dick grow hard as her pussy rubbed its head. Kathy finished up at the sink. Something wasn't right. Her head snapped up, ears alert for any sound. All she heard was the music playing in the other room, no talking or laughing. Turning her head toward the swinging doors, Kathy spotted her husband sneaking over to the pass-through window by the pool table and dance floor. Don was being too quiet, so she dried off her hands on a towel and snuck up behind him. A flash of light hit her eyes and she turned. It was only the woman's bathroom light. One of the girls must have forgotten to turn it off, she thought. Forever mindful of money, she'd turn the light off first, then see what her husband was up to. Kathy couldn't believe her eyes when she got to the bathroom. The blonde haired Mary was straddling the toilet, her dress bunched up around her waist and her legs spread apart. There was another woman kneeling on the floor in front of her and she had her face between the young girl's thighs. Kathy raced over to tell Don what was going on when she was stopped dead in her tracks by another equally shocking sight. Big Tom Jackson was in the middle of the dance floor, his pants around his ankles, and a redhead was on her knees in front of him, sucking his cock! "Don, quick, come look at this!" Kathy whispered as loud as she dared. Her husband turned around and said, "Never mind that, get over here and see what these guys are doing!" "I know, but you should see what's going on in the woman's bathroom!" When Don turned around, his wife put her hands over her mouth and let out a little shriek. He quickly stopped and spun his head around, thinking he was missing something on the dance floor. Kathy walked up to her husband, reached out for his hard dick, which was sticking out of his pants, and began stroking it. Don then went to see what was going on in the bathroom, Kathy right behind him, still holding onto his cock. When he saw that the young blonde was getting her cunt eaten out by the Mayor's wife, Don's jaw almost hit the floor. It didn't, but Kathy did, with her knees. Bringing the tip of the biggest hard-on her husband ever had up to her mouth, Kathy opened her lips and stuck her tongue out. For reason, Mary looked at the bathroom door and noticed it was open a little. She was about to reach out and close it when she saw that the old coot who ran the place was spying on her. Deciding to let him get his jollies, Mary opened the door a little more so he could get a better look. She then pushed Sue away from her and turned around. Bending over and raising her dress up, she looked at the kneeling woman behind her through her legs and said, "Do me this way. After I come, I'll do you." Sue couldn't believe the young blonde was being so bold, but she placed her hands on Mary's ass anyway and then slid her tongue down through the crack of her butt until she reached Mary's pussy again. Cursing at him under her breath, Kathy still enjoyed sucking her husband's already exploding cock. She had just gotten it into her mouth when Don began spraying his cum all over the place. When he finished, she let it pop out, and was more than surprised to see he was still hard. Quickly unsnapping her jeans, she pushed them and her panties down to her knees and laid on the floor in front of him. "Come on, honey," Kathy said while reaching up for him, "you can watch them and fuck me before your dick gets soft. Hurry! Please, Don, fuck me!" "I'll be right back." Don said, leaving his frustrated wife on the floor. She knew it was too good to be true. Don never wanted to make love to her when she wanted it. Use to his neglect, but still on fire, Kathy started masturbating right there on the kitchen floor. Opening her pussy with the fingers of her left hand and shoving a couple of them inside, she used the fingers of her right hand to furiously rub against the base of her clit. Never touching the tip of the super sensitive and elongated organ with her fingers, Kathy rolled around on the floor as, once again, she had to fuck herself to reach an orgasm. After Janice started getting Simon's dick hard, Bob knew he had to leave. This was no place for someone in his position to be. But his wife and Mary were still in the bathroom. Bob suddenly went looking for Sue when Melisa dropped to her knees and began sucking Tom's dick. As the new Mayor, there was no way he could ever be associated with this new turn of events. He had to get him and his wife out of there fast. Hearing moans coming from the bathroom, Bob rushed to see if his wife was okay. There moaning all right, but it wasn't because Sue was sick, neither was Mary for that matter. Both women were feeling just great. Bob was startled to feel a hand at his crotch. Looking down, he saw Kathy, her jeans around her ankles, trying to open up his fly. "Are you crazy! Get your clothes back on! What's with you people?" "Please, just let me suck you dick for a little while." Kathy pleaded. "Get away from me!" Bob repeated as he turned around, backing up and tripping over his wife's feet. Burning with desire, Kathy crawled on her hands and knees and followed Bob into the now very crowded woman's bathroom. Mary jumped up and turned around when she heard the commotion. Seeing Sue's husband frightened her at first, but then she saw he was too busy trying to keep the owner's wife from opening his pants. Before Sue could turn and see what was going on behind her, Mary grabbed the back of her head and shoved her pussy at Sue's face. Sue moaned in protest, but began eating and licking her again. The twenty year old blonde thought it was so comical to see the Mayor try to keep his pants on while at the same time his wife was eating her pussy. Kathy finally got his pants open and was now trying to get them down, but Bob kept bringing them up. "What's wrong with everybody? Have you all gone mad?" Bob said as he pulled his pants up once again. "What's the matter, Bob?" Mary asked, still holding onto Sue's head as Bob's wife continued to lick her pussy. "I know how to get her to stop." she told him. "How?" he asked almost pleading. Reaching down, Mary lifted up the back of Sue's dress, then spoke to her. "Come on, honey, pull your panties down." Sue raised herself up from the floor and did what Mary told her to do, never letting her tongue slip away from the sweet tasting hole she was munching on. Pulling the hem of Sue's dress all the way up to her waist, Mary placed a hand on each cheek of her ass and looked at Bob. "Well, what are you waiting for? She can't suck your cock if you're fucking your wife." Things were so confusing and surprising to Bob that he never thought of just grabbing Sue and running out of the place. His whole thought process was turned upside down and he couldn't think. Sue, his ever faithful wife, the community leader for most of the town's charity functions had her head under Mary's dress, licking, sucking, and eating her pussy. And as if this wasn't bad enough, he had watched her willingly drop her panties and stick her bare ass up in the air so he could fuck her. The fact that Kathy was still trying to get his pants down and suck his cock was of no concern to him anymore. If his decent and loving wife was willing to participate in this crazy orgy, then why should he object? With all the sexual activity going on, Bob was suddenly torn between letting Don's wife suck him off while he watched Sue eat out Mary, or fucking Sue while she ate out Mary. Either way, Sue wasn't going to stop eating Mary's pussy. All he really had to decide was what he wanted. When Kathy pulled his pants down the next time, Bob didn't stop her, but quickly hopped over to his wife and slammed his crotch up against her exposed back side. Before he could do anything else, Mary wrapped her arms around Bob's neck, giving him a deep and wet kiss as Sue reached between her legs and searched for her husband's cock. Kathy wildly kicked her jeans all the way off, got up from the floor, and glared at everyone. "Who needs you guys!" she spat at them as she left the bathroom. "Where the hell you going?" Don asked Kathy as she hurried past him, naked from the waist down. "Fuck off, pencil dick!" After his wife walked through the back door, leaving it open, he rushed over to it and shout out, "Be careful, dear, it's the rutting season. That lilly white ass of yours makes a pretty good target!" The northern half of Wisconsin heard Kathy's reply. "That's right, dear! Even the dumb animals use their cock at least once a year, which is more than I can say for some people I know! Jack was beginning to change his mind about this group. They weren't so bad after all. From where he was sitting, he could see everything that was going on, unlike poor old Don, who was still running back and forth in the kitchen. Relieved to see that Bob was even in the spirit of things, Jack decided to join the fun. He walked out to the dance floor and stopped when he was standing behind the kneeling and sucking Melisa. The flaming redhead was truly a sexual marvel. For her size and appearance, it was amazing that she could do some of the things she did. Her pussy had squeezed his cock so hard this morning that he thought she was going to snap right it off, and she had to be the proverbial woman who could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Everything about her spelled sex. There was only one thing he didn't try with her, and he was sure she wouldn't object to doing it now. As Jack reached down to open his pants, Janice yelled at him. "Why don't you come over here. I'll suck your cock better than she ever thought of doing it." Janice was still teasing Simon, her pussy and hands rubbing the enormous shaft of his cock, but not yet letting him penetrate between the puffy lips of her gyrating hole. Jack looked up at Tom for his approval. After all, it was only common courtesy with the people he and Mary had been swinging with to get the consent of both spouses if they were in the same room. Besides, Tom could and just might beat the shit out of him if he didn't. Tom looked over at his wife and asked, "No bullshit, you really wanna suck his cock?" "Why can't I? You're letting that fucking whore suck yours!" "Calm down, baby! Go ahead and suck his cock if you want to." Janice was really pissed at Melisa, and thought she was the most spoiled brat she had ever run across. After years of baby sitting, she knew how to deal with someone like this. All she had to do was take away anything they wanted, until they learned how to behave. And Janice was going to teach Melisa that lesson. If Simon's wife wanted sex, Janice was willing to fuck and suck everybody there just so she couldn't, even if it meant doing all of them at the same time. If Melisa wanted dick, Janice was going to make sure that the only kind she got was a limp and drained one. Tom watched as Jack got undressed and then stepped up in front of his wife. Simon's cock had been hard for what seemed like hours already, but she hadn't put it in her pussy yet. Even though his dick was larger than anyone's there, Janice couldn't be afraid of it since they went together in high school, so what was Janice waiting for? Melisa suddenly let Tom's cock pop out of her mouth and sprang up from the floor. She then slipped the spaghetti straps of her dress off her shoulders, and let the whole thing slide down her body. Once it was around her ankles, she kicked it out of the way, piled her hair on top of her head, and did a slow sensual turn. This caught everyone's eye, even Janice's. To the steady beat of the music, Melisa then leisurely took her lace panties off and kicked them in the air, somehow aiming for and making them land on Tom's extended prick. Next, she turned her back to Janice's husband and bent over from the waist. Slowly running both her hands up the back of her nylons until they reached her small rear end, she spread her cheeks open. Rotating her hips, Melisa looked up from between her legs at Tom and asked, "You want to fuck me in the ass?" As if hypnotized, Tom staggered toward the tiny redhead with the small bottom she was inviting him to fuck. It didn't look like one of his fingers could fit inside her tight hole, let alone his cock, but he sure as hell was going to give it a try. Slowly stumbling forward with his pants down, he watched Melisa spread her ass cheeks open wider for him. Placing his hands on her hips, Tom brought her back to him. His dick was way too far above her back side, and with his pants at his feet there was no possibility of getting his cock at the right angle in this position. He called Jack over to give him a hand with her while he took his pants off. The two of them lifted the petite redhead up and placed her on the nearest table on her hands and knees. Officer Richard Todd was on patrol, driving through the dark woods and occasionally stopping to check on the cabins not occupied by their city owners. Things were pretty quiet, but then they always were. "Rich, this is base, come in." the radio speaker blared. "What is it, Joan?" he said into the mike. "Are you anywhere near Don's Tavern?" "Why? Does another drunk need a ride home? This ain't no taxi you know. It's a patrol car and I'm a police officer." "Don't worry big shot, nobody's going to puke in your car. I just got a call about someone running around in the woods near Don's, that's all." "So?" "So they're naked as they day they were born. Hustle on over there before I put you on report." "I was only kidding." Rich said. "By the way, the caller said the lunatic is female! Base out." Rich put the mike back and punched the accelerator. Since it was some lady running around naked and not a guy, he didn't put his emergency lights on, hoping he'd be able to catch whoever she was, instead of scaring her off when he got there. Kathy had retrieved the dildo Jack gave her from its secret hiding place. After taking the rest of her clothes off, she walked back outside, the double-headed fake cock swinging at her side like a billy- club. Standing butt naked in the shadows, she poked her head around the front corner of the tavern she and her husband owned and peeked in the window. Big Tom Jackson's wife was on her knees on the dance floor now, not the tiny redhead. The lovely looking brunette was sucking a cock, but it wasn't her husband's. The man was as tall as Tom, but it wasn't Tom. Kathy then noticed that people were behind Janice. It was Bob and the young blonde she was so jealous of. They were fucking each other silly. Kathy then looked around and finally spotted Jack. He and Tom were really giving it to the redhead. She was kneeling on one of the table- top video games, getting fucked from behind by Tom and sucking on Jack's cock. The sight of all those people fucking and sucking each other got her juices flowing again. Leaning against the wall outside, Kathy spread her legs apart and placed one end of her dildo up to her pussy. With both hands, she slowly pushed the head inside her aching and very lubricated hole. When she had about nine inches of it inside her, she remained still. Thoughts of all those hard and ready to fuck cocks made her tremble with a deeper desire. She wanted to just walk inside and grab the first one within reach. Jack, Tom, Bob, or the other guy, she didn't care which one it was. Sure the dildo did its job and allowed her to enjoy orgasm after orgasm, but it wasn't the same as having a throbbing live prick spray its hot liquid inside her clenching and willing box. Nothing could replace that. Even though it was pure torture for her, she had to have another look at what was going on. Tom's wife was now straddling the guy she was sucking only moments ago. She heard the loud sigh as Janice lowered herself down and took his cock into her pussy. Kathy, not caring if any of them saw her now, stood in front of the window and began fucking the dildo. She hoped one of them might see her and invite her in to join their party. "I'm gonna come!" Jack grunted, thrusting his hips and driving his entire cock down Melisa's throat. "Me too!" Tom shouted as he pounded her from behind. Melisa was about to have her own orgasm and didn't want the men to stop. Suddenly, she felt the cock in her mouth jerk and explode, firing its cum. She somehow managed to swallow the first blast and the second and the third one, but didn't swallow after that. She let the man fill her mouth with his gooey sperm until she couldn't hold any more. Melisa then parted her lips and let his cum run out, spilling down his still hard dick. When the creamy fluid was dripping and hanging from his balls, she swallowed what was in her mouth and then began to lick at the rest of the cum on his groin. She then felt the cock in her pussy expand just before it came. Melisa clenched her cunt muscles around the thick and bursting cock, and pushed herself back at the man behind her. The guy was coming in buckets, and she could feel his load beginning to ooze out of her and slide down the inside of her thighs. Even though they had both finished coming, their stiff dicks kept banging away at her mouth and pussy. Melisa had long since forgotten how this all got started, and didn't even care. The only thing she was concerned about was reaching her own climax and enjoying both of them. As their dicks continued to plunge in and out of her mouth and pussy, Melisa thought of the last time she had two cocks at once. It was the day before she met Simon. Janice forgot how massive Simon's dick was, until the head of his cock bumped up against her cervix. She then remembered that there was still four inches to go. The pain of getting the rest of him inside her would only last a few moments, then the wonderful feeling of having her pussy so stretched and filled would overpower her. Tom's dick was large, but it couldn't ever compare to Simon's. While she slowly raised herself up, Janice could feel every pulsing vein in his dick as it withdrew. She was lubricating up a storm, but his cock was so big that it still made her feel like she was as dry as a bone. When she dropped back down to get more of his prick inside her pussy, Janice couldn't help herself and started coming like crazy. One stroke! That's all it took was one stroke from Simon's prick before she was reduced to a writhing, babbling woman. Stars burst in front of her tightly closed eyelids as she convulsed wildly above her former lover. Shaking and trembling all over, Janice could do nothing but let the sensation of the orgasm she was having pass. It totally dominated her body and mind, and seemed as though it would never stop. Every muscle in her body felt like they were tied up in knots, every nerve ending seemed to be exploding, and every part of her flesh was sensitive to the touched. It was Tom's turn to be jealous now. Janice was having one of the most intense climaxes he had ever seen her have, and it was with Simon. He pulled his dick out of Melisa's pussy and was about to walk over to her when Jack reached out to stop him. "What's fair is fair. You fucked his wife, so now he's fucking yours. Besides, it's not like they never did it before." "Yeah, I know. But she doesn't have to enjoy it so much!" "You don't think his wife enjoyed what we did?" Looking down at the still sucking Melisa, Tom said, "She's a hot piece of ass, isn't she?" "You better believe it! Mary's pretty good at giving head, but she doesn't hold a candle to this one." Jack replied as he shoved his dick into Melisa's throat once again. "Well, since you've had all three and I haven't, I wouldn't know." "If you want to give Mary a try, go ahead and ask her." "I got a better idea." Tom said, an evil grin spreading across his face. He picked Melisa up, and dragged the protesting woman over to where Janice and Simon were. "I wasn't done! I didn't come yet!" Melisa cried as she was carried away from the dick she was sucking. Tom paid no attention to her as he carefully placed Melisa in position until she was standing directly over her husband's head, and then called out to his friend. "Come on over, Jack, she still wants some more cock." When Jack was in front of her, Melisa dropped to her knees, unaware that her pussy was now right above Simon's face. Satisfied that his plan was working, Tom got behind Melisa so that he was facing his wife. Janice was grinding her pussy on Simon's crotch, his dick now fully buried deep inside her. She was going threw her third orgasm, constantly moaning and pinching both of her nipples real hard. Tom laced his fingers together behind his wife's head then shoved his dick into her mouth. Janice groaned at first, but then immediately began sucking him. The musky odor of sex saturated his nostrils when Simon inhaled. He finally opened his eyes when Janice's movements slowed down while she concentrated on sucking her husband. The sight of the swollen and red lips of a pussy only inches above his nose was surprising. Simon didn't know who's it was, but he could tell it had been fucked. The sloppy remains of somebody's cum was inside and starting to drip out. The thought of another man's sperm hitting him in the face was revolting, but the idea that it was dripping from a freshly fucked cunt didn't make it seem so bad. Was it Bob's wife Susan kneeling above him? Was it the cute blonde? After finally recognizing the red pubic hairs, it suddenly dawned on Simon that it was Melisa, his own wife! He reached up to push her away in disgust, but when his hands touched her ass, Melisa lowered herself down and began smearing her pussy all over his face. The harder Simon tried to shake his head loose from her gripping thighs, the harder Melisa would bump and grind her pussy against his mouth. She had no idea it was Simon under her, only that there was a pair of lips and a tongue on her still very aroused slit. The loud moans and groans coming from between her legs made her clit tingle all the more as the sound waves vibrated through her pussy. Whoever was down there was eating her out better than she had been eaten out in a long time. Simon finally gave up fighting his wife when Janice started to fuck him again. He didn't know why she had stopped, but it didn't matter now. The warm and silky feeling of her pussy sliding up and down his pole wiped out all other thoughts. Janice always did tease him before getting down to business, and this time was no exception. She still remembered to tighten up as his dick slipped in, and to loosen her clench when he withdrew. Unlike Melisa, Janice loved being fucked real slow, with steady long strokes instead of hard and fast jabs. Simon had to admit though that Melisa had more stamina and wanted to fuck more often. His wife would fuck all night long if he'd keep it up, where as his former girlfriend couldn't fuck after an hour or so. Simon suddenly thought about what he was mulling over in his brain. Melisa could fuck forever, Janice couldn't. Melisa liked being fucked fast and hard, Janice liked it slow and easy. Janice could go days, sometimes a week, before ever wanting to get laid, but Melisa always seemed to want his cock. This revelation put a new light on what he saw Melisa doing this morning and last night, but his thoughts were interrupted when Janice pulled her pussy completely off of his cock. His wife also raised her pussy from his face. Simon now found himself alone on the floor, his dick standing straight up like a lonely lighthouse by the sea. On his right and near his feet, Simon saw Bob's wife was on her hands and knees over the stretched out blonde nobody bothered to introduce him to. Sue was eating the young girl's pussy while Bob was busy fucking it. Behind Sue was Don, his dick plunging in and out of Sue at a furious pace while the blonde stuck her tongue out and raised her head, licking at both of their genitals. Over on his left side, Janice was getting down on her hands and knees, as was her husband. She crawled over to Simon and just as her lips parted to suck on the head of his dick, Tom shoved his cock into her from behind. Melisa suddenly reappeared out of nowhere, her face contorted with a look of agony. Biting her lower lip, Simon heard her groan a couple of times, then shriek as she was pushed forward. Her mouth opened up wide and a soft, hesitating sigh came from her throat. They both looked at each other at the same time. Just as their lips met for a kiss, the front door crashed open. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" came the booming voice of young officer Richard Todd, his hand tightly wrapped around the arm of a naked, and dildo filled Kathy. Rich was shocked to recognize all of the people when they turned their heads to look up at him. The hot looking redhead he just met the other day was being fucked in the ass by one of the drivers from the mill. So, that meant that the blonde, who's face he couldn't see, had to be his show off wife Mary. He wasn't too surprised to see Janice sucking Simon's cock, since he knew remembered them from school, but he was amazed that her usually hot tempered husband was fucking her while she did it. Patrolman Todd was about to ask the new Mayor a question when Kathy freed herself from his grip. Rich didn't bother trying to get a hold of her again, so she quickly knelt down in front of him and started undoing his pants. When Kathy did this, the rest of the group went back to what they were doing before he burst in on them. Janice parted her lips and slid her mouth down Simon's cock as Tom resumed fucking her from behind. Bob and Don picked up their pace and continued fucking Sue and Mary as they ate each other out. The redhead and her husband were kissing again while the man behind her pounded his dick into her small ass. Finally, Kathy got what she was looking for, a hard REAL dick. Quickly pulling the dildo out of her pussy, she got the still stunned new arrival to lay down on the floor. Just as the head of his cock slipped in between the wet lips of her quivering cunt, he grabbed her by the hips and swiftly drove his dick up and into her. Kathy screamed at the top of her lungs how good it felt to fuck a real cock, and several of the others moaned or groaned out their own satisfaction and agreement. The events that took place at Don's Tavern were repeated again, but never talked about. Former Patrolman Todd, now Desk Sergeant Todd, filed a report that only stated there was a call about a prowler at the tavern, and that after investigating, he found nothing. The newly elected Mayor, Bob, and the newly appointed Chief of Police, Simon, saw no reason to change the details he had written down since the caller never came forward and nobody ever asked about the incident. Melisa and Simon had a serious talk about their marriage and past experiences during a break in the orgy. Melisa told him she needed sex more often than he did. Simon admitted he had been neglecting her, but reassured Melisa that it wasn't because he didn't love her. They both agreed that she could have sex with other guys, but it had to be limited to Bob, Tom, Jack, Don, or Rich. For now, Melisa saw no problem with this. Everyone else also agreed to get together once in a while for a party at one of their homes. Janice was the only person who didn't go along with them. She not only didn't agree to their orgies, she divorced Tom within a month. He didn't really love her, and she knew it. Simon didn't love her either, and she finally realized it. This wasn't the dark ages and there was no reason for her to stay and suffer in a private little Hell. Janice decided that her former husband and her former boyfriend weren't ever going to take her for granted or use her again, so she simply moved away after the divorce. The rest of the group made a mental note of this, especially Jack and Melisa. They realized what Janice did. Life didn't always work out they way you want it to and love doesn't conquer all. Joan, Rich's new bride, took Janice's place within the group of secret swingers when they got married. Simon suspected she would. After officially taking his post, he checked the logs and discovered that Joan was suppose to have the night off when she dispatched Rich to Don's Tavern. Ge also learned that the phone company had no record of a call being made to the station at the time she said it came through. What was Joan up to? Did she only enjoy sex as much as his wife Melisa did, or was she after something else? Candy and the Gunner A true story that really happend to me. I had this really good friend named Dave who also had a friend named Rusty. Well, Rusty had this really knockout girlfriend named Candy. Dave is a real bullshitter and I didn't believe half of the wild stories he told, so I just ignored his comments about how wild Candy got when she got drunk. He told me how Rusty was the type of guy that only wanted it about once or twice a week and Candy wanted it once or twice an hour. Since she was a "good little girl" she couldn't really cheat on Rusty, but if you got her drunk, she would do anything and not feel guilty about it. One day Dave told me he was going to prove to me how wild Candy really was. He had arranged for us to meet her at the local Pizza Hut for pizza and beer. When she met us I noticed that the dress she was wearing was really unusual in that it was made almost exactly like a raincoat, buttons down the front with a belt around the middle. I also noticed a lot of cleavage and her shapely claves encased in fishnet stockings. We sat down and ordered our pizza and two pitchers of beer. When the beer arrived, Candy said that she didn't want to drink any because she didn't like the taste. Well, after our pizza arrived Candy gave in and poured herself a glass of beer. When we were done with the pizza, we were also done with the beer and Candy had only had one. We soon ordered two more pitchers and convinced Candy that the only way for her to drink with us was to "chug" each glass so she wouldn't taste it so much. After "chugging" about six or seven glasses of beer, Candy was being as sweet as her name. She had unbuttoned two of the lower buttons on her dress so that she could mover her legs enough to play footsie under the table with me. As we were leaving, Dave was getting in the driver's side of the car and I was waiting for him to unlock the passenger door when Candy called out to me. She was standing in the center of the parking lot and when I turned she opened up her dress and showed me a braless cutout corsett with garters and stockings. Her nipples were about the size of a quarter and looked like Hershey's Kisses in the cool evening air. Her bush was a light strawberry blonde that looked like the hair was very thin or recently trimmed. About then I realized that we were in the middle of a city with about 100,000 people in it and it was still daylight at 8 P.M. Dave unlocked the door and we got into the car. Nothing else happened that night, but Candy and I became drinking buddies for several months. One evening about 4 months later Candy called me and invited me and my bottle of rum over to her apartment for margaritas. I quickly showered, dressed, hit the liquor store and was at her apartment in about 20 minutes. When I got there I thought something was up because Rusty was working night shift and Candy's roommate was out for the rest of the night with her new beau. Candy made the mistake of letting me make the margaritas and I loaded about a cup of rum into each one of the drinks. After our third round Candy was feeling real loose. Our casual conversation suddenly turned sexy when candy asked if I had liked her lingerie that night at Pizza Hut. I said that I loved lingere but had trouble finding women who were into it as much as I was. When Candy heard that I loved lingere she offered to give me a fashion show of her lingere collection. I quickly agreed and she disappeared into the bedroom to change. The first outfit she came out in really knocked my socks off. It was a basic white bra with frilly lace accross the top edge of the cups. The lace was cut just low enough to expose the top half of each perky brown nipple. She was wearing white garters that rode perfectly across her slender, full hips with four long, lacy straps leading down to her white stockings. The stockings were the sheer white kind that sparkle in the light and she was moving around alot to produce the best possible effect with the little light available. She was wearing white lace panties that were no more that two triangles of cloth held together by lace straps. The front panel was transparent enough that I could see her light bush and a hint of pussy lips. She really knew what she was doing because she had put her panites on over the garters so she could take off her panties without removing the garters. The fashion show didn't get any further then because Candy sat down next to me and started necking. Being fully clothed and in the arms of this green-eyed, red-haired beauty while she was only clad in her underwear was more than I could stand. I got up and started to undress when Candy said "Let me do that for you." Candy undresses me but made it a point not to touch me. She laid back on the couch and handed me a vibrator that had magically appeared in her hand. "Do me with this," she said. I took the vibrator from her and turned it on, adjusting the speed to a very slow, humming speed. I started out on her nipples and when they got good and hard I pushed the cups of her bra down to expose them to my tongue. With one nipple in my mouth and my left hand on the other, my right hand moved the vibrator around her crotch and upper legs. After about five minutes of playing this way I started to move the vibrator into her cunt. I slowly tickled the outer lips of her pussy with the tip of the vibrator and watched as her pussy unfolded like a lovely flower. The vibrator was already slick with her pussy juices that were leaking out of her like a lake draining so I pushed it slowly up into her pussy. I kept pushing until all eight vibrating inches were burried in her cunt. We moved into a sixty-nine position so she could suck my cock and I could lick on her clit while I diddled her with the vibrator. I finally removed the vibrator from her pussy and decided to get down to some serious cunt lapping. I shoved two fingers of my left hand up into her pussy and started to dig around until I found the magic spot. Once I had done this I sucked her clit into my mouth and pushed up on the spot. Candy started squealing and bucking like she was being electricuted and pussy juice coated my face and my arm down to the elbow. Suddenly Candy stopped thrashing about and just lay there breathing rapidly and deeply. Without any warning at all Candy pissed all over the couch but didn't seem to notice or to wake up. After about five minutes Candy woke up and was really embarassed about peeing on the couch. Apparently she was totally knocked out by the series of multiple orgasms. When she got her composure back she said, "You can do anything you like." When I heard this I was ecstatic. I first shoved my hard dick, I still hadn't come yet, up her juicy cunt and then shoved a finger up her asshole. After ten minutes of slow fucking and several orgasms by Candy I lifted her legs over my shoulders. From this position I withdrew my cock in a long slow stroke that made a popping sound when it finally came out. Candy whimpered for me to put it back in her when I pulled out but I had other ideas. I put my cunt juice slickened dick right up to her anus and began to push. Candy wasobviously no stranger to anal sex because she relaxed and shoved right back until my balls hit her ass. Then she started bucking and I started pushing. This time the strokes were long, hard, and fast. Candy grabbed the vibrator off the floor and pushed it into her cunt with such savage force that I thought that she might hurt herself. The vibrations were too much for Candy and she came twice real close together then I was ready to come. Candy stopped me and told me to come in her mouth so I withdrew my dick and, with her legs around my thighs, shoved it into her mouth. With Candy sucking on the head of my dick, one hand playing with my balls, and one finger of her other hand up my asshole I came what seemed like gallons. Candy drank it all down like a pro and then complimented me on my lovemaking. I saw Candy regularly and more kinkily for several more months and then she finally made a commitment to be true to Rusty and as far as I know she hasn't broken it. She always knows that if she wants anything in the way of sex she can call me. Big Boss Lady The "You're hired, " was the words I'd been hoping for. I spent weeks after weeks, trying to find a job as a sale manager. I've got a degree in sales, but because of no experience, almost all of the companies wouldn't hire me. Except for one firm owned by Ms. Suzan Sager. From what I understand, she sells any kind of sex equipment she can get her hands on. From condoms to the torture racks, even the computer generated mind sex that just barely came out. I couldn't tell much about Ms. Sager, because she was sitting behind a large desk. She's a beautiful honey brown hair woman, who's in her early forties. Her black leather business jacket that she was wearing, jutted almost straight out and then tightly straight down to her narrow waist. It hinted that she's a very large busted lady. Through out during the interview, she was very serious about her business. She likes to smile a lot as she talks. Her huge office was luxuriously decorated with expensive items. At one wall, she had a large painted portrait of herself in a ivory frame. Below the picture, was a long glass showcase. Inside the glass ed torture devices she had imported from different countries. Next to it was a full wet bar. On the opposite wall, was a TV set embedded into the wall with a complete stereo equipment. About two feet away was a full bathroom with a walk-in closet. The closet has a full set of clothes for different occasion. At the same wall, there was another room off set to the side. In the room, there was a large spa sunken into the floor, surrounded by live tropical plants. I could also see a hologram projector, which only the filthy rich people could afford. Further back into the room, behind the glass doors was a sun room. It was filled with all kinds of exercise provisions. It had everything from dumbbell to a treadmill. Most of the weight were free-weights, almost no machines. At one side of the suite, there was also a double metallic sliding doors, which I had no idea what's it for. There was a window, which overlooks her warehouse and the city, behind her desk. She also has close circuit TV under the window which probably covered every room in this building. There is a double wooden doors that opens electronically behind me, which leads out of her office. Ms. Sager's office is upon the seventh floor. The honey brown hair lady asked a series of question about my personal life. I answered her that I was single and had no dependents. I have no girlfriend and lead a pretty quite life. She told me if I wanted the job, I would have to move onto her property for security reason. She assured me, that there would be no rent to paid, but she has some very strict rules that I would have to go by. She handed me a sheet of paper for me to read her rules. And handed me another stack of paper which contained the regulation of her business. @The rules were pretty much the same as a hotel. I wasn't surprise when I came across a rule that contained 'No Intercourse Allowed Within the Building', but it pissed me off. There were other rules I never heard of before. I wasn't allowed to leave the grounds for anything. If there was something I wanted, I would have to apply for the item. Most of the rules rubbed me in the wrong way, but I wanted the job very badly. So, I accepted the job and the ground rules. Ms. Sager beamed at me as I signed the papers in agreement that I will followed the regulation to the letter. "Don't worry about your clothes and things. My secretary will arrange them to be brought here, " my boss said as she handed me a electronic pass card. She also told me that her secretary will give me the tour of the building and my room. The card was my only key that I will have, so I was not to lose it. As if it were a cue, I heard the door behind me opened and closed. I turned around and my jaw dropped. There stood the most sexist female I ever seen in my life. She was a brunette who stood about 5'5" tall. Her long legs were encase in black fishnet stockings with black thigh boots. She also wore a black leather swimsuit that had long sleeves with zipper from the wrist to the elbow. And there was one long zipper up the center of her suit. The leather stretched tight across her hips and tummy, but it stretched even tighter at her huge bust. The zipper almost gouged into her skin as it was half way up the suit. I could see her pink halo peeking over the edge of her suit. In short her suit left nothing to the imagination. Her face was just as beautiful as the rest of her figure. Her long brunette fell over her shoulders in waves. Her green eyes were in despaired as I looked into them. "Melissa, what is the meaning of this ?", demanded Ms. Sager. "I'm sorry Ms. Sager, I didn't know you had company. The art department was behind schedule, so they asked me to be their model. They gave me the only suit they had, which is one size too small. I thought you could help me closing this thing around my chest", said the busty brunette. The honey brown hair lady turned to me and asked, "Tony, can you help her out please?" I got up without a word to help a damsel in distress. After struggling with it, I finally close the zipper. The color left Melissa's cheeks as she thanked me. I could- n't help eyeballing her huge breast that was being crushed by her leather suit. The top of her suit was jammed with tit flesh. I had to refrain myself from touching her. Before she left, Ms. Sager asked her to return as soon as possible when the art department was done with her. Suzan handed me a stack of papers for me to fill out. It was the W-2 forms and I.D. paperwork. About an hour later, Melissa had returned just as I finished the papers. The secretary was instructed to give me a tour of the company and shown to my room. To my surprise, the secretary had changed her clothes to a plain looking dress which showed no sex appeal, but she still wore her high heel boots. I followed the busty woman out the door. We talked while she showed me the layout of the company. She showed me how to use the electronic card in order to access something that might be otherwise off limit to the other personnel. The building was larger than I thought it was. It had a gym and a swimming pool at one section of the building. There was also a complete library of books, video, and music tape, but any kind of pornography and sex stuff was to be bought with your own money and kept to yourself. The mind sex computer was available, but you needed Ms. Suzan Sager's permission. The tour ended at my room. I was sorry to see Melissa go. I had a raging hard on despite the plain dress she wore. I was not only turned on by her physical appearance, but also by her personality. Unfortunately, I wasn't allow to invite her in for a night cap. I could have sworn, even Melissa wanted me too. After that, days few by like a wind. I rarely see her. Even if I do see her, we could only wave at each other at a distance. Until one day, I received an angry call from Ms. Sager, ordering me to her office. I quickly strode over to her floor. Her secretary was sitting at her desk. "Hi Melissa, what's going on?", I asked her while eying the deep cleavage at her blouse. "Nope, all I know is, that I transfer one of her client's call to her. Then I heard her yell your name, Tony. She must be really mad at you if she call you in personally," she said with a worry look on her face. "Well then, I better get in if she's mad, " I said heading for the double set of wooden doors to her office. The doors were locked when I tried the door knob. I turn my head towards the brunette and asked, "Is she in?" She nodded her head 'yes' and pointed her finger towards the metal sliding doors off to the sides. I moved toward the doors. There was no buttons or knob to let me inside. I took a step forward, all of the sudden the door splinted in half with a swoosh and I was sucked inside the dark-room. The light behind me was cut off as it sucked me in. My body was hurling through the air, even though it felt more like I was falling down in a hole. There was a strange strobe light flashing intensive heat on my body as I flew through the air. I screamed as a wall came rushing at me at full speed. But suddenly, I stopped about a foot from the wall, instead of being splattered against it, the air current pushed into a new direction. The tunnel spitted me out into another room as fast as it sucked me in. I rolled onto the floor in a tumble heap. My head spinning as I tried to focus my vision on my immediate surroundings. The light was blinding my eyes as I squinted. There was a massive moving blurred object that was twice my height. Slowly after each blink, my vision began to sharpen in details. I rubbed my eyes to clear any foreign object that might be hampering my perception view. To my shock, the massive blurred object was my lady boss. She was bigger than life itself. I barely came up to her crotch. She wore a pair of bicycle pants which shows off her shapely buttocks and her massive pythons thighs and a half shirt that displayed her muscular abdomens and a little bit of the underside of her huge breast. Her well develop biceps were also exposed with veins crisscrossing like road maps down to her wrist. Perspiration ran down the side of her face and chest from a heavy ent laid on the floor in a line behind the honey brown hair giantess. I stood up shaking my head and rubbing my eyes to make sure that I wasn't hallucinating. I looked up again and things were still the same. I stared in disbelief. The giant woman was doing arm curls with dumbbells marked 75 pounds each. Her arms exploded with veins popping out as she alternating raised and lowered the weights. Her breath rasping for air, she growled while slowing down to her last repetition and then dropped the weights which made a loud clang. Ms. Sager glanced at me for the first time since I enter the room. She glared at me like she wanted to kill me on the spot. I wanted to hide from this giant woman. "Today, we lost a very valuable client, because of you, " her voice thundered loudly as if they came out of a 1500 watt speakers. I wanted to cover my ears, but I was afraid I would get beaten for ignoring her. She went to one of the exercise bench and picked up a folder from it. She tossed it to the floor in front of me. The file was as large as a newspaper as I opened it. The giantess started doing warm up stretches while I read through the reports. The client had an outstanding record which dated back when Ms. Sager first open her business. She sold every type of product that she had in stock to the client. It made me realize, without the client, there would be no steady cash flow to the company. I probably cost Ms. Sager a lot of money on the equipment she had in stock for the client. "Well, what do you have to say for yourself, Little Man?" she roared at me. I started to launch my side of the story, but she cut me of saying that she had a tape of our conversation with the client. She understood what had happen, but it was no excuse to mess up the transaction. While she continued to stretch her muscular body out, she ordered me to move the weights that she was exercising with earlier to the far side of the wall. Without thinking, I jumped to the task. The bar was so thick that it took both of my hands to circle it. As I tried to pick it up, the dumbbell refused to move. I put more force into it, again it didn't move. Suddenly, I felt something lifting me by the belt. My feet were dangling in the air and I heard her say, "Pathetic little wimp, can't even pick up lousy 75 pounds without help." The giant honey brown hair woman lifted me higher and higher off the ground and then she lowered me towards it. She was lifting me as if I were the dumbbell she was exercising ake her put me down while she did a few more repetition before dropping me to the floor. I landed face down into the carpet. "I want to do a little test before I start my next exercise," she said as she picked me up by my waist. The woman placed me on a workout bench. Curiosity perked in my mind while she lifted the 75 pound dumbbell. She stood in front of me and said, "I want you to stop me from lifting this heavy weight. I don't care if you use your weight to stop me from lifting this bar." Sounds easy enough I thought to myself, as I placed both of my hands against her enormous wrist. I nodded to her that I was ready. Her long forearm and biceps swelled out into massive portion. I set my back into it as I painfully tried to walk into her. I closed my eyes to concentrate on stopping her. Her arm started to lift inch by inch which pushed me back a little. Again, I doubled my efforts. I opened my eyes to look at her face, to see if she was straining. To my astonishment, she was smiling down at me. Without a warning, her arm exploded with veins popping out all over her arms like road maps. At the same time, her hand shot up into my stomach, and lifted me and the weights up. I let out a yelp. I tried to maintain my balance, but I tumble over her hand on to the floor again. I crashed on to floor on my back. I looked up to see the giantess shaking her head at me, "I can't believe you can't even stop me. Not only you are weak, you're fuckin' light weight little ass." She moved both of the dumbbell to the rack. She continue to taunt me, "I could probably crush you between my boobs without much pressure." The busty woman thrust her chest out proudly. When she did that one of her nipples popped out from under her quarter shirt. Even with just one of her boobs was bigger than my chest. I shuddered at the thought of being caught in her embrace. She could crush me into a pulp with those muscles of hers. Ms. Sager pulled out a flat rectangular object, what appear to be a remote control for the television set. She punched a series of buttons until I heard a electronic whir over my head. I looked up in time to see a door open with a quiet hiss. A red bag attached to chains came down through the ceiling. The bag was a cylinder shape with words 'Everlastic' printed across it. It was a body punching bag. "Hold the bag, while I go a few rounds with it," she commanded me. The bottom of the bag reached my waist, but it was twice my height. Gripping the bag the best I could, I set my weight against it. I found out it was a mistake. Every time she jabbed it, I thought my teeth were going to be knocked out by her light punches. The giantess talked while she sparred with the bag. She assured me that she would give me a chance to make up for the lost customer and restore me to normal size when I completed the task in limited time. She gave me three weeks to sell all of the products that were allocated for the customer, otherwise I would remain as I am until I found another way to please her. Her punches became stronger after each blow and she even started to kick it as well. I was losing my footing each time she violently punched or kicked the bag. I slowly peeked around the edge, hoping I could brace myself for her next blow. The punches stopped as I looked around. Ms. Sager was totally drenched in sweat. Her quarter shirt and her bicycle pants were soaked as if somebody dumped a bucket of water on to it. Her shirt became transparent I could see both of her nipples. I could also see the sweat dripping off her massive mammeries. I failed to notice her eyes. There was a look of determination as she gather all of her ki or strength of force into one blow. Suddenly everything went into slow motion as my heartbeat thumped in my ears. I knew the honey brown hair giantess moved quickly as she took two side steps and put all of her weight into her kick. Instead of kicking the side of the bag, she kicked straight into it. The red punching bag exploded in half. The stuffing flew everywhere as I flew backwards still holding the bottom half. It must have been at least five feet from where I was standing to where I laid on the concrete. Another two more feet, I would have been in the spa. The landing knocked the air form my lungs. It was a good thing I was on the side instead of behind it, otherwise the bottom bag would have crushed me. I heard the giantess grumbled, "Damn, there goes another one." With that she left the room, leaving me laying under the heavy bag. I managed to pull my arm from under the damaged bag. My shoulder stung like hell, but other than I wasn't hurt all that much, just a lot of bruises. Ms. Sager looked down at me and said, "You better get back to work and don't forget to pick up a copy of the inventory from Melissa." Without another word, she left to take her shower. I brushed the stuffing from my clothes as I stalked angrily out of the office. The day had already turned sour on me. Out of sheer politeness, I closed the door quietly rather than slamming it. "Are you all right, Tony," asked a ladylike voice behind me. Melissa's big brown eyes were leveled with mine, when I turned around. She was on her knees, brushing the stuffing out of my hair. I stared at Melissa's huge tits bulging out of her low cut blouse. I wanted to sink my face into them and cry, but that would appeared to unmanly of me. So, instead, I told her what happened. The busty lady listened to every word I said, then she gently checked my arm and chest. To my surprised, there were black and blue bruises on my chest and arms already. I flinched when she touched the bruises. She said, "You poor little man." and pulled my head down into her cleavage. Her musky fragrance wafted into my nose. I tried to breathe, but she was cutting my supply of oxygen off. I really didn't want to leave her soft downy breast. She clamped my head tightly to her bosoms. The secretary ignored my squirming and my muffled pleading. It seemed like hours went by, until Melissa released me. The room was spinning as I tried to regain my composure, but I fell backwards onto my ass. The giant brunette giggled as she stood up. "Goodness, I'd better get back to work," she said. I waited on the floor while my head began to clear. I stared at Melissa's shapely ass and thighs that were encased in blue jeans. She also wore a pair of black leather high heels boots that made her looked sexy. I wanted to run my hands up and down her legs to see how they feel. I stood back up as soon as my head felt cleared enough to do so. Her large posterior loomed just above my head as she moved away. "Ms. Sager said that I was suppose to get a copy of the inventory from you, so that I could find out what I need to sell," I asked as I walked towards her. She answered that she was looking for it. I stood in the center of her working area. She moved from one file cabinet to another and then to the counter where another computer was at. Then suddenly, she turned and walked right into me. I quickly, had this impression of a truck bearing down on me as her massive thighs knocked me down. I fell tumbling away from her. She broke out laughing at my misfortune. With one hand, she grabbed by my arm and pulled me up as if I were a doll. "Looks like I better give you something to do to keep you out of my way before you get kicked out of my office," she said smiling. Melissa gave me the task of getting her some paper clips for the papers I need. I stood on my toes to see if I could reach her tray full of paper clips. I couldn't even see over the top of her desk much less than reaching her tray. I looked at her chair next to me. The chair was high enough to assist me on what I need to do. I struggled to climb onto the swivel chair as quickly as I could. The chair spun around as I tried to climb into her seat. I was getting dizzy from spinning around in circles. Soon as it stop spinning as I grabbed the desk and reached for the single item that he could've gotten it without any efforts. I pushed the swivel chair around so I could face the giant brunette. I sat down into the plush of the seat and leaned into the back support. Melissa was already looking at me as I spun the chair around to her. She had her hand covering her mouth as if to refrain from laughing out loud. She said," I didn't want to disturb you from your conquest, but some of the papers you need already had paper clips." "Damn!" I exclaimed, tossing the object over my shoulder hoping it would land on the table. "Hey! Don't do that!," the busty giantess said, taking three steps towards me. Her shapely legs straddled the chair and practically plummeted her ponderous weight onto my legs. Her weight was crushing the life out of my legs as I screamed. She felt like she weigh at least five thousand pounds of flesh and bones. Her stomach smothered me as she reached to replaced the paper clips back into their proper place. Try as I might, I couldn't budge her. She squealed with delight when I punched her tits. The secretary leaned back to look down at me and scolded, "You, naughty little man, you should never touch me there. I'll have to punish you." She stood up slightly and grabbed my head with one giant hand and smashed my face into her heavy milkers. Both of her arms encircled my head against her monstrous mammeries. My air was immediately cut off. No amount of my strength will ever get me free. Blackness was slowly settling over me within a matter of seconds. The brunette released me from her crushing hug. My eyes were fluttering as I tried to open them. Suddenly, my face was being pummel by two large breasts. I felt something trickled from my nose as she continues to slammed her boobs into my face. Almost a full minute later, she released me from her beating. I found blood on my fingers when I checked my nose. The giant Melissa took no notice of it. "C'mon we have to go to the file room to get the rest of your file," she said. I nodded my head that I would go with her. I pinched my nose, hopefully to stop the bleeding. Without another word, she got up and headed towards down the hall where the file room was. Her click-banging of her high heel boots faded as I got down from the giant chair. I crashed to the floor, trying to get the life back into my dead legs. I quickly hobbled after her the best I could. The giant and giantess all stare at me as I ran down the aisle. I could hear whispering as I passed by them. I turned around as I walked to find enormous people staring at me in wide eye amazement and astonishment. I wanted to avoid the crowds' stares, but there was no chance of that now. Just as I turned around, without a warning, something dark and huge came out of a doorway and broadside me. As I wasflying through the air, I tried to go into a roll. No such luck, I crashed into a heap. My body was in pain and it wasn't meant to take so much beating already today. A female voice speaking Spanish asked me if I was OK. I only understood some of the Spanish, but I understood enough of it. A huge finger prodded me in the ribs as she rolled me on to my back. I groaned as I looked up. I recognized the huge female face. Her name was Ruby. I spoke half in Spanish and the other half in English knowing that she only spoke Spanish. She gasped when she saw my face. My nose was bleeding again. I pinched it. The giant Spanish woman asked what happen to me. I told her that I would explain later. With one hand, Ruby pulled me by my shoulder and started to dust me off. I wanted to take off and catch up with Melissa, but she held me firmly. Boldly, she asked me if I would like to go out with her after work. She shorter than most of the women who worked here, but even then she was still taller than me. I only came up to Ruby's large breast. I told her I wasn't allowed to leave the company premises. The giant woman put on the puppy dog look on her face, and said that she was sorry. She made some comments about how she could have some fun with me. The tall woman always wanted to go out with someone who is shorter than she is. I shudder at the thought. There was a rumor that this woman likes to 'rough up' her lovers before going to bed with them. Ruby wasn't ugly, in fact she was kind of pretty in a way. The Spanish woman always dresses to her advantage. She wore low cut dresses and always tight fitting clothes. There wasn't a day that went by she didn't wear high heel shoes. Unlike most woman, Ruby's shirt were cut lower than most woman would could care to go. In fact, they were on the border of being scandalous. She continued to brush me down from the backside, while she was there, she took to opportunity to feel my ass. Her huge body was press up close to me, giving me the same chance. Her huge breast rubbed along the side of my arms. Then, she switched to my front, also taking the opportunity to rub her long finger along my shaft. I couldn't help getting excited as she perpetuated brushing me down. Ruby made a comment about me being too small for her that she might have to toss me back into the water. I told her that I might be small, but I just might be too much for her to handle. The Spanish woman chuckled and patted my ass before letting me go. "I see you finally caught up with me. Did you get lost?" demanded the giant secretary with her foot tapping the carpet. I responded, "I ot knocked down by Ruby." Without a word, she grabbed me by the ear and pulled me inside the storage room. "Let's get to work," she said hungrily. I didn't know what she meant by that comment. The storage room was little bit better than a closet. There was one rows of file cabinets on each side of the doorway. There is a table at the end of the aisle. The light lit up the room brightly as she pulled me to the table. Almost without any effort on her part she lifted me on to the high table. Even with me sitting on the table, she was still a head taller than I. I felt helpless. By my hair, her enormous hand yanked it back and as her large lips covered mine. Melissa kissed me passionately as her other free hand roamed over my smaller body. I couldn't resists her, specially when she is twice my height and three times stronger than I am. She forcefully pressed my small body against her larger form. The brunette's massive hooters were crushing my chest painfully. I tried to push her away, but only succeeding burying my hands between her breast. Melissa thought I was massaging her breast. She released me as she began to unbutton her blouse. I tried to persuade her to hold off. "But, Melissa, we'll both get fired if Ms. Sager ever catch us at this," I pleaded her. "Screw her. I want you now, Little man. I'm so horny right now. I don't think you'll object to me having a good time with you?" she sneered as herbraless boobs came into view. They were full and firm, and didn't sagged at all. Her teats were at least an inch long, from my point of view. The secretary shoved my face into her right tits and said, "Suck my titties, you dirty little man!" Given no other choice, i did as she bided me to do. I kissed and sucked the huge nipple, while I fondled her left breast. Her breathing became heavier and hoarse. She moaned with pleasure as Melissa squashed my face against her fleshy mountain. With one hand, she released my dick from the confinement of my pants. She stroked and fondled my turgid shaft, even though her fingerswas aching to fuck her, no matter how big she is. Her body heat rose steadily, soon, she was burning like a bitch in heat. My hand moved down to her flat stomach and lower. She moaned, "That's it, lover. Unbutton my pants." I tried to unsnapped her pants, but it took almost all of my strength to pried it apart. Suddenly, without a warning, the door was kicked in, with a loud crack. It remained hanging on one of the hinges as my towering boss stormed in the file room. The look on her face told me that she wasn't please to find my hands in her secretary's pants or with my face buried between Melissa's breast. "I'd thought I'd find you here, you miserable little runt," raged Ms. Suzan Sager. I started to say something, but the brunette interjected, "He made me do it. He threatened to expose me if I didn't do as he told me to do." She cowered away from her boss and me. "Shut up, slut," The honey brown hair giantess snarled and she snapped her attention to me. If looks could kill, I'd be incinerated on the spot. She stared at me for a long time. I thought she would hit me, but none came. Ms. Sager growled at her secretary, "Melissa, I want you in my office in 10 minutes." Without wasting a moment, the brunette ran from the file room. "You, in my office, now!" her huge finger was leveled at me. Before I could move, her hand jerked me off the high table. I landed face down on the carpeting floor with a bone jarring impact. The giant woman stormed out of the room without another word as I looked up. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with her giant long strides. Not wanting to keep her waiting, I ran after her. She was nowhere in sight as I went to her office. I stared straight ahead to avoid the questioning stares from around me. Ms. Sager's door was open when I arrived. I slowly walked in and looked around for my boss. She was at her display case, pulling out a long black riding crop. She wouldn't dare be planing to use that on me, I thought to myself, but in my present condition how was I to stop her if she choose to use it. "About time you got here, you little prick," she said with- out looking at me. With a wave of her hand, she motion for me to go to her desk. I closed the doors as I went to her desk. "Take off your clothes," she ordered me, acidly. "In front of you? I don't think so," I responded. I regretted ever for saying it. Before I could move, the leather crop struck me on my left shoulder. The blow drove me to my knees as the pain lance through my shoulder. "You don't think unless I tell you so. Now take off your clothes or else," she threatened me. In less than a moment, my clothes where on the floor. I stood stark naked in front of her. Ms. Sager snorted at my exposed genital as she examine my body. She used her long crop to spin me around while inspecting me. "You been here less than a month and you cost me a long time standing customer. Not only that, in the same day you tried to make out with my secretary in a closet. It seems I have to show you some manners," said the giantess. I started to say something, but my head snapped to the side after she struck me with her long stick. "Don't speak unless I tell you so," said Ms. Sager. "I'm going to change into something more appropriate for the task I have in mind for you," she said, "When I get back I want to see you on your knees." She strode to another part of the room which was completely sealed off after she closed the doors. With some careful efforts, I lowered myself to my knees while my head continue to spin from her last strike. I tried to think where I went wrong. All I could think about was Melissa's massive hooters. How they felt, smelled, and shaped. I know I should be pissed off at her for lying to Ms. Sager. After all she was the one who seduced me in the first place. I didn't look up when a dark figure silently enter the office. I almost didn't hear the door clicking shut. I gasped as I looked up to see Ms. Sager's secretary walking towards me. The giant brunette had changed clothes. She wore a 2 piece black swimsuit. Her brassier was studded with sliver spikes that any contact would pierce the skin. Her bottom part was plain swimsuit with bow ties on both side of her swinging hips. She walked in a pair of black leather high heel shoes. She smiled down at me as she came closer to me. "Aww... Did she hurt you again? " she cooed. Melissa's long finger traced the newly welt on my face. With all of my strength, I savagely shoved her hand away, "Don't touch me, bitch." The hand came back, in a fist, with an astonishing speed, punched me in the face. Her punch lifted me off the floor and on to my back. Blackness settled over my eyes, like a blanket. I felt a pair of giant female hands dragged me in a short distance. I opened my eyes to see a knee being lowered on to my chest. The giant secretary made herself comfortable as she sat down on her hunches. Her leather high heel shoe felt cold against my naked cock and balls. Her huge knee was painfully compressing the air from my lungs. I tried to shove the leg aside, but it was planted firmly. No matter what I did, I was trapped underneath the weight of her shapely leg. I glared up at her immense form. Her breast dominated most of the view as she smiled down at me. "What's the matter? Can't get comfy," she taunted me aybe, I can help," she said. Before I could ask, she immediately stood up straight on her knees. The weight of her knee intensified which the pain became excruciating painful. I felt a couple of my ribs cracked as I screamed. Melissa laughed at my agony. I felt that if she stay on her knees my chest would eventu- ally cave in. I struggled to shift her immense weight, but that brought even more pain to my chest. "What's the matter with you? Everything I tried to make you happy, you bitch about it," the giant brunette said. She looked down at me between her massive mammeries. Slowly a smile began to form on her beautiful face as if she had an idea. Her eyes twinkled with delightfulness as she licked her lips in a sultry fashion. With one huge hand, she grabbed both of my hands, and firmly placed them above my head. I sucked a lungful of air when she released me from her painful pressure. Before I could relax, she dropped her gigantic tits on to my ribs. Her studded bra piercing my already swollen chest caused me to scream once more. With just one of her boobs, it very easily covered my entire upper body. She began to grind me with her superior weight and her massiveness. The spikes felt like it was tearing my skin in to shreds. The giant secretary moaned, "Ooooh, this feels soo good!" and proceeded to move even faster and wider circles. Tears streamed out of my eyes as I bit my lips to keep from crying out. As much as I tried to squirm but her mammoth body kept me immobile. It literally constricted my breathing, as I was taking in small amount of air at a time. Her body heat continued to rise steadily as she rubbed her tits across my chest. The pain was even more agonizing than ever. "Aww...You're crying," I heard her say. My tears were streaming out rapidly. Then she dragged her heavy breast down lower to my stomach with the metal stud leaving a trail of red welts in it's wake. of my face. Her hot breath steamed over my face as she moaned with pleasure over each lick. With her free hand, she grabbed my hair and pulled it back as she rammed her large tongue down the back of my mouth. I couldn't help gagging for several moments as I was forced to breathe through my nose instead of my mouth. For several long minutes, I was to endure her torturous torments. Suddenly her tongue slid out of my mouth and her mountainous hooters were lifted. I opened my eyes to find the giant Melissa still squatting on her knees, towering above me. She was rubbing her crotch with her right hand as she smiled down at me and commented, "That felt good, Little man." Without getting up, she undid the strings that held her shorts up on her hips. The garments fell to the floor in a heap. "Now, let's see if you can get me off," she purred with ecstasy. With a single hand, she pulled my legs between her tree trunk size thighs until my head was under her crotch. Her dark pubic hair loomed high above my head as I stared up at it. Terror was beginning to over take me as she lowered her- self towards me. My hands were still pin above my head, rendering it useless. I shook my head from side to side, screaming and begging for her not to do this to me. Her huge hand pinned my head down so that I could no longer shake my head as she settled her muff down on my face. She released my head as she gyrated her hips in a slow seductive manner. All I could was breathe and smell her crotch. "C'mon, give me some tongue action, " Melissa growled huskily. I shook my head negatively the best I could. "Oh? You don't want to? Seems that you didn't learn anything from the last time," Her voice had an edge of steel that I didn't like. I didn't get much of a view since her crotch and ass were on my face, but I could feel her other hand stroking my right thigh as it went towards my half hard shaft. Suddenly, intensive pain shot racked through my body as the giant hand squeezed my dick. Melissa smiled as she listened to my muffled scream. The pain stopped when she asked me once more, "Are you going to do as I ask?" What was left of my strength, I nodded my head weakly. I slowly stuck out my tongue as she continued her shifting her hips across my face. The giantess purred as she released both of my hands to massage both of her enormous tits. "Now I don't taste all that bad, do I?" she cooed. I was fighting the urge to put my tongue back in my mouth after tasting the bitterness of her vagina. Both of her huge hands grabbed my head and tried to shoved it deeper into her cavernous cunt. Her giant oscillating hip gyrated at a faster rate. I was close to the point of passing out until Melissa rolled off of me, pulling me with her. I laid on top of her gasping for oxygen, until I heard her say, "Fuck me, you little I looked down at my half hard shaft, trying to will it to rock hard, but I was to exhausted to do so. I had a feeling that I would get a beating if I don't fuck the secretary soon. This time, I willed an exotic image of a woman at my height that any man would want to have for the night. Slowly, my genial started to become erected. I crawled forward slowly, as I stretched my legs and back. Suddenly, something large and big swatted on my back. The blow sent me sprawling forward, face first into the giantess's tits. A voice, I know all to well, said, "You should know better than that, Melissa. You'll screw up the incantation if you let him touch you that way." I rolled over to see my boss, Ms. Suzan Sager, towering above me. She changed her clothes to something that looked more dominating. She wore a pair of jet black high heel boots, which showed off her massively powerful thighs. I could see her pubic hair protruding from the sides of her panties. The cups of her black lacy corst was being threatened to be overrun by her giant hooters. Over her broad shoulders, she wore a black cape, which hung all the way down to the floor. The word, incantation, ran through my mind. "What could she be talking about?" I thought to myself. "I couldn't help myself, Ms. Sager. I haven't been fucked in a long time," said her secretary. I started to get up off of Melissa, but the honey brown hair giantess kicked me back down on to my back. "I think we're going to have to debase Tony a little bit more," snickered my boss. The giant woman threw her cape back and withdrew what looked like a strap on dildo. The thing looked pitifully small in her hand as she snapped the straps around her waist. If she was going to use that thing on me, I didn't want any part of it. I tried to get up, but Melissa's shapely long legs imprisoned me. No matter how hard I tried to get out, I was no match against her superior strength. I banged with my fist on her legs as the giant Suzan stooped down and grabbed me by my shoulders with both of her hands and hauled me to my feet. The giantess laughed at my efforts to escape her hands as she stood up to her full height and then readjusted herself so that the rubber dong was face level with mine. She pulled me up close to her strap on dildo. The rubber dick was longer than mine by a good 5 inches and thicker, too. I shook my head every time my giant boss tried to insert the shaft into my mouth. I had to brace my hands against her wide hips. "Kiss my dick, dammit!" she growled at me and I still refused to do so. Her huge hand nearly took off my head when she slapped me. My nose was bleeding again and the pain stung the left side of my face. "Now, kiss it, dammit!" she ordered me again. I puckered my lips to kiss the distasteful thing. I heard Melissa laughing behind me. "Now, lick the side of the shaft to show what a good little slut you are," said Suzan. I turned my head to lick the entire length of the entity. The taste was bitter as I licked the shaft. She guided my head with one hand, around the rubber dildo, to make sure that I've licked every inch. The giant lady purred, "That's very good, little slut. Now," her two giant hands grabbed the back of my head, "suck it." All resistant was futile, as she arched her hips towards me, her powerful hands pulled my head directly into her strap-on rubber dildo. The thing forced its way into my mouth as I tried to accommodate it's size. I half gag and half chocked on the thing, but I wasn't given any choice. The giantesses laughed at me as I struggled with it. Suzan continued to stroke the rubber dong in and out of my mouth while tears were streaming out of my eyes. Each time she pumped the projectile, she drove it deeper and deeper into the back of my mouth. My throat expanded until she drove the whole thing all the way in. "So, how does it feel to be the weaker sex for a change?" my boss asked me. I couldn't say anything because the dong was still impaled into my mouth. She slowly backed the shaft out of my mouth, forcing me to endure it for a while longer. It came out with a silent pop. I wiped my eyes dry as I looked up to see Ms. Sager grinning at me evilly. I didn't like that look she gave me. Her rubber shaft was pointing at my stomach when she dropped down on her knees. "Guess what we're going to do next," she said with her eyes laughing at me. "Oh no, she not going to fuck me with that thing," I thought to myself. With her superior strength, she easily turned me around by my waist while I screamed and try to pull myself from her powerful grasp. Suzan smacked the hard rubber dong on my ass painfully as she laughed gleefully. Pulling with all my might, the giantess effortlessly lifts me off the floor. I screamed as she penetrated my ass with the dildo. "That's it, cry, little man, cry," she said. Cry, I did as she rammed the rod into me deeper each time. I could feel my rectum being forcefully spread wider each time she drives it into me. The thing burned my asshole as it entered and exited me while she held me aloft a few inches in the air where my toes could barely touch the ground. It felt like eternity, before she drove it to the hilt. It felt like a log was inside of me. I was still screaming my head off and trying to push the dildo out of my ass. Ms. Sager continued to laugh and tease me, "I can see why men enjoy rapping women. I never felt so much power from fear, especially from a tiny little man like you, Tony." The giantess swatted my ass to inflict more pain upon me. I watched the giant Melissa ,through my tear-streaked eyes, smiling to herself as she fingered herself in the crotch. The brunette rolled on to her hands and knees, with cat-like grace, she crawled towards me. She lowered her face down mine and licentiously drove her big tongue in to the back of my mouth. Her large hand caressed the right side of my face while her other hand, with her fingers lightly played with my left nipple. I tried to scream when the giantess roughly pulled the long dildo out of my ass, but Melissa mouth covered mine. I fell to my knees when Suzan released me. The brunette still held on to me. "C'mon, Melissa. If you want the spell to work, now is the time to do it when he feels he has been degraded so low," I heard Ms. Suzan Sager say. The secretary released my mouth with a loud smack. My body crashed to the floor as both of the giantesses quickly drew a circle around me with chalk and started to light candles that were surrounding me. Then I heard something heavy dropped to the floor, near my feet, but outside of the chalk drawn circle. I turned my head towards the object. It was a statue of a woman that somehow was radiating fear into me. Don't know why, but I was definitely scare of that thing. The lights were turned off and I watched Melissa put her clothes back on, in the candlelight, knelt down on her knees near my head and somehow I felt and knew the other giantess was behind me. Strange words erupted from the Suzan Sager's mouth, I couldn't tell if they were Greek or Latin. Her voice rose and pitched with feverish frenzy. suddenly her dialogue switched to English as I listened to her, "Hear me my goddesses! I bring thee an offering of a gift. I beseech thee to come forth. Let thine present beknown among us. Honor us with thine present." "Hello, my ever so bright daughter. What do you have to offer me this time?" a voice that somehow was emulating through the angry stone, but it sounded so cheerful. It wasn't right. All my life, that when I went to church, there was never a present or a voice that was heard when I was around. Ms. Sager replied, "I bring thine an offering of this woman to be one of your followers. From her she brings you this worthless man as her gift to the most holy thine." "Suzan, drop the thee's and thine's. Those days are long gone by and you're giving me a heartache thinking about my other daughters who died when Rome decided to invade the jungle. And for once say my name." "I'm sorry my goddess, but you know if anyone says your name in your present, the other gods will hear it and take actions against you and us. Just like what happen with Amazon." "Very well. Let's take a look at our new follower." There was a brief pause. Somehow I could feel the goddess floating over Melissa and then it moved back to the cold statue. "You have done well,even though she still has the lust for this carcass, but she will change, Suzan. I will take her offering even though there is nothing to take from the man-ape. I will have to take his strength." "No need to take his strength. I already extracted fluid from him. I was going to ask you a favor that you transfer his strength to Melissa. She gonna need it in the near future." I heard something popped and set on the floor next to me. "Because you have done so well, I will grant you your wish." Before I knew what happened, I felt something powerful seized control of my mind and body. I closed my eyes and screamed as my body convulsed uncontrollably as I felt something being wrenched away from me. I felt the statue's anger and power as it tore something from me. After what felt like eternity, the pain subsided, but I don't think it will ever go away. Melissa moaned with such an intensity, that I had to look at her. Slowly, I opened my eyes just a crack and then opened them all the way. I wished that I hadn't. Despite the pain I was feeling, I stood up on my feet and looked up to the colossal form of the secretary. She was even bigger than before. I stare in astonishment as the brunette grew more and more muscular in each passing seconds. The black studded bra she wore, burst from her oversize chest. Her shoulder broaden as she spread her arms out like an eagle as her biceps exploded with power on her arms. Her abdomen shrank and formed into a hard packed washboard. She rose up higher upon her knees as I watched her thighs swelled into mighty pythons. "It's an incredible sight, isn't it," I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and nearly staggered back from the view. Suzan also towered like a colossal giantess. I turned around to look at the other woman and then back to my boss. They were both at the same height, it seems that I had been shrunk again. "Well, it seems that my Goddess has gotten greedy again. You should be lucky. The last man she had, she didn't stop shrinking him until he was 2 inches tall and we lost him in my pussy," giggled the giantess. She reached down and grabbed me by my waist with one giant hand. Her fingers were thick as a telephone pole as I tried in vain to pry them apart. I was brought up close to her billboard size face. "We're gonna have some fun," her loud voice rumbled. I was already frighten, I couldn't get any more scared than I was. Suzan hastily dropped me to the ground as she leaned back. I looked up to see that she was removing the rubber dildo which was twice the height as I was. Next, she removed the panties she was wearing and motioned me to come closer to her huge vagina. Her crotch looked like a set of forbidden doors to dangerous sexual passion as I came closer to her. With two large fingers, she peeled back the labia, to reveal a large wet gaping hole with a nipple hanging down from the ceiling. With her free hand, I was shoved towards her cavernous cunt. I dropped down onto my knees and crawled the rest of the way to her. My giant boss roared with laughter. I sucked her large clit while I inserted one arm into the hole. The hole quickly closed around my arm before I could pull it back. No matter how hard I tried to, I couldn't pull my arm out. I started to panic. I stopped sucking her clit and changed position. I planted both of my knees into the floor and tried to pull. No avail. I kept on trying. I looked up at the honey hair giantess. She had her hand covering her mouth. Suddenly, she burst out laughing and my arm came free. I fell back from the force of my arm coming free. Before I could get up, her gigantic hand scooped my legs and hauled me upright. "At this rate you're never gonna make me cum," she said. With one leg on her knee and the other on it's feet. She centered me underneath her crotch and inserted my head and chest into her cunt. My scream turned into a gargling sound as she pumped me in and out. My arms were pinned to the sides, were useless. After what felt like eternity, her body started to shuddered and her vagina muscles expanded and contracted. With the help of her juice, I slid out of her dark hole and fell 10 feet to the ground. I crumbled into a heap, covered with white sticky ooze. I was ready to fall asleep after what I was put through, until a giant hand snatch me from the floor and my sleep. Panicking, I held on to the fingers. My eyes opened to find Melissa's large face looking down on me. "Yummy," was all she said. The giant face zoomed down on me with her mouth opened wide enough to swallow me whole. I screamed as it came closer upon me. Her tongue came out of her mouth and started to lick the cum off of my body. The giantess licked me thoroughly as if she were a kid who would take great joy in licking all of the batter off the spoon. In mere minutes, she had me licked clean, although I reeked of her breath. She dropped me back onto the floor, like some forgotten toy. I crashed onto the floor with every part of my body in pain. I rolled over to see Melissa's new body. The change was astounding. She still had her large firm breast, but for some reason it look bigger, even though I'm smaller than I was before. The rest of her body had a lot of mass muscles on it. Her stomach was a flat washboard with her abdominal finely detailed. Her arms and legs was nothing but a mass of powerful coils wrapped around it with blue veins crisscrossing all over it. She was trying to put on her high heel shoes, but her feet was too big. And she tried to put on her swimsuit. The secretary's bottom part splayed when she pulled them up. The top part, no matter how she tried, couldn't reach all the way around her broad back. I couldn't take my eyes off of her new body, it was incredibly exciting to look at it and at the same time it was also dangerous. "Ms. Sager, do you have anything that I could put on that will fit me, until I could get some new clothes?" asked Melissa. Suzan only pointed at her walk-in closet. The giant secretary disappear into it. "Upon your hands and knees, Boy Toy!" Ms. Sager voice cracked like a whip. It hurt too much to do as she said, so I just laid there. "If you don't do as I say, I'm gonna step on you!" she threaten and still I didn't move. Her high heel boot was suddenly on top of me, but there was no pressure. Her foot was so large that it easily covered my whole body. "I warned you what would happen if you didn't obey," she said. Her immense foot had gotten incredibly heavy. My breathing became more and more difficult. The pain came next as I screamed in agony. For the next few moments, she kept up the pressure until she was satisfied that she had punished me. Her foot was suddenly gone and again she commanded,"Get on your hands and knees, Dog!" With each movement was a stab of pain, I slowly rolled over and got onto my hands and knees. "Good boy! You deserve a treat. Lick my boots clean, Boy Toy," the giant honey hair lady ordered me. I looked up to find her foot several yards away from me. I made my way over to the black shiny boot. I started at the point of her toe and worked my way back to the high heel. "Melissa, do you still want this miserable little wimp?" yelled my giantess boss. "No, not really. Why? Do you want him?" asked the other woman. "Yes, I think he would make a nice little paper weight for me and among other things," Ms. Sager responded. "So, what are you going to do with your fabulous new body?" continued the boss. "I think I'm going to get even with those artist who tried to stuff me into a suit that was too small for me," said the secretary. "That's fine, but hurt them too much. I need them for a new project," said she. A hand reached down and grabbed me by my waist. I was hoisted high into the air, until I was level with Suzan Sager's face. "Hear that? You're my property from now on. Anything I say or do, you will not disobey me at all or you'll suffer the consequences. You got that?" she shook me in the palm of her hand. I dare not to say anything, least she decides to drop me as my punishment. There was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" asked Suzan. The door opened and a familiar face walked in. Ruby asked in a stumbling English, "I wanted to ask you,..." She stopped in the middle of a sentence when she saw me in Ms. Sager's hand. Her eyes glinted with pure sexual joy. I shuddered with the thought if she ever got her hands on me. My tormentress did not even miss the look from Ruby's eyes. She took it in stride. "I see. Well, for twenty dollars, you can have him for the night and in the morning you can drop him off with my secretary," she offered. Without a moment to think, Ruby bobbed her head in agreement. The giant boss continued, "And if you want one of your own, we'll talk about it tomorrow. For this you can pay me later." Suzan walked towards Ruby and deposited me between Ruby's deep cleavage. "NOOOOO! Don't leave me with her!" I screamed as I tried to scrambled out of her soft downy boobs. A hand came down on top of me and pushed me in even deeper into her cleavage. The last thing I remember was Ms. Sager saying, "Tony, remember who's the boss now." The End Air Fling This is my first posting ... I have more to share in the future if you like this, but must post anonymously, since I am a senior manager at a Fortune 100 company and knowledge about my extra-curricular activities would cause the end of my career. It was hot and steamy as we arrived at the airport in Brisbane for the long journey home to Boston. This was the end of a month-long campervan vacation in Australia, and I, for one, was overjoyed to be heading back to some normalcy. For an entire month my wife Anne (I call her "the queen") had avoided sex in the campervan, or anywhere else for that matter, since "the children are nearby." - The irony of her way of thinking will be evident shortly. Actually, she is not very interested in sex anytime, since she was taught by her mother that sex was "dirty." The only time she ever saw her parents making love, they were fully clothed (hike up the skirt, dear - I'll just quickly unzip.) Sometimes I wonder how we ever ended up with three children; one is grown and on her own, the two boys (Ralph, 17 and Trevor, 14) were with us on holiday. Because I travel regularly, I have opportunity for other sexual outlets during the year, but four plus anding uptight woman does not give you much opportunity to develop alternatives. I had some first class upgrade coupons, but at check-in time was told there was only one seat available. Anne immediately volunteered because of her "potential for a bad back," and was seated in 3A. The boys and I were given 21K/L and 22L. This was aisle and window seating in the 2-5-2 configuration, and the last two rows in the second section. I took the single seat, and let Ralph and Trevor sit together for the first ten-hour segment of the flight. An attractive woman dressed in a loose sweater and very tight blue jeans took the seat next to me. I could see that Ralph was uncomfortable and maybe even a little jealous, since he kept turning around to talk to me, but she was too old (29) to be interested in him. She introduced herself as Christine, "You can call me Chrissy." She was about five foot eight, light brown (almost blond) long hair, a nice ass - firm and high, breasts with an impact even through her shapeless sweater, and obviously in good physical condition. Chrissy was headed for Miami to pick up her belongings from a recent divorce; she and her husband had been working together on private yachts for eight years, and he had developed a cocaine habit. When he would not seek help to end his drug addiction, and more immediately after a close call with customs in Australia last year, she decided then and there to split from him, filed for divorce, stayed in Brisbane, and had just been notified the divorce was final. In the meantime, she had met another guy she wanted to stay with, and was going to Miami to settle up the property and return to her new lover. This I discovered during dinner conversation and over a few shared glasses of wine. Looking into my eyes, she confided she was "now free and ready for some excitement." The movie started, the flight attendants went around the cabin to lower all the shades, and Chrissy said, "I'd rather talk, if it's OK with you; this movie is terrible." I had also seen the movie and agreed. We spent the next two hours getting to know each other better. Chrissy at one point said, "You have terrific eyes, I get really turned on by eyes." We talked about the kids, and when she asked if I was married and learned about Anne in the front cabin, she thought it displayed selfish behavior and then never mentioned my marital status again. By now, the boys had fallen asleep, and just before the end of the movie, Chrissy excused herself for a few minutes, reached into the overhead bin for her carry-on (stretched long enough to get my mind focused on her hips and legs in those wonderful tight jeans,) and headed to the lavatory in the back. When she returned, she was wearing loose-fitting sweatpants, and when she asked if I minded if she lifted the arm dividing the seats, I replied "Of course not!" By now I had an idea of what she had in mind, because she had confided during the movie that one of her greatest turn-ons was the risk if discovery while having sex. "My husband was not a great lover, but in the close confines of the boat it was always exciting to fuck without anyone nearby knowing about it; I had more orgasms from fucking near other people than from the sex act itself." As she shared this with me, she was already visibly breathing more quickly. Chrissy and I arranged the blankets over both of us, now no longer separated, and curled up like spoons in the otherwise crowded seats. I started to give her a back rub, slowly working over her muscles by now cramped from the first five hours of the flight. She purred quietly, and after a ed her shapely ass on the seat, pushing it back into my growing erection. With both hands I reached around under her loose sweater, and fondled her globes, her nipples growing firmer under my gentle stroking. Chrissy reached back and with one hand released my belt, then unbuckled and unbuttoned my pants. I whispered in her ear, "How do you do that? I can't even do that with one hand, and they're my pants." She laughed, and said, "Years of practice; don't worry, it gets better." My hard-on sprang out of my tight bikini briefs as she pulled the waistband forward, and she whispered, "I'm glad you're not wearing boxer shorts, I can't stand them." Chrissy began to stroke my cock, now slightly oozing with its own lubrication. She used the pre-come to help rotate her fingers gently around the head, stroking it with ever firmer pressure. I withdrew my hands from under her sweater to push my pants down further, allowing me to slip the briefs down below my swollen balls, which she now explored with her questing hand. Lubricating her fingers even more with her saliva, she alternately rubbed my balls and massaged the head of my dick. My hands were now free, and I hungrily reached forward for her erect nipples, shortly afterward sliding my right hand down her belly and slipping it under the waistband of her sweatpants. She was wearing no panties underneath, and the inside of the cotton sweats was already wet with her juices. As I stroked her mound, her lubrication welcomed my fingers into her warm wet cunt. Rubbing the juices on my fingers, I began to circle her clitoris and then used my fingers to stroke in and out of her pussy while my thumb pushed against her swollen clit. She was breathing harder now, and could not stop moving her ass around on the seat, first bucking her soaking cunt against my right hand, then pushing her ass back against my cock through the sweatpants. Just then, the stewardess came down the aisle, paused noticeably as she came up to our row, glared at me (me? why me? there are two of us here, you know!), almost said something, then apparently decided that since we were bothering nobody else, she would keep moving. Thank God! While we were both close to fully clothed at that time, there was little chance she could do anything legally disastrous, but who needs the embarrassment, or the hassle from the kids for that matter. As the stewardess left, Chrissy whispered. "She knows exactly what we are doing, and she's jealous! Now I want to have your prick inside me. I'll keep quiet, but I need you to fuck me now." With this, she lifted her ass off the seat and slid her sweats down below her knees, then separated her legs slightly and moved back so I could slide into her dripping pussy from behind. I moved slowly in and out as she purred and pushed back onto my cock quietly so we would not wake our neighbors. At the same time, I reached back around to stroke her clitoris easily but steadily. The appearance of the stewardess had startled me, and most of the urgency for release that had built up from her stroking my hard-on had subsided, so it was a nice, long, easy fuck, punctuated by her spasming in orgasm three times before my cock pressure built up to the point of no return. I came with the most excruciating pleasure I had felt in my life (actually for the last month, but you know how easy it is to lose perspective at the moment.) I felt like I unleashed at least a pint of come into her already dripping cunt. I sighed, and whispered' "Chrissy, it must have been heaven that sent you to this seat. You don't know how much I needed that." She then turned around in the seat to sit normally, and kissed me for the first time. "I needed it just as much as you did; you're a terrific fuck, but on top of that it's the danger that makes me come so much. Thanks for being here, I dreamed that I'd be fucked silly on this trip. As we kissed, I told her about my favorite turn-on. "What I like best is eating pussy, but there is no room here for that. Would you like to go to the back of the plane with me?" "What do you mean? In the lavatory?" she asked. "Yes. If we are reasonably cautious we can get in there without causing an uproar," I replied. "I've never done that before," Chrissy explained. "There's a first time for everything," I said, and moved to pull up my pants and buckle my belt. She thought about it for a minute, and then said, "why not, let's try it!" She drew up the sweatpants and tied the drawstring (I hadn't noticed there was one before - must not have been tied.) Then she got up and headed for the back of the plane, with me following directly behind. She entered the first lavatory, which was vacant (good thing the flight was long, and everybody was still asleep.) I slipped right in behind her before the flight attendants noticed we were even there. As I closed the door, she turned and we started to kiss passionately. She broke for a quick query, "how do you do anything in this little space?" As I untied the drawstring on her sweatpants, I said, "Just lift up and sit on the sink, and let me taste your cunt." Chrissy lifted, spread her legs, and I could see her cunt lips were still swollen from her last orgasm. I gently tongued her outer lips, occasionally swiveling my head to nip the insides of her thighs, but always returning to circle her clit, and as it swelled up, suck on it gently. There was no end to the wetness; her own lubrication, supplemented by the enormous load of come I had left in her pussy, dripped down both sides of my chin onto the stainless steel sink surface and trailed down her thighs. After tonguing her into a few more orgasms, I realized how hard I was getting again, and finally stood up, sliding her ass slightly off the surface, and drove my cock into her again while we exchanged extremely wet but tasty kisses, flavored by both of our juices. Such a short time after the last fuck, and she was sooo wet; this time it lasted at least twenty minutes, both of us sighing and savoring the overwhelming sensations coursing through our bodies. Finally, after a slow buildup that I never wanted to end, I came again, not as much this time, but she sensed it and started bucking hard just at the same moment. The pleasure was so intense it was almost painful. The light came on to return to the cabin, and after a few minutes we were able to adjust ourselves to some degree of presentability to return to our seats. Just as we opened the door, the same stewardess was looking right into my eyes. She said angrily, "Please return to your seats and stay there. We have some turbulence and the captain has turned on the seat belt sign." I couldn't help but think that maybe we were the cause of the turbulence, but then that's just my imagination running away with me again. As we settled in to the seats, Chrissy pushed the seat divider down, saying, "I think everyone is waking up, let's not embarrass your boys." The breakfast service was beginning, the cabin lights were turned on, and we were again two strangers who happened to be sitting next to each other on the plane. The secret of our mile-high lovemaking was secure. We exchanged addresses, but with her in Brisbane and me in Boston it's not likely we'll ever meet again. Both of us promised to use caution in contacting each other should the opportunity arise, so our current SO would not be disturbed, but also promised to get together if possible again. I said goodbye to Chrissy at the seat, and went forward with the unsuspecting boys to deplane. As we got to the end of the ramp in the terminal, I asked Anne, "How was your flight?" "Great," she replied, "one of the most relaxing ever." "Me too!" Just as an aside from your humble editor, if you manage to join the Mile High Club, you can get a little Mile High Club pin from "Sporty's Pilot Shop." Call 1-800-LIFTOFF. Ice Cream, You Scream My name is Maureen, and I'm taking the time to write this to help out other women who might have the same problem as myself. My dilemma was simple.I married a wonderful, secure, attractive man, whom I adore. I also adore having my pussy eaten, and unfortunately, my husband, who not normally a picky eater, stops one step short of hair pie. No matter how I cleansed myself or how much I would suck his cock, he would simply and without further discussion refuse to slide his tongue into my love nest. I have a very good girlfriend who loves to give me excellent head, although I do not consider myself a lesbian and have never gone down on her. One day, while she was munching away between my thighs, I let it slip that Ken, my husband, had never experimented with oral sex on me. Debbie was aghast, and she told me she would help me formulate a plan to remedy the situation. Debbie is a foxy, horny 24-year-old with an incredible chest measurement of 42C. She told me that she would see if she could seduce my husband into eating her out, and if she could, then we would know that it is not oral sex itself that Ken objects to, but me. we set it up so that Debbie would come over one day after I had left for an evening class that I attend. She tried to get me to peek through a window at the action, but I felt that I might get, jealous and try to break it up if it got too steamy. Actually, I was pretty sure that Debbie would not get her pussy eaten that night. We came to an understanding that if she did get my husband and herself too horny, they could fuck, but I didn't want to hear about it from anyone except Ken. The following is Debbie's version of what transpired. I left for my class at 6:45 P.M. after kissing Ken good-night. Debbie rand the bell at about 8:30, innocently looking for me. Ken explained that I was out for the evening, but invited her in to watch a football game. Debbie, naturally, agreed to stay, and they both settled on the sofa to watch. About halfway through the first quarter, Debbie let out an anguished moan and started to rub her left tit through her blouse and bra. Apologizing, she started to leave the room. Ken asked what was wrong and she relayed a made-up story about a breast aneurysm that could occasionally be painful. She told him that she would have to massage it for about half an hour before the pain would subside. Ken told her to relax, that he was super-happily married, and that she could probably stay in the same room and massage it without fear of being attacked by him. She asked if he was really under control, because she would like to remove her bra and blouse if it was safe. He told her to go ahead. His dick started to get hard as he watched her, out of the corner of his eye, strip off her top and massage herself. Debbie's nipple became erect, and she occasionally stopped to tug at it in a casual, relaxed manner. At the end of the first quarter, their conversation had resumed and Debbie decided to make a move. She told Ken that her hand was getting tired, but there was still a little pain, and asked if he could rub her breast without getting too horny. Without hesitation, ken moved over, reached around her, and began rubbing. She protested at first, saying that he wasn't doing it correctly. Debbie explained that she could demonstrate the proper technique on his dick, and had it out of his pants in under ten seconds. Ken did protest at first, but one of her gentle penis pulls silenced him immediately. Before too long Debbie was sucking all eight inches of Ken's dick, and he was lying back, moaning. She casually removed her skirt and slip, leaving her vital opening still covered by panty hose and panties. Ken, who is no great master of control, was about to come and told her so, so she stopped immediately, leaving him one second short of an orgasm. She directed him to lie on the couch faceup as she lay down on top of him. First she slid her nylon-covered thighs on each side of Ken's penis, contracting her legs around it. Ken moaned that the nylon felt incredible around his dick. She wriggled down his body until her breasts were on both sidesof his fully erect member, and finally moved further down for more oral activity. By this time, Ken was facing a panty-hosed, panty-covered cunt directly in his face. Probably out of instinct more than anything else, Ken's tongue darted out and began licking the cotton crotch between Debbie's legs. In his ecstasy, Ken told her that he was very inexperienced at oral sex, but had eaten out his secretary a few times. I had to force this information out of Debbie, but it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Debbie asked him to go down on her, but he hesitated and got up from the couch. As he walked down the hall, Debbie figured that that was the end of their session. To her surprise, Ken returned minutes later with a towel, ice cream, chocolate syrup, and bananas. He spread the towel out on the couch as he explained to her that the best way to eat cunt is in a "pussy sundae." He proceeded to make an ice cream confection in her vigina and ate it all, throughly licking the "dish" clean. Debbie refused to tell me much more after that, leaving me to believe that they probably ended up fucking. But even that didn't make me jealous, probably because I was coming when she relayed the information to me. Debbie told me the entire story while she was making and eating her own pussy sundae, with me as the dish. The next step was to somehow convince Ken to use me for a pussy sundae without letting on that I had set him up with Debbie. I let a week pass, and then put my new plan into action. When Ken came home from work, I told him that I didn't feel quite right and my pussy had been itching terribly all day. I told him that I had called a girlfriend who had recommended rubbing butter on it, and I asked him if he would like to be the one doing the rubbing. He readily agreed, and in no time I was down on the bed, his hard fingers spreading the butter all over me. After a few minutes, I told him that I was feeling a little bit better but thought that peanut better would help more, due to its thicker consistency. He not only brought back a jar of peanut butter, he also brought a jar of strawberry jam. Ken turned me into a delicious peanut butter, jelly, and vagina sandwich. I was in total ecstasy, and since then I have experenced the joy of acting as a dish for a sundae, spaghetti, salad, and corn-on-the-cob. The Beach As I lay day dreaming on the beach, I suddenly and casually glanced to my left, only to see the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. She looked up while I was surveying her, and gave me a smile and a wink...I pulled my towel over near hers, and then introduced myself. She told me her name was Debbie, and we began talking... After about 30 minutes of small-talk, she suddenly asked me if I would rub some suntan lotion on her back. Trying to hide my excitement, I agreed. She turned on her stomach, and unstrapped her top. I began rubbing the lotion up around her neck, and slowly worked my way down, . Her skin was soft and sexy, and her tan was very dark. I found my hands wandering off of her back, around towards her breasts, but she gently guided them back to where they started, whispering "LATER"..I continued down her sensuous back, until I reached her ass. I leaned closer, staring at it in awe. It was a piece of art. I longed to guide my cock in between her buns, but I managed to resist. I jumped past her gorgeous ass, down to her long, sexy legs. I took my time there. Finally, I reached her feet. She wore purple nail polish on her toes, and I was so horny that even this began to turn me on. When I was completely done, she asked me if I would go back to her beach house for some lunch. I agreed, but lunch was not what I was hoping for! When we got there, she asked if I would like to take a shower first..I thought that she meant with her, but we ended up taking separate showers...She made hamburgers for lunch, and as we were eating, she began to run her toes up and down my leg under the table. Then she lifted her foot as high as my crotch, and started to gently rub my shaft with her toe The two of us quickly swallowed what was left of lunch, and she led me to her bedroom.. We both quickly stripped, and she sank to her knees and began sucking my swelled rod. She deep throated me, and I came. She swallowed with a smile and lay down on the bed, motioning for me to eat her pussy. I assure you that it was a very sweet and juicy desert. Then we got into the 69 position, and enjoyed one another at the same time. Finally, she pulled me on top of her, and guided my rod into her hot, steaming cunt. The rest of the day was spent making mattress magic. Fixin' Vixen Sunset on the Atlantic... What a beautiful sight! The rays from behind me as I gazed out over the water glimmered off the water, shimmering on the waves. I was sitting on the deck of my beach condo, sipping (ironically) a Tequila Sunrise and listening to a CD of my favorite music from the sixties. I probably had the music playing too loud, but no one was complaining, so I left it on high. I heard something on the beach below me and looked over the railing of the deck. A beautiful lady in her early 30's was dancing by herself to the sounds coming from above. She was quite a good dancer and obviously enjoying her solitary dancing, unaware that anyone was watching. She moved and swayed to the sounds of "When A Man Loves a Woman" by Percy Sledge, lost in her memories. As the final strains of the classic faded, I said, "You dance divinely, my dear." She spun her head around, looking for the speaker; startled. Then as she spun around, she looked up at me and lost her balance, falling to the ground with a sharp cry of pain as she twisted her ankle on the unsteady sand. I ran down the steps to her side. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," I told her. "Are you alright?" "NO, I twisted my damn ankle again," she replied with a grimace. "It's not really your fault. I twisted it a few days ago and should have known better than to dance on it so soon." "Can you walk on it?" "I don't think so... I need to put some ice on it." "Let me help you up to my apartment; I've got an ice pack you can put on it. It's the least I can do." She stood on her one good leg and put her arm around my shoulder and tried to hop up the stairs. She was obviously hurting, so I reached down and picked her up and carried her up the stairs. She felt good in my arms and I enjoyed the feel of her breast against my chest. I carried her inside and put her down on the couch; placed her injured ankle on a pillow and went to get the ice pack. When I came back, she put her good foot on the floor to give me room to sit down and tend to her ankle. I gently placed the ice pack on her foot and let my eyes rum up her bare legs to her cutoff blue jean-covered crotch. Her legs were spread, and I could see a few silky hairs peeking from the vee of her sex. I tried not to stare, but I couldn't help my self. My eyes traveled on up and I could see she was not wearing a bra under her tight T-shirt. She was either horny or cold, because her nipples were as hard as rocks, tenting the fabric of her shirt. I looked on up into the most beautiful eyes I had seen in a long, long time. She was smiling slightly. "Did you enjoy the view?" "Ah, uh, well, uh... would you like something to drink?" Istammered, embarrassed at being caught being so obvious. "Sure," she replied with a mischievous grin. "Some white wine would be nice if you have it." I stood to go to the kitchen and turned quickly to hide my growing erection. In the kitchen I reached down and readjusted my cock. "It ain't gonna do you any good to get up, boy," I told it tersely. "This lady's hurting and you ain't got a chance to get any tonight, so just calm down." But, as always, he didn't listen to me. He had a mind of his own and it was one-track... but at least it wasn't so obvious after the adjustment. I came back into the living room with our drinks and as I walked toward her she was staring at my crotch. She turned on her side a bit and patted the couch beside her for me to sit. "You didn't answer my question," she said after she had taken a sip. She looked at me prettily over the rim of her wineglass. "Did you enjoy the view? I sure did." "I can't help looking when I am that close to someone as beautiful as you are," I replied. She reached up and pulled my head down to hers. "You're very sweet," she said and kissed me. "Thanks for taking care of me." "It's my pleasure." "Not yet it isn't," she said and kissed me again, running her tongue deep into my mouth, moaning softly. We kissed passionately for a few minutes, then I broke the kiss. "If you don't watch out, this is going to get out of hand and I don't want to hurt your foot." "Let me worry about the damn foot," she replied. "I'll let you know if it hurts, you can be sure of that!" And with that, she reached down, grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head. She shook her brown curly hair as the shirt came off and dropped the shirt on the floor. She grabbed my head and drew it to her breasts. I wallowed my face in those glorious mounds of flesh, licking and kissing them all over. I ran my tongue around and around her nipples, first one then the other; making them even harder, if that is possible. They seemed to swell and grow before my eyes as I sucked each one again and again. As I sucked and lapped at her breasts, she reached down and unbuttoned my shirt, running her fingers through my chest hair and sliding the shirt off my shoulders. I went back up and kissed her deeply, my chest resting against her warm, wet nipples. She pushed me back and grappled with my belt buckle. I stood up to give her better access. She undid my belt, unsnapped my pants and jerked them and my underwear down, revealing my throbbing manhood. I stepped out of my clothes as she grasped my cock and pulled it to her. She darted her tongue out and touched the head, licking off the drop of pre-cum there and running it over her lips. "Mmmmmmmmm," she moaned. "I want more!" and pushed my dick between her lips. I could feel her running her tongue around the glans, then down the sensitive underside. Then she drew me into her mouth deeply, my pubic hair brushing her chin as she ran my cock deep into her throat, giving it exquisite tongue action as she did. My legs started to give way in pleasure, so I rested my knees against the couch, being careful not to jar her foot. As she sucked and licked my flaming cock, I reached down and ran my hand into her jeans, sliding the middle finger into her slit. Her pussy was already very wet and I let the tip of my finger enter her sopping cunt. I drew it back out and let it slide slickly over her clit. She moaned loudly around the cock in her mouth and the vibrations nearly made me shoot my wad down her throat right then! Talk about a hum job! I unbuckled her jeans and unzipped them, pushing them as far down her luscious legs as I could with my cock still in her throat. She spread her good leg as wide as possible, but the jeans were binding her. I pulled my dick from her mouth and slid her pants and panties down, taking extra care sliding them off over her injured ankle. She spread again and I could see the lips of her pussy winking at me wetly. I dropped to my knees beside her and buried my face in her pussy. The sweet smell of her hot, horny pussy was like perfume. I spread the lips to reveal her hard clit, extending redly out at me. I nibbled at it gently, causing her to squeal in pleasure. I reached up and ran my fingernails softly across her nipples as I lapped at her pussy. Then I took them between my fingers and lightly pinched as I ran my tongue deep into her hot snatch, lapping her juices up hungrily. I laid my tongue flat against her clit and gave it long, slow licks as I reached down with my right hand and slid my thumb into her cunt, with the rest of my fingers running down into the crack of her cute little ass. My thumbnail was quite long, but I kept it dull and well-rounded. It pressed up against that special bundle of nerves in her pussy as I continued to lap at her clit with long, slow strokes. She began to buck against my hand and tongue, her passion building to a peak. As she started to cum, I withdrew my thumb and inserted three fingers deeply into her as her orgasm grew. I continued to lap and jab her clit with my tongue as I thrust my fingers in and out of her dripping pussy, faster and faster. She grabbed a throw pillow and pressed it to her mouth and screamed in pleasure as her cum reached it's peak. Even with the pillow to muffle her cries, I was afraid the neighbors would think there was a murder going on. She writhed against my tongue and fingers as I backed off on the speed with which I was stimulating her as she cam down from the heights of ecstasy. As her cum ended, after 15 or 20 seconds, I let my fingers gently slide out of her, covered in her spendings. I sat back on my haunches and massaged her mound softly as I licked my other hand, drinking down her juice and marveling at the sweet, yet tangy flavor. Then I leaned down and put my arms around her and held her tenderly as she basked in the afterglow. I couldn't believe it when I looked up. Throughout the encounter, she had not moved her injured ankle and the ice pack was right where I had left it! After a sort while, her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at me with a beautiful smile. "That was fantastic!" she said. "And it didn't hurt my foot at all! Now I want you to fuck me, fuck me hard and deep and fill my pussy with your cum, mix your cum with mine, baby." She pulled her good leg to her chest and spread as wide as possible. With one foot on the floor and the other knee on the couch between her legs, I positioned my cock at the entrance to her pussy and slid it in slowly. Her pussy was very hot and slick with her cum; and very tight in spite of the serious fingerfucking I had given it. Her cunt grasped my cock and squeezed as I fucked her. She put her good foot in the small of my back and pulled me into her steaming pussy harder. Her pussy was clenching on my cock as I went faster and faster; harder and harder. I palmed her nipples and mauled her breasts as I pounded my cock into her. She had her eyes clenched tightly shut and grabbed for the pillow again, so I knew she was going to cum again. I felt the juice boiling up from my balls, but I held off until she started to come; then I thrust and pounded my cock into her furiously as the cum blasted from the head of my dick, filling her pussy with jism as she flooded with her hot pussy juice again. Our love fluids flowed together and ran from her pussy down the crack of her ass, puddling on the couch between her legs. I collapsed on her, panting heavily from the exertion. As we recovered, we nuzzled and cuddled, kissing each other gently and whispering nonsense words. She reached down between us and said, "I'm afraid we've stained up your nice couch." "Not to worry, my dear," I replied. "That's what ScotchGard was invented for!" "Oh, goody, then can I come over tomorrow and sprain my ankle again?" Well, my little Vixen, How'd you like your fixin'? Hope you enjoyed it. Any other ladies out there who would like a custom fantasy created for them have but to ask by leaving a message for Dastardly Dave on any of the boards where I am a member. Give enough information so I can personalize it, give me a name to use for your character, and list any turn-offs to avoid and I will be happy to weave a tale for you. Directions I don't understand some relationships. The weekend after graduation is a particularly dull time for a bottle shop. Everyone that wants booze has either left town, is still nursing the worst hangover of their academic life, or is still plowing through leftover alcohol. Or has to work. Which I was. The late afternoon sun pounded through the dirty glass of the front, what little was not covered with signs loudly proclaiming a message of, in essence, "Get Drunk! Cheap! Here." The weather in Cambridge had been particularly lousy, especially for June, our most promising month until October. But the thunderstorms and rain showers had given way to a passably nice day. The weather was guaranteed by the owner of the shore having scheduled me for an all-day shift. The job sucked, but the alternative was home to Lancaster, PA with my parents, a fate I would have gladly licked Mass Ave clean with my tongue to avoid. I didn't notice her at first, as all my attention was taken up by counting out change for a $100 for a young guy who was buying a newspaper. He had a smile that I'm certain was intended to be apologetic, and if I had been in a better mood it might have worked, but I was inconsolable. A line had formed, and she joined the end of it, not stopping to pick anything up. With each sale, I noticed a little more of her. Bottle of wine, $12.95. Short blonde hair. Two six-packs of Coke, $4.49. About 5' 8", blue halter top. Nice figure. Bottle of gin, $6.80. Cute, button nose. She reached the front of the line, and gave me a smile that broke through my lousy mood. Blue eyes. A little necklace that looked vaguely Southwestern, all turquoise and silver. "I'm looking for Cedar Street? Any idea where that is?" We're at the corner of Mass Ave. and Cedar. This was going to be a short encounter. I told her. "No, no, not that Cedar! Cedar in Somerville. I love Boston, but I hate driving in Boston." We're in Boston the way New Jersey is in Manhattan, but I wasn't going to start that line of conversation. "Where are you from?" "California. How about yourself?" "Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I'm going to Harvard ..." I started in, but I seemed to have said the magic word. "Lancaster! I have friends in Lancaster." Reminded me a bit too much of the Pennsylvania license plates, but she's gone on. "They're members of my sorority, and I just saw them at our June Weekend reunion. I'm in town for that ..." As she went on, a one-person conversation, I took in her voice (quite husky, considering her bubbly demeanor) and glanced (with appropriate discretion, I hoped) up and down her body. She was, well, well-stacked. Unfortunately, my discretion was insufficient for the task, and I looked back up to her face to see her smiling at my regard. As I blushed, she leaned down over the counter. "Some people get all the fun jobs," she said, in a low, conspiratorial voice. "Uh, yeah." Witty reply. Clever. That's right, I thought, wow her with your intellect. "Place seems quiet, today" She said, glancing around, stretching herself. Her elbows sunk slowly onto the countertop. I looked up from the view thus created by the lowering of the halter-top fabric to see her looking at me with a smile that had switched from conspiratorial to something else. "Think of anything we could do to make the job more fun?" she said. "Well, it's cooler in the back." Shit, I thought, did I say that? "We could fix that," she said, turning around and surveying the back of the store for the door. "This way," I managed to gasp out with lungs that didn't seem completely under my command. In one fluid motion, I had closed the register, grabbed a package of condoms from behind the counter, and locked the front door. No customers in the parking lot, good, just one car, must be her's. It looks like there's someone in it, but nah, couldn't be, anyway, who cares? I led her into the back room. It's even worse than the typical back room of a liquor store, whatever that looks like. There are boxes piled everywhere, both empty and full, the usual collection of posters proclaiming that all you have to do is drink some terrible brand of bad American liquor and amazingly women who would scrape you off their shoe now will fall into bed with you. Not in so many words, of course, but the message is clear. She surveyed the scene, with what I assumed was less than complete enthusiasm. Well, it is a bottle shop, not the Marriott. But when she turned around, she still has that infectious lovely smile on her face ... "I can cope with this." She pulled the tank top over her head, revealing her lovely breasts still in a white bra. The bra came off a moment later, and she was in my arms, pulling me down to a kiss. And a very nice kiss it was, very deep and soft. Even with lots of tongue, there are kisses that are very sharp and angular-feeling, but this was a lover's kiss. I still can't completely explain the difference, but there you are. With a plop, the package of condoms dropped to the floor. She somehow managed to slither out of her shorts while kissing me, and did a lovely, slow, descent to her knees, running her hands down my chest. Kissing me through my jeans, she unbuttons them, and applies her mouth to my already-hard cock with tremendous skill. "Now ..." Lick. "I don't ..." Slurp. "have ..." Gulp. "much time for this," she finally managed to get out, between licks with her tongue along my balls, "so let's be quick!" Nothing like a little performance anxiety to make an evening special, but I wasn't going to turn this down for anything. She retrieved the packaged of condoms, and (with cardboard and wrappers flying everywhere) managed to extract one. As she stood up, naked except for jewelry and shoes, she rolled one onto me with one hand, the other steadying herself on my shoulder. "OK, I'll just bend over like this," she said, as businesslike as if she was staging a play. She turned her back to me, and bent over, steadying herself on a pile of Guinness boxes. She spread her legs, and one hand spread her lips apart. Amazingly, she was very wet already, wet enough to... "Well? C'mon!" she said, always impatient. OK, OK, I was just enjoying the view. I stepped forward, rubber-clad penis in hand, and slid it. There was almost no resistance, I was amazed. I started slowly, with long strokes, but she was having none of it. She started setting the rhythm, pushing back, in, out, in out. Her free hand was playing with her clit, and she was starting a lovely pattern of moans in time with her thrusts. In, out, in out ... she came once, twice as I finally lost control and pounded into her, grabbing her hips. She started screaming, loud enough that I was afraid the next door dry-cleaners would hear. "Yes, yes, YES!" she yelled out as I came, much faster than I thought I ever would, shaking as my cum poured out of me. I staggered back, a bit unsure of my balance, and came out of her with a pop. She gave a small whimper of displeasure, but was back into her shorts and tank top (bra in the pocket of the shorts) before I even had the condom all the way off. "That was very nice, thanks. I better go, my boyfriend's waiting." "BOYFRIEND!" "Yeah, he's in the car. He'll wonder what's taking so long." "Boyfriend?" OK, I had already said it, but I still wasn't quite getting the answer I was looking for. "Relax, he's reading a newspaper, and nothing distracts him from that. Anyway, gotta go! Thank you kindly," she said, with just a touch of an affected southern accent. And with a small peck on the cheek, out she went through the store, unlocking the front door and tearing out of it. I staggered into my clothes, cleaned up the condom package debris in the storage room, and put one condom-package worth of change in the register (the owner would notice, he's that kind of guy). I watched the car pull away, and head down Mass Ave. Even through the grimy windows, I can see that it was the guy with the $100 driving. I still don't understand some relationships. -- -- Christophe My Meter's Running You drive a cab long enough in Baltimore, you see everything. I'm not kidding. Baltimore is just full of characters, and it seems like I've had 'em all in my hack at one time or another in the years I've been doing this to keep a fucking ro of over my head and pay my non-fucking ex-wife's alimony bills. Like I said, I've seen all kinds of fares, but the topper had to be this rich society bitch last Christmas. I pick her up at BWI load her bags into the trunk and take off. She's wearing a dead fox around her shoulders and gave some fancy up town address. She's about 40 years old, but still sexy in a stuck-up kind of way. Stinking rich. I'm not kidding you. But here's the thing: When I pull in front of her castle, she goes into her purse to pay the tab, and whaddya know? She can't find her wallet! "I'm terribly sorry," she says in this hoity-toity voice. "I don't seem to be able to pay you". "That's too fuckin' bad, lady," I say. "I guess you ain't goin' home yet then." And I pull away from the curb and head for the nearest expressway. That got her panties all bunched up. "What can I pay you with?" she says all nervous and agitated. She's in my environment now. "Well for starters you can suck my dick," I say. I figure that she'll get insulted and report me but what the heck, right? I admit it, I've got a crude mouth at times -- I guess that's why my wife left me.....for another woman. But get this: The bitch actually says, "Well, okay." With that I pull off the expressway, but leave the motor running because it's a fucking cold day, and I want the heater on. Then I climb into the back seat with her, unzip my fly and haul out my pride and joy. "Here, lady, here's a nice cold treat for ya, See if you can warm it up for me." Before she could react, I shove my schlong between those society lips quicker than you can say Jack Frost. I thought the old bat was gonna' choke on it at first -- judging from the gurgling noises comin' from the back of her throat -- but before long she got into the spirit of giving head as I pushed my stiff , spit- slick pole in and out of her warm, delicate mouth. Once or twice she accidentally bit me, and I had to cuff her, but all in all, she sucked like the pros I usually frequent, and when I spermed like a madman into her mouth, she swallowed the whole mess without blinking an eye. "What's the matter? Old man not giving it to ya?" I say. She's pretty hot by this time, so I reach down and yank open her skirt and pull her lacy black panties down. She does not object! She's gasping like a pig in heat, going, "Fuck me, fuck me. My husband never touches me anymore. Oh, stick it in me. Ram my pussy," and some other trashy bullshit I forget. "Easy, you old cow," I snarl, and thrust three stick fingers into her heaving snatch. It's surprisingly tight for such an old hole, and she was wetter than piss as I performed a digital exploratory. After about two minutes of this threeplay I figure she's ready for my beefy cock, so I push her down on the seat, yank her legs wide open, lean down for a quick whiff of her smelly slit -- ah, heaven -- then aim my pecker at her hungry box and ram it home. I split her cunt apart with my piledriver, filling it up with my stiff eight-incher. She grabs onto me, digging her sharp fingernails into my hairy ass as I belt her cunt with my boy-stick, reaming it in and out as hard and fast as I could, ripping her dainty little, rich-bitch cunt with my angry beast. To her credit, she gave me as good as she got, thrusting her lily-white hips up to meet each savage stroke I laid into her. For an over-the-hill broad, her cunt felt pretty good as it clamped down on my busy bone, almost as good as the hooke rs I fuck for their fares too. Right in the middle of it she starts begging me to talk dirty to her, like my big fat dick stuffing her cunt isn't enough for her upper- class snatch. "Ahh, shaddup!" I growl, and to show I'm not kidding, I let her have a playful slap in the kisser. Instead of annoying her, it turns her on more, and we screw that in the back of my cab for about 45 minutes, traffic whizzing by outside the whole time. I kept up the bone pressure as I manhandled her big, creamy knockers and stuck my tongue down her throat. I pinched her big nipples till they were hard as pebbles and she had tears in her eyes. From the way her body is shaking, I figure she must have cum half-a-dozen times since I jumped on top of her. I feel like cuming too; so when I my time came, I didn't hold back. At the last minute I pulled my dick out of her soppy snatch and, careful not to hit the seat, let her have a hot, milky one right in the face. She starts lapping it up like a starving puppy,and smearing it into her cheeks, all the while babbling about what a great cocksman -- I swear that's the word she used -- I am, and how she never wants to stop fucking me. Same old story. Even the whores give it to me for free. I finally took her home and let her pay me with a check. It didn't bounce either. Too bad, I wanted an excuse to look that cunt up again. -- With a BBW The following is a mostly true story, written by me, posted by me through the wonderful anon server. I'd been calling this BBS for quite some time. It's an adult BBS which caters mainly to the gay population. There are, however, a number of bisexual men and women who subscribe to the board as well. I had just gotten done browsing the profiles to see if I could find someone compatible to at least chat with. I went through the list and sent off a nice mail message to everyone who looked promising. The next morning, there were several replies. One in particular caught my eye, it was from someone who's handle was BBW. "Mark, I read your message and just had to respond. Thank you so much for your interest. Since you read my profile, you know a little about me. Let me tell you more, since you may not remember right away. I am 22, 5'10", 225lbs, long blonde hair, blue eyes, large breasted, and bi. I hope you are not turned off by big women. I understand how you could be. Let me assure you that I keep myself squeaky clean and expect the same from whomever I'm with. Write back to me soon, Sharon." We exchanged mail for quite some time, getting progressively hotter. I'd never been with so large a woman before and found the thought exciting. I'm 6'4" and about 250lbs, not skinny, but not fat. All physical things aside, I found Sharon's letters to be quite exciting. We took it to the next logical step, we started phoning each other. My God, her voice. Within seconds, my cock was straining to get out! I was amazed! I'd never been turned on that much before just by someone's voice. Sharon and I talked on the phone quite a bit, usually bringing each other to climax at least once during the call. I found out that she was married to a bi-sexual man. That didn't bother me, so long as he knew about us before it went any further. She gave me his handle on the board and we chatted one afternoon. He suggested we get together for a threesome after Sharon and I had time to play together. I told him that I would consider it. Speaking of meeting, Sharon and I had been planning to meet for weeks but something would always come up. She lived almost 70 miles from me but worked almost halfway between us. Finally, she suggested a hotel not far from where she worked. She would go in that morning and leave early, pretending to be sick. We agreed to meet at a Denny's, of all places, so that either of us could decide we didn't want to go through with it. I left well before I had to be there, anxious to finally meet my lover. I waited and drank cup after cup of coffee. Finally, she arrived, just a little late. I could tell it was her both by what she was wearing and her size. I got up to greet her. "Sharon? I'm Mark. It's so nice to finally meet you in person." We kissed gently and I knew I needed to sit down before everyone in the place saw my erection. We sat there and talked as we ate lunch. Our eyes boring into each other's. Several times during the meal, I reached over the stroke her hand. She told me that she had been so nervous about this that she almost didn't come in. She had sat in the car for almost half and hour. THAT explained her lateness! I asked her if she had any doubts now. She replied by calling for the check. She followed me over to the motel in her car and waited there as I checked us in. Once in the room, we put the DO NOT DISTURB sign out and locked the door. In many cases where passion has built up over a long period of time, I've found sex to be a hurried thing; grasping, grunting, groaning. With Sharon and I it was lovemaking. We kissed for what seemed like hours. Her lips were so sweet, her tongue so agile. I felt certain I would come without her touching me there. Somehow, her blouse was off and I was caressing her large breasts through this silky slip she was wearing. Her nipples were hard buttons under my fingers. As I gently pinched each one, she sighed into my open mouth. I was enthralled by her breasts, I continued to kneed them and play with her nipples as we passionately kissed. I then broke our kiss to take one nipple in my mouth through the silk as my hands began to kneed her large ass cheeks through her skirt. After a very short time at this, she began to whimper and shake. As I nibbled on her nipple, she cried out and came! Since her legs would no longer support her, we laid down on the bed. She rested there for a bit as we kissed slowly, then sat up to remove her clothing. Yes, she was large. An unkind man might say fat. But to me, with the passion and love in her eyes, she was beautiful. She then started to undress me, kissing me everywhere she removed clothing from. When she got to my cock I warned her that I couldn't last long. She gave it one loving lick with her tongue and continued down. She lifted my butt off the bed and began tonguing my crack! I couldn't believe how strong and agile her tongue ing in no time! Then in one move, she lowered my butt back down (keeping a hand there for later) and took my cock into her mouth. It was like a hot wet vacuum there. I was brought right to the edge almost instantly. When she probed my ass with one finger, finding my prostrate, I came gallons! She drank it all down. Not one drop escaped her lips, at least until we kissed. Then she shared my seed with me. Kissing her and feeling her hot, soft body next to mine brought me back to hardness quickly. However, I had to taste her pussy before anything else. I dove for her and attacked her dripping cunt with a frenzy. I'd worried a bit about odor and taste. I needn't have. She was as fresh and clean as she had promised she would be, plus she was nearly hairless! She had told me that she likes to keep her hair closely trimmed there. It was a new experience for me, eating a woman with almost no pubic hair to get in the way. She had the largest clit I'd ever seen. It was like a little penis sticking out hard and hot. I wrapped my lips around it and flicked my tongue over it and she almost screamed. In seconds I had her in orgasm after orgasm. Breathlessly, she said, "Mark, please! I want your cock in me, please." I've always believed it's impolite to make someone beg, so I moved up to prepare to enter her. She turned over and got on her knees saying that it is often easier that way. I didn't mind. She was still coming as I entered her and having my cock in her didn't make her let up any. As I pushed deeper, I was rewarded by her continuing moans of pleasure. Her large ass was in the air before me, so I began to explore that as we made love. I got my hand wet from the copious fluids she was leaking and began to insert fingers into her asshole. With 3 in, I knew I could possibly do more, but she seemed to be enjoying herself enough as it. After a very strong shudder, Sharon asked me to put my cock up her ass. Since I was already well lubricated, I did so quickly. Once inside, I knew I would not be able to last long, she had far better control of her muscles there than she did in her pussy. I felt like I was being milked dry! With a low roar, I started to come. I felt it rushing out and my hot sperm splattering inside her. Afterwards , we lay side by side, panting. After some time, we got up and showered together, the soapy water and gentle hands providing us with another excuse to make love yet again. -- Everything but Anchovies[fish9] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a rainy and cool autumn night, a nice change from the long, hot summer. It had been a busy day and so I decided to call for a pizza to be delivered. In the meantime I took a long, hot shower to relax. My husband was working very late. One child was sleeping and the other was gone to a friend's house overnight. Just as I was rubbing soapsuds all over my body, I heard the doorbell ring. Wouldn't you know it? I suddenly remembered that I had ordered a pizza. I knew that the delivery person would be standing in the rain, so I quickly put on a very short red silk robe. I was still wet so it was sticking to my body all over. I ran to the door and opened it to find the pizza kid to come in out of the rain. When he stepped into the light of the hall, I was very happily surprised. He was about 6 feet tall, dark hair, brown eyes, very good looking, young but "old enough". I was immediately excited. My nipples got hard under the wet silk and I think he noticed. My robe was coming open a little bit when I took the pizza and went to get the money so he could see more of my breasts. I was shaking when I was coming back from the kitchen with the money and I dropped some of it. He helped me pick it up and I could tell he was breathing heavily. When we stood up I noticed how hard he was. His cock looked so big even under his clothes that I knew I couldn't resist trying to seduce him. I made some silly small talk to keep him there. He seemed in no hurry to leave although he was nervous and so was I. I just kept moving closer and closer to him as we talked until we were touching, leg to leg. To touch him was like electric pleasure running straight through me. I reached over and began to gently run my hands up and down his thighs. Before he could speak I kissed his lips, gently at first, then more deeply and urgently until our mouths were open with passion. I felt his nice little ass and then his cock through his pants. I had to have it. Shaking like a leaf I began to unzip his pants. His hands were all over me. I could hardly catch my breath, I was so excited. He took my robe off and felt my breasts and nipples. I asked him if it was his first time. He said "Yes". I was going crazy. I whispered "I'll make it so good for you, baby". When I got his pants off, his cock was so big and beautiful I knew I would come as soon as it was inside me. My pussy was wet and swollen and aching to have it. But it would have to wait. Without his clothes he had a nice slender body and it was very warm and good to touch. I asked him to sit on the stairs, that I wanted to suck him. I sat on the floor in front of him between his legs. I was in a perfect position to do it there. I started by licking his cock all the way up to the head lots of times, and especially around the head where it flares out. I love that part because it feels so good pulling inside on the outstroke. I wanted to get fucked by him so badly. I licked the head of his cock and kissed it and sucked it gently at first, then harder and deeper into my mouth He was really enjoying this and began to fuck my mouth a little. When he came in my mouth I sucked all of it. I loved it. We traded places on the stairs so he could do it to me. I had to sit higher up being shorter of course. I spread my legs open for him so eagerly. My clitoris was so big and hard I think he was happily surprized. The wetness was just oozing out of me. He was hard again and I showed him how to lick my clit, not too fast and then how to suck it gently and rhytmically until I came and came from it. We couldn't put it off any longer and together tumbled on to the floor.He was lying on his back so I squatted down over that big cock. I had to ease it in slowly. It was so big and I was swollen tight with desire. The feeling was incredible. By the time he was all the way in me I had a blinding orgasm. I know I cried out but could not help it. Then I was immediately building up to the next orgasm. He came pretty soon after some really good deep strokes. It felt so good when his warm come filled me up inside. Soon he was hard again and we fucked longer. I could feel him getting bigger and bigger inside of me as we fucked. It was excrusiatingly fantastic. I was coming the whole time he was fucking me it seemed. He got on top of me and fucked me. Over and over I felt myself tighten up and come and I could tell he felt that too. I got on my hands and knees so he could fuck me from behind. Finally we were exhausted. I helped him get dressed while I kissed him all over and he did the same to me. I wondered how many pizzas never got delivered that night as he left. Maybe I should order another one soon. The End. -- - @$95,093.35 Adventure $95,093.35 Adventure, Part I Depositing the Junk Mail Check On May 19, 1995, I was one of thousands of people around the country who received a 'junk mail' letter touting a get-rich-quick method for making $95,093.35 in just three weeks. That letter also came with a sample check for the same amount--$95,093.35. Everything about the check looked real except for the words "non-negotiable for cash" printed in the top right-hand corner. I look at the check and think, My God, it looks so real. The letter reads, "Patrick Combs, I expected to hear from you by now. Take a close look at the check above. It's just a sample of the money you could be receiving my now." I think, sample? Like a cookie sample at Mrs. Fields - it's a real cookie, but it's just a sample. The letter went on: "We took in that amount in just three weeks. Other mail boxes have also made hundreds of thousands of dollars. In fact, your mail box, at 326 Howard Street, could be soon be stuffed full of checks in varying amounts and free merchandise. Now I've written to you several times before about an exciting new money making opportunity. The one that said, 95,093.35 in just three weeks. The same one that was featured on TV! And frankly I'm surprised I haven't heard from you yet. Patrick, I know what you must be thinking, "Is this for real?" Let me assure you, it is very real." That's all I needed to know to take this check and deposit it into my ATM. Now, I didn't believe it was a real check, but it was fun, like putting Monopoly money into the bank. And I knew my bank would never cash the check, especially since I didn't even sign on the back. I walked home picturing a bank teller opening my deposit envelope and chuckling at the sight of the ridiculously large, and obviously bogus check. I fully expected that on Monday morning someone from my bank would call and say, "Mr. Combs, the check you deposited on Friday wasn't real." On Monday when they didn't call, I figured they were mailing the check back to me and I forgot about the whole thing. Then two days later, while I was withdrawing $40, my ATM produced a receipt that told me my balance was over one hundred thousand dollars. Suddenly I remembered the $95,093.35 deposit. My heart lept out of my chest. I ran all the way home (the most exercise I'd gotten in months!). As soon as I got in, I called a friend and told her what had happened. She made a quick phone call to his own bank and called me back. "It's standard policy to credit your account for any amount you deposit, but it's only a credit. You can't touch the money unless the check clears." Of course. It was just a matter of days before the bank would erase the credit and return my account to a mere $5,000. I figured it would be the week of my life when I had a one hundred thousand dollar bank balance. And I took full advantage of it by printing out lots of bank balance statements, and sharing them with my friends. i.e, "Need my phone number? I'll just write it here on the back of my ATM receipt." Without fail, it would always prompt a great conversation. It was also very entertaining to call my twenty four hour banking line, and listen to my bank balance. I did twice, three times, four times a day. To my surprise, it remained at over a hundred grand, all week long. I was thinking, that check should have been bounced by now. Friday morning, I went to my bank, a branch of First Interstate, approached a teller, and posed this question: "If I need a cashier's check for $70,000 later this afternoon, do I have the funds available?" The teller typed my account number into her computer. "Yes," she said, "the money is available." I said, "Are you sure there is not a warning sign, a flashing light, an asterisk or something?" She assured me there wasn't. I got out of the bank fast. I felt supercharged with possibility and shock. From that moment until the next Wednesday, when I boarded a plane for a four-day career-counseling conference in Orlando (I make my living as an author and speaker addressing career success), $95,093.35 was available for withdrawal from my account. My close friends and I contemplated, for fun, all the possibilities a hundred grand afforded. "To leave the country or not to leave: that is the question." I knew that the money was going to be taken out of my account, and each day I figured it would happen tomorrow. I boarded my flight to Orlando confident--and glad, really--that in all likelihood the money would be gone upon my return. It had already possessed my thoughts for a week. On Monday, the day after my return, I called for my account balance. Five thousand and something dollars was what I expected to hear. What I did hear was over $100,000. What was happening? Two weeks and that money was still sitting in my account. "It will be gone tomorrow," I kept telling myself for the next five days. Then on Friday, exactly three weeks since I had deposited the sample check, I again returned to the bank. I approached a bank teller at the special Customer Service window, and I sternly stated, "I recently deposited $95,000 and I don't want to spend any of the money if there is the possibility of the check being returned. How long should I wait?" The teller keyed in my account number. Then she said, "$95,093.35 was deposited on May 21. You're safe to spend that money now because that check can no longer be returned. Depositors are protected by a law that says checks cannot be returned after ten business days." I couldn't believe my ears. I couldn't believe my luck. I couldn't believe what was happening. On my way out of the bank, I grabbed every brochure and pamphlet that vaguely implied it might contain the law she had just referenced, and I went home and read voraciously. My reading didn't reveal the law I was looking for. Quickly, I learned that bank brochures don't tell you your rights; they tell you all the bank's rights. And banks have a lot of rights. At the end of one of the brochures, however, I found a reference that said, "For more information, contact the Office of Thrift Supervision (O.T.S)." I called the O.T.S. and a man answered the phone. I gave my first name only and gave him a quick synopsis. He treated my story with a cool intrigue. He told me that the ten-day law the teller had mentioned was known as the "Midnight Deadline." But he suggested that the more important legal question had to do with "negotiability." He wondered if the check I deposited was a true negotiable instrument. He said, "The banking law book, Brady's, has specific criteria that a check has to match in order to qualify as a legal negotiable instrument. I'm not sure what they are, but if the check you deposited was actually a negotiable instrument, that would explain why your bank passed it." Within three hours I was on my way to the Hastings Law Library and to the book Brady on Bank Checks: The Law of Bank Checks by Henry Bailey and Richard Hagedorn. Soon I knew why law students always looked so beat and tired. I didn't know how I was going to find anything in the monstrous tome in front of me. Then my eyes caught sight of a small, pocket-sized book titled Negotiable Instruments and Check Collection, a guide for laymen. And plain as day, it listed the nine criteria for a negotiable instrument. Read for yourself what I read, and I believe you'll yell out loud just as I did when I came to the very last word: "1. Must be in writing. 2. Signed by maker or drawer. 3. Promise or order....A check usually meets the requirement because the drawee's name is printed and encoded on the face of the instrument. 4. Unconditional.... 5. Order to pay money. 6. Must be a fixed amount. 7. Payable on demand or at a definite time.... 8. Payable to order or to bearer.... 9. No other undertaking or instruction. The final requirement of negotiability is that beyond the maker's order...the instrument must not contain 'any other undertaking or instruction'....The opposite issue is whether or not the parties can use a form that is a negotiable instrument and avoid negotiability by declaring, on the instrument, that it is not negotiable. The answer is yes, except for a check." This was one book I wanted to steal from the library (but didn't). The get-rich-quick company had accidentally designed a real check, and I had deposited it! End of Part I Part II: Getting A Cashier's Check Patrick Combs is available as keynote speaker for your next event. Let him inspire your audience with the story and discussion of his $95,000 Adventure. He is also the author of MAJOR IN SUCCESS: Make College Easier, Beat The System & Get A Very Cool Job (Ten Speed Press). All contents on this page ? 1995, By Patrick Combs. All rights reserved. http://www.goodthink.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $95,093.35 Adventure, Part II Getting a Cashier's Check I didn't touch the money for a month. Then, I called my brother and asked him what to do. We both agreed that, law or no law, someone would be coming for the money, and they'd probably be wearing black suits and packing heat. Then, my brother suggested that I get the entire amount in cash and put it in a safe-deposit box at my bank. "Why?" I asked. "Picture walking into the vault, going behind the curtain, and opening a box filled with $95,000 cash. It'll be fun to look at. How many times in your life are you going to have $95,000 cash in a safe-deposit box?" I liked the idea. It seemed as though it couldn't hurt, since the money would never leave my bank. I asked a teller if the bank could get me a hundred thousand dollars in cash if I needed it. The teller broke out in a chuckle and said, "Nobody's ever done that in the fifteen years I've been working." "But if I wanted to, can you get me that much cash?" The teller chuckled again, this time with a touch of nervousness, and she replied, "We'd have to tell the IRS and order it four days in advance. But nobody's ever done that." "You'd have to order it four days in advance and notify the IRS?" "Yes, because we don't keep that much cash on hand. The largest bill in circulation now is the $100 bill; there are no more $500 bills. And we have to report any cash withdrawals in excess of $10,000." Five First Interstate branches later, I'd learned that no safe-deposit boxes were available that were big enough to hold that much cash in $100 bills. Later that day I began contemplating just how much money $95,000 was, and I arrived at this: one thousand dollars a month for eight years. The next day, June 13, I woke up and decided that if I couldn't look at cash, it would be almost as fun to look at a cashier's check. I got in my car and drove to the California Street office of First Interstate, because it is the bank's showcase branch--cathedral ceilings, marble floors, towering columns, and gold trim--located in the heart of San Francisco's skyscraper district. First I approached the Customer Service window and filled out the form for a small, fifty-dollar-per-year safe-deposit box. Then I went to a teller's window. The teller asked how she could help me. Suddenly, my mouth got all dry. I didn't want to say $95,093.35 out loud;. So I asked the teller for a piece of paper. I wrote $95,093.35 on it, passed it to her, and said, "I'd like to get this amount in a cashier's check." Without saying a word, she began moving quickly to grab papers and forms. Then she rushed out these words: "You need to write me a check for the same amount." She seemed bothered. I understood and began to write out the check. Suddenly I was daunted by having to write out $95,093.35. I had never written it out in words before and I wasn't sure I'd be able to get it to fit on the line: ninety-five thousand ninety-three dollars and thirty-five cents. That was the biggest number I'd ever written into the suddenly small space on a check. It took her only two minutes to prepare the cashier's check. It seemed like twenty. Her manager approved it, and she slid it across the counter to me. I walked straight back to Customer Service and was escorted into the vault. The bank teller slid my box out and pointed me to the curtain I could go behind for privacy. "No need," I said, and I slipped the folded check out of my jeans pocket and into the metal container. The minute I stepped out of my bank and onto the street just below the TransAmerica Pyramid Tower, my blood raced with the strangest feeling: like I was ten feet taller, twice as fast, and suddenly capable of super powers. As I headed to my car, I slipped the ninety-five thousand ninety-three dollar and thirty-five cent safe-deposit box key onto my key ring. End Part II Part III: The Day They Noticed $95,093.35 Missing Patrick Combs is available as keynote speaker for your next event. Let him inspire your audience with the story and discussion of his $95,000 Adventure. He is also the author of MAJOR IN SUCCESS: Make College Easier, Beat The System & Get A Very Cool Job (Ten Speed Press). All contents on this page ? 1995, By Patrick Combs. All rights reserved. http://www.goodthink.com $95,093.35 Adventure, Part III The Day They Noticed $95,093.35 Missing One week after I put the cashier's check into the safe-deposit box--and thirty-three days after I had deposited the junk mail check--three people from my bank called. They flooded my voice mail with messages that said it was "very important" and "very urgent" that I return their calls "as soon as possible." One of the calls was from my branch office, one from the bank's Los Angeles headquarters, and one from an officer in the security department. That evening I put my bank card into an ATM to get some cash for dinner. The ATM ate my card, and on the screen green words glowed: "Card Confiscated. Contact Your Branch Office." The next morning I was up at 5:30 a.m. to catch a flight to New York, to begin a three-week vacation I had scheduled over a month ago, before The Check. My flight had a short stopover in Seattle at about 10:00 a.m., and I used the time to return the bank's calls. The hardest call was the third call with the Robert Gage, First Interstate's Senior Security Officer. He took my call right away. (It's funny how you don't have to wend your way through your bank's time-wasting voice-mail systems when you've got a major chunk of their change.) Robert was an older man with a very gruff cop's voice. He was not a happy camper. Immediately he informed me that he was "on the case" and he wanted the cashier's check NOW. When I asked him how he thought this could have happened, he let me know loudly that he didn't care a bit WHY First Interstate Bank would have cashed a junk-mail check, because this was a matter of fraud. He'd heard I was out of town, so he proceeded to drill me with possible ways to get the check back immediately. He said, "Can you fly back to return the check right now?" "No, sir." "Then could someone else open the box?" "No, sir. I'm the only one on the signature card." "Will you give me permission to drill the box?" "No, sir." "So you won't cooperate!" I replied, "Yes, I will. As soon as I get back on July 6." "Why won't you give me permission to drill the box?" "Because it would be irresponsible of me. You say you're from First Interstate Bank and that the check was returned, but I haven't received anything in writing. I feel responsible for the money now, and I feel I should receive an official letter from my bank." Now things really got heated. He shouted, "You're not getting any letter! This phone call is all you're getting, and it's all I have to give you! You committed check fraud when you got a cashier's check for money you knew wasn't yours. And this isn't about $100 or $10,000. We're talking about $100,000 dollars! Almost $100,000. If you don't return that money, what you're going to get is policemen at your door! Now will you give me permission to drill the box?" "No, sir." But he lightened up a lot when I told him, "I have not spent, nor do I intend to spend, a cent of that money. And I have no intention of keeping money that doesn't belong to me." As a matter of fact, it warmed him up so much that he said if I would agree to call him on July 6, the minute I got home, no matter what the hour (he gave me his home number and his pager number), then he wouldn't take further action. He also said he'd comply y bank account so that checks I had written wouldn't bounce. That conversation left my mind racing for days. End of Part III Part IV: Learning My Rights Patrick Combs is available as keynote speaker for your next event. Let him inspire your audience with the story and discussion of his $95,000 Adventure. He is also the author of MAJOR IN SUCCESS: Make College Easier, Beat The System & Get A Very Cool Job (Ten Speed Press). All contents on this page ? 1995, By Patrick Combs. All rights reserved. http://www.goodthink.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $95,093.35 Adventure, Part IV Learning My Rights I arrived in Ne the telephone call with the security officer. The words "fraud," "policemen" and "not willing to cooperate" kept echoing in my head. I decided it was time to learn my rights. After a few quick phone calls to law schools, I had a list of Bay Area lawyers who specialized in banking and checks. I decided to call Manuel Fields first because of his specialty, check fraud. I told Manuel my first name and asked him if I could tell him my situation to determine whether or not I needed a lawyer. "Sure," he said. I told him the entire story, without mentioning the amount of the junk-mail check. He laughed a bit and asked, "Exactly how much was this check for?" I was hesitant to tell a lawyer the amount, but I knew I couldn't lie. I said, "$95,093.35." For what seemed like a full minute, all I heard on the other end of the line was a man laughing very, very hard. "I'm sorry," he said after he finished. "I've just never heard of anything like this." Manuel informed me of the following: * According to Commercial Paper Law, the money was now legally mine, because all checks are first assumed to be valid, and the way a bank invalidates a check is by serving the depositor with a timely notice of dishonor. Considering that it had taken my bank 33 days to tell me my check had been returned, he did not think they had dishonored the check in time. * Fraudulent checks are a different matter--but he said, "Since you deposited the check thinking there was no chance it would cash, and without even endorsing it, you did not commit fraud." * Getting the cashier's check was also not an act of fraud, since the bank had previously assured me the check could no longer be returned. So I called Robert Gage, and asked him to please fax me the customer service letter and a photocopy of the junk mail check from my bank. (I had forgotten what it had looked like and wanted to be very clear about what was on it and what wasn't.) They faxed me documents. What arrived by fax was a surprise. It was incredible to see the front and back of the check. I had forgotten just how real the bogus check looked. This was the first time that I could confirm that the check in fact matched all nine criteria for a negotiable instrument. But what surprised me more was the "official letter" from my bank. What came out of the fax machine wasn't a letter from my bank at all, but a memo from First Chicago Bank dated June 5. It was my first piece of the puzzle of how this whole thing could have happened. The memo, which had the amount of my check on one line and the word "non-negotiable" circled on another, had a name and phone number for an Account Adjuster on it. I decided to call him. (As my brother says, "More information is always good.") I reached Edwin Mickley, the man who had written the memo. I told him who I was and why I was calling. He explained that the memo I now possessed was the notice of dishonor that he had sent to my bank about the $95,093.35 check. On the same day that he sent the memo, his bank also reclaimed $95,093.35 from my bank. "So MY bank is out the money?" I asked. "Yes," he said. "All the other banks involved have recovered their money." Suddenly it dawned on me: this memo was dated June 5. That's the day my bank learned that the check had been dishonored. Why had First Interstate waited until June 21 to notify me of the problem--especially since, by law, they were supposed to notify me by midnight of June 6! No doubt about it now, my bank had made a big mistake. And they had faxed me a memo to prove it. At the end of the conversation, Edwin did me another big favor. He obliged my request for the names of the other banks involved. He didn't even mind telling me whom I should talk with and what item number I should reference. I called the other banks involved, and soon learned the details of the entire fiasco. I had deposited the check on Friday, May 19. On Monday, May 21, it was overlooked by my bank and sent onto the bank in Chicago that was acting as a clearinghouse. It was again overlooked there. The next day, on May 22, it was sent to the Federal Reserve Bank in Cleveland, and this bank rejected the check, calling it a "non-cash" item. (Take note that the Federal Reserve Bank rejected the check within 48 hours after it left my bank.) The check was then routed to the get-rich-quick company's bank in Cleveland. The Cleveland bank says it sent a notice of dishonor immediately to the bank in Chicago. I cannot confirm when the Cleveland bank actually sent its notice of dishonor, but I do know that the bank in Chicago sent my bank a notice of dishonor on June 5. I made this entry in my journal: "The bank knows they made a big mistake. But instead of calling me and explaining their mistake, they called and bullied me with scare tactics, 'banking' on my being ignorant and fearful. Apparently, they feel they're powerful enough to avoid admitting to their mistakes and powerful enough to deny me even the right to fair treatment, refusing even to send me a letter about this. I don't think they're that powerful." July 6 arrived. I had an obligation to call Robert Gage at First Interstate Bank Security. But I had not returned to San Francisco as I'd originally planned--and I was not planning on giving the money back when I did return. It was the hardest phone call I've ever made in my life. I put it off all day, until 10:30 at night. Then it took me a full hour to psyche myself up enough to be ready. My godson, a twenty-two-year-old college senior, and my mother sat across the dining room table in silent support. I called Gage and informed him that I knew the laws that entitled me to the money. I told him I resented being treated like a criminal, when I hadn't even spent any of the money. And I demanded a letter from the bank, officially requesting the return of the money. Gage did not threaten me this time - he said he'd get me the letter, and try to unfreeze my bank account. END of Part IV Part V: Beating Fear! Patrick Combs is available as keynote speaker for your next event. Let him inspire your audience with the story and discussion of his $95,000 Adventure. He is also the author of MAJOR IN SUCCESS: Make College Easier, Beat The System & Get A Very Cool Job (Ten Speed Press). All contents on this page ? 1995, By Patrick Combs. All rights reserved. http://www.goodthink.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $95,093.35 Adventure, Part V Henry Bailey After I returned to San Francisco, I didn't hear from First Interstate Bank. No phone calls and no letters. Each day I expected to receive an official letter from the bank, but nothing arrived. My curiosity drove me back to the law library. This time I was determined to read and understand the big book, Brady on Bank Checks: The Law of Bank Checks by Henry Bailey and Richard Hagedorn. And this time, determination (or coffee) made the difference, because I knew what I was reading. I was reading a lot of laws, in black and white, that gave me a legal right to the money. I photocopied like a madman. I copied the Midnight Law, Finality of Payment and court case rulings that held it illegal for a bank to cancel a cashier's check. Then, just before my brain went to mush and my photocopying change ran out, I read a footnote by the author regarding the law that makes the words "non-negotiable" meaningless on a check. The author wrote: "The only problem with this approach is the use of blank sample check forms that bear language such as 'void' or 'non-negotiable' or 'sample form' that is clearly intended to show that the particular sample or form is not intended as a valid check. Would potential liability exist if such a sample form is filled in without authority and passed to one who could take as a holder in due course? The 1990 provision might well be drafted to avoid such a possible problem." The author of Brady on Bank Checks had seen my situation coming! I had to tell him. I noted from the back of the book that both authors were once professors at Willamette University in Oregon. I called the university as soon as I got home. (I didn't even have to call Information for the number, because I had just recently given a speech there.) Only one of the authors, Richard Hagedorn, was still working there; the other had retired. I asked if I could speak with Mr. Hagedorn and was informed that he was on vacation for the week. My heart sunk. Then I got an idea. I said, "Is Henry enjoying his retirement?" "Yes he is," came the reply. "As a matter of fact, he still keeps in touch with us on occasion." I said, "I bet he stayed in the beautiful state of Oregon when he retired. I'm from Oregon myself." (This was true; I was born and raised there.) And the golden reply came back, "No, actually he retired to a small town just outside of Providence, Rhode Island." In no time at all, Directory Assistance was giving me a phone number for one Henry Bailey in Providence, Rhode Island. The phone rang 25 times before an elderly woman answered. I asked for Henry Bailey. She said, "Just a minute"--and then the connection was broken. I tried calling back right away, but there was no answer no matter how many times I let it ring. So I called again the next day--and after twenty or so rings, an elderly man answered--and was he gruff! I tried to explain the reason for my call, but he just kept firing angry questions at me. "Who is this? What are you calling about? Who are you? Are you a lawyer? Are you a banker? Are you with the press? Then why are you calling me? Finally, I was able to express that I was a 29-year-old consumer calling because I was in the middle of the very problem he had foreseen. Eventually my explanation began to sink in; when I mentioned the UCC code about the words "non-negotiable," he brightened up like a light. "Yes, I wrote about that problem in Brady and I published an article about it in Banking Law Journal. It was never like that in the 1962 code!" Our conversation progressed. I said, "I deposited an advertising check and..." He responded, "Well, it sounds like you weren't being very honorable." I tried again. "I deposited it because I thought my bank would never accept it, but they did." "Well, that doesn't necessarily make you a holder in due course. Did it have a name on it?" "Yes, sir, it had my name on it." "Your name!" he exclaimed. "Hmm....Well, did it have a signature on it?" "Yes, sir, an authorized signature and an account number." "It did! Well, these dummies deserve it! Was this check an advertisement?" I replied, "Yes! That's exactly what it was." With a pleased note in his voice, he said, "Oh, this sounds good. How much was it for?" "Ninety-five thousand." "Oh, this sounds really good! Well, when did the company call you?" I answered, "The company didn't call me, my bank did. They said the check was returned as a 'non-cash item.'" "When did you deposit the check, and when did your bank notify you?" "I deposited it on May 19 and my bank returned it on June 21." "Well, if your bank delayed that long, you have a legal claim to that money. Your bank has to meet a Midnight Deadline! You need to get a lawyer because that money is legally yours." And he began citing many court cases and reiterating that I needed to get a lawyer. At the end of our conversation, he said he was glad that I had called to tell him. It was an honor to speak with Henry Bailey. END Part V Part VI: The Wall Street Journal Patrick Combs is available as keynote speaker for your next event. Let him inspire your audience with the story and discussion of his $95,000 Adventure. He is also the author of MAJOR IN SUCCESS: Make College Easier, Beat The System & Get A Very Cool Job (Ten Speed Press). All contents on this page ? 1995, By Patrick Combs. All rights reserved. http://www.goodthink.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $95,093.35 Adventure, Part VI The Wall Street Journal Too make quite a long story somewhat shorter, another month passed and the bank never sent me a letter, never contacted me, didn't so much as make a peep in my direction. I finally decided to call a newspaper. As for why, I can only tell you this: Deep down inside I felt like I hadn't done anything wrong. If people judged me differently, it would be because they're different people with different values. And perhaps I should add something else. Of the many lessons I learned from this adventure, one of the greatest was this: never let fear win. I decided to call the most prestigious newspaper in the country, The Wall Street Journal. It was July 13. I called Information and found that The Wall Street Journal had a San Francisco bureau. A woman answered the phone. I asked her if I could speak to a reporter who writes features, and explained I might have a great story for the paper. "What's your story?" she asked. Figuring that if I could sell her, she'd put me through to one of the reporters, I launched right into a brisk and upbeat telling of the story. Within 15 seconds I could tell that I had her interested. When I finished she said, "That's a great story! I'd love to write it." At the same time, I made this website and people from all over the world started started reading along. Throughout the two harrowing months that followed, I kept the those interested informed of developments through regular updates on my web page. At the same time, I was facing the beginning of the school year--the time of year when I am always busiest as a speaker. So in the midst of everything else, I had to be flying around the country, giving speeches and workshops at dozens of colleges. Sometimes I woke up in a different city each day. Many of these were posted very late at night, from nondescript hotel rooms in strange cities, after long and exhausting days of lecturing, endless interviews, and innumerable phone calls. Endless interviews, and innumerabel phone calls because on Wednesday, August 16, I went out to The Wall Street Journal box and I plopped my three quarters in, grabbed for the paper. Flipped to the second section, and saw the words "Trash Into Quick Cash." It was a short story about my adventure. PAY DIRT!! That day, my voice mail was deluged with calls from radio, newspaper, and television. Calls included messages from both The Late Show with David Letterman and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno! I did an interview with a reporter from the Associated Press wire that afternoon. The reporter said that she'd write it up, and it would definitely be released to all California papers, and maybe to all national newspapers. The next day, over 200 newspapers carried headlines similar to this one from The San Jose Mercury News, "Man 1, Bank 0." It created an enourmous media storm in my life. Over the next three weeks I did interviews on NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, Hard Copy, ABC World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, the Montel Williams show, CNBC's The Money Club, Good Morning America, and all of the top San Francisco news stations. Reporters were also trying to interview my bank, which would only reply -"No comment." During each interview, I was always asked, "Patrick, you have the money locked in a safe deposit box. What are you going to do next?" I would reply, "I'd like the CEO of first interstate bank to take me to lunch, where I'd give him back the check. He'd give me an official letter from the bank, documenting that I'd returned money I had a legal claim to, and that I had not attempted to fraud the bank. Then together we'd donate the money to charity (since it was legally mine, but ethically the banks). During her news broadcast, Dianne Sawyer commented, "Patrick, I wouldn't count on that lunch." And she was right. Instead, I was served with legal papers that were calling me into court to decide who the money legally belonged to. At this point, knowing that I wasn't out to keep the money, I called up the bank's senior legal counsel and told him I wanted to give the money back. "I'm the world's easy guy to get the money back from - all you have to do is write me an official letter from the bank that addresses this fiasco from a fair point of view. I invited him to meet with me, to draft such a letter and come to a resolve, and we did. To again attempt to shorten a long story, the bank continued for another month to make very funny errors. Funny things continued to happen as a result of ongoing media interviews. Even had a First Interstate employee begin to offer me "inside information" via anonymous email tips. After a month of negotiations, I got my letter and was ready to return the money. END Part VI Part VII: Updates Patrick Combs is available as keynote speaker for your next event. Let him inspire your audience with the story and discussion of his $95,000 Adventure. He is also the author of MAJOR IN SUCCESS: Make College Easier, Beat The System & Get A Very Cool Job (Ten Speed Press). All contents on this page ? 1995, By Patrick Combs. All rights reserved. http://www.goodthink.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $95,093.35 Adventure, Part VII Ending the FICAL Matter It was a wild scene retrieving the cashiers check from my safe deposit box. The press again returned to cover the return of the money. This caused a snafu getting into my final meeting with the legal eagle. But finally, on the same day the OJ Simpson verdict came back, Not Guilty, I sat down at a conference room table to settle this matter. The lawyer and I had a short checklist to work through: sign the agreement, provide each other with originals, confirm that I had returned the check--and, last: "Have you brought the two checks for the interest and the closing of your account?" I had. I took the checks out of my bag. Although the words "non-negotiable" didn't take up more than an inch in the top right-hand corner of each one, they stood out like sore thumbs. I truly wish a photographer had been there to capture the look on Charles Ward's face. It was classic. He tilted his head to confirm that the words he was seeing were real. And then his head started shaking no, and his mouth said, "Patrick, Patrick, Patrick....This is a problem. This is a problem. What are we going to do here?" His head kept shaking back and forth. I held back my smile and said, "Don't worry about those words, Charles. The words 'non-negotiable' on the face of a check don't invalidate it. It's still a perfectly legal instrument. That's my point." I left the bank and walked toward my car. As I passed someone sitting at a restaurant table in the sun, reading a newspaper, my gaze leapt to the huge headline across the top: "$95,000 of Fun Coming To An End." Unbelievable! And it was on the second page of the edition that I later learned had sold in record numbers--the paper with the front-page headline, "O.J. Not Guilty." I felt like I'd won the lottery. I have only this left to express. If you come to a place where you need to stand up for yourself, I suggest employing five tools: education, courage, kindness, prayer, and a sense of humor. **My $95,000 adventure led me to being hired by a television show The segments I did for Hard Copy led me to being offered a job as on-air-talent/producer for RealTV, a new show premiering this fall . For instance, I went with a hidden camera and busted rip-off carwashes. **I tell my $95,000 adventure in a 60 keynote presentation I make my living as a keynote speaker and I tell my $95,000 adventure in a 60 minute talk. If you'd like me to see me present this story or any of my other motivational topics to your organization, company or college, email me for the details. **More adventures you can read I've written 22 more of my adventures since I've completed this story. Read about the baby I delivered on the sidewalk, the ass I tried to kick, the hidden camera stories I've done for television, the train I jumped, and many more. If you don't read them now, bookmark my adventures page and read them next. ** Check it out! I hope you'll check out more of my website. It is a site for motivation, inspiration, careers & personal development, nutrition, health, internships, adventure and money. Great for students, entrepreneurs, job seekers, adventurers, speakers, authors and those who wish to excel. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Adventure Continues November 15, 1995 I gave back the money about six weeks ago, but the incident is still making waves in my life. Actually, I'm a bit taken aback by the effects that senseless deposit is having on my life. I have been alerted by many Interneters that the second round of headlines appeared in many newspapers with a photo of myself and the keys. These stories prompted more radio interviee in. Recently the Donahue show called to invite me on as a guest. I agreed, and in the midst of my five-week speaking tour, they flew me out to New York for a taping. I eet Phil Donahue, the man who'd started the talk show and who'd been doing it longer than anyone else. The strangest thing to result from all of this is a guest reporter role on Hard Copy. Hard Copy liked the two segments I did for them about the check so much that they offered me the opportunity to do more stories for them. They asked me to go on other adventures, or expose other absurdities--and I could do so knowing they would run on Hard Copy. They had in mind three to six of these segments, and they wanted to tape them as soon as possible. Patrick Combs is an entertaining/motivational keynote speaker, and also the author of MAJOR IN SUCCESS: Make College Easier, Beat The System & Get A Very Cool Job (Ten Speed Press). All contents on this page ? 1995, By Patrick Combs. All rights reserved. http://www.goodthink.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @The First Lady ‘s biography and LogonPw Hillary Diane Rodham was born in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26, 1947. The daughter of Dorothy Rodham and the late Hugh Rodham, she and her two younger brothers, Hugh and Tony, grew up in Park Ridge, Illinois, as part of a close-knit family. Here, she is pictured with her father Hugh, her mother Dorothy, and brother Hugh, Jr. Throughout her childhood, the foundations of her lasting commitment to family, work, and service were established. It is this commitment and the belief that we "all have an obligation to give something of ourselves to our community," that has helped to shape her role and actions as our nation's First Lady. As a young student, Hillary organized food drives, served in student government, and was a member of the National Honor Society. She was a member of the local Methodist youth group, and was also a Girl Scout. As First Lady, she currently serves as honorary President of the Girls Scouts of America. Here, the First Lady is joined by girls from a local Girl Scout chapter as she tapes a public service announcement for the Girl Scouts. After graduating from Wellesley College in 1969, Hillary enrolled in Yale Law School, where she developed her strong concern for protecting the interests of children and families, and met Bill Clinton, a fellow law student. Hillary married Bill Clinton in 1975. Their daughter, Chelsea, was born in 1980. During the twelve years that she served as First Lady of Arkansas, Hillary founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, introduced Arkansas' Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth, and worked tirelessly on behalf of children and families, while practicing law in Little Rock. In recognition of her professional and personal accomplishments, she was named Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1984.Upon taking office in 1993, President Clinton made health care reform one of the highest priorities of his Administration. He asked the First Lady to chair the Task Force on National Health Care Reform, and she continues to be a leading advocate for improving health care quality and providing health insurance for the uninsured and the underinsured. Her deep commitment to children has led the First Lady to champion an ambitious effort to increase immunizations for preschool-age children, push for an expansion of children's health insurance coverage, advocate for innovative prenatal care, and raise awareness of the impact of tobacco on children. When the Clintons arrived in Washington, D.C., Mrs. Clinton felt that she had not only public responsibilities as First Lady, but also the important private responsibility to make the historic, and formal, White House a true home for her husband and daughter Chelsea. For example, because the private living quarters did not have an informal place to gather for meals, she decided to have the serving kitchen on the second floor converted into a family kitchen. There, the three of them could gather around the table just as they had in Arkansas. In 1996, the First Lady authored "It Takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us", a national call for all sectors of society to take responsibility for our children. In her book, the First Lady emphasizes that while parents are the most important influence in their children's lives, and have the primary responsibility in raising them, society also plays an important role in rearing our nation's children. She stresses that ultimately children will thrive only if all of society provides for them. In addition, since 1995, the First Lady has penned a weekly syndicated newspaper column, "Talking It Over". In this column, she draws upon her experiences as First Lady and on her observations of women, children, and families she has met across the country and around the world. Here, the First Lady reads to children in Maryland to celebrate Read Across American Day. In 1997, the First Lady, along with the President, hosted two important conferences on children's issues. The First Lady played a strong role at the White House Conference on Early Childhood Development and Learning, where experts emphasized that the success a child has in reaching their full potential is influenced by what they experience during their critical early years. The White House Conference on Child Care drew attention to the struggle our nation's working parents face in finding child care they can afford, trust and rely on. This conference played an important role in developing the President's historic child care initiative - - the largest investment in child care in our nation's history - - to make child care better, safer, and more affordable for America's working families. Here, children at a child care facility at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut show the First Lady their latest project. The First Lady has also worked tirelessly to reform our nation's foster care system and promote adoption. Through meetings with adoptive families and children in foster care, writings and speeches, the First Lady has focused on making it easier for children to move from foster care to permanent homes, and on increasing the number of adoptions. The First Lady played an important role in legislative reform, and was central to the passage of the Adoption and Safe Family Act of 1997. In addition to her work at home, the First Lady serves as a goodwill ambassador for the United States during her visits abroad. From Europe to Asia, Africa to Latin America, the First Lady takes her message of human rights, health care, and economic empowerment for women across the globe. During her trips, the First Lady has advocated for human rights, promoted microcredit as a means to economic self-sufficiency, pushed for equality in education for girls and boys, and spoken of the importance of health care with an emphasis on meeting the critical needs of women and children, including family planning and safe motherhood. She has also been a leading voice for democracy building, for women's rights, and for the developing of a voluntary sector in emerging democracies. Here, the First Lady visits a synagogue in Bukhara, Uzbekistan during her November 1997 trip. One of Mrs. Clinton's responsibilities as First Lady is to oversee the White House special events. Here, a child at the 1998 Easter Egg Roll pushes his egg along the South Lawn. The holiday season is another popular time at the White House. Every year, the Christmas tree in the Blue Room is a favorite attraction for the tour goers. For Christmas 1997, the President and First Lady chose Santa's Workshop as the holiday theme, and invited artists from around the country to design ornaments for the tree, including creative versions of "Santa's suit", designed by fashion designers, along with glass and needlepoint ornaments depicting characters, scenes, and imagery from Santa's Workshop. Here, the First Lady shows visitors a few of her favorite ornaments on the White House Christmas Tree. The First Lady loves art, and she has said that sculpture is one of her favorite art forms. In fact, her first date with President Clinton was in the sculpture garden at Yale University. As First Lady, Mrs. Clinton worked with the Committee for the Preservation of the White House, and the White House Historical Society to bring an exhibit of contemporary American sculpture to the White House. The current installation in the series, "Twentieth Century American Sculpture at the White House," is subtitled "Honoring Native America". This is the first showing ever in the nation's capitol of a large and representative collection of contemporary Native American sculpture. Previous installations have focused on the different geographical regions of the country. In establishing this exhibit, the First Lady wanted to showcase the best of American sculpture, in America's home, making it accessible to the thousands of people who visit the White House everyday. Like her predecessors, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton brings to the role of First Lady of the United States her own special talents, experience, and interests. To comment on this service, send feedback to the Web Development Team. Read our Privacy Policy Logon cypher Chinese Pager:2000 Longon163:pnycjy:cjy8080 citi888@263.net:111111 PrivateDocumentation.doc:45879613 citi888@hotmail.com:111111 handew@263.net: 0169427 bcker@263.net: 45879613 bker@163.net: 45879613 citi888@126.com:45879613 citi888@wowmail.com: 45879613 中国电脑人才网-bker:4587 首都在线聊天室-bker:4587 商都BBS-corejj:raV1CB My ATM Bank of Comm: 45879613 Adultfriendfinder.com:citi888:111111 dewe@371.net: 0169427 dewey@371.net: 0169427 Local Machines bker:4587 Yahoo Club:Citi888:4587 Free Member-citi888@hotmail.com: by54ednp Magic98 with Fonts: MGWCCSWN Teleport: N: SuNSoFT Co: TDNS aND CoMPaNY s/n: 663522508 Simplie Chwin98 S/N: K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3 Identification card : 411303750810201 Hidden-Camera.com: Name:super;Ps:bowl Joke Of The Day Section two Humor! Humor! Humor! A little boy came home from school one day and told his mother "Mom, today I heard some older kids using some words I dont know the meaning of. Can you tell me what they mean?" "Sure" his mother said "Just tell me what they are." The little boy replied "Pussy and bitch."His mother said "No problem. A pussy is a cat, like the neighbor's Tabby, and a bitch is afemale dog, like our Sandy." The boy thanked his mother, and then went out to the garage, where his father was working. "Dad" he began "Today I heard some kids using some wordsthat I dont know the meaning of. I asked Mom, but I dont think that she gave me the right answer. Can you help me?" "Sure" his father replied "What are the words?" "Pussy and bitch" the boy replied. His father said "I thought I told you any time you have a question like that, you were supposed to ask me, and not your mother, because she cant handle it." With that,he reached up on a shelf and pulled down an edition of Playboy magazine, and a Magic Marker. He then took the marker, and drew a circle around the woman's genital area. "Son" he began "everything inside this circle is a pussy." "Okay, his son said, "but what is a bitch." His father said "Everything outside this circle". Section three The ambassador of a small African nation chanced to visit Russia, and was entertained by his opposite number,the Russian ambassador. For three days, the African ambassador was wined, dined, and generally treated to the best hospitality that Russia had to offer.On the final day of his visit, the Russian ambassador said "As your stay is coming to an end, it is time for you to play our traditional game, Russian Roulette. One of the six chambers of this gun is loaded - you spin the cylinder, point the gun at your head and pull the trigger." This phased the African slightly, but he was a proud man of a warrior people, and to show fear would be unthinkable. Both men took their guns, spun, and pulled the triggers. Both chambers were empty, and both ambassadors breathed a sigh of relief.The African ambassador was much impressed with the courageous game, and thought hard about the subject before the Russian ambassador was due to visit his country next year. When the visit came, the African ambassador treated the Russian with all hospitality, and he had been treated, until the final day of his stay. Leading him to a private room in the palace, the African said "Now it is time for you to sample our game, African roulette." So saying, he led the Russian into the room, the only occupants of which were six beautiful naked women.The African ambassador said " These women are the most beautiful members of one of our tribes. Any one of them will give you a blow job... You make the choice." The Russian was not entirely adverse to this idea, but he couldn't see the connection with Russian roulette. He said "Well, that is fine, but where's the roulette part?" With a big grin on his face, the African ambassador answered, "One of them is a cannibal." From streamline.com Confessions of a customer :My first thought was I could never afford this. Products and services: You can order online, by phone or by fax and Streamline will deliver the freshest, highest quality products from local purveyors right to your door. You can order nearly anything you need for just $30 per month: Fresh, high quality produce - You tell us exactly what you want and we hand select for freshness. Our produce provider, James E. Kilduff, Inc. delivers to us daily to ensure that you get the best quality produce possible. Hand-selected seafood and meats - Our high quality meats are supplied by T.F. Kinnealey & Co., a purveyor to some of Boston's top chefs. If you've ever dined at Rialto, Biba, Pignoli, or The Boston Harbor Hotel, then you've sampled the quality meats of T.F. Kinnealey. 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Bottle and can redemption - Stop hoarding them in your garage. We automatically credit your account for all of your 5 cent redeemables that we pick up at your home. Frequently Asked Questions Q: What does your service cost? A: There is a flat fee of $30 a month. There's no tipping or delivery charge added to your bill. There is no minimum order and no contract to sign. Q: Can I get all my favorite brands and products from Streamline? A: Absolutely. Streamline carries all of the most popular items, including the same high quality brands found at major supermarkets, and we're always adding to our selection. Q: What's the catch? A: There's no catch. There are no hidden costs. By simplifying the distribution process, we can efficiently buy and deliver top quality products to your door for one low monthly fee. Q: Do I have to pay for the refrigerator? The shelving? The keypad? A: No. They're yours to use --- free --- as long as you're a Streamline customer. Q: Do you have sales and special promotions? A: Of course. While Streamline's everyday prices are competitive with local supermarkets, we also offer weekly specials and sale items on many of your favorite products --- discounts you won't have to hunt for in the aisles of your market. Q: Can I order online? A: Online is the easiest and most efficient way for you to order from Streamline, but we can also take your orders over the telephone or by fax. Q: Where do your products come from? A: For some items, such as dry goods, we use the same suppliers as your supermarket. For others, such as meat, produce, baked goods and seafood, we hand-select the best products from our local sources to ensure freshness and quality. Q: How fresh are your produce and meats? A: Fresher than most grocery stores. Our top quality meat and produce providers deliver to our facility daily. We control our perishables and store them under optimal conditions. They're delivered to your home in refrigerated trucks, with minimal handling. Q: Do you guarantee your products? A: All our products come with a 100% guarantee. If you're not satisfied for any reason, we'll provide you with a full credit, no questions asked. Q: Is the ordering process easy? A: Yes, it is. The entire ordering process takes about 15 to 20 minutes a week. We work with you to make ordering easy, and we have friendly, attentive representatives ready to answer . The End 上一页 回主页 下一页 [fish1]本文档是从各种途径节选的二月份后的材料片断。说明:粗题字表示是俚语或生词 粗题倾斜 字是短语或固定用法 反白是推荐背诵.加@表示重要.文档中如果有将近一页内容可背诵者首部用标题五以利查找.文档正文用小五号字,打印时注意调整字体。有声资料存放在”D驱动器\已复习目录”中. [fish2]网民? [fish3]此词用法很广,在后面Oscar,I have a dream均有例句 [fish4]嘻嘻嘻,I love you, my baby-dew.according to my abilities for you. [fish5] rave about by 为…倾倒 [fish6]inanimate 和 animate 发音不同. [fish7]不管,不顾 [fish8]无法翻译,以后可以经常用,相信比较地道. [fish9]哈哈trimma 居然有一种变态鱼carp鲤鱼/crucian鲫鱼/chub鲢鱼/eel鳗鱼/herring 鲱/mullet 乌鱼/perch 鲈鱼pike梭子鱼/salmon鲑鱼/trout 鳟鱼/anglerfish安康鱼/cod 鳕鱼/hake无须鳕/mackerel鲐/plaice 鲽surmullet羊鱼/ray鳐鱼/sardine沙丁鱼/sailfish旗鱼/sea bream海鲷/shark鲨鱼/tunny, tuna金枪鱼 英语听力突破掌上宝Talking 上 回主页 Talking Book Since 1999/2/23 By Baker A Bedlamite. · 本版教程为毕克所著目的是初级的口语,包含大量中等程度的单词和必须脱口而出的句子,是重中之重. 脱口背诵 借助于金山词霸矫正发音 · 学习要求是,每天学习1小时.建议在学习本教材的同时学习 · VOCABULARY 22000.doc 学习要求是脱口背诵 · Reading feeds.doc 学习要求是熟读 · [Computer Networks] by Andrew S.Tanenbaum. 学习要求是脱口背诵 · 学完上述4项,应可完成英语素质教育,开始转换命运,不再自欺欺人 · 我发誓,有生之年考取MCSE MCSD CCIE 以及 Ph.D for Major in Interconnection Engineering. My Buddha almighty ! Liyang's ListenStuff Sorted Chapter One My name is Li Yang.I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored Mechanical Engineering.I was once a poor student of English,and it was my biggest headache and trouble-maker.I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words.But through hard work in practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games,I found myself a totally different and exciting new world.Not only did I pass Band four and Band six College English Exams very easily with high marks,but importantly,I began to use English. Finally,I developed a new Language Cracking System myself,I began to teach German not long after I started to learn this terribly difficult language in my own way.It was a miracle but I made it.To speak good English,I think one year of study should be enough for any dilligent and interligent person. I'd like to share my learning techniques with you,and I will be very glad to answer your letters and be your friend. Chapter Two An Awkward Situation A woman was singing.One of the guests turned to a man by his side and criticized the singer. "What a terrible voice!"he said."Do you know who she is?" "Yes."was the answer,"She is my wife." "Oh,I beg your pardon,"the man said."Of course her voice isn't bad,but the song is very bad.I wondered who wrote that awful song?" "I did."was the answer. A letter Dear Mother, I'm writing to you from our hotel at Hawaii Beach.Stone and I am on vacation with the children for a few days. We're happy to be here, but to tell the truth, we're having a few problems. The weather isn't very good. In fact, it's cold and cloudy. Right now I'm looking out the windows and it's raining cats and dogs. The children aren't very happy. In fact, they're bored and they're having a terrible time. Right now they're sitting on the bed, playing cards and watching TV. The restaurants here are expansive, and the food isn't very good. In fact, Stone is at the doctor's office right now. He's having problems with his stomach. All the other hotels here are beautiful and new. Our hotel is ugly, and it's very, very old. In fact, right now a repairman is in our bathroom fixing the toilet. As you can see, Mother, we're having a few problems here at Hawaii Beach, but we're happy. We're happy to be on vacation, and we're happy to be together. See you soon. Love Makes the World Go Round What's wrong, Stone? Why are you so upset? It's those new neighbors of ours. They play their stereo so loud at night that I can't sleep. I've had it. I'm going to go over there and give them a piece of my mind! Hold it! You won't accomplish anything by hollering at them. You're all worked up now. Why not wait until you cool down a bit? Don't you know that love makes the world go round? I agree that the world would be a better place to live if people respected and loved each other, But right now... Not another word! Let's try it my way. I'll bake some cookies, and later on we'll take them next door and introduce ourselves. We can casually mention the problem after we get to know our new neighbors, I'm sure they'll cooperate. Asking about Likes and Dislikes What do you think of Chinese fiction? I like it --- especiallly books by Wang Shuo Do you like detective stories? Not much. They're all the same. What about non-fiction? I like to read biographies. What do you think of that new book about George Bush? I'm afraid I haven't read it yet. What about music? Do you like music? Yeah---POP Music. What do you think of classical music? I listen to some of it What about modern jazz? Modern jazz ? I can't stand modern jazz! Stating Obligations Why don't we go to a movie tonight? I'd love to but I can't. I have to study. But it's just a couple of hours. No.I have a French test tomorrow morning. I have no choice. I have to study. Can I help? I don't think so. First I have to memorize some irregular verbs... then I have to read 20 pages of my grammar book. Oh, your teacher must be a monster to give you all that works. No.It's my fault. He told us about the test three weeks ago. I've been procrastinating...now I have to study! Offering Would you like some tea? Yes please. I'll plug the Kettle in. Would you like something to eat? O.K.Would you like to watch some television? No.Not really. Would you like to listen to the radio? Not particularly. Would you like to listen to some records? Oh yes! Um...I'm very fond of Mozart. I don't have any Mozart.Would you like to listen to some Michael Jackson? I guess so. Apologizing Miss Jones...Did you type those letters I gave you? I'm sorry, Mr.White.I forgot. Did you file those reports? No, sir. I'm terribly sorry. I do apologize. Did you make those phone calls? I'm really sorry, I didn't...but I will soon. Well, did you make those photocopies I gave you the day before esterday? I'm sorry, Mr.White.I'm afraid I forgot. And that fax to China? I've lost it. I'm really sorry. Complaining Yes, sir. Can I help you? I bought a television set here last week and now it doesn't work. I want my money back. Do you have the warranty? No.I've lost it. Sorry, sir. We must have the warranty. But this is ridiculous. You sold me the set... What is the matter with it? I don't know. When I turn it on, there's no picture and a strange smell. Can you fix it? I'm afraid we don't do repairs here. No repairs? This is unacceptable. I want my money back. We don't give refunds. But this is outrageous! My-YOUR-TV set doesn't work. Bring the set in and we'll send it to Japan for repair. Without the warranty, you'll have to pay. It'll take three weeks. Three weeks! That just won't do. I'll miss the football finals. We can rent you another set while your old set is being repaired. The charge is twenty dollars a week. Twenty dollars a week! That's outrageous! Let me speak to the manager. I AM the manager. Giving Advice I can't decide whether to go to university or get a job. What do you think? Well, you shouldn't neglect your education. If I were you, I'd continue studying. I don't even know what I want to study. If I were you, I'd study English.You're good at English.You could be an English teacher. That's what my parents want me to do. You shouldn't ignore their advice. They want what's best for you. But my friends will have jobs and lots of fun while I spend all my time studying. But if you go to university, you'll still have time for fun. And with a part-time job, you should have some money too. What you say makes sense. If I were you, that's what I'd do. Expressing Regret Why do you look so sad? I failed my English examination. Oh, that's too bad. If only...if only...if only... If only what? If only I had passed! Take it easy! Was it really difficult? Not really...but I didn't study enough. I wish...I wish I wish what? I wish I had studied more! Take it easy! If only I had studied more! Oh! Take it easy... take it easy. Worrying Let's have a party Oh no...no no. Oh, come on. What if it's a boring party? It won't be. What if no one comes? Of course they will. What if the neighbours complain about the noise? We'll invite the neighbours!Hey,let's have the party outside. What if it rains!? Don't worry. Chapter Three In this section of the test, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to understand spoken English. There are three parts to this section, with special directions for each part. Part A Directions: for each question in Part A, you will hear a short sentence. Each sentence will be spoken just one time .The sentences you hear will not be written out for you. Therefore, you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker says. After you hear a sentence, read the four choices in your test book, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D), and decide which one is closeset in meaning to the sentence you heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find sentence you heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Fill in the space so that the letter inside the oval cannot be seen. Example I You will hear: You will read: (a) Mary outswam the others. (b) Mary ought to swim with them. (c) Mary and he friends swam to the island. (d) Mary's friends owned the island. The speaker said,"Mary swam out to the island with her friends."Sentence (C),"Mary and her friends swam to the island."Is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard. Therefore, you should choose answer (C). Example II You will hear: You will read: (a) Please remind me to read this book. (b) Could you help me carry these books? (c) I don't mind if you help me. (d) Do you have a heavy course load this term? The speaker said "Would you mind helping me with this load of books?"Sentence (B),"Could you help me carry these books?" is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard. There fore, you should choose answer (B). Part B Directions: In Part B you will hear short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a third person will ask a question about what was said. You will hear each conversation and question about it just one time. Therefore, you must listen carefully to understand what each speaker says. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers in your test book and decide which one is the best answer to the question you heard. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen. Look at the following example. You will hear: You will read: (a) Present Professor Smith with a picture. (b) Photograph Professor Smith. (c) Put glass over the photograph. (d) Replace the broken headlight. From the conversation you learn that the woman thinks Professor Smith would like a photograph of the class. The best answer to the question"What does the woman think the class should do?" is (a),"Present Professor Smith with a picture." These fore, you should choose answer (a). Chapter Four Part A Britain's Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is in Japan on an Asian tour that will include visits to China and India. Mrs.Thatcher met briefly with Japanese Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki shortly after she arrived in Tokyo.She assured him that the Western alliance remains strong despite the disagreement between the U.S and Western Europ over supplying equipment for the Soviet gas pipeline. The 2 leaders will meet a gain on Monday.Talks are expected to cover the pipeline issue, policies towards the Soviet Union and China, trade, and the future of Hongkong.Mrs.Thatcher's six-day visit to Japan is the first by a British prime minister in 10 years. What countries will Mrs.Thatcher visit on her Asian tour? China, Japan and India. Which country is she visiting now? Japan. How long will she stay in that country? 6 days. With whom did she meet briefly in Tokyo? Prime Minister Zenko Suzuki. What are the two leaders expected to talk about when they meet again? They will talk about the policy toward China and the future of Hongkong. Part B The most senior officaial of the Reagan administration to visit China, Vice-President George Bush, has arrived in the southeastern Chinese city of Hangchow.U.S-Chinese relations, he said, are strong, sound and fundamental. The Vice-President told reporters he hopes to play a major role in reducing misunderstandings between Washington and Peking over U.S.military equiment sales to Taiwan. Who is George Bush? Vice President of the U.S. Which city in China is he visiting now? Hangchow. What did he say about U.S.-Chinese relations? U.S.-Chinese relations are strong, sound and fundamental. What does he hope to do about U.S.military equipment sales to Taiwan? He hopes to play a major role in reducing misunderstandings between Washington and Peking over U.S. arms sales to Taiwan. Chapter Five What would you have done last night if ou hadn't had to study? I would have gone on the picnic if it hadn't rained. If you had gotten up earlier, you would have had time for breakfast. If I had had time, I would have called you. Would he have seen you if you hadn't waved to him? If he had only had enough money, he would have bought that house. I wish you had called me back the next day, as I had asked you to. If you hadn't slipped and fallen,you wouldn't have broken your leg. If I had known you wanted to go. I would have called you. Had I known you didn't have a key, I wouldn't have locked the door. She would have gone with me, but she didn't have time. If I had asked for directions, I wouldn't have gotten lost. Even if we could have taken a vacation, we might not have wanted to. Everything would have been all right if you hadn't said that. Looking back on it, I wish we hadn't given in so easily. Chapter Senven The Fourth of July Celebration This Friday, Americans will celebrate the Fourth of July-Independence Day in the United States. A holiday will mark 210 years of independence. As in past years, July Fourth will be a day of traditional parades, speeches and firework shows. In addition some very special ceremonies will be held this year. The ceremonies will honor one of America's most famus sights: the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty stands on an island in New York harbor. It was a gift to the pople of the United States from the people of France. The purpose of the gift was to mark the alliance between American colonists and the French during America's war for independence. The Statue of Liberty was completed 100 years ago, just in time for the July Fourth holiday in 1886. During the years since then, the statue's metal parts became weak. A project was begun to repair it. Many people and companies gave money to the project. They did not want to see this symbol of America fall apart. Now, the repair work is done… just in time for this year's July Fourth holiday. In some ways, the Fourth of July celebration has remained much the same since Americans first began observing the day. Most Americans see it as huge birthday party - a party for the nation. But the parades, speeches and even the fireworks have a more serious purpose. They help citizens remember the events that led to American independence from Britain. Senior English for High school for China,Specially for Mr Bitao Unit 1 Disneyland Lesson 1 Carl has left San Francisco and is now working at Disneyland. He is answering visitors’ questions. A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the Sleeping Beauty Castle? C: Yes. Go straight ahead till you see the entrance. It’s about four hundred yards down this street. B: Excuse me. How can I get to Bear Country? C: Do you see the big gate over there? B: Yes. C: Go through the gate and you’ll find the entrance to Bear Country on the other side. B: Thanks very much. D: Excuse me . Are the horse-drawn streetcars free? C: Yes, they’re free. But there’s usually a long line. You can join the line behind the clock tower. D: Where is the Tomorrow Land Building? C: The Tomorrow Land Building? It's behind the Sleeping Beauty Castle. Just take this street round to the right of the castle. It’s about 400 yards from here. E: Excuse me , please. Where’s the nearest men’s room? C: Go down this street till you get to the clock tower. Then you’ll see the sign for the rest room. Lesson 2 Read the passage and answer this question:How did Disney get the idea for his first cartoon character? Walt Disney Walt Disney, the great film-maker, was born in Chicago in 1901. Disney’s greatest wish was to be a famous artist. When he was a young man, he went to a newspaper office in Kansas City where he was living. He had some friends who worked in the office there. He took along some of his pictures in the hope of getting a job there. However, he had no luck. They looked at his pictures and said, “Sorry, young man. We don’t think there is anything of interest in your pictures.” Disney’s friends tried to encourage him. Don’t worry, Walt. We like your pictures. They’re very good. We ‘re sure you’ll be well-known as an artist before long.” Disney did not lose heart. He continued to draw lots of pictures. His family was poor and he used to sit in the family garage and draw pictures there. One day a mouse came into the garage and played on the floor. Disney stopped drawing and watched the mouse. The mouse came towards him, so he gave the mouse a piece of bread. Then the mouse came and sat on his desk. Day after day the mouse came back and was given more bread. In this way over several days the artist and his mouse became good friends. Some years later, Disney moved to the west coast of the USA. He tried to get work as an artist, but still he was unsuccessful. One day he remembered the mouse that used to come out in his father’s garage. He picked up his pencil and started to draw. Day after day he experimented and drew different pictures of the mouse that he had known. At last he was pleased with one of his pictures of the mouse. He called it Mickey Mouse. Disney’s success as a cartoon-marker had begun. He soon drew other cartoon characters like Donald Duck and during the 1920s and the 1930s he made scores of cartoons about them. These cartoons were all short ones. Before the days of television, They used to be shown in cinemas all over the country before the main film was shown. Later Walt Disney made longer films. All of them were liked very much by children. Disney died in 1966. But the studios which he started are still busy today, producing more and more interesting films. One (A) plays a newspaper reporter. One of others (B) plays the famous cartoon-maker - Walt Disney. Well, A is asking the following questions. i. May I ask you when and where you were born, Mr Disney? ii. Could you tell me what kind of family you were born in? What was your father’s job? What did your mother do? iii. What were you most interested in when you were young? iv. Did you think you would be a famous artist as a young man v. When did you become well-known as a cartoon-maker? vi. What’s your plan for the future? Talk about the following pictures in pairs. Lesson 3 Disneyland The company that Walt Disney started does not just make films. In 1955 Walt Disney himself opened the first Disney park. This was Disneyland in Los Angeles on the west coast of the USA. Later, Disney World was opened on the east coast, in Florida, in 1971. It cost between $550 and $600 million to build. Tokyo Disneyland opened in Japan in 1983, and Europe Disney opened in France in 1992. All the Disney parks are operated by the same company. The workers have very strict orders. They must wear clean shoes and clean trousers. The men are not allowed to have beards. If the workers have long hair, it must be tied back. They always smile, and are always friendly and polite to visitors. The parks are the cleanest parks that you can imagine. In Disneyland you can find all the characters from Walf Disney’s films. The Sleeping Beauty Castle is a favourite place for visitors. You get a wonderful view from the top of the tower. You can see as far as the coast. Many of the streets in Disneyland are built to look like streets in the USA in the 1890s. People walk around wearing ninetenth-century clothes. The Tomorrow Land is very interesting. You can go inside a spaceship and drive one too. In the Future House, everything is worked by the computer. If you press one button, a machine cuts the grass in the garden. If you press another, your meal is prepared and heated for you; then it is brought on along a very small railway line to your seat in front of you television so that you don’t even have to stand up when you get what you need. I considered that the park was good value for the money. May I ask you where you were born? Useful expressions i. Take along ii. In the hope of iii. Lose heart iv. Day after day v. Bring on Unit 2 No smoking, please! Lesson 5 Wang Bing has just started working at a film studio. He’s in Hank’s office. Wang Bing: Do you mind if I smoke? Hank: I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed. Wang Bing: Would yo mid if I smoked in the office next door? Hank: I’m afraid all these offices are non-smoking offices. Wang Bing: Oh dear! Where can I go if I want to smoke a cigarette? Hank: You can smoke in the entrance hall. Or outside, of course. Wang Bing: Thanks. I wonder if I could use your phone. Hank: Sure. Go ahead. A: May I borrow your bicycle? B: I’m sorry. A: It’s very important. B: Why ? A: I need to fetch a tape from a friend. I’ll be back in half an hour. B: Oh, all right. Lesson 6 Read the passage to see if these sentences are true: Chinese people smoke more than British people. In Britain more women smoke than men. No smoking, please 1 At present about 38% of the Chinese population smoke. 89% of smokers are male.Every year, millions of smokers die because of illnesses which are caused by smoking tobacco.The Chinese government receives a lot of money from sales of tobacco; in 1989 it received about 24 billion yuan. But in the same year cigarette smoking cost the government even more money, about 28 billion yuan. Smokers cost the government ment a lot of money for two reasons. First, money is spent looking after people with illnesses which have been caused by smoking. Second, many fires are caused by smokers. People who smoke in bed often fall asleep while they are smoking. The bed clothes catch fire and the whole house may be burnt down. China produces one third of the world’s cigarettes. Each day, about 220 million packets of cigarettes are smoked by Chinese. This is good news for the tobacco campanies, but bad news for the health of the nation. Every year, tobacco companies must persuade new people to start smoking cigarettes. This is because each year millions of smokers die from the habit. In Britain, which has a population of only 58 million people, 110,000 people die from smoking each year. The chance is that one smoker in four will die from smokig. In Britain,sales of cigarettes have been reduced by 30% in the last ten years. Just under a third of the population now smokes, about 17 million people. In the 16-19 age group,32% of women smoke, compared to 28% of men. However, in the 20-24 age group, 39% of women smoke and 38% of men. The problem is that 300 people are dying each day from illnesses caused by smoking. Therefore, if the tobacco companies want to remain in business, they have to encourage more young people to start smoking. Lesson 7 No smoking, please 2 In Britain, 70% of smokers say that they would like to stop smoking and of these smokers,83% have tried more than once to give it up. Why do smokers continue to smoke, even when they know that the habit may kill them or at least cause a serious illness? The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine. Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking. That means that once you start taking the drug, it is hard to stop. When smokers who are used to nicotine go without it for an hour or two, they begin to feel bad. The body is calling for a new supply of the drug nicotine. So they say “ I must have a cigarette. In fact, they don’t need a cigarette. All they need is something to make them feel better at that moment. One thing that will stop them feeling bad is the drug nicotine, which is contained in cigarettes. And so their habit of smoking continues. Grammar Noun Clauses as the Object and Predicative They know that the habit may kill them. The problem with tobacco is that it contains a drug called nicotine. Useful expressions 1. Go ahead 2. Burn down 3. Compared to 4. Give up 5. Be used to 6. Get into the habit of 7. Compare with Unit 3 Body Language Lesson 9 The organizer of a conference is meeting one of the speakers at the airport. Mr Lee: Hello. You must be Dr Yang. How do you do? My name’s David Lee. Dr Yang: How do you do? Mr Lee: It’s a pleasure to meet you. Can I take those boxes for you? Dr Yang: Thanks. That’s very kind. Mr Lee: What about your bag? Would you like me to carry it? Dr Yang: No,thanks. I can manage it myself. At the hotel Mr Lee: Is there anything else I can do for you? Dr Yang: No, thank you. Thanks for all your help. Mr Lee: It’s a pleasure. I’ll see your tomorrow. Can I help you? Thanks. OR It’s call right, thank you. Shall I help you? Yes, please. OR I can manage. Would you like some help? Thank you for your help. OR No, thanks. I can manage myself.(S1) Would you like me to do this for you? That’s very nice of you. OR S1 Is there anything else I can do for you? That’s very kind. OR S1 Would you like some help? Yes, please. Shall I show you how to use this electrical typewriter? Thanks. I haven’t used this one before. Would you like me to type your composition for you? No. Thanks. I can manage it myself. Lesson 10 Read the passage and answer this question: Do the Chinese and British have similar body language ? Body Language 1 Although we may not realize it, when we talk with others we make ourselves understood not just by words. We send messages to the people around us also by our expressions and body movements. A smile and handshake show welcome. Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye”. Nodding the head means agreement, while shaking it means disagreement. These gestures ate accepted both by Chinese and English speakers as having the same meanings. But not all body language means the same thing in different countries. Take nodding the head for example. In some Asian countries it means not “Yes” but “No”. In many countries in the world, men kiss each other when they meet, for example in Russia, France, Arab countries and some of the South American countries. Men do not kiss each other in either China or English -speaking countries. In Britain, older people usaually shake hands when they meet someone for the first time; however,young people often do not shake hands. In France, it is the custom to shake hands with people in the office every morning. French people kiss each other hello and goodbye more often than British people. Generally, people from English-speaking countries do not touch each other very much. If you touch an English person, you should say “Sorry”. Scientists have done some research on “Touch” in different countries. They watched pairs of people who were sitting in college coffee-shops for at least an hour. They counted the number of times that the people touched each other: England-0; USA-2; France-10;Puerto Rico-180. In some Asian countries, you must not touch the head of another person. In Arab countries, you eat using the fingers of your right hand; the left hand is not used at all. In parts of Asia you must not sit with your feet pointing at another person. Foreigners should follow these customs when they are visiting these countries. Lesson 11 Body Language 2 It is good manners for an Arab to stand close to his friend when they are talking. But English people do not like to be too close to one another unless there is a reason. It could be very interesting to watch an Arab and an Englishman talking together. The Arab who is friendly will stand close to his friend,but the Englishman will move back in order to keep a certain distance away. When they finish their talk, the t the place where they were standing. People from the United States or Arab countries stand closer than people from Britain when they are talking together. City people in Britain and the United States stand closer than those who live in the country. When one uses a foreign language, it is important to know the meanings of gestures and movements in the foreign country. Using body language in a correct way will help communicate with people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable. Grammar The Infinitive They don’t like to be too close to one another. They will move back to keep a certain distance away. Would you like me to do something for you? Haveyou got anything to say? It is a pleasure to meet you. Waving one’s hand is to say “Goodbye”. I don’t know how to communicate with foreigners. Unit4 Newspapers Lesson 13 Betty and Zhou Lan are talking in the students’ dining room. Betty: Zhou Lan, can I have a look at your copy of China Daily? Zhou Lan: Soure,go ahead. Betty: I want to have a look at what’s on this weekend. Let me see now. Zhou Lan: Is there anything good on? Betty: “The Red Roses” are giving a performance at the People’s Theatre. Do you know what they are? Zhou Lan: They’re a pop group. They’re said to be very good. What time does the performance start? Betty: 7 p.m. Will you be free then? Zhou Lan: Yes, I’ll be free. I’d like to go. Betty: Let’s go together then. I’ll meet you at the theatre at six-thirty. Zhou Lan: Good! See you then. Bye. Work in groups of four. Ask each other these questions. Then report your answers to the rest of the class. Which newspapers and magazines do you read? Which newspapers and magazines do you buy? Which part of the newspaper do you find most interesting? Which part of the newspaper do you find least interesting? Read the passage to find Read the passage to find answers to these questions: What does an editor do? What do journalists do? Lesson 14 How a newspaper in produced Every morning, the newspaper chief editor holds a meeting with the journalists. They discuss the main events of the day. Reporters are then sent to cover the events. As soon as the reporters know what to write about, they get down to work. They telephoe people and fix a time for a face to face intreview with them. Sometimes they do telephone interviews. Checking information is very important. They go to the newspaper’s own library to look up any information that they need. This is called “doing one’s homework”. At the same time, the picture editor decides which photographs are needed for the next day’s paper. Photographers are then sent to take the pictures. Sometimes old ones are used from the newspaper’s own icture librar. Doing this can save a lot of time and money. All the people who work on a newspaper must be able to work fast. For example, there might be a big fire, or an important person might die. In this situation, everyone has to move fast. Journalists have to stop working on one story and start working immediately on the important new one. They must find out the new information as quickly as possible. A photographer is sent immediately to take photographs. Later in the day, everything is put together at the news desk. Reporters return, type their stories into the computer and hand them to the editor. Photographers return and the photos are quickly developed. The chief editor decides which will be the most important story on the front page. Sometimes this will have to be changed if something more important happens late in the day. Other editors read the stories which the reporters have written and make any necessary changes. They also write the headlines for each story. Doing this is more difficult in English than in Chinese. In English space for the headlines they have written. Finally,there is no more time left for adding new stories, and the time for printing the newspaper has come. This is done on fast-moving printing machines. The newspapers are then delivered by lorry, plane or rail. Speed is important. People want to buy the latest newspaper; nobody wants to buy yesterday’s. Lesson 15 China Daily China has its own English language newspaper, China Daily, which is published in Beijing. It appears from Monday to Saturday with a Sunday edition of Business Weekly each week. It has all the usual sections of a newspaper, including Home News - news about China, International News - news from abroad, Business News, Travel News and Sports News There are plenty of pictures, and a weather report every day. There are reports on new plays, movies,books,new restaurants and so on. There are also longer articles about businesses, or people with interesting jobs, or about the weekend and the TB programmes in the coming week. China Daily has plenty of advertisements, which help to cut the costs of making the newspaper. There are advertisements for computer companies, businesses, hotels, airlines, travel companies, jobs and so on. Many foreigners like to read this newspaper. It is also popular with students of English, who read it in order to improve their English. Sun Yao, a student of English, Sun Yao, a student of English in Beijing, said,”I like reading China Daily. Learning new words and useful expressions is very important for me, so I read it every day. I can see how English is used in everyday life as well. Besides, I enjoy learning about news things from politics to sports and music.” Pairwork. Join the two halves to make sentences. Powerlisten CDROM Feed Movies dribs and drabs 史瓦辛格 [File : tr0.avi] Oh,hello! Hello! I thought I'd see you again, I just didn't know it would be do soon. What's the point of waiting? I agree. So, you said your clients are looking for something for the lobby of the new property headquarters? Yes, they would like something very dramatic. That's a nice piece. And I talked to a number of people. And they all said you're the one to see. Really? Checking on me? So.. What did these people say about me exactly? For example, they said you can read ancient Sanskirt without having to know the sounds of the words, and other art dealers and acheologists don't readlly like you very much. It's just because I can use my diplomatic contacts to export cultural treasures from countries which tell them to take a hide. The most of our pieces come from ancient Persia unfortunately ancient Persia sets twenty feet under the sand of Iran, Iraq and Syria, not the most popular places with us. So I had to become an expert in international diplomacy. Well, Mr.Ranker? Do you see anything you like? Maybe. 辛特勒 [ File: xi.avi ] The unconditional surrender of Germany has just been announced. At midnight tonight, the war is over. Tomorrow you will begin the process of looking for suriors of your families. In most cases, you won't find them. After six long years of murder, victims have been mourned throughout the world. We survived. Many of you have come up to me and thanks me. Thank youselves. Thank your fearless Stan and others among you who worried about you but faced death at every moment. I am a member of the Nazi Party. I am a munitions manufacturer. I am a profiteer of slave labor. I am A criminal. At midnight, you will be free and I will be hunted.I will remain with you until Five minutes after midnight, after which time and I hope you'll forgive me and I have to flee. I know you have received orders from our commandant, for he has recieved from his superiors, to dispose of the population of this camp. Now would be the time to do it. Here they are. They are all here. This is your opportunity. Or, you could leave, and return to your families as men, instead of murderers. 闻香识女人 [File:We0.avi] Charlie, ah, we are here, come on up. This is Donny. Hey, Charlie. Hi, Erm, Mrs.Rossy, I guess I finished screwed up. Oh, you couldn't have. That's a bad interview. That was no interview, Charlie, you're in. You're the only one that showed up.You have to take the job. He sleep a lot, you can watch television and call your girl friend,…I promise you easy 300 bucks. I don't get an easy feeling. His bark is worse than his bite. You know, he's a great soldier, a real hero. The man grows on you By Sunday night you'll be best friends. Charlie, please. I want to get away with my husband for a few days, nor could Franco come with us. Six months ago he could some times tell light from dark, but now there's nothing. I just feel, better to have someone else around, just in case. Please ? OK, Mrs.Rossy, sure. [File:We1.avi] Mr.Simpson, I'm not quite through with you yet. One of the few purposes of this office is that I am empowered to handle certain matters on my own as I see fit. Do you unerstand? Yes, sir. Good. The Dean of Admissions of Harvard and I havean arrangement. Along with usual sheet of applicants submitted by Baird of which a fortunate two-thirds are guaranteed admittance, I add one name: somebody who is a standout and yet underpriviledged, still cannot afford to pay the board and tuition in Cambridge. Do you know on whose behalf I arafted the memo this year? No, I… You. You, Mr.Simpson. Now can you tell me who did it? No, sir I can't. You take the weekend to thin about it, Mr.Simpson. Good afternoon. [File:We2.avi] Sit down, Mr.Slay. I'm not finished. As I came in here I heard those words: Cradle of leadership. Well, when the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, and it has fallen here. It has fallen. Makers of men creators of leaders here, be careful what kind of leaders you're producing here.I don't know if Charlie's silence here today is right or wrong. I'm not a judge or jury; but I can tell you this: he won't sell anybody else to buy his future! And that, my friends, is called integrity. That's called courage. Now that's the stuff leaders should be made of. Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception I knew, but I never took it. You know why? It was too damned hard. Now there's Charlie, He's come to the crossroads. He's chosen a path; it's the right path. It's a path made of principle, the least character. Let him continue on his journey. You're holding this boy's future in your hands. Committee. It's a valuable future. Believe me. Don't destroy it. Protect it. Embrace it. It's gonna make you proud one day, I promise you. 阿甘 [File:G0.avi] You can't sit here. (You know it's funny what a young man recollects, 'cause I don't remember being born, I I don't recall what I got for my first Christmas, I don't know went I first when on my first outdor picnic, but… I do remember the first time. I heard the sweetest voice of all the world.) You can sit here if you wanna. (I have never seen anything so beautiful I my life. She was like an angel.) You're going to sit here, aren't you? [File:G1.avi] (College ran by a little fast, 'cause I played so much football. They even put me on the thing called the All Amerian Team, where you got to meet the President of the United States.) "President Kennedy met with the collegians of the All American Football Team at the Oval Office today" (Now the really gook thing about meeting the President of the United States is the food. They put you in a little room with just about anything you want to eat and drink. Says number one, I wasn't hungry but thirsty; and nuber two, they was free. I almost drank about fifteen bottles of them.) Congratulations.How does it feel to be in All American's? It's an honor, sir. Congratulations.How does it feel to be in All American's? Very good,sir. Congratulations.How does it feel to be in All American's? Very good,sir. Congratulations.How do you feel? I've got to pee. Ha.. I believe he's got to pee. [File:G2.avi] What's the matter, Mom? I'm dying, Forrest. Come on in, sit over here. Why are you dying, Mom? My time, just my time. Don't you be afraid, sweetheart. Death is just a part of life; soon we are all destined to do. I didn't know it but I was destined to be your Mama. I did the best I could. You do good. Mom. Well, but I haven't believed in making your own destiny; you have to do the best with what God gave you. What's my destiny, Mom? You're going to have to figure that out for yourself. Life's a box of chocolates. Forrest, you never know what you're going to get. (Mama always had a way to explain the things I couldn't understand then.) I will miss you, Forrest. (She has got the cancer, and died on a Tuesday. I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it.) Reports and Speechs and News 奥斯卡 [File : 奥斯卡.wav ] Thank you for dropping by on your way to the party. As the 29th President of the Academy, I welcome you all to our 69th Annual Award. There are over 6000 of us in the Academy who share at least one wonderful and fulfilling thing with over a billion of you out there: We love movies. We don't always love the same movie, nor do we always agree which are art and which are artless. But that's what adds spice to our Awards in the form of suspense, spirited discussion and emotional clashes. Still, going to the movies brings us together to share our humanity. In what sometimes feels like an ear of isolation, we find ourselves too often alone with our technology, sitting alone to read our computer screens, or listening to radio and watching television alone. Fortunately we still have our houses of worship, ballgames and movies to remind us that we are related by humanity, not machinery. So we in our Academy propose an agreement with you: you keep going to the movies, and we'll keep making them. Ladies and Gentlemen, last year's best actor: Nicolas Cage: Oscar Wield once pointed out that while we looked to the dramatist to give romance to realism, we asked the actress to give realism to romance. The immensely talented women nominated tonight for Best Actress do just that and more. The nominees for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role are: Brenda Blethyn in Secrets and Lies, Diane Keaton in Marbin's Room, Frances McDormand in Fargo, Christin Scott Thomas in The English Patient, Emily Watson in Breaking The Waves. The Oscar goes to, the Oscar goes to Frances McDormand in Fargo. It is impossible to maintain one's composure in this situation. What am I doing here? Especially considering the extraordinary group of women with whom I was nominated. We five women were fortunate to have the choice, not just the opportunity, but the choice to play such rich, complex femal characters. And I congratulate producers like Walking Teddler in Polygram for allowing directors to let, allowing directors to make autonomous casting decisions based on qualifications, and not just market value. And I encourage, I encourage writers and directors to keep these really interesting female roles coming while you edit, even if you throw a few for men as well My family, friends and colleagues here tonight and all around the world, they know exactly who they are, you know who you are, and I hope you already know how much your support and your care means to me. I'm gonna name three: the co-writer director and producer of Fargo, Mr.Etha Coen who helped make an actor of me, his brother Mr.Joel Coen who made a woman of me, and our moon and our son, Mr.Pedrow McDormand Coen who's made a real mother of me. Thank you for acknowledging out work. The parts the nominees for the Best actor in a leading Role played are all basically challenged in some way. I think there are time challenges, so why don't we just cut to the chase here and let us just give this lucky guy ad extra eleven seconds. Thus I'll go ahead, OK? The nominees for the Best Actor in a Leading Role are: Tom Cruise in Jerry McGuire, Ralph Fiennes in the English Patient, Woody Harrelson in the People Versus Larry Flint, Geoffrey Rush in Shine, Billy Bob Thornton in Sling Blade. And the Oscar goes to Geoffrey Rush in Shine. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our great actor Mr. Al Paccino: Ah,(thank you) well, we've come to the part of the show now that;s you've all been waiting for. It's the half -way mark. I thought and tried it. Anyway, ah, the nominees for Best Picture are: The English Patient. Saul Zaentz producer, Fargo, Ethan Coen producer, Jerry McGuire, Jame Alburques, Laenren Crow producers, Secrets and Lies, Simon Chelion Williams producer, Shine, Jame Scott producer. And the Oscar goes to The English Patient, Saul Zaentz. Well, it's a pretty great night. Stay tuned for "Good Morning, America." I'm really glad to have been here this year. Thank you and good night, everybody. 克林顿 [ File: Cliton.wav ] Ladies and Gentlemen,the president of the United States of America, William Jefferson Cliton. My fellow citizens, at this last presidential inauguration of the 20st century, let us lift our eyes toward the challenges that await us in the next century. It is our great, good fortune. The time and chance have put us not only at the edge of a new century and a new millennium, but on the edge of a bright new prospect in human affairs, a moment that will define our course and our character for decades to come. We must keep our old democracy forever young. Guided by the ancient vision of a promised land, let our sights upon the land of new promise The promise of America was born in the 18th century, out of the bold conviction that we are all created equal. It was extended and preserved in the 19th century when our nation spread across the continent, saved the Union and abolished the awful scurge of slavery. Then, in turmoil and tryout , that promise exploded over the world stage to make this the American century. And what a century it has been. America became the world's mightiest industrial power, saved the world from tyranny in two world wars and a long Cold War, and time and again, reached out across the globe to millions who like us long for the blessings of liberty. Along the way, Americans produced the great middle class and security in old age, built unrival centers of learning and opened public schools to all, split the atom and explored the heavens invented the computer nad the microchip, and deepened the world's frame of justice by making a revolution in Civil Rights for AfricanAmericans and all minorities and extending the circle of citizenship, opportunity and dignity to women. Now for the third time, a new century is upon us and another time to choose. We began the 19th century with a choice to spread our nation from coast to coast. We began the 20th century with a choice to harness the Industrial Revolution to our values of free enterprise, conservation and human decency. Those choices made all the difference. At the dawn of 21st century, a free people must now choose to shape the forces of the infiormation age and the global society to unleash the limitless potential of all our people and , yes , to form a more perfect union. When last we gathered, out march to this new future seemed less certain than it does today. We vowed then to set a clear course to renew our nation. In these four years, we have been touched by tragedy, exhilarated by challenge, strengthened by achievement. America stands alone as the world's indispensable nation. Once again our economy is the strongest on earth, one agaion we are building stronger families, thriving communities, better education opportunities, a cleaner environment. Problems that once seemed destined to deepen now've bent to our efforts. Our streets are safer, and record numbers of our fellow citizens have moved from welfare to work. And once again we have resolved for our time a great debate over the role of government. Today we can declare government is not the problem, and government is not the solution. We, the American people, we are the solution. Our founders understood that well and gave us a democracy, strong enough to endure for centuries, flexible enough to face our common challenges and advance our common dreams in each new day. As times change, so government must change. We need a new government for a new century, humble enough not to try to solve all our problems for us, but strong enough to give us the tools to solve our problems for ourselves, a government that is smaller, lives within its means and does more with less, yet where it can stand up for our values and interests around the world and where it can give Americans the power to make a real difference in their everyday lives, government should do more, not less. The preeminent mission of our new government is to give all Americans an opportunity, not a guarantee, but a real opportunity to build better bives. Beyond that, my fellow citizens, the future is up to us. Our founders taught us that the preservation of our liberty and our union depends upon responsible citizenship. And we need a new sense of responsibility for a new century. There is work to do, work that government alone can not do, teaching children to read, hiring people of wealthier roles, coming out from behind locked doors and shuttered windows, to help reclaim our streets from drugs and gangs and crime, taking time out of our own lives to serve others. Each and everyone of us, in our won way, must assume personal responsibility, not only for ourselves and our families, but for our neighbors and our nation. Our greatest responsibility is to embrace a new spirit of community for a new century. For any one of us to succeed, we must succeed as one America. The challenge of our past remains the challenge of our future. Will we be one nation, one people with one common destiny or not? Will we all come together or come apart? The divide of racej has been the America's constant curse, and each new wave of immigrants gives new targets to old prejudices. Prejudice and contempt clogged in the pretense of religious or political convictions are no different. These forces have nearly destroyed our nation in the past. They plague us still. They fill the fanaticism of terror and they torment the lives of millions in fractured nations all around the world. These obsessions crippled both those who hate and, of course, those who are hated, robbing both of what they might become. We can not, we will not succumb to the dark impulses that lurk in the far regions of the soul everywhere. We shall overcome them. And we shall replace them with the generous spirit of a people who feel at home with one another. Our rich texture of racial, religious and political diversity will be a godsend in the 21st century. Great rewards will come to those who can live together, learn together, work together, forge new ties that bind together. As this new ear approches, we can already see its broad outlines. Ten years ago, the Internet was the mystical province of physicists. Today, it is a commonplace encyclopedia for millions of school children. Scientists now are decoding the blue print of human life. Cures for our most feared illnesses seem close at hand. The world is no longer divided into two hostile camps, instead, now we are building bonds with nations that once were our adversaries. Growing connections of commerce and culture give us a chance to lift the fortunes and spirits of people the world over. And for the very first time in all of history, more people on this planet live under democracy than dictatorship. 评克林顿 [File : 评克林顿.wav ] Editorial writers gave President Bill Clinton's second Inqugural Speech average ardes for both presentation and content. The New York Times, U.S. Inaugural Addresses often evoke a sense of triumph in a vision of battles to come. For lovers of such sailing rhetoric, president Cliton's was distinctly earth - bound. Toronto star, Canada: Chastened by setbacks and scandals - and saddled by voters wit their Republican controlled Congress - the President retreated into lofty sentiments and vague generalities. The Guardian, Britain: Mr. Clinton tried too hard for his memorable line. It was an uninspired inspirationalism. A Johnny Appleseed view of human progress and ultimately a disappointing speech. Hong Kong Standard: Do inaugural addresses provide a clear foretaste of what the next four years will hold? Of course not. No president has ever lived up to these promises. 新兴市场 [ File : 新兴市场.wav ] Some money managers are looking at emerging markets like Hong Kong, Russia and India for winners. So far this year, 60 new emerging markets funds have been launched making the sector the fastest growing area for fund companies. But emerging markets funds have lagged the tolled pays of the US market, and that's just one of the many reasons the man considered to be the guru of emerging markets believes they belong in most portfolios. Mark Mobius, president of Templeton Emerging Markets Funds is normally speeding around the globe looking for bargain stocks. But he stopped in New York recently to publicize the latest edition of his book appropriately titled Mobius on the Emerging Markets. And he says the market he is most excited about right now is Hong Kong. While considering the free market British colony is about to be turned over to communist China, I asked him why he is so optimistic. I realize that it is an opportunity there, ah, that is a , probably opportunity of a life time. Because if things go well, the market could move up substantially from where it is now. I also realize there is a risk, and we've signed about 25% risk of something going wrong with this transition. But the upside is very very good. And you have a situation where Hong Kong is a very efficient business - like environment, is the best place to be if you want to invest in China. To just give you one example, the largest infrastructure project in the world - the new airport in Hong Kong, and the fastest growing major economy in the world right at your door step. Mark, how do investors choose which emerging market funds to buy? There are so many funds out there. For the individual investor new to emerging markets, he or she is best to be in the global emerging markets funds where there are many companies, many countries, and diversification is very good. Because I may love Hong Kong but the market could change and you'd better offer a diversified portfolio because even if Hong Kong gets hit, you are in man other markets. You have a Russia fund. What's your rush now investing in that country? I was in Russian two weeks ago and an American businessman got shot. So I mean, sometimes you do find it difficult to justify being there. But it's a great country and has a great future in my view. Should investors be scared of emerging markets, what should they expect? Usually what I'd like to tell people is look at the fund you are thinking about investing in, and look at the last five years and see how far it's gone down in its worst periods. And if you are not willing to accept that kind of decline, don't invest. And in these emerging markets, you can look at as much as a 30% decline in one year. So you've got to be ready for that kind of volatility. Where are you investing personally? In our funds? I've, I focus on the emerging market funds and also all the specialized funds. The most risky funds are the ones I like. Are you100% investing in the emerging markets? Yes. (As) a matter of fact, I am. Maybe I shouldn't say this on the air because that's something that we don't recommend people to do. You know, we recommend people to, to be in global funds, not only in the emerging markets funds. But why, Why are you 100% invested in the emerging markets? Because I think that there the growths will be the greatest. And I'd like to be with the growths. I just want to point out that Mobius reiterated that he can afford to put money at risk. But for people who can't, he recommends avoiding emerging markets entirely. 里奇 [File : 里奇.wav] He was called the maestro of melo. He wroth the songs that made us feel so good. He even won an Oscar for this one. Here I am bolding the Oscar. I have got the Golden Globe. This is 1986. You've decided to take a year off. Ten years later we are sitting here. Thank you very much. What happened? To lionel Richie, the pop star at the top of this game, a short break turned into a lost decade filled with ersonal trogedies. We visited hime at his home high in the Hollywood Hills where he began story as he dropped out with a failing health of his father he so adored. There is nothing harder than losing a parent. - Especially when you know them as well as I know my father. Lionel Richie Senior had been the tough retired military dad. And then he threw a curve ball and told me, "Son, now you take care of me now, you hear?". He was the best in the worst times. And had a great, full life. How did the death itself affect you? Fortunately he didn't die suddenly. Ah, in fact, when I was growing up, ah, I used to always put my hand next to my father's hand to see if I was growing yet. - Oh. And of course, he would always, his hand would always be larger. Towards the end, Richie would have his father's hand clasping his cast in bronze. And this is his hand? - That's his hand on the right and that's my hand on the left. It is the most amazing thing that some days when I just want to come I and I want to just be close. I'll come to hold his hand his hand, just can't go, you know. Dad, what should I do now? Richie said for those three years he kept writing songs. He just wouldn't leave his father to record them. But you know that industry was saying, "Lionel was lost." - I know. I know. But if someone said, you know, spending time with your father or your new album? There's just no contest. Are you afraid of marriage? - I am not afraid, terrified is the word now. - Did your divorce cost you a lot of money? Oh, yes it did. But at the same time, ah, I mean I make it. - But you're also notoriously frugal. - Well, for those friends of mine who said to me, Lionel has very dime he every earned. I can now tell them, now I don't. Lionel had been a real rich guy. - Oh, did you say it? - I did. - OK. - I guess one can say, you know that all of us have traumas in our lives and we are all traumatized by these incidences we don't expect, like death of parents and divorces. But we don't all stop our careers. Well, in most cases, most of us can't stop the careers, as I told one guy, I could afford my misery. You know I am finding out that right now I'm fourteen years old. I have got Nicol. Nicol, his adopted daughter from his first marriage, healing his musical hand some melodies his latest release - Louder than Words . Were you afraid you couldn't come back? No. I wasn't afraid to come back. The challenge was that - will the music be accepted? And in this one new album with Climbing I had a chance to bury it if you will You know, write down my thoughts about this period of my life and put it away. So what is Lionel Richie's destiny? - I think my job is to be the messenger of a very simple corny word - love. I think I was supposed to touch hearts. 芝加哥 [File : 芝加哥.wav ] Expensive land and expensive labor drove many manufacturers out of the big cities during the 1970's and 80's, taking jobs and prosperity with them. But now business leaders, politicians and urban planners across the country are doing what it takes to bring industry back and keep it there. And as Betsy Karetnick reports from Chicago in this week's cover story, it looks like those efforts just might be working. Chicago's city skyline reflects years of middle - western economic expansion. The city's financial services are thriving. The service sector is growing. The unemployment rate for the metropolitan area near a historic low. But even as a gleaming new sports stadium mirrors that city's good fortune there is one sector of the economy that hasn't kept up - manufacturing. Jenkins: "Well, in the wake of the, ah, huge restructuring of industry, manufacturing industry in Chicago the late 70's,early 80's, we lost a couple hundred thousand manufacturing jobs." Including a big chunk of the country's meat and food processing industries, and steel and metal manufacturing jobs. Say, economic renaissance in Chicago. And nobody thinks of the city's manufactures. But now there is a small but growing interest looking to preserve that manufacturing base. One of the results has been the creation of socalled industrial corridors like Goose Island. In an effort to bring its economic miracle to tis factories, Chicago has created 22 industrial corridors which groups this base of manufactures by location. Cmpanies work in partnership with grass roots level developing groups and the city government to solve problems like transportation routes. Industrial corridors are part of Chicago's and other cities' efforts to revive local economy's heavy dependence on manufacturing jobs. Bolton:"Manufacturing drives the service sector, the real estate sector, the insurance sector. No matter where those jobs show up, you need a manufacturing base in order to sustain it somewhere." Sustaining and expanding the manufacturing base is exactly what the city government is trying to do. Not only with industrial corridors but with tax incentives and low - cost loans. City hall is also providing dollars for business family infrastructure. Consider Version, a few years ago the company that builds machinery to manufacture metal components for appliances and cars considered moving to the suburbs. But the city intervened, building roads and raising viaducts to make transportation easier. Version President Richard Metzger says the company grew,adding jobs along the way. Metzger:"Employment of this company was approximately 400 people in, uh, 19891990, in that time range. Eh, today we are approximately 700 to 725 people." Metzger says the company's location made it easy to find workers. Urban developers say that inner city work force gains importance as labor markets get even tighter. Tilson:"There is an available work force, ah, often with, ah, with specialized skills, ah, that can be very attractive to, ah, many different, ah, employers." Still, a dedication to the inner city can be challenging, as corrugated boxer maker Pride Container found out when he tried to expand. Sharfstein:"There's not a balance in my opinion of good industrial space to support the total needs of the community." Without a suitable city location, Pride Container opened a satellite in the suburbs. But there may be a bigger issue than space holding back manufacturing's renassance, and that's the widely touted labor force. Jenkins:"What company's need,ah, in manufacturing is people who are employable, which means they have to have, ah, you know, work ethics, and you know, show up to work on time, they have to be drug -free and that's a problem. And they need to be trainable." Even if that human resource challenges met, it's unlikely large scale manufacturing will return to the big city. Still the potential for revival is there. Sharfstein:"Eh, my father, who since passed away and I started this company, eh, April 4,1968. I love the city, I love what it stand for Eh, and I think that's a, it's an exciting, eh, vibrant opportunist place for people to participate. That commitment from factory floor to city hall perhaps a blueprint for other cities to follow. Betsy Karetnick, the Wall Street journal report, Chicago. 电影 [ File : Magic.wav ] The awesome power of a thundering waterfall, captured up close from a breath taking perspective one could not safely experience first hand. For most film cameras, these pounding falls would be far too hazardous to approach, but a unique cable supported system has been developed that can carry the camera the operator safely through the spray. New camera technologies are revolutionizing the world of motion picture effects photography, creating startling shots that take movie audiences where only birds have gone before, and generating explosive images to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Coming up, we'll meet the innovators of special effects photography whose cutting edge cameras and supports systems are giving new moves to movies. From a soaring flight over the roof tops of Europe to a charging ride through the Amerian west, it's truly a moving experience. Next, on Movie Magic. The Magic of Movies allows audiences to share experiences not possible in daily life. Whether the destination is in the heavens or down to earth, every cinematic journey starts with the camera, From the beginning, film makers have pursued ways to make motion pictures move. In 1903, pioneering cinematographer Billy Bitzer filmed some of first moving shots by placing a camera on the back of a milk wagon Early car chases were photographed by attaching cameras to the fronts of automobiles. By 1916, Bitzer had placed a camera on a crane to provice us a sweeping high angle gerspective of a backlock Babylon for D.W.Griffith's "Intolerance". Over the years cameras have rolled down tracks,taken to the air on planes, and been attached to basically anything that gave movement to a shot. On today's sound stages,cameras are often placed on cranes atop mobile platforms called dollies. State of the art camera cars such as "the shot maker" incorporate a crane arm atop a fast charging vehicle providing smooth shots for even the fastest action sequence. But locations beyond the reach of traditional camera platforms require even more innovative methods. One system filling this gap is called "the cable cam", a movable camera platform that can be suspended above almost any terrain. Creator Jim Rodnunsky saw a need for this device when earliner in his career, he attempted to film skiers on extremely difficult slopes. "The cable cam is essentially a dolly suspended by cables in the air instead of, say, being mounted on a truck or on the track on the track on the ground, we can fly down rivers, we can fly over waterfalls, um, down mountainsides, uh, through stadiums, in places where you couldn't drive a camera car. Maybe a helicopter wouldn't be able to get that low, or get that closer to people, or animals, that kind of thing." The camera carriage rides on metal track wheels that grip on to a constantly moving cable. The cable itself runs in an endless loop powered by a hydraulic engine. While the word "cable" normally suggests "steel", the cablecam uses ropes made of synthetic fiber. "This is what's basicall the life blood of everybody on the system. I guess maybe one of the reasons why you call it a cable is when you pull about ten,twelve thousand pounds of tension on this, it feels like steel when you go up weighs only 500 pounds, a comparable steel cable would weigh at least ten times that, and be far too difficult to move and install. The cable cam system can cover distance of up to half a mile, quickly accelerating to a maximum speed of 60 miles per hour. The camera can be operated either romotely or by a cinematographer riding on the carriage. The system has kept up with many speeding vehicles from motorbikes to kayaks. But here at legendary race track Churchill Downs, the challenge is to follow the ponies for television coverage of the world's most famous system as unobtrusive as possible, the camera is operated remoteley by radio control. The cable cam provides the derby broadcast with a never before seen perspective on this most photographed of races. Given its far ranging capabilities, Hollywood effects artists were quick to seize up on this revolutionary technology. For the Canadian television adventure series Neon Rider, a cable cam was used to capture a galloping herd of wild horses. In the past, this king of shot was nearly impossible. The traditional camera trucks or helicopters used for moving shots would scare the horses, denying film makers such close proximity. "We were just slightly above the horses'field of view and right beside the horses, and they just came literally right up and bumped into the dolly, and we were going downhill. It was about 1,400 foot shot." For the magical fantasy film "Three Wishes", director Martha Coolighe turned to the cable cam for a crucial effects sequence. In the story's climactic moment, a young boy soars above the carnival. A helicopter was used to film high angle aerial shots. But it was too dangerous to bring the chopper close to the carnival rides for shots representing the young boy's point of view. For these, Coolidge looked to the cable cam. "What was great about the cable cam is that it can go very fast and change its perspective. It has a real incredible feeling (of) speed and flying at a lower attitude than a helicopter can be. "Footage of the young boy flying was photographed against a green screen, a temporary background often used in filming effect shots. The images from the cable cam and green screen shots are combined in post production along with the finishing touch of computer generated fireworks.l The entire sequence is overseen by Academy Award winning visual effects supervisor Phil Tippete. In the completed scene, the boy takes to the air with the greatest of ease, and illusion generated by a battery of effects and a highly ingenious camera system. 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